package api import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/x509" "encoding/json" "encoding/pem" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type mockAcmeAuthority struct { getLink func(ctx context.Context, link acme.Link, absPath bool, ins ...string) string getLinkExplicit func(acme.Link, string, bool, *url.URL, ...string) string deactivateAccount func(ctx context.Context, accID string) (*acme.Account, error) getAccount func(ctx context.Context, accID string) (*acme.Account, error) getAccountByKey func(ctx context.Context, key *jose.JSONWebKey) (*acme.Account, error) newAccount func(ctx context.Context, ao acme.AccountOptions) (*acme.Account, error) updateAccount func(context.Context, string, []string) (*acme.Account, error) getChallenge func(ctx context.Context, accID string, chID string) (*acme.Challenge, error) validateChallenge func(ctx context.Context, accID string, chID string, key *jose.JSONWebKey) (*acme.Challenge, error) getAuthz func(ctx context.Context, accID string, authzID string) (*acme.Authz, error) getDirectory func(ctx context.Context) (*acme.Directory, error) getCertificate func(string, string) ([]byte, error) finalizeOrder func(ctx context.Context, accID string, orderID string, csr *x509.CertificateRequest) (*acme.Order, error) getOrder func(ctx context.Context, accID string, orderID string) (*acme.Order, error) getOrdersByAccount func(ctx context.Context, accID string) ([]string, error) newOrder func(ctx context.Context, oo acme.OrderOptions) (*acme.Order, error) loadProvisionerByID func(string) (provisioner.Interface, error) newNonce func() (string, error) useNonce func(string) error ret1 interface{} err error } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) DeactivateAccount(ctx context.Context, id string) (*acme.Account, error) { if m.deactivateAccount != nil { return m.deactivateAccount(ctx, id) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.(*acme.Account), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) FinalizeOrder(ctx context.Context, accID, id string, csr *x509.CertificateRequest) (*acme.Order, error) { if m.finalizeOrder != nil { return m.finalizeOrder(ctx, accID, id, csr) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.(*acme.Order), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) GetAccount(ctx context.Context, id string) (*acme.Account, error) { if m.getAccount != nil { return m.getAccount(ctx, id) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.(*acme.Account), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) GetAccountByKey(ctx context.Context, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey) (*acme.Account, error) { if m.getAccountByKey != nil { return m.getAccountByKey(ctx, jwk) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.(*acme.Account), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) GetAuthz(ctx context.Context, accID, id string) (*acme.Authz, error) { if m.getAuthz != nil { return m.getAuthz(ctx, accID, id) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.(*acme.Authz), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) GetCertificate(accID string, id string) ([]byte, error) { if m.getCertificate != nil { return m.getCertificate(accID, id) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.([]byte), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) GetChallenge(ctx context.Context, accID, id string) (*acme.Challenge, error) { if m.getChallenge != nil { return m.getChallenge(ctx, accID, id) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.(*acme.Challenge), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) GetDirectory(ctx context.Context) (*acme.Directory, error) { if m.getDirectory != nil { return m.getDirectory(ctx) } return m.ret1.(*acme.Directory), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) GetLink(ctx context.Context, typ acme.Link, abs bool, ins ...string) string { if m.getLink != nil { return m.getLink(ctx, typ, abs, ins...) } return m.ret1.(string) } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) GetLinkExplicit(typ acme.Link, provID string, abs bool, baseURL *url.URL, ins ...string) string { if m.getLinkExplicit != nil { return m.getLinkExplicit(typ, provID, abs, baseURL, ins...) } return m.ret1.(string) } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) GetOrder(ctx context.Context, accID, id string) (*acme.Order, error) { if m.getOrder != nil { return m.getOrder(ctx, accID, id) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.(*acme.Order), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) GetOrdersByAccount(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]string, error) { if m.getOrdersByAccount != nil { return m.getOrdersByAccount(ctx, id) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.