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// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The code in this file is an adapted version of the code in
// https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.17.5:src/crypto/x509/verify.go
package policy
import (
// validateNames verifies that all names are allowed.
func (e *NamePolicyEngine) validateNames(dnsNames []string, ips []net.IP, emailAddresses []string, uris []*url.URL, principals []string) error {
// nothing to compare against; return early
if e.totalNumberOfConstraints == 0 {
return nil
// TODO: set limit on total of all names validated? In x509 there's a limit on the number of comparisons
// that protects the CA from a DoS (i.e. many heavy comparisons). The x509 implementation takes
// this number as a total of all checks and keeps a (pointer to a) counter of the number of checks
// executed so far.
// TODO: gather all errors, or return early? Currently we return early on the first wrong name; check might fail for multiple names.
// Perhaps make that an option?
for _, dns := range dnsNames {
// if there are DNS names to check, no DNS constraints set, but there are other permitted constraints,
// then return error, because DNS should be explicitly configured to be allowed in that case. In case there are
// (other) excluded constraints, we'll allow a DNS (implicit allow; currently).
if e.numberOfDNSDomainConstraints == 0 && e.totalNumberOfPermittedConstraints > 0 {
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: NotAllowed,
NameType: DNSNameType,
Name: dns,
detail: fmt.Sprintf("dns %q is not explicitly permitted by any constraint", dns),
didCutWildcard := false
parsedDNS := dns
if strings.HasPrefix(parsedDNS, "*.") {
parsedDNS = parsedDNS[1:]
didCutWildcard = true
// TODO(hs): fix this above; we need separate rule for Subject Common Name?
parsedDNS, err := idna.Lookup.ToASCII(parsedDNS)
if err != nil {
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: CannotParseDomain,
NameType: DNSNameType,
Name: dns,
detail: fmt.Sprintf("dns %q cannot be converted to ASCII", dns),
if didCutWildcard {
parsedDNS = "*" + parsedDNS
if _, ok := domainToReverseLabels(parsedDNS); !ok { // TODO(hs): this also fails with spaces
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: CannotParseDomain,
NameType: DNSNameType,
Name: dns,
detail: fmt.Sprintf("cannot parse dns %q", dns),
if err := checkNameConstraints(DNSNameType, dns, parsedDNS,
func(parsedName, constraint interface{}) (bool, error) {
return e.matchDomainConstraint(parsedName.(string), constraint.(string))
}, e.permittedDNSDomains, e.excludedDNSDomains); err != nil {
return err
for _, ip := range ips {
if e.numberOfIPRangeConstraints == 0 && e.totalNumberOfPermittedConstraints > 0 {
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: NotAllowed,
NameType: IPNameType,
Name: ip.String(),
detail: fmt.Sprintf("ip %q is not explicitly permitted by any constraint", ip.String()),
if err := checkNameConstraints(IPNameType, ip.String(), ip,
func(parsedName, constraint interface{}) (bool, error) {
return matchIPConstraint(parsedName.(net.IP), constraint.(*net.IPNet))
}, e.permittedIPRanges, e.excludedIPRanges); err != nil {
return err
for _, email := range emailAddresses {
if e.numberOfEmailAddressConstraints == 0 && e.totalNumberOfPermittedConstraints > 0 {
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: NotAllowed,
NameType: EmailNameType,
Name: email,
detail: fmt.Sprintf("email %q is not explicitly permitted by any constraint", email),
mailbox, ok := parseRFC2821Mailbox(email)
if !ok {
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: CannotParseRFC822Name,
NameType: EmailNameType,
Name: email,
detail: fmt.Sprintf("invalid rfc822Name %q", mailbox),
// According to RFC 5280, section 7.5, emails are considered to match if the local part is
// an exact match and the host (domain) part matches the ASCII representation (case-insensitive):
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5280#section-7.5
domainASCII, err := idna.ToASCII(mailbox.domain)
if err != nil {
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: CannotParseDomain,
NameType: EmailNameType,
Name: email,
detail: fmt.Errorf("cannot parse email domain %q: %w", email, err).Error(),
mailbox.domain = domainASCII
if err := checkNameConstraints(EmailNameType, email, mailbox,
func(parsedName, constraint interface{}) (bool, error) {
return e.matchEmailConstraint(parsedName.(rfc2821Mailbox), constraint.(string))
}, e.permittedEmailAddresses, e.excludedEmailAddresses); err != nil {
return err
// TODO(hs): fix internationalization for URIs (IRIs)
for _, uri := range uris {
if e.numberOfURIDomainConstraints == 0 && e.totalNumberOfPermittedConstraints > 0 {
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: NotAllowed,
NameType: URINameType,
Name: uri.String(),
detail: fmt.Sprintf("uri %q is not explicitly permitted by any constraint", uri.String()),
// TODO(hs): ideally we'd like the uri.String() to be the original contents; now
// it's transformed into ASCII. Prevent that here?
