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1 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
max furman e0a413331f
[action] keyless cosign for all release artifacts 2 years ago

@ -9,7 +9,3 @@ updates:
directory: "/" # Location of package manifests
interval: "weekly"
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
interval: "weekly"

@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ jobs:
uses: smallstep/workflows/.github/workflows/goCI.yml@main
only-latest-golang: false
os-dependencies: 'libpcsclite-dev'
os-dependencies: "libpcsclite-dev"
run-gitleaks: true
run-codeql: true
test-command: 'V=1 make test'
secrets: inherit

@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ on:
uses: smallstep/workflows/.github/workflows/code-scan.yml@main

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
name: Dependabot auto-merge
on: pull_request
contents: write
pull-requests: write
uses: smallstep/workflows/.github/workflows/dependabot-auto-merge.yml@main
secrets: inherit

@ -15,13 +15,8 @@ jobs:
name: Create Release
needs: ci
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
DOCKER_IMAGE: smallstep/step-ca
version: ${{ steps.extract-tag.outputs.VERSION }}
is_prerelease: ${{ steps.is_prerelease.outputs.IS_PRERELEASE }}
docker_tags: ${{ env.DOCKER_TAGS }}
docker_tags_hsm: ${{ env.DOCKER_TAGS_HSM }}
- name: Is Pre-release
id: is_prerelease
@ -30,62 +25,77 @@ jobs:
echo ${{ github.ref }} | grep "\-rc.*"
if [ $OUT -eq 0 ]; then IS_PRERELEASE=true; else IS_PRERELEASE=false; fi
- name: Extract Tag Names
id: extract-tag
run: |
echo "DOCKER_TAGS_HSM=${{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE }}:${VERSION}-hsm" >> "${GITHUB_ENV}"
- name: Add Latest Tag
if: steps.is_prerelease.outputs.IS_PRERELEASE == 'false'
run: |
echo "DOCKER_TAGS=${{ env.DOCKER_TAGS }},${{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE }}:latest" >> "${GITHUB_ENV}"
echo "DOCKER_TAGS_HSM=${{ env.DOCKER_TAGS_HSM }},${{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE }}:hsm" >> "${GITHUB_ENV}"
- name: Create Release
id: create_release
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@a74c6b72af54cfa997e81df42d94703d6313a2d0 # v2.0.6
uses: actions/create-release@v1
tag_name: ${{ github.ref }}
name: Release ${{ github.ref }}
release_name: Release ${{ github.ref }}
draft: false
prerelease: ${{ steps.is_prerelease.outputs.IS_PRERELEASE }}
name: Upload Assets To Github w/ goreleaser
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: create_release
id-token: write
contents: write
uses: smallstep/workflows/.github/workflows/goreleaser.yml@main
secrets: inherit
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: 1.19
check-latest: true
- name: Install cosign
uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@v2
cosign-release: 'v1.13.1'
- name: Get Release Date
id: release_date
run: |
RELEASE_DATE=$(date +"%y-%m-%d")
- name: Run GoReleaser
uses: goreleaser/goreleaser-action@v3
version: 'latest'
args: release --rm-dist
RELEASE_DATE: ${{ steps.release_date.outputs.RELEASE_DATE }}
name: Build & Upload Docker Images
needs: create_release
id-token: write
contents: write
uses: smallstep/workflows/.github/workflows/docker-buildx-push.yml@main
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/386,linux/arm,linux/arm64
tags: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.docker_tags }}
docker_image: smallstep/step-ca
docker_file: docker/Dockerfile
secrets: inherit
name: Build & Upload HSM Enabled Docker Images
needs: create_release
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: ci
id-token: write
contents: write
uses: smallstep/workflows/.github/workflows/docker-buildx-push.yml@main
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/386,linux/arm,linux/arm64
tags: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.docker_tags_hsm }}
docker_image: smallstep/step-ca
docker_file: docker/Dockerfile.hsm
secrets: inherit
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: '1.19'
check-latest: true
- name: Install cosign
uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@v2
cosign-release: 'v1.13.1'
- name: Build
id: build
run: |
make docker-artifacts

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Documentation:
