package nosql import ( "context" "encoding/json" "time" "" nosqlDB "" "" ) // dbAccount represents an ACME account. type dbAccount struct { ID string `json:"id"` Created time.Time `json:"created"` Deactivated time.Time `json:"deactivated"` Key *jose.JSONWebKey `json:"key"` Contact []string `json:"contact,omitempty"` Status string `json:"status"` } func (db *DB) saveAccount(nu *dbAccount, old *dbAccount) error { var ( err error oldB []byte ) if old == nil { oldB = nil } else { if oldB, err = json.Marshal(old); err != nil { return ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error marshaling old acme order")) } } b, err := json.Marshal(*nu) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "error marshaling new account object") } // Set the Account _, swapped, err := db.CmpAndSwap(accountTable, []byte(nu.ID), oldB, b) switch { case err != nil: return ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error storing account")) case !swapped: return ServerInternalErr(errors.New("error storing account; " + "value has changed since last read")) default: return nil } } // CreateAccount imlements the AcmeDB.CreateAccount interface. func (db *DB) CreateAccount(ctx context.Context, acc *Account) error { id, err := randID() if err != nil { return nil, err } dba := &dbAccount{ ID: id, Key: acc.Key, Contact: acc.Contact, Status: acc.Valid, Created: clock.Now(), } kid, err := keyToID(dba.Key) if err != nil { return err } kidB := []byte(kid) // Set the jwkID -> acme account ID index _, swapped, err := db.db.CmpAndSwap(accountByKeyIDTable, kidB, nil, []byte(a.ID)) switch { case err != nil: return ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error setting key-id to account-id index")) case !swapped: return ServerInternalErr(errors.Errorf("key-id to account-id index already exists")) default: if err = db.saveAccount(dba, nil); err != nil { db.db.Del(accountByKeyIDTable, kidB) return err } return nil } } // UpdateAccount imlements the AcmeDB.UpdateAccount interface. func (db *DB) UpdateAccount(ctx context.Context, acc *Account) error { kid, err := keyToID(dba.Key) if err != nil { return err } dba, err := db.db.getAccountByKeyID(ctx, kid) newdba := *dba newdba.Contact = newdba.Status = acc.Status // If the status has changed to 'deactivated', then set deactivatedAt timestamp. if acc.Status == types.StatusDeactivated && dba.Status != types.Status.Deactivated { newdba.Deactivated = clock.Now() } return db.saveAccount(newdba, dba) } // getAccountByID retrieves the account with the given ID. func (db *DB) getAccountByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*dbAccount, error) { ab, err := db.db.Get(accountTable, []byte(id)) if err != nil { if nosqlDB.IsErrNotFound(err) { return nil, MalformedErr(errors.Wrapf(err, "account %s not found", id)) } return nil, ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrapf(err, "error loading account %s", id)) } a := new(account) if err = json.Unmarshal(ab, a); err != nil { return nil, ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error unmarshaling account")) } return a, nil } // getAccountByKeyID retrieves Id associated with the given Kid. func (db *DB) getAccountByKeyID(ctx context.Context, kid string) (*dbAccount, error) { id, err := db.db.Get(accountByKeyIDTable, []byte(kid)) if err != nil { if nosqlDB.IsErrNotFound(err) { return nil, MalformedErr(errors.Wrapf(err, "account with key id %s not found", kid)) } return nil, ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrapf(err, "error loading key-account index")) } return getAccountByID(db, string(id)) }