# Installing `autocert` ### Prerequisites To get started you'll need [`kubectl`](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/#install-kubectl) and a cluster running kubernetes `1.9` or later with [admission webhooks](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/extensible-admission-controllers/#admission-webhooks) enabled: ```bash $ kubectl version --short Client Version: v1.13.1 Server Version: v1.10.11 $ kubectl api-versions | grep "admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1" admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 ``` ### Install The easiest way to install `autocert` is to run: ```bash kubectl run autocert-init -it --rm --image smallstep/autocert-init --restart Never ``` 💥 installation complete. > You might want to [check out what this command does](init/autocert.sh) before running it. ## Manual install To install manually you'll need to [install step](https://github.com/smallstep/cli#installing) version `0.8.3` or later. ``` $ step version Smallstep CLI/0.8.3 (darwin/amd64) Release Date: 2019-01-16 01:46 UTC ``` ### Create a CA Set your `STEPPATH` to a working directory where we can stage our CA artifacts before we push them to kubernetes. You can delete this directory once installation is complete. ``` $ export STEPPATH=$(mktemp -d /tmp/step.XXX) $ step path /tmp/step.0kE ``` Run `step ca init` to generate a root certificate and CA configuration for your cluster. You'll be prompted for a password that will be used to encrypt key material. ``` $ step ca init \ --name Autocert \ --dns "ca.step.svc.cluster.local," \ --address ":4443" \ --provisioner admin \ --with-ca-url "ca.step.svc.cluster.local" ``` For older versions of `step` run this command without the flags. Add provisioning credentials for use by `autocert`. You'll be prompted for a password for `autocert`. ``` $ step ca provisioner add autocert --create ``` For older versions of `step`: * Run `step ca init` and follow prompts * Edit `$(step path)/config/ca.json` and change base paths to `/home/step` * Edit `$(step path)/config/defaults.json` to change base paths to `/home/step` and remove port from CA URL ``` $ sed -i "" "s|$(step path)|/home/step/.step|g" $(step path)/config/ca.json $ sed -i "" "s|$(step path)|/home/step/.step|g" $(step path)/config/defaults.json $ sed -i "" "s|ca.step.svc.cluster.local:4443|ca.step.svc.cluster.local|" $(step path)/config/defaults.json ``` ### Install the CA in Kubernetes We'll be creating a new kubernetes namespace and setting up some RBAC rules during installation. You'll need appropriate permissions in your cluster (e.g., you may need to be cluster-admin). GKE, in particular, does not give the cluster owner these rights by default. You can give yourself cluster-admin rights on GKE by running: ```bash kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \ --clusterrole cluster-admin \ --user $(gcloud config get-value account) ``` We'll install our CA and the `autocert` controller in the `step` namespace. ``` $ kubectl create namespace step ``` To install the CA we need to configmap the CA certificates, signing keys, and configuration artifacts. Note that key material is encrypted so we don't need to use secrets. ``` $ kubectl -n step create configmap config --from-file $(step path)/config $ kubectl -n step create configmap certs --from-file $(step path)/certs $ kubectl -n step create configmap secrets --from-file $(step path)/secrets ``` But we will need to create secrets for the CA and autocert to decrypt their keys: ``` $ kubectl -n step create secret generic ca-password --from-literal password= $ kubectl -n step create secret generic autocert-password --from-literal password= ``` Where `` is the password you entered during `step ca init` and `` is the password you entered during `step ca provisioner add`. Next, we'll install the CA. ``` $ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smallstep/certificates/master/autocert/install/01-step-ca.yaml ``` Once you've done this you can delete the temporary `$STEPPATH` directory and `unset STEPPATH` (though you may want to retain it as a backup). ### Install `autocert` in Kubernetes Install the `autocert` controller. ``` $ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smallstep/certificates/master/autocert/install/02-autocert.yaml ``` Autocert creates secrets containing single-use bootstrap tokens for pods to authenticate with the CA and obtain a certificate. The tokens are automatically cleaned up after they expire. To do this, `autocert` needs permission to create and delete secrets in your cluster. If you have RBAC enabled in your cluster, apply `rbac.yaml` to give `autocert` these permissions. ``` $ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smallstep/certificates/master/autocert/install/03-rbac.yaml ``` Finally, register the `autocert` mutation webhook with kubernetes. ``` $ cat <