# This is an example .goreleaser.yml file with some sane defaults.
# Make sure to check the documentation at
project_name: step-ca
version: 2
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ builds:
- -w -X main.Version={{.Version}} -X main.BuildTime={{.Date}}
# Can be used to change the archive formats for specific GOOSs.
# Most common use case is to archive as zip on Windows.
# Default is empty.
@ -39,16 +39,11 @@ archives:
- goos: windows
format: zip
wrap_in_directory: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}"
allow_different_binary_count: true
id: unversioned
name_template: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}"
wrap_in_directory: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}"
# Configure nFPM for .deb and .rpm releases
@ -60,7 +55,7 @@ nfpms:
# List file contents: dpkg -c dist/step_...deb
# Package metadata: dpkg --info dist/step_....deb
- step-ca
package_name: step-ca
@ -80,10 +75,6 @@ nfpms:
- src: debian/copyright
dst: /usr/share/doc/step-ca/copyright
<< : *NFPM
id: unversioned
file_name_template: "{{ .PackageName }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}{{ if .Mips }}_{{ .Mips }}{{ end }}"
enabled: true
@ -98,7 +89,7 @@ signs:
- cmd: cosign
signature: "${artifact}.sig"
certificate: "${artifact}.pem"
args: ["sign-blob", "--oidc-issuer=", "--output-certificate=${certificate}", "--output-signature=${signature}", "${artifact}", "--yes"]
args: ["sign-blob", "--oidc-issuer=", "--output-certificate=${certificate}", "--output-signature=${signature}", "${artifact}"]
artifacts: all
@ -139,17 +130,17 @@ release:
#### Linux
- 📦 [step-ca_linux_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz]({{ .Tag }}/step-ca_linux_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz)
- 📦 [step-ca_{{ .Version }}_amd64.deb]({{ .Tag }}/step-ca_{{ .Version }}_amd64.deb)
- 📦 [step-ca_linux_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz]({{ .Tag }}/step-ca_linux_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz)
- 📦 [step-ca_{{ .Version }}_amd64.deb]({{ .Tag }}/step-ca_{{ .Version }}_amd64.deb)
#### OSX Darwin
- 📦 [step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz]({{ .Tag }}/step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz)
- 📦 [step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_arm64.tar.gz]({{ .Tag }}/step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_arm64.tar.gz)
- 📦 [step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz]({{ .Tag }}/step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz)
- 📦 [step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_arm64.tar.gz]({{ .Tag }}/step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_arm64.tar.gz)
#### Windows
- 📦 [step-ca_windows_{{ .Version }}]({{ .Tag }}/step-ca_windows_{{ .Version }}
- 📦 [step-ca_windows_{{ .Version }}]({{ .Tag }}/step-ca_windows_{{ .Version }}
For more builds across platforms and architectures, see the `Assets` section below.
And for packaged versions (Docker, k8s, Homebrew), see our [installation docs](
@ -164,11 +155,9 @@ release:
cosign verify-blob \
--certificate step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz.sig.pem \
--signature step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz.sig \
--certificate-identity-regexp "https://github\.com/smallstep/workflows/.*" \
--certificate-oidc-issuer \
step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz
--certificate ~/Downloads/step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz.sig.pem \
--signature ~/Downloads/step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz.sig \
~/Downloads/step-ca_darwin_{{ .Version }}_amd64.tar.gz
The `checksums.txt` file (in the `Assets` section below) contains a checksum for every artifact in the release.
@ -180,7 +169,7 @@ release:
Those were the changes on {{ .Tag }}!
Come join us on [Discord]( to ask questions, chat about PKI, or get a sneak peek at the freshest PKI memes.
Come join us on [Discord]( to ask questions, chat about PKI, or get a sneak peak at the freshest PKI memes.
