You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

448 lines
14 KiB

package provisioner
import (
func TestACMEChallenge_Validate(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
c ACMEChallenge
wantErr bool
{"http-01", HTTP_01, false},
{"dns-01", DNS_01, false},
{"tls-alpn-01", TLS_ALPN_01, false},
{"device-attest-01", DEVICE_ATTEST_01, false},
{"wire-oidc-01", DEVICE_ATTEST_01, false},
{"wire-dpop-01", DEVICE_ATTEST_01, false},
{"uppercase", "HTTP-01", false},
{"fail", "http-02", true},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
err := tt.c.Validate()
if tt.wantErr {
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestACMEAttestationFormat_Validate(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
f ACMEAttestationFormat
wantErr bool
{"apple", APPLE, false},
{"step", STEP, false},
{"tpm", TPM, false},
{"uppercase", "APPLE", false},
{"fail", "FOO", true},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
err := tt.f.Validate()
if tt.wantErr {
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestACME_Getters(t *testing.T) {
p, err := generateACME()
require.NoError(t, err)
id := "acme/"
assert.Equal(t, id, p.GetID())
assert.Equal(t, "", p.GetName())
assert.Equal(t, TypeACME, p.GetType())
kid, key, ok := p.GetEncryptedKey()
if kid != "" || key != "" || ok == true {
t.Errorf("ACME.GetEncryptedKey() = (%v, %v, %v), want (%v, %v, %v)",
kid, key, ok, "", "", false)
func TestACME_Init(t *testing.T) {
appleCA, err := os.ReadFile("testdata/certs/apple-att-ca.crt")
require.NoError(t, err)
yubicoCA, err := os.ReadFile("testdata/certs/yubico-piv-ca.crt")
require.NoError(t, err)
fakeWireDPoPKey := []byte(`-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`)
type ProvisionerValidateTest struct {
err error
tests := map[string]func(*testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest{
"fail/empty": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{},
err: errors.New("provisioner type cannot be empty"),
"fail/empty-name": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{
Type: "ACME",
err: errors.New("provisioner name cannot be empty"),
"fail/empty-type": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{Name: "foo"},
err: errors.New("provisioner type cannot be empty"),
"fail/bad-claims": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{Name: "foo", Type: "ACME", Claims: &Claims{DefaultTLSDur: &Duration{0}}},
err: errors.New("claims: MinTLSCertDuration must be greater than 0"),
"fail/bad-challenge": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{Name: "foo", Type: "ACME", Challenges: []ACMEChallenge{HTTP_01, "zar"}},
err: errors.New("acme challenge \"zar\" is not supported"),
"fail/bad-attestation-format": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{Name: "foo", Type: "ACME", AttestationFormats: []ACMEAttestationFormat{APPLE, "zar"}},
err: errors.New("acme attestation format \"zar\" is not supported"),
"fail/parse-attestation-roots": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{Name: "foo", Type: "ACME", AttestationRoots: []byte("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nZm9v\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----")},
err: errors.New("error parsing attestationRoots: malformed certificate"),
"fail/empty-attestation-roots": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{Name: "foo", Type: "ACME", AttestationRoots: []byte("\n")},
err: errors.New("error parsing attestationRoots: no certificates found"),
"fail/wire-missing-options": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{
Name: "foo",
Type: "ACME",
Challenges: []ACMEChallenge{WIREOIDC_01, WIREDPOP_01},
err: errors.New("failed initializing Wire options: failed getting Wire options: no options available"),
"fail/wire-missing-wire-options": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{
Name: "foo",
Type: "ACME",
Challenges: []ACMEChallenge{WIREOIDC_01, WIREDPOP_01},
Options: &Options{},
err: errors.New("failed initializing Wire options: failed getting Wire options: no Wire options available"),