([]string), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) LoadProvisionerByID(provID string) (provisioner.Interface, error) { if m.loadProvisionerByID != nil { return m.loadProvisionerByID(provID) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.(provisioner.Interface), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) NewAccount(ctx context.Context, ops acme.AccountOptions) (*acme.Account, error) { if m.newAccount != nil { return m.newAccount(ctx, ops) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.(*acme.Account), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) NewNonce() (string, error) { if m.newNonce != nil { return m.newNonce() } else if m.err != nil { return "", m.err } return m.ret1.(string), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) NewOrder(ctx context.Context, ops acme.OrderOptions) (*acme.Order, error) { if m.newOrder != nil { return m.newOrder(ctx, ops) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.(*acme.Order), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) UpdateAccount(ctx context.Context, id string, contact []string) (*acme.Account, error) { if m.updateAccount != nil { return m.updateAccount(ctx, id, contact) } else if m.err != nil { return nil, m.err } return m.ret1.(*acme.Account), m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) UseNonce(nonce string) error { if m.useNonce != nil { return m.useNonce(nonce) } return m.err } func (m *mockAcmeAuthority) ValidateChallenge(ctx context.Context, accID string, id string, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey) (*acme.Challenge, error) { switch { case m.validateChallenge != nil: return m.validateChallenge(ctx, accID, id, jwk) case m.err != nil: return nil, m.err default: return m.ret1.(*acme.Challenge), m.err } } func TestHandlerGetNonce(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string statusCode int }{ {"GET", 204}, {"HEAD", 200}, } // Request with chi context req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil) for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { h := New(nil).(*Handler) w := httptest.NewRecorder() req.Method = h.GetNonce(w, req) res := w.Result() if res.StatusCode != tt.statusCode { t.Errorf("Handler.GetNonce StatusCode = %d, wants %d", res.StatusCode, tt.statusCode) } }) } } func TestHandlerGetDirectory(t *testing.T) { auth, err := acme.New(nil, acme.AuthorityOptions{ DB: new(db.MockNoSQLDB), DNS: "", Prefix: "acme", }) assert.FatalError(t, err) prov := newProv() provName := url.PathEscape(prov.GetName()) baseURL := &url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: ""} ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.BaseURLContextKey, baseURL) expDir := acme.Directory{ NewNonce: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/new-nonce", baseURL.String(), provName), NewAccount: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/new-account", baseURL.String(), provName), NewOrder: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/new-order", baseURL.String(), provName), RevokeCert: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/revoke-cert", baseURL.String(), provName), KeyChange: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/key-change", baseURL.String(), provName), } type test struct { statusCode int problem *acme.Error } var tests = map[string]func(t *testing.T) test{ "ok": func(t *testing.T) test { return test{ statusCode: 200, } }, } for name, run := range tests { tc := run(t) t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { h := New(auth).(*Handler) req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar", nil) req = req.WithContext(ctx) w := httptest.NewRecorder() h.GetDirectory(w, req) res := w.Result() assert.Equals(t, res.StatusCode, tc.statusCode) body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) res.Body.Close() assert.FatalError(t, err) if res.StatusCode >= 400 && assert.NotNil(t, tc.problem) { var ae acme.AError assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(bytes.TrimSpace(body), &ae)) prob := tc.problem.ToACME() assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, prob.Type) assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, prob.Detail) assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, prob.Identifier) assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, prob.Subproblems) assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"}) } else { var dir acme.Directory json.Unmarshal(bytes.TrimSpace(body), &dir) assert.Equals(t, dir, expDir) assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/json"}) } }) } } func TestHandlerGetAuthz(t *testing.T) { expiry := time.Now().UTC().Add(6 * time.Hour) az := acme.Authz{ ID: "authzID", Identifier: acme.Identifier{ Type: "dns", Value: "", }, Status: "pending", Expires: expiry.Format(time.RFC3339), Wildcard: false, Challenges: []*acme.Challenge{ { Type: "http-01", Status: "pending", Token: "tok2", URL: "", ID: "chHTTP01ID", AuthzID: "authzID", }, { Type: "dns-01", Status: "pending", Token: "tok2", URL: "", ID: "chDNSID", AuthzID: "authzID", }, }, } prov := newProv() provName := url.PathEscape(prov.GetName()) baseURL := &url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: ""} // Request with chi context chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext() chiCtx.URLParams.Add("authzID", az.ID) url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/challenge/%s", baseURL.String(), provName, az.ID) type test struct { auth acme.Interface ctx context.Context statusCode int problem *acme.Error } var tests = map[string]func(t *testing.T) test{ "fail/no-account": func(t *testing.T) test { return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{}, ctx: context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov), statusCode: 400, problem: acme.AccountDoesNotExistErr(nil), } }, "fail/nil-account": func(t *testing.T) test { ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.AccContextKey, nil) return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{}, ctx: ctx, statusCode: 400, problem: acme.AccountDoesNotExistErr(nil), } }, "fail/getAuthz-error": func(t *testing.T) test { acc := &acme.Account{ID: "accID"} ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.AccContextKey, acc) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx) return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{ err: acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.New("force")), }, ctx: ctx, statusCode: 500, problem: acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.New("force")), } }, "ok": func(t *testing.T) test { acc := &acme.Account{ID: "accID"} ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.AccContextKey, acc) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.BaseURLContextKey, baseURL) return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{ getAuthz: func(ctx context.Context, accID, id string) (*acme.Authz, error) { p, err := acme.ProvisionerFromContext(ctx) assert.FatalError(t, err) assert.Equals(t, p, prov) assert.Equals(t, accID, acc.ID) assert.Equals(t, id, az.ID) return &az, nil }, getLink: func(ctx context.Context, typ acme.Link, abs bool, in ...string) string { assert.Equals(t, typ, acme.AuthzLink) assert.Equals(t, acme.BaseURLFromContext(ctx), baseURL) assert.True(t, abs) assert.Equals(t, in, []string{az.ID}) return url }, }, ctx: ctx, statusCode: 200, } }, } for name, run := range tests { tc := run(t) t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { h := New(tc.auth).(*Handler) req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar", nil) req = req.WithContext(tc.ctx) w := httptest.NewRecorder() h.GetAuthz(w, req) res := w.Result() assert.Equals(t, res.StatusCode, tc.statusCode) body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) res.Body.Close() assert.FatalError(t, err) if res.StatusCode >= 400 && assert.NotNil(t, tc.problem) { var ae acme.AError assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(bytes.TrimSpace(body), &ae)) prob := tc.problem.ToACME() assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, prob.Type) assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, prob.Detail) assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, prob.Identifier) assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, prob.Subproblems) assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"}) } else { //var gotAz acme.Authz //assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(bytes.TrimSpace(body), &gotAz)) expB, err := json.Marshal(az) assert.FatalError(t, err) assert.Equals(t, bytes.TrimSpace(body), expB) assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Location"], []string{url}) assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/json"}) } }) } } func TestHandlerGetCertificate(t *testing.T) { leaf, err := pemutil.ReadCertificate("../../authority/testdata/certs/foo.crt") assert.FatalError(t, err) inter, err := pemutil.ReadCertificate("../../authority/testdata/certs/intermediate_ca.crt") assert.FatalError(t, err) root, err := pemutil.ReadCertificate("../../authority/testdata/certs/root_ca.crt") assert.FatalError(t, err) certBytes := append(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: leaf.Raw, }), pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: inter.Raw, })...) certBytes = append(certBytes, pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: root.Raw, })...) certID := "certID" prov := newProv() provName := url.PathEscape(prov.GetName()) baseURL := &url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: ""} // Request with chi context chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext() chiCtx.URLParams.Add("certID", certID) url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/certificate/%s", baseURL.String(), provName, certID) type test