# You can disable this pipe in order to not upload any artifacts.
# Defaults to false.
@ -196,160 +185,3 @@ release:
# - glob: ./path/to/file.txt
# - glob: ./glob/**/to/**/file/**/*
# - glob: ./glob/foo/to/bar/file/foobar/override_from_previous
# IDs of the archives to use.
# Empty means all IDs.
ids: [ default ]
# Default: ProjectName
# Templates: allowed
name: step-ca
# Publisher name.
# Templates: allowed
# Required.
publisher: Smallstep
# Your app's description.
# Templates: allowed
# Required.
short_description: "A private certificate authority (X.509 & SSH) & ACME server for secure automated certificate management."
# License name.
# Templates: allowed
# Required.
license: "Apache-2.0"
# Publisher URL.
# Templates: allowed
publisher_url: ""
# Publisher support URL.
# Templates: allowed
publisher_support_url: ""
# URL which is determined by the given Token (github, gitlab or gitea).
# Default depends on the client.
# Templates: allowed
url_template: "{{ .Tag }}/{{ .ArtifactName }}"
# Git author used to commit to the repository.
name: goreleaserbot
# The project name and current git tag are used in the format string.
# Templates: allowed
commit_msg_template: "{{ .PackageIdentifier }}: {{ .Tag }}"
# Your app's homepage.
homepage: ""
# Your app's long description.
# Templates: allowed
description: ""
# License URL.
# Templates: allowed
license_url: ""
# Release notes URL.
# Templates: allowed
release_notes_url: "{{ .Tag }}"
# Create the PR - for testing
skip_upload: auto
# Tags.
- certificates
- smallstep
- tls
# Repository to push the generated files to.
owner: smallstep
name: winget-pkgs
branch: "step-ca-{{.Version}}"
# Optionally a token can be provided, if it differs from the token
# provided to GoReleaser
# Templates: allowed
# Sets up pull request creation instead of just pushing to the given branch.
# Make sure the 'branch' property is different from base before enabling
# it.
# Since: v1.17
# Whether to enable it or not.
enabled: true
check_boxes: true
# Whether to open the PR as a draft or not.
# Default: false
# Since: v1.19
# draft: true
# Base can also be another repository, in which case the owner and name
# above will be used as HEAD, allowing cross-repository pull requests.
# Since: v1.19
owner: microsoft
name: winget-pkgs
branch: master
ids: [ default ]
# Template for the url which is determined by the given Token (github or gitlab)
# Default for github is "<repo_owner>/<repo_name>/releases/download/{{ .Tag }}/{{ .ArtifactName }}"
# Default for gitlab is "<repo_owner>/<repo_name>/uploads/{{ .ArtifactUploadHash }}/{{ .ArtifactName }}"
# Default for gitea is "<repo_owner>/<repo_name>/releases/download/{{ .Tag }}/{{ .ArtifactName }}"
url_template: "{{ .Tag }}/{{ .ArtifactName }}"
# Repository to push the app manifest to.
owner: smallstep
name: scoop-bucket
branch: main
# Git author used to commit to the repository.
# Defaults are shown.
name: goreleaserbot
# The project name and current git tag are used in the format string.
commit_msg_template: "Scoop update for {{ .ProjectName }} version {{ .Tag }}"
# Your app's homepage.
# Default is empty.
homepage: ""
# Skip uploads for prerelease.
skip_upload: auto
# Your app's description.
# Default is empty.
description: "A private certificate authority (X.509 & SSH) & ACME server for secure automated certificate management, so you can use TLS everywhere & SSO for SSH."
