You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

290 lines
9.6 KiB

import re
import sphinx
from sphinx.ext import autodoc
from .mappers.python import (
5 years ago
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init,no-self-use,unused-argument
class AutoapiDocumenter(autodoc.Documenter):
def get_attr(self, obj, name, *defargs):
if hasattr(, "registry") and hasattr(, "autodoc_attrgettrs"
attrgetters =
# Needed for Sphinx 1.6
5 years ago
attrgetters = getattr(autodoc.AutoDirective, "_special_attrgetters")
for type_, func in attrgetters.items():
if isinstance(obj, type_):
return func(obj, name, *defargs)
if name == "__doc__":
return obj.docstring
for child in obj.children:
if == name:
return child
if defargs:
return defargs[0]
raise AttributeError(name)
def import_object(self):
max_splits = self.fullname.count(".")
for num_splits in range(max_splits, -1, -1):
path_stack = list(reversed(self.fullname.rsplit(".", num_splits)))
objects = self.env.autoapi_mapper.objects
parent = objects.get(path_stack.pop())
while parent and path_stack:
parent = self.get_attr(parent, path_stack.pop(), None)
if parent:
self.object = parent
self.object_name =
return True
return False
def get_real_modname(self):
# Return a fake modname so that nothing can be imported
return None
def get_doc(self, encoding=None, ignore=1):
return [self.object.docstring.splitlines()]
def process_doc(self, docstrings):
for docstring in docstrings:
for line in docstring:
yield line
yield ""
def get_object_members(self, want_all):
children = ((, child) for child in self.object.children)
if not want_all:
if not self.options.members:
return False, []
children = (child for child in children if child[0] in self.options.members)
return False, sorted(children)
5 years ago
class _AutoapiDocstringSignatureMixin(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
def format_signature(self, **kwargs):
# Set "manual" attributes at the last possible moment.
# This is to let a manual entry or docstring searching happen first,
# and falling back to the discovered signature only when necessary.
if self.args is None:
self.args = self.object.args
if self.retann is None:
self.retann = self.object.return_annotation
return super(_AutoapiDocstringSignatureMixin, self).format_signature(**kwargs)
class AutoapiFunctionDocumenter(
AutoapiDocumenter, autodoc.FunctionDocumenter, _AutoapiDocstringSignatureMixin
objtype = "apifunction"
directivetype = "function"
# Always prefer AutoapiDocumenters
priority = autodoc.FunctionDocumenter.priority * 100 + 100
def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
return isinstance(member, PythonFunction)
def format_args(self, **kwargs):
return "(" + self.object.args + ")"
def add_directive_header(self, sig):
if sphinx.version_info >= (2, 1):
autodoc.Documenter.add_directive_header(self, sig)
if "async" in
sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
self.add_line(" :async:", sourcename)
super(AutoapiFunctionDocumenter, self).add_directive_header(sig)
if sphinx.version_info >= (2,):
class AutoapiDecoratorDocumenter(
AutoapiFunctionDocumenter, AutoapiDocumenter, autodoc.DecoratorDocumenter
objtype = "apidecorator"
directivetype = "decorator"
priority = autodoc.DecoratorDocumenter.priority * 100 + 100
def format_signature(self, **kwargs):
if self.args is None:
self.args = self.format_args(**kwargs)
return super(AutoapiDecoratorDocumenter, self).format_signature(**kwargs)
def format_args(self, **kwargs):
to_format = self.object.args
5 years ago
if re.match(r"func\W", to_format) or to_format == "func":
if "," not in to_format:
return None
# We need to do better stripping here.
# An annotation with a comma will mess this up.
to_format = self.object.args.split(",", 1)[1]
return "(" + to_format + ")"
class AutoapiClassDocumenter(
AutoapiDocumenter, autodoc.ClassDocumenter, _AutoapiDocstringSignatureMixin
objtype = "apiclass"
directivetype = "class"
doc_as_attr = False
priority = autodoc.ClassDocumenter.priority * 100 + 100
def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
return isinstance(member, PythonClass)
def format_args(self, **kwargs):
return "(" + self.object.args + ")"
def add_directive_header(self, sig):
autodoc.Documenter.add_directive_header(self, sig)
if self.options.show_inheritance:
sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
self.add_line(u"", sourcename)
# TODO: Change sphinx to allow overriding of getting base names
if self.object.bases:
bases = [":class:`{}`".format(base) for base in self.object.bases]
self.add_line(" " + "Bases: {}".format(", ".join(bases)), sourcename)
class AutoapiMethodDocumenter(
AutoapiDocumenter, autodoc.MethodDocumenter, _AutoapiDocstringSignatureMixin
objtype = "apimethod"
directivetype = "method"
priority = autodoc.MethodDocumenter.priority * 100 + 100
def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
return isinstance(member, PythonMethod)
def format_args(self, **kwargs):
return "(" + self.object.args + ")"
def import_object(self):
result = super(AutoapiMethodDocumenter, self).import_object()
if result:
if self.object.method_type != "method":
if sphinx.version_info < (2, 1):
self.directivetype = self.object.method_type
# document class and static members before ordinary ones
self.member_order = self.member_order - 1
return result
def add_directive_header(self, sig):
if sphinx.version_info >= (2, 1):
autodoc.Documenter.add_directive_header(self, sig)
sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
for property_type in (
if property_type in
self.add_line(" :{}:".format(property_type), sourcename)
autodoc.Documenter.add_directive_header(self, sig)
class AutoapiDataDocumenter(AutoapiDocumenter, autodoc.DataDocumenter):
objtype = "apidata"
directivetype = "data"
priority = autodoc.DataDocumenter.priority * 100 + 100
def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
return isinstance(member, PythonData)
def add_directive_header(self, sig):
autodoc.ModuleLevelDocumenter.add_directive_header(self, sig)
sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
if not self.options.annotation:
# TODO: Change sphinx to allow overriding of object description
if self.object.value is not None:
" :annotation: = {}".format(self.object.value), sourcename
elif self.options.annotation is autodoc.SUPPRESS:
self.add_line(" :annotation: %s" % self.options.annotation, sourcename)
class AutoapiAttributeDocumenter(AutoapiDocumenter, autodoc.AttributeDocumenter):
objtype = "apiattribute"
directivetype = "attribute"
_datadescriptor = True
priority = autodoc.AttributeDocumenter.priority * 100 + 100
def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
return isinstance(member, PythonAttribute)
def add_directive_header(self, sig):
autodoc.ClassLevelDocumenter.add_directive_header(self, sig)
sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
if not self.options.annotation:
# TODO: Change sphinx to allow overriding of object description
if self.object.value is not None:
" :annotation: = {}".format(self.object.value), sourcename
elif self.options.annotation is autodoc.SUPPRESS:
self.add_line(" :annotation: %s" % self.options.annotation, sourcename)
class AutoapiModuleDocumenter(AutoapiDocumenter, autodoc.ModuleDocumenter):
objtype = "apimodule"
directivetype = "module"
priority = autodoc.ModuleDocumenter.priority * 100 + 100
class AutoapiExceptionDocumenter(
AutoapiClassDocumenter, AutoapiDocumenter, autodoc.ExceptionDocumenter
objtype = "apiexception"
directivetype = "exception"
priority = autodoc.ExceptionDocumenter.priority * 100 + 100
def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
return isinstance(member, PythonException)