struct { auth acme.Interface ctx context.Context statusCode int problem *acme.Error } var tests = map[string]func(t *testing.T) test{ "fail/no-account": func(t *testing.T) test { return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{}, ctx: context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov), statusCode: 400, problem: acme.AccountDoesNotExistErr(nil), } }, "fail/nil-account": func(t *testing.T) test { ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.AccContextKey, nil) return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{}, ctx: ctx, statusCode: 400, problem: acme.AccountDoesNotExistErr(nil), } }, "fail/getCertificate-error": func(t *testing.T) test { acc := &acme.Account{ID: "accID"} ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.AccContextKey, acc) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx) return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{ err: acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.New("force")), }, ctx: ctx, statusCode: 500, problem: acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.New("force")), } }, "fail/decode-leaf-for-loggger": func(t *testing.T) test { acc := &acme.Account{ID: "accID"} ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.AccContextKey, acc) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx) return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{ getCertificate: func(accID, id string) ([]byte, error) { assert.Equals(t, accID, acc.ID) assert.Equals(t, id, certID) return []byte("foo"), nil }, }, ctx: ctx, statusCode: 500, problem: acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.New("failed to decode any certificates from generated certBytes")), } }, "fail/parse-x509-leaf-for-logger": func(t *testing.T) test { acc := &acme.Account{ID: "accID"} ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.AccContextKey, acc) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx) return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{ getCertificate: func(accID, id string) ([]byte, error) { assert.Equals(t, accID, acc.ID) assert.Equals(t, id, certID) return pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE REQUEST", Bytes: []byte("foo"), }), nil }, }, ctx: ctx, statusCode: 500, problem: acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.New("failed to parse generated leaf certificate")), } }, "ok": func(t *testing.T) test { acc := &acme.Account{ID: "accID"} ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.AccContextKey, acc) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx) return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{ getCertificate: func(accID, id string) ([]byte, error) { assert.Equals(t, accID, acc.ID) assert.Equals(t, id, certID) return certBytes, nil }, }, ctx: ctx, statusCode: 200, } }, } for name, run := range tests { tc := run(t) t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { h := New(tc.auth).(*Handler) req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) req = req.WithContext(tc.ctx) w := httptest.NewRecorder() h.GetCertificate(w, req) res := w.Result() assert.Equals(t, res.StatusCode, tc.statusCode) body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) res.Body.Close() assert.FatalError(t, err) if res.StatusCode >= 400 && assert.NotNil(t, tc.problem) { var ae acme.AError assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(bytes.TrimSpace(body), &ae)) prob := tc.problem.ToACME() assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, prob.Type) assert.HasPrefix(t, ae.Detail, prob.Detail) assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, prob.Identifier) assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, prob.Subproblems) assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"}) } else { assert.Equals(t, bytes.TrimSpace(body), bytes.TrimSpace(certBytes)) assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/pem-certificate-chain; charset=utf-8"}) } }) } } func ch() acme.Challenge { return acme.Challenge{ Type: "http-01", Status: "pending", Token: "tok2", URL: "", ID: "chID", AuthzID: "authzID", } } func TestHandlerGetChallenge(t *testing.T) { chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext() chiCtx.URLParams.Add("chID", "chID") prov := newProv() provName := url.PathEscape(prov.GetName()) baseURL := &url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: ""} url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/challenge/%s", baseURL, "chID") type test struct { auth acme.Interface ctx context.Context statusCode int ch acme.Challenge problem *acme.Error } var tests = map[string]func(t *testing.T) test{ "fail/no-account": func(t *testing.T) test { return test{ ctx: context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov), statusCode: 400, problem: acme.AccountDoesNotExistErr(nil), } }, "fail/nil-account": func(t *testing.T) test { ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.AccContextKey, nil) return test{ ctx: ctx, statusCode: 400, problem: acme.AccountDoesNotExistErr(nil), } }, "fail/no-payload": func(t *testing.T) test { acc := &acme.Account{ID: "accID"} ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.AccContextKey, acc) return test{ ctx: ctx, statusCode: 500, problem: acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.New("payload expected in request context")), } }, "fail/nil-payload": func(t *testing.T) test { acc := &acme.Account{ID: "accID"} ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.AccContextKey, acc) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.PayloadContextKey, nil) return test{ ctx: ctx, statusCode: 500, problem: acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.New("payload expected in request context")), } }, "fail/validate-challenge-error": func(t *testing.T) test { acc := &acme.Account{ID: "accID"} ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.AccContextKey, acc) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.PayloadContextKey, &payloadInfo{isEmptyJSON: true}) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx) return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{ err: acme.UnauthorizedErr(nil), }, ctx: ctx, statusCode: 401, problem: acme.UnauthorizedErr(nil), } }, "fail/get-challenge-error": func(t *testing.T) test { acc := &acme.Account{ID: "accID"} ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.AccContextKey, acc) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.PayloadContextKey, &payloadInfo{isPostAsGet: true}) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx) return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{ err: acme.UnauthorizedErr(nil), }, ctx: ctx, statusCode: 401, problem: acme.UnauthorizedErr(nil), } }, "ok/validate-challenge": func(t *testing.T) test { key, err := jose.GenerateJWK("EC", "P-256", "ES256", "sig", "", 0) assert.FatalError(t, err) acc := &acme.Account{ID: "accID", Key: key} ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), acme.ProvisionerContextKey, prov) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.AccContextKey, acc) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.PayloadContextKey, &payloadInfo{isEmptyJSON: true}) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx) ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, acme.BaseURLContextKey, baseURL) ch := ch() ch.Status = "valid" ch.Validated = time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339) count := 0 return test{ auth: &mockAcmeAuthority{ validateChallenge: func(ctx context.Context, accID, id string, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey) (*acme.Challenge, error) { p, err := acme.ProvisionerFromContext(ctx) assert.FatalError(t, err) assert.Equals(t, p, prov) assert.Equals(t, accID, acc.ID) assert.Equals(t, id, ch.ID) assert.Equals(t, jwk.KeyID, key.KeyID) return &ch, nil }, getLink: func(ctx context.Context, typ acme.Link, abs bool, in ...string) string { var ret string switch count { case 0: assert.Equals(t, typ, acme.AuthzLink) assert.True(t, abs) assert.Equals(t, in, []string{ch.AuthzID}) ret = fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/authz/%s", baseURL.String(), provName, ch.AuthzID) case 1: assert.Equals(t, typ, acme.ChallengeLink) assert.True(t, abs) assert.Equals(t, in, []string{ch.ID}) ret = url } count++ return ret }, }, ctx: ctx, statusCode: 200, ch: ch, } }, } for name, run := range tests { tc := run(t) t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { h := New(tc.auth).(*Handler) req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) req = req.WithContext(tc.ctx) w := httptest.NewRecorder() h.GetChallenge(w, req) res := w.Result() assert.Equals(t, res.StatusCode, tc.statusCode) body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) res.Body.Close() assert.FatalError(t, err) if res.StatusCode >= 400 && assert.NotNil(t, tc.problem) { var ae acme.AError assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(bytes.TrimSpace(body), &ae)) prob := tc.problem.ToACME() assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, prob.Type) assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, prob.Detail) assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, prob.Identifier) assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, prob.Subproblems) assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"}) } else { expB, err := json.Marshal( assert.FatalError(t, err) assert.Equals(t, bytes.TrimSpace(body), expB) assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Link"], []string{fmt.Sprintf("<%s/acme/%s/authz/%s>;rel=\"up\"", baseURL, provName,}) assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Location"], []string{url}) assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/json"}) } }) } }