# Your app's license
# Default is empty.
license: "Apache-2.0"

@ -1,327 +1,40 @@
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## TEMPLATE -- do not alter or remove
### TEMPLATE -- do not alter or remove
## [x.y.z] - aaaa-bb-cc
### Added
### Changed
### Deprecated
### Removed
### Fixed
### Security
## [0.26.2] - 2024-06-13
### Added
- Add provisionerID to ACME accounts (smallstep/certificates#1830)
- Enable verifying ACME provisioner using provisionerID if available (smallstep/certificates#1844)
- Add methods to Authority to get intermediate certificates (smallstep/certificates#1848)
- Add GetX509Signer method (smallstep/certificates#1850)
### Changed
- Make ISErrNotFound more flexible (smallstep/certificates#1819)
- Log errors using slog.Logger (smallstep/certificates#1849)
- Update hardcoded AWS certificates (smallstep/certificates#1881)
## [0.26.1] - 2024-04-22
### Added
- Allow configuration of a custom SCEP key manager (smallstep/certificates#1797)
### Fixed
- id-scep-failInfoText OID (smallstep/certificates#1794)
- CA startup with Vault RA configuration (smallstep/certificates#1803)
## [0.26.0] - 2024-03-28
### Added
- [TPM KMS]( support for CA keys (smallstep/certificates#1772)
- Propagation of HTTP request identifier using X-Request-Id header (smallstep/certificates#1743, smallstep/certificates#1542)
- Expires header in CRL response (smallstep/certificates#1708)
- Support for providing TLS configuration programmatically (smallstep/certificates#1685)
- Support for providing external CAS implementation (smallstep/certificates#1684)
- AWS `ca-west-1` identity document root certificate (smallstep/certificates#1715)
- [COSE RS1]( as a supported algorithm with ACME `device-attest-01` challenge (smallstep/certificates#1663)
### Changed
- In an RA setup, let the CA decide the RA certificate lifetime (smallstep/certificates#1764)
- Use Debian Bookworm in Docker containers (smallstep/certificates#1615)
- Error message for CSR validation (smallstep/certificates#1665)
- Updated dependencies
### Fixed
- Stop CA when any of the required servers fails to start (smallstep/certificates#1751). Before the fix, the CA would continue running and only log the server failure when stopped.
- Configuration loading errors when not using context were not returned. Fixed in [cli-utils/109](
- HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY support for ACME validation client (smallstep/certificates#1658).
### Security
- Upgrade to using cosign v2 for signing artifacts
## [0.25.1] - 2023-11-28
### Added
- Provisioner name in SCEP webhook request body in (smallstep/certificates#1617)
- Support for ASN1 boolean encoding in (smallstep/certificates#1590)
### Changed
- Generation of first provisioner name on `step ca init` in (smallstep/certificates#1566)
- Processing of SCEP Get PKIOperation requests in (smallstep/certificates#1570)
- Support for signing identity certificate during SSH sign by skipping URI validation in (smallstep/certificates#1572)
- Dependency on `micromdm/scep` and `` to use Smallstep forks in (smallstep/certificates#1600)
- Make the Common Name validator for JWK provisioners accept values from SANs too in (smallstep/certificates#1609)
### Fixed
- Registration Authority token creation relied on values from CSR. Fixed to rely on template in (smallstep/certificates#1608)
- Use same glibc version for running the CA when built using CGo in (smallstep/certificates#1616)
## [0.25.0] - 2023-09-26
### Added
- Added support for configuring SCEP decrypters in the provisioner (smallstep/certificates#1414)
- Added support for TPM KMS (smallstep/crypto#253)
- Added support for disableSmallstepExtensions provisioner claim
- Added script to migrate a badger DB to MySQL or PostgreSQL
- Added AWS public certificates for me-central-1 and ap-southeast-3
- Added namespace field to VaultCAS JSON config (smallstep/certificates#1424)
- Added AWS public certificates for me-central-1 and ap-southeast-3
- Added unversioned filenames to Github release assets
- Send X5C leaf certificate to webhooks (smallstep/certificates#1485)
- Added support for disableSmallstepExtensions claim (smallstep/certificates#1484)
- Added all AWS Identity Document Certificates (smallstep/certificates#1404, smallstep/certificates#1510)