if err := checkNameConstraints(URINameType, uri.String(), uri,
func(parsedName, constraint interface{}) (bool, error) {
return e.matchURIConstraint(parsedName.(*url.URL), constraint.(string))
}, e.permittedURIDomains, e.excludedURIDomains); err != nil {
return err
for _, principal := range principals {
if e.numberOfPrincipalConstraints == 0 && e.totalNumberOfPermittedConstraints > 0 {
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: NotAllowed,
NameType: PrincipalNameType,
Name: principal,
detail: fmt.Sprintf("username principal %q is not explicitly permitted by any constraint", principal),
// TODO: some validation? I.e. allowed characters?
if err := checkNameConstraints(PrincipalNameType, principal, principal,
func(parsedName, constraint interface{}) (bool, error) {
return matchPrincipalConstraint(parsedName.(string), constraint.(string))
}, e.permittedPrincipals, e.excludedPrincipals); err != nil {
return err
// if all checks out, all SANs are allowed
return nil
// validateCommonName verifies that the Subject Common Name is allowed
func (e *NamePolicyEngine) validateCommonName(commonName string) error {
// nothing to compare against; return early
if e.totalNumberOfConstraints == 0 {
return nil
// empty common names are not validated
if commonName == "" {
return nil
if e.numberOfCommonNameConstraints > 0 {
// Check the Common Name using its dedicated matcher if constraints have been
// configured. If no error is returned from matching, the Common Name was
// explicitly allowed and nil is returned immediately.
if err := checkNameConstraints(CNNameType, commonName, commonName,
func(parsedName, constraint interface{}) (bool, error) {
return matchCommonNameConstraint(parsedName.(string), constraint.(string))
}, e.permittedCommonNames, e.excludedCommonNames); err == nil {
return nil
// When an error was returned or when no constraints were configured for Common Names,
// the Common Name should be validated against the other types of constraints too,
// according to what type it is.
dnsNames, ips, emails, uris := x509util.SplitSANs([]string{commonName})
err := e.validateNames(dnsNames, ips, emails, uris, []string{})
var pe *NamePolicyError
if errors.As(err, &pe) {
// override the name type with CN
pe.NameType = CNNameType
return err
// checkNameConstraints checks that a name, of type nameType is permitted.
// The argument parsedName contains the parsed form of name, suitable for passing
// to the match function.
func checkNameConstraints(
nameType NameType,
name string,
parsedName interface{},
match func(parsedName, constraint interface{}) (match bool, err error),
permitted, excluded interface{}) error {
excludedValue := reflect.ValueOf(excluded)
for i := 0; i < excludedValue.Len(); i++ {
constraint := excludedValue.Index(i).Interface()
match, err := match(parsedName, constraint)
if err != nil {
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: CannotMatchNameToConstraint,
NameType: nameType,
Name: name,
detail: err.Error(),
if match {
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: NotAllowed,
NameType: nameType,
Name: name,
detail: fmt.Sprintf("%s %q is excluded by constraint %q", nameType, name, constraint),
permittedValue := reflect.ValueOf(permitted)
ok := true
for i := 0; i < permittedValue.Len(); i++ {
constraint := permittedValue.Index(i).Interface()
var err error
if ok, err = match(parsedName, constraint); err != nil {
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: CannotMatchNameToConstraint,
NameType: nameType,
Name: name,
detail: err.Error(),
if ok {
if !ok {
return &NamePolicyError{
Reason: NotAllowed,
NameType: nameType,
Name: name,
detail: fmt.Sprintf("%s %q is not permitted by any constraint", nameType, name),
return nil
// domainToReverseLabels converts a textual domain name like foo.example.com to
// the list of labels in reverse order, e.g. ["com", "example", "foo"].
func domainToReverseLabels(domain string) (reverseLabels []string, ok bool) {
for len(domain) > 0 {
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(domain, '.'); i == -1 {
reverseLabels = append(reverseLabels, domain)
domain = ""
} else {
reverseLabels = append(reverseLabels, domain[i+1:])
domain = domain[:i]
if len(reverseLabels) > 0 && reverseLabels[0] == "" {
// An empty label at the end indicates an absolute value.
return nil, false
for _, label := range reverseLabels {
if label == "" {
// Empty labels are otherwise invalid.
return nil, false
for _, c := range label {
if c < 33 || c > 126 {
// Invalid character.
return nil, false
return reverseLabels, true
// rfc2821Mailbox represents a “mailbox” (which is an email address to most
// people) by breaking it into the “local” (i.e. before the '@') and “domain”
// parts.