"fail/wire-validate-options": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{
Name: "foo",
Type: "ACME",
Challenges: []ACMEChallenge{WIREOIDC_01, WIREDPOP_01},
Options: &Options{
Wire: &wire.Options{
OIDC: &wire.OIDCOptions{},
DPOP: &wire.DPOPOptions{
SigningKey: fakeWireDPoPKey,
err: errors.New("failed initializing Wire options: failed validating Wire options: failed initializing OIDC options: provider not set"),
"ok": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{Name: "foo", Type: "ACME"},
"ok/attestation": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{
Name: "foo",
Type: "ACME",
Challenges: []ACMEChallenge{DNS_01, DEVICE_ATTEST_01},
AttestationFormats: []ACMEAttestationFormat{APPLE, STEP},
AttestationRoots: bytes.Join([][]byte{appleCA, yubicoCA}, []byte("\n")),
"ok/wire": func(t *testing.T) ProvisionerValidateTest {
return ProvisionerValidateTest{
p: &ACME{
Name: "foo",
Type: "ACME",
Challenges: []ACMEChallenge{WIREOIDC_01, WIREDPOP_01},
Options: &Options{
Wire: &wire.Options{
OIDC: &wire.OIDCOptions{
Provider: &wire.Provider{
IssuerURL: "",
DPOP: &wire.DPOPOptions{
SigningKey: fakeWireDPoPKey,
config := Config{
Claims: globalProvisionerClaims,
Audiences: testAudiences,
for name, get := range tests {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
tc := get(t)
err := tc.p.Init(config)
if tc.err != nil {
assert.EqualError(t, err, tc.err.Error())
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestACME_AuthorizeRenew(t *testing.T) {
now := time.Now().Truncate(time.Second)
type test struct {
cert *x509.Certificate
err error
code int
tests := map[string]func(*testing.T) test{
"fail/renew-disabled": func(t *testing.T) test {
p, err := generateACME()
require.NoError(t, err)
// disable renewal
disable := true
p.Claims = &Claims{DisableRenewal: &disable}
p.ctl.Claimer, err = NewClaimer(p.Claims, globalProvisionerClaims)
require.NoError(t, err)
return test{
p: p,
cert: &x509.Certificate{
NotBefore: now,
NotAfter: now.Add(time.Hour),
code: http.StatusUnauthorized,
err: fmt.Errorf("renew is disabled for provisioner '%s'", p.GetName()),
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
p, err := generateACME()
require.NoError(t, err)
return test{
p: p,
cert: &x509.Certificate{
NotBefore: now,
NotAfter: now.Add(time.Hour),
for name, tt := range tests {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
tc := tt(t)
err := tc.p.AuthorizeRenew(context.Background(), tc.cert)
if tc.err != nil {
if assert.Implements(t, (*render.StatusCodedError)(nil), err) {
var sc render.StatusCodedError
if errors.As(err, &sc) {
assert.Equal(t, tc.code, sc.StatusCode())
assert.EqualError(t, err, tc.err.Error())
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestACME_AuthorizeSign(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
token string
code int
err error
tests := map[string]func(*testing.T) test{
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
p, err := generateACME()
require.NoError(t, err)
return test{
p: p,
token: "foo",
for name, tt := range tests {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
tc := tt(t)
opts, err := tc.p.AuthorizeSign(context.Background(), tc.token)
if tc.err != nil {
if assert.Implements(t, (*render.StatusCodedError)(nil), err) {
var sc render.StatusCodedError
if errors.As(err, &sc) {
assert.Equal(t, tc.code, sc.StatusCode())
assert.EqualError(t, err, tc.err.Error())
assert.NoError(t, err)
if assert.NotNil(t, opts) {
assert.Len(t, opts, 8) // number of SignOptions returned
for _, o := range opts {
switch v := o.(type) {
case *ACME:
case *provisionerExtensionOption:
assert.Equal(t, v.Type, TypeACME)
assert.Equal(t, v.Name, tc.p.GetName())
assert.Equal(t, v.CredentialID, "")
assert.Len(t, v.KeyValuePairs, 0)
case *forceCNOption:
assert.Equal(t, v.ForceCN, tc.p.ForceCN)
case profileDefaultDuration:
assert.Equal(t, time.Duration(v), tc.p.ctl.Claimer.DefaultTLSCertDuration())
case defaultPublicKeyValidator:
case *validityValidator:
