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package apiv1
import (
// CertificateAuthorityService is the interface implemented to support external
// certificate authorities.
type CertificateAuthorityService interface {
CreateCertificate(req *CreateCertificateRequest) (*CreateCertificateResponse, error)
RenewCertificate(req *RenewCertificateRequest) (*RenewCertificateResponse, error)
RevokeCertificate(req *RevokeCertificateRequest) (*RevokeCertificateResponse, error)
// CertificateAuthorityCRLGenerator is an optional interface implemented by CertificateAuthorityService
// that has a method to create a CRL
type CertificateAuthorityCRLGenerator interface {
CreateCRL(req *CreateCRLRequest) (*CreateCRLResponse, error)
// CertificateAuthorityGetter is an interface implemented by a
// CertificateAuthorityService that has a method to get the root certificate.
type CertificateAuthorityGetter interface {
GetCertificateAuthority(req *GetCertificateAuthorityRequest) (*GetCertificateAuthorityResponse, error)
// CertificateAuthorityCreator is an interface implemented by a
// CertificateAuthorityService that has a method to create a new certificate
// authority.
type CertificateAuthorityCreator interface {
CreateCertificateAuthority(req *CreateCertificateAuthorityRequest) (*CreateCertificateAuthorityResponse, error)
// CertificateAuthoritySigner is an optional interface implemented by a
// CertificateAuthorityService that has a method that returns a [crypto.Signer]
// using the same key used to issue certificates.
type CertificateAuthoritySigner interface {
GetSigner() (crypto.Signer, error)
// SignatureAlgorithmGetter is an optional implementation in a crypto.Signer
// that returns the SignatureAlgorithm to use.
type SignatureAlgorithmGetter interface {
SignatureAlgorithm() x509.SignatureAlgorithm
// Type represents the CAS type used.
type Type string
const (
// DefaultCAS is a CertificateAuthorityService using software.
DefaultCAS = ""
// SoftCAS is a CertificateAuthorityService using software.
SoftCAS = "softcas"
// CloudCAS is a CertificateAuthorityService using Google Cloud CAS.
CloudCAS = "cloudcas"
// StepCAS is a CertificateAuthorityService using another step-ca instance.
StepCAS = "stepcas"
// VaultCAS is a CertificateAuthorityService using Hasicorp Vault PKI.
VaultCAS = "vaultcas"
// ExternalCAS is a CertificateAuthorityService using an external injected CA implementation
ExternalCAS = "externalcas"
// String returns a string from the type. It will always return the lower case
// version of the Type, as we need a standard type to compare and use as the
// registry key.
func (t Type) String() string {
if t == "" {
return SoftCAS
return strings.ToLower(string(t))
// TypeOf returns the type of the given CertificateAuthorityService.
func TypeOf(c CertificateAuthorityService) Type {
if ct, ok := c.(interface{ Type() Type }); ok {
return ct.Type()
return ExternalCAS
// NotImplementedError is the type of error returned if an operation is not implemented.
type NotImplementedError struct {
Message string
// Error implements the error interface.
func (e NotImplementedError) Error() string {
if e.Message != "" {
return e.Message
return "not implemented"
// StatusCode implements the StatusCoder interface and returns the HTTP 501
// error.
func (e NotImplementedError) StatusCode() int {
return http.StatusNotImplemented
// ValidationError is the type of error returned if request is not properly
// validated.
type ValidationError struct {
Message string
// NotImplementedError implements the error interface.
func (e ValidationError) Error() string {
if e.Message != "" {
return e.Message
return "bad request"
// StatusCode implements the StatusCoder interface and returns the HTTP 400
// error.
func (e ValidationError) StatusCode() int {
return http.StatusBadRequest