type rfc2821Mailbox struct {
local, domain string
// parseRFC2821Mailbox parses an email address into local and domain parts,
// based on the ABNF for a “Mailbox” from RFC 2821. According to RFC 5280,
// Section that's correct for an rfc822Name from a certificate: “The
// format of an rfc822Name is a "Mailbox" as defined in RFC 2821, Section 4.1.2”.
func parseRFC2821Mailbox(in string) (mailbox rfc2821Mailbox, ok bool) {
if in == "" {
return mailbox, false
localPartBytes := make([]byte, 0, len(in)/2)
if in[0] == '"' {
// Quoted-string = DQUOTE *qcontent DQUOTE
// non-whitespace-control = %d1-8 / %d11 / %d12 / %d14-31 / %d127
// qcontent = qtext / quoted-pair
// qtext = non-whitespace-control /
// %d33 / %d35-91 / %d93-126
// quoted-pair = ("\" text) / obs-qp
// text = %d1-9 / %d11 / %d12 / %d14-127 / obs-text
// (Names beginning with “obs-” are the obsolete syntax from RFC 2822,
// Section 4. Since it has been 16 years, we no longer accept that.)
in = in[1:]
for {
if in == "" {
return mailbox, false
c := in[0]
in = in[1:]
switch {
case c == '"':
break QuotedString
case c == '\\':
// quoted-pair
if in == "" {
return mailbox, false
if in[0] == 11 ||
in[0] == 12 ||
(1 <= in[0] && in[0] <= 9) ||
(14 <= in[0] && in[0] <= 127) {
localPartBytes = append(localPartBytes, in[0])
in = in[1:]
} else {
return mailbox, false
case c == 11 ||
c == 12 ||
// Space (char 32) is not allowed based on the
// BNF, but RFC 3696 gives an example that
// assumes that it is. Several “verified”
// errata continue to argue about this point.
// We choose to accept it.
c == 32 ||
c == 33 ||
c == 127 ||
(1 <= c && c <= 8) ||
(14 <= c && c <= 31) ||
(35 <= c && c <= 91) ||
(93 <= c && c <= 126):
// qtext
localPartBytes = append(localPartBytes, c)
return mailbox, false
} else {
// Atom ("." Atom)*
for len(in) > 0 {
// atext from RFC 2822, Section 3.2.4
c := in[0]
switch {
case c == '\\':
// Examples given in RFC 3696 suggest that
// escaped characters can appear outside of a
// quoted string. Several “verified” errata
// continue to argue the point. We choose to
// accept it.
in = in[1:]
if in == "" {
return mailbox, false
case ('0' <= c && c <= '9') ||
('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
c == '!' || c == '#' || c == '$' || c == '%' ||
c == '&' || c == '\'' || c == '*' || c == '+' ||
c == '-' || c == '/' || c == '=' || c == '?' ||
c == '^' || c == '_' || c == '`' || c == '{' ||
c == '|' || c == '}' || c == '~' || c == '.':
localPartBytes = append(localPartBytes, in[0])
in = in[1:]
break NextChar
if len(localPartBytes) == 0 {
return mailbox, false
// From RFC 3696, Section 3:
// “period (".") may also appear, but may not be used to start
// or end the local part, nor may two or more consecutive
// periods appear.”
twoDots := []byte{'.', '.'}
if localPartBytes[0] == '.' ||
localPartBytes[len(localPartBytes)-1] == '.' ||
bytes.Contains(localPartBytes, twoDots) {
return mailbox, false
if in == "" || in[0] != '@' {
return mailbox, false
in = in[1:]
// The RFC species a format for domains, but that's known to be
// violated in practice so we accept that anything after an '@' is the
// domain part.
if _, ok := domainToReverseLabels(in); !ok {
return mailbox, false
mailbox.local = string(localPartBytes)
mailbox.domain = in
return mailbox, true
// matchDomainConstraint matches a domain against the given constraint
func (e *NamePolicyEngine) matchDomainConstraint(domain, constraint string) (bool, error) {
// The meaning of zero length constraints is not specified, but this
// code follows NSS and accepts them as matching everything.
if constraint == "" {
return true, nil
// A single whitespace seems to be considered a valid domain, but we don't allow it.
if domain == " " {
return false, nil
// Block domains that start with just a period
if domain[0] == '.' {
return false, nil
// Block wildcard domains that don't start with exactly "*." (i.e. double wildcards and such)
if domain[0] == '*' && domain[1] != '.' {
return false, nil
// Check if the domain starts with a wildcard and return early if not allowed
if strings.HasPrefix(domain, "*.") && !e.allowLiteralWildcardNames {
return false, nil
// Only allow asterisk at the start of the domain; we don't allow them as part of a domain label or as a (sub)domain label (currently)
if strings.LastIndex(domain, "*") > 0 {
return false, nil
// Don't allow constraints with empty labels in any position
if strings.Contains(constraint, "..") {
return false, nil
domainLabels, ok := domainToReverseLabels(domain)
if !ok {
return false, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse domain %q", domain)
// RFC 5280 says that a leading period in a domain name means that at
// least one label must be prepended, but only for URI and email
// constraints, not DNS constraints. The code also supports that
// behavior for DNS constraints. In our adaptation of the original
// Go stdlib x509 Name Constraint implementation we look for exactly
// one subdomain, currently.