- Added Winget release automation (smallstep/certificates#1519)
- Added CSR to SCEPCHALLENGE webhook request body (smallstep/certificates#1523)
- Added SCEP issuance notification webhook (smallstep/certificates#1544)
- Added ability to disable color in the log text formatter
### Changed
- Changed the Makefile to produce cgo-enabled builds running
`make build GO_ENVS="CGO_ENABLED=1"` (smallstep/certificates#1446)
- Return more detailed errors to ACME clients using device-attest-01
- Change SCEP password type to string (smallstep/certificates#1555)
### Removed
- Removed OIDC user regexp check (smallstep/certificates#1481)
- Removed automatic initialization of $STEPPATH (smallstep/certificates#1493)
- Removed db datasource from error msg to prevent leaking of secrets to logs
### Fixed
- Improved authentication for ACME requests using kid and provisioner name
- Fixed indentation of KMS configuration in helm charts
- Fixed simultaneous sign or decrypt operation on a YubiKey
(smallstep/certificates#1476, smallstep/crypto#288)
- Fixed adding certificate templates with ASN.1 functions
(smallstep/certificates#1500, smallstep/crypto#302)
- Fixed a problem when the ca.json is truncated if the encoding of the
configuration fails (e.g., new provisioner with bad template data)
(smallstep/cli#994, smallstep/certificates#1501)
- Fixed provisionerOptionsToLinkedCA missing template and templateData
- Fix calculation of webhook signature (smallstep/certificates#1546)
## [v0.24.2] - 2023-05-11
### Added
- Log SSH certificates (smallstep/certificates#1374)
- CRL endpoints on the HTTP server (smallstep/certificates#1372)
- Dynamic SCEP challenge validation using webhooks (smallstep/certificates#1366)
- For Docker deployments, added DOCKER_STEPCA_INIT_PASSWORD_FILE. Useful for pointing to a Docker Secret in the container (smallstep/certificates#1384)
### Changed
- Depend on [smallstep/go-attestation]( instead of [google/go-attestation](
- Render CRLs into http.ResponseWriter instead of memory (smallstep/certificates#1373)
- Redaction of SCEP static challenge when listing provisioners (smallstep/certificates#1204)
### Fixed
- VaultCAS certificate lifetime (smallstep/certificates#1376)
## [v0.24.1] - 2023-04-14
### Fixed
- Docker image name for HSM support (smallstep/certificates#1348)
## [v0.24.0] - 2023-04-12
### Added
- Add ACME `device-attest-01` support with TPM 2.0
- Add support for new Azure SDK, sovereign clouds, and HSM keys on Azure KMS
(smallstep/crypto#192, smallstep/crypto#197, smallstep/crypto#198,
smallstep/certificates#1323, smallstep/certificates#1309).
- Add support for ASN.1 functions on certificate templates
(smallstep/crypto#208, smallstep/certificates#1345)
- Add `DOCKER_STEPCA_INIT_ADDRESS` to configure the address to use in a docker
container (smallstep/certificates#1262).
- Make sure that the CSR used matches the attested key when using AME
`device-attest-01` challenge (smallstep/certificates#1265).
- Add support for compacting the Badger DB (smallstep/certificates#1298).
- Build and release cleanups (smallstep/certificates#1322,
smallstep/certificates#1329, smallstep/certificates#1340).
### Fixed
- Fix support for PKCS #7 RSA-OAEP decryption through
[smallstep/pkcs7#4](, as used in
- Fix RA installation using `scripts/`
- Clarify error messages on policy errors (smallstep/certificates#1287,
- Clarify error message on OIDC email validation (smallstep/certificates#1290).
- Mark the IDP critical in the generated CRL data (smallstep/certificates#1293).
- Disable database if CA is initialized with the `--no-db` flag
## [v0.23.2] - 2023-02-02
## [Unreleased]
### Added
- Added [`step-kms-plugin`]( to
docker images, and a new image, `smallstep/step-ca-hsm`, compiled with cgo
- Added [`scoop`]( packages back to the release
- Added optional flag `--pidfile` which allows passing a filename where step-ca
will write its process id (smallstep/certificates#1251).
- Added helpful message on CA startup when config can't be opened
- Improved validation and error messages on `device-attest-01` orders
### Removed
- The deprecated CLI utils `step-awskms-init`, `step-cloudkms-init`,
`step-pkcs11-init`, `step-yubikey-init` have been removed.
