PKG? BINNAME?=step-ca # Set V to 1 for verbose output from the Makefile Q=$(if $V,,@) PREFIX?= SRC=$(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*") GOOS_OVERRIDE ?= OUTPUT_ROOT=output/ RELEASE=./.releases all: lint test build ci: testcgo build .PHONY: all ci ######################################### # Bootstrapping ######################################### bootstra%: $Q curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $$(go env GOPATH)/bin latest $Q go install $Q go install .PHONY: bootstra% ################################################# # Determine the type of `push` and `version` ################################################# # If TRAVIS_TAG is set then we know this ref has been tagged. ifdef TRAVIS_TAG VERSION ?= $(TRAVIS_TAG) NOT_RC := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | grep -v -e -rc) ifeq ($(NOT_RC),) PUSHTYPE := release-candidate else PUSHTYPE := release endif # GITHUB Actions else ifdef GITHUB_REF VERSION ?= $(shell echo $(GITHUB_REF) | sed 's/^refs\/tags\///') NOT_RC := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | grep -v -e -rc) ifeq ($(NOT_RC),) PUSHTYPE := release-candidate else PUSHTYPE := release endif else VERSION ?= $(shell [ -d .git ] && git describe --tags --always --dirty="-dev") # If we are not in an active git dir then try reading the version from .VERSION. # .VERSION contains a slug populated by `git archive`. VERSION := $(or $(VERSION),$(shell ./ .VERSION)) ifeq ($(TRAVIS_BRANCH),master) PUSHTYPE := master else PUSHTYPE := branch endif endif VERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed 's/^v//') DEB_VERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed 's/-/./g') ifdef V $(info TRAVIS_TAG is $(TRAVIS_TAG)) $(info GITHUB_REF is $(GITHUB_REF)) $(info VERSION is $(VERSION)) $(info DEB_VERSION is $(DEB_VERSION)) $(info PUSHTYPE is $(PUSHTYPE)) endif ######################################### # Build ######################################### DATE := $(shell date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC') LDFLAGS := -ldflags='-w -X "main.Version=$(VERSION)" -X "main.BuildTime=$(DATE)"' GOFLAGS := CGO_ENABLED=0 download: $Q go mod download build: $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME) @echo "Build Complete!" $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME): download $(call rwildcard,*.go) $Q mkdir -p $(@D) $Q $(GOOS_OVERRIDE) $(GOFLAGS) go build -v -o $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME) $(LDFLAGS) $(PKG) # Target to force a build of step-ca without running tests simple: build .PHONY: download build simple ######################################### # Go generate ######################################### generate: $Q go generate ./... .PHONY: generate ######################################### # Test ######################################### test: $Q $(GOFLAGS) gotestsum -- -coverprofile=coverage.out -short -covermode=atomic ./... testcgo: $Q gotestsum -- -coverprofile=coverage.out -short -covermode=atomic ./... .PHONY: test testcgo integrate: integration integration: bin/$(BINNAME) $Q $(GOFLAGS) gotestsum -- -tags=integration ./integration/... .PHONY: integrate integration ######################################### # Linting ######################################### fmt: $Q goimports -l -w $(SRC) lint: SHELL:=/bin/bash lint: $Q LOG_LEVEL=error golangci-lint run --config <(curl -s --timeout=30m $Q govulncheck ./... .PHONY: fmt lint ######################################### # Install ######################################### INSTALL_PREFIX?=/usr/ install: $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME) $Q install -D $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME) $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME) uninstall: $Q rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/bin/$(BINNAME) .PHONY: install uninstall ######################################### # Clean ######################################### clean: ifneq ($(BINNAME),"") $Q rm -f bin/$(BINNAME) endif .PHONY: clean ######################################### # Dev ######################################### run: $Q go run cmd/step-ca/main.go $(shell step path)/config/ca.json .PHONY: run ######################################### # Debian ######################################### changelog: $Q echo "step-ca ($(DEB_VERSION)) unstable; urgency=medium" > debian/changelog $Q echo >> debian/changelog $Q echo " * See" >> debian/changelog $Q echo >> debian/changelog $Q echo " -- Smallstep Labs, Inc. $(shell date -uR)" >> debian/changelog debian: changelog $Q mkdir -p $(RELEASE); \ OUTPUT=../step-ca*.deb; \ rm $$OUTPUT; \ dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot -us -uc && cp $$OUTPUT $(RELEASE)/ distclean: clean .PHONY: changelog debian distclean