assert.Equal(t, v.min, tc.p.ctl.Claimer.MinTLSCertDuration())
assert.Equal(t, v.max, tc.p.ctl.Claimer.MaxTLSCertDuration())
case *x509NamePolicyValidator:
assert.Equal(t, nil, v.policyEngine)
case *WebhookController:
assert.Len(t, v.webhooks, 0)
require.NoError(t, fmt.Errorf("unexpected sign option of type %T", v))
func TestACME_IsChallengeEnabled(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
type fields struct {
Challenges []ACMEChallenge
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
challenge ACMEChallenge
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
want bool
{"ok http-01", fields{nil}, args{ctx, HTTP_01}, true},
{"ok dns-01", fields{nil}, args{ctx, DNS_01}, true},
{"ok tls-alpn-01", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{}}, args{ctx, TLS_ALPN_01}, true},
{"fail device-attest-01", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{}}, args{ctx, "device-attest-01"}, false},
{"ok http-01 enabled", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"http-01"}}, args{ctx, "HTTP-01"}, true},
{"ok dns-01 enabled", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"http-01", "dns-01"}}, args{ctx, DNS_01}, true},
{"ok tls-alpn-01 enabled", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"http-01", "dns-01", "tls-alpn-01"}}, args{ctx, TLS_ALPN_01}, true},
{"ok device-attest-01 enabled", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"device-attest-01", "dns-01"}}, args{ctx, DEVICE_ATTEST_01}, true},
{"ok wire-oidc-01 enabled", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"wire-oidc-01"}}, args{ctx, WIREOIDC_01}, true},
{"ok wire-dpop-01 enabled", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"wire-dpop-01"}}, args{ctx, WIREDPOP_01}, true},
{"fail http-01", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"dns-01"}}, args{ctx, "http-01"}, false},
{"fail dns-01", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"http-01", "tls-alpn-01"}}, args{ctx, "dns-01"}, false},
{"fail tls-alpn-01", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"http-01", "dns-01", "device-attest-01"}}, args{ctx, "tls-alpn-01"}, false},
{"fail device-attest-01", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"http-01", "dns-01"}}, args{ctx, "device-attest-01"}, false},
{"fail wire-oidc-01", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"http-01", "dns-01"}}, args{ctx, "wire-oidc-01"}, false},
{"fail wire-dpop-01", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"http-01", "dns-01"}}, args{ctx, "wire-dpop-01"}, false},
{"fail unknown", fields{[]ACMEChallenge{"http-01", "dns-01", "tls-alpn-01", "device-attest-01"}}, args{ctx, "unknown"}, false},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
p := &ACME{
Challenges: tt.fields.Challenges,
got := p.IsChallengeEnabled(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.challenge)
assert.Equal(t, tt.want, got)
func TestACME_IsAttestationFormatEnabled(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
type fields struct {
AttestationFormats []ACMEAttestationFormat
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
format ACMEAttestationFormat
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
want bool
{"ok", fields{[]ACMEAttestationFormat{APPLE, STEP, TPM}}, args{ctx, TPM}, true},
{"ok empty apple", fields{nil}, args{ctx, APPLE}, true},
{"ok empty step", fields{nil}, args{ctx, STEP}, true},
{"ok empty tpm", fields{[]ACMEAttestationFormat{}}, args{ctx, "tpm"}, true},
{"ok uppercase", fields{[]ACMEAttestationFormat{APPLE, STEP, TPM}}, args{ctx, "STEP"}, true},
{"fail apple", fields{[]ACMEAttestationFormat{STEP, TPM}}, args{ctx, APPLE}, false},
{"fail step", fields{[]ACMEAttestationFormat{APPLE, TPM}}, args{ctx, STEP}, false},
{"fail step", fields{[]ACMEAttestationFormat{APPLE, STEP}}, args{ctx, TPM}, false},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
p := &ACME{
AttestationFormats: tt.fields.AttestationFormats,
got := p.IsAttestationFormatEnabled(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.format)
assert.Equal(t, tt.want, got)