[`step`]( and
[`step-kms-plugin`]( should be
used instead (smallstep/certificates#1240).
### Fixed
- Fixed remote management flags in docker images (smallstep/certificates#1228).
## [v0.23.1] - 2023-01-10
### Added
- Added configuration property `.crl.idpURL` to be able to set a custom Issuing
Distribution Point in the CRL (smallstep/certificates#1178).
- Added WithContext methods to the CA client (smallstep/certificates#1211).
- Docker: Added environment variables for enabling Remote Management and ACME
provisioner (smallstep/certificates#1201).
- Docker: The entrypoint script now generates and displays an initial JWK
provisioner password by default when the CA is being initialized
### Changed
- Ignore SSH principals validation when using an OIDC provisioner. The
provisioner will ignore the principals passed and set the defaults or the ones
including using WebHooks or templates (smallstep/certificates#1206).
## [v0.23.0] - 2022-11-11
### Added
- Added support for ACME device-attest-01 challenge on iOS, iPadOS, tvOS and
- Ability to disable ACME challenges and attestation formats.
- Added flags to change ACME challenge ports for testing purposes.
- Added support for ACME device-attest-01 challenge.
- Added name constraints evaluation and enforcement when issuing or renewing
X.509 certificates.
- Added provisioner webhooks for augmenting template data and authorizing
certificate requests before signing.
- Added automatic migration of provisioners when enabling remote management.
- Added experimental support for CRLs.
- Add certificate renewal support on RA mode. The `step ca renew` command must
use the flag `--mtls=false` to use the token renewal flow.
- Added support for initializing remote management using `step ca init`.
- Added support for renewing X.509 certificates on RAs.
- Added support for using SCEP with keys in a KMS.
- Added client support to set the dialer's local address with the environment variable
### Changed
- Remove the email requirement for issuing SSH certificates with an OIDC
- Root files can contain more than one certificate.
- Added provisioner webhooks for augmenting template data and authorizing certificate requests before signing.
- Added automatic migration of provisioners when enabling remote managment.
### Fixed
- Fixed MySQL DSN parsing issues with an upgrade to
- Fixed renewal of certificates with missing subject attributes.
- Fixed ACME support with [ejabberd](
### Deprecated
- The CLIs `step-awskms-init`, `step-cloudkms-init`, `step-pkcs11-init`,
`step-yubikey-init` are deprecated. Now you can use
[`step-kms-plugin`]( in
combination with `step certificates create` to initialize your PKI.
- MySQL DSN parsing issues fixed with upgrade to [smallstep/nosql@v0.5.0](
## [0.22.1] - 2022-08-31
### Fixed
- Fixed signature algorithm on EC (root) + RSA (intermediate) PKIs.
## [0.22.0] - 2022-08-26
### Added
- Added automatic configuration of Linked RAs.
- Send provisioner configuration on Linked RAs.
### Changed
- Certificates signed by an issuer using an RSA key will be signed using the
same algorithm used to sign the issuer certificate. The signature will no
longer default to PKCS #1. For example, if the issuer certificate was signed
@ -333,28 +46,20 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Sanitize TLS options.
## [0.20.0] - 2022-05-26
### Added
- Added Kubernetes auth method for Vault RAs.
- Added support for reporting provisioners to linkedca.
- Added support for certificate policies on authority level.
- Added a Dockerfile with a step-ca build with HSM support.
- A few new WithXX methods for instantiating authorities
### Changed
- Context usage in HTTP APIs.
- Changed authentication for Vault RAs.
- Error message returned to client when authenticating with expired certificate.
- Strip padding from ACME CSRs.
### Deprecated
- HTTP API handler types.
### Fixed
- Fixed SSH revocation.
- CA client dial context for js/wasm target.
- Incomplete `extraNames` support in templates.
@ -362,9 +67,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Large SCEP request handling.
## [0.19.0] - 2022-04-19
### Added
- Added support for certificate renewals after expiry using the claim `allowRenewalAfterExpiry`.
