You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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A small Sphinx extension that adds Domain objects (eg. Python Classes & Methods) to the TOC Tree.
It dynamically adds them to the already rendered ``app.env.tocs`` dict on the Sphinx environment.
Traditionally this only contains Section's,
we then nest our Domain references inside the already existing Sections.
from docutils import nodes
from sphinx import addnodes
def _build_toc_node(docname, anchor='anchor', text='test text', bullet=False):
Create the node structure that Sphinx expects for TOC Tree entries.
The ``bullet`` argument wraps it in a ``nodes.bullet_list``,
which is how you nest TOC Tree entries.
reference = nodes.reference('', '', internal=True, refuri=docname,
anchorname='#' + anchor, *[nodes.Text(text, text)])
para = addnodes.compact_paragraph('', '', reference)
ret_list = nodes.list_item('', para)
if not bullet:
return ret_list
return nodes.bullet_list('', ret_list)
def _traverse_parent(node, objtypes):
Traverse up the node's parents until you hit the ``objtypes`` referenced.
Can either be a single type,
or a tuple of types.
curr_node = node.parent
while curr_node is not None:
if isinstance(curr_node, objtypes):
return curr_node
curr_node = curr_node.parent
return None
def _find_toc_node(toc, ref_id, objtype):
Find the actual TOC node for a ref_id.
Depends on the object type:
* Section - First section (refuri) or 2nd+ level section (anchorname)
* Desc - Just use the anchor name
for check_node in toc.traverse(nodes.reference):
if objtype == nodes.section and \
(check_node.attributes['refuri'] == ref_id or
check_node.attributes['anchorname'] == '#' + ref_id):
return check_node
if objtype == addnodes.desc and check_node.attributes['anchorname'] == '#' + ref_id:
return check_node
return None
def _get_toc_reference(node, toc, docname):
Logic that understands maps a specific node to it's part of the toctree.
It takes a specific incoming ``node``,
and returns the actual TOC Tree node that is said reference.
if isinstance(node, nodes.section) and \
isinstance(node.parent, nodes.document):
# Top Level Section header
ref_id = docname
toc_reference = _find_toc_node(toc, ref_id, nodes.section)
elif isinstance(node, nodes.section):
# Nested Section header
ref_id = node.attributes['ids'][0]
toc_reference = _find_toc_node(toc, ref_id, nodes.section)
# Desc node
ref_id = node.children[0].attributes['ids'][0]
toc_reference = _find_toc_node(toc, ref_id, addnodes.desc)
return toc_reference
def add_domain_to_toctree(app, doctree, docname):
Add domain objects to the toctree dynamically.
This should be attached to the ``doctree-resolved`` event.
This works by:
* Finding each domain node (addnodes.desc)
* Figuring out it's parent that will be in the toctree
(nodes.section, or a previously added addnodes.desc)
* Finding that parent in the TOC Tree based on it's ID
* Taking that element in the TOC Tree,
and finding it's parent that is a TOC Listing (nodes.bullet_list)
* Adding the new TOC element for our specific node as a child of that nodes.bullet_list
* This checks that bullet_list's last child,
and checks that it is also a nodes.bullet_list,
effectively nesting it under that element
toc = app.env.tocs[docname]
for desc_node in doctree.traverse(addnodes.desc):
ref_id = desc_node.children[0].attributes['ids'][0]
# Python domain object
ref_text = desc_node[0].attributes['fullname'].split('.')[-1].split('(')[0]
# Use `astext` for other types of domain objects
ref_text = desc_node[0].astext().split('.')[-1].split('(')[0]
# This is the actual object that will exist in the TOC Tree
# Sections by default, and other Desc nodes that we've previously placed.
parent_node = _traverse_parent(node=desc_node, objtypes=(addnodes.desc, nodes.section))
if parent_node:
toc_reference = _get_toc_reference(parent_node, toc, docname)
if toc_reference:
# Get the last child of our parent's bullet list, this is where "we" live.
toc_insertion_point = _traverse_parent(toc_reference, nodes.bullet_list)[-1]
# Ensure we're added another bullet list so that we nest inside the parent,
# not next to it
if toc_insertion_point and isinstance(toc_insertion_point[0], nodes.bullet_list):
new_insert = toc_insertion_point[0]
to_add = _build_toc_node(docname, anchor=ref_id, text=ref_text)
to_add = _build_toc_node(docname, anchor=ref_id, text=ref_text, bullet=True)