mustHaveSubdomains := false
if constraint[0] == '.' {
mustHaveSubdomains = true
constraint = constraint[1:]
constraintLabels, ok := domainToReverseLabels(constraint)
if !ok {
return false, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse domain constraint %q", constraint)
expectedNumberOfLabels := len(constraintLabels)
if mustHaveSubdomains {
// we expect exactly one more label if it starts with the "canonical" x509 "wildcard": "."
// in the future we could extend this to support multiple additional labels and/or more
// complex matching.
if len(domainLabels) != expectedNumberOfLabels {
return false, nil
for i, constraintLabel := range constraintLabels {
if !strings.EqualFold(constraintLabel, domainLabels[i]) {
return false, nil
return true, nil
// SOURCE: https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.17.5:src/crypto/x509/verify.go
func matchIPConstraint(ip net.IP, constraint *net.IPNet) (bool, error) {
// TODO(hs): this is code from Go library, but I got some unexpected result:
// with permitted net, is NOT allowed. When parsing as net.IP
// which is in the IPAddresses slice, the underlying length is 16. The contraint.IP has a length
// of 4 instead. I currently don't believe that this is a bug in Go now, but why is it like that?
// Is there a difference because we're not operating on a sans []string slice? Or is the Go
// implementation stricter regarding IPv4 vs. IPv6? I've been bitten by some unfortunate differences
// between the two before (i.e. IPv4 in IPv6; IP SANS in ACME)
// if len(ip) != len(constraint.IP) {
// return false, nil
// }
// for i := range ip {
// if mask := constraint.Mask[i]; ip[i]&mask != constraint.IP[i]&mask {
// return false, nil
// }
// }
contained := constraint.Contains(ip) // TODO(hs): validate that this is the correct behavior; also check IPv4-in-IPv6 (again)
return contained, nil
// SOURCE: https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.17.5:src/crypto/x509/verify.go
func (e *NamePolicyEngine) matchEmailConstraint(mailbox rfc2821Mailbox, constraint string) (bool, error) {
if strings.Contains(constraint, "@") {
constraintMailbox, ok := parseRFC2821Mailbox(constraint)
if !ok {
return false, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse constraint %q", constraint)
return mailbox.local == constraintMailbox.local && strings.EqualFold(mailbox.domain, constraintMailbox.domain), nil
// Otherwise the constraint is like a DNS constraint of the domain part
// of the mailbox.
return e.matchDomainConstraint(mailbox.domain, constraint)
// matchURIConstraint matches an URL against a constraint
func (e *NamePolicyEngine) matchURIConstraint(uri *url.URL, constraint string) (bool, error) {
// From RFC 5280, Section
// “a uniformResourceIdentifier that does not include an authority
// component with a host name specified as a fully qualified domain
// name (e.g., if the URI either does not include an authority
// component or includes an authority component in which the host name
// is specified as an IP address), then the application MUST reject the
// certificate.”
host := uri.Host
if host == "" {
return false, fmt.Errorf("URI with empty host (%q) cannot be matched against constraints", uri.String())
// Block hosts with the wildcard character; no exceptions, also not when wildcards allowed.
if strings.Contains(host, "*") {
return false, fmt.Errorf("URI host %q cannot contain asterisk", uri.String())
if strings.Contains(host, ":") && !strings.HasSuffix(host, "]") {
var err error
host, _, err = net.SplitHostPort(host)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if strings.HasPrefix(host, "[") && strings.HasSuffix(host, "]") ||
net.ParseIP(host) != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("URI with IP %q cannot be matched against constraints", uri.String())
// TODO(hs): add checks for scheme, path, etc.; either here, or in a different constraint matcher (to keep this one simple)
return e.matchDomainConstraint(host, constraint)
// matchPrincipalConstraint performs a string literal equality check against a constraint.
func matchPrincipalConstraint(principal, constraint string) (bool, error) {
// allow any plain principal when wildcard constraint is used
if constraint == "*" {
return true, nil
return strings.EqualFold(principal, constraint), nil
// matchCommonNameConstraint performs a string literal equality check against constraint.
func matchCommonNameConstraint(commonName, constraint string) (bool, error) {
// wildcard constraint is (currently) not supported for common names
if constraint == "*" {
return false, nil
return strings.EqualFold(commonName, constraint), nil