- Added support for `extraNames` in X.509 templates.
- Added `armv5` builds.
@ -373,162 +76,110 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Added a new `/roots.pem` endpoint to download the CA roots in PEM format.
- Added support for Azure `Managed Identity` tokens.
- Added support for automatic configuration of linked RAs.
- Added support for the `--context` flag. It's now possible to start the
- Added support for the `--context` flag. It's now possible to start the
CA with `step-ca --context=abc` to use the configuration from context `abc`.
When a context has been configured and no configuration file is provided
on startup, the configuration for the current context is used.
- Added startup info logging and option to skip it (`--quiet`).
- Added support for renaming the CA (Common Name).
### Changed
- Made SCEP CA URL paths dynamic.
- Support two latest versions of Go (1.17, 1.18).
- Upgrade to v0.16.1.
- Upgrade to v0.15.0.
### Deprecated
- Go 1.16 support.
### Removed
### Fixed
- Fixed admin credentials on RAs.
- Fixed ACME HTTP-01 challenges for IPv6 identifiers.
- Various improvements under the hood.
### Security
## [0.18.2] - 2022-03-01
### Added
- Added `subscriptionIDs` and `objectIDs` filters to the Azure provisioner.
- [NoSQL]( package allows filtering
out database drivers using Go tags. For example, using the Go flag
`--tags=nobadger,nobbolt,nomysql` will only compile `step-ca` with the pgx
driver for PostgreSQL.
### Changed
- IPv6 addresses are normalized as IP addresses instead of hostnames.
- More descriptive JWK decryption error message.
- Make the X5C leaf certificate available to the templates using `{{ .AuthorizationCrt }}`.
### Fixed
- During provisioner add - validate provisioner configuration before storing to DB.
## [0.18.1] - 2022-02-03
### Added
- Support for ACME revocation.
- Replace hash function with an RSA SSH CA to "rsa-sha2-256".
- Support Nebula provisioners.
- Example Ansible configurations.
- Support PKCS#11 as a decrypter, as used by SCEP.
### Changed
- Automatically create database directory on `step ca init`.
- Slightly improve errors reported when a template has invalid content.
- Error reporting in logs and to clients.
### Fixed
- SCEP renewal using HTTPS on macOS.
## [0.18.0] - 2021-11-17
### Added
- Support for multiple certificate authority contexts.
- Support for generating extractable keys and certificates on a pkcs#11 module.
### Changed
- Support two latest versions of Go (1.16, 1.17)
### Deprecated
- go 1.15 support
## [0.17.6] - 2021-10-20
### Notes
- 0.17.5 failed in CI/CD
## [0.17.5] - 2021-10-20
### Added
- Support for Azure Key Vault as a KMS.
- Adapt `pki` package to support key managers.
- gocritic linter
### Fixed
- gocritic warnings
## [0.17.4] - 2021-09-28
### Fixed
- Support host-only or user-only SSH CA.
## [0.17.3] - 2021-09-24
### Added
- go 1.17 to github action test matrix
- Support for CloudKMS RSA-PSS signers without using templates.
- Add flags to support individual passwords for the intermediate and SSH keys.
- Global support for group admins in the OIDC provisioner.
### Changed
- Using go 1.17 for binaries
### Fixed
- Upgrade go-jose.v2 to fix a bug in the JWK fingerprint of Ed25519 keys.
### Security
- Use cosign to sign and upload signatures for multi-arch Docker container.
- Add debian checksum
## [0.17.2] - 2021-08-30
### Added
- Additional way to distinguish Azure IID and Azure OIDC tokens.
### Security
- Sign over all goreleaser github artifacts using cosign
## [0.17.1] - 2021-08-26
## [0.17.0] - 2021-08-25
### Added
- Add support for Linked CAs using protocol buffers and gRPC
- `step-ca init` adds support for
- configuring a StepCAS RA
- configuring a Linked CA
- congifuring a `step-ca` using Helm
### Changed
- Update badger driver to use v2 by default
- Update TLS cipher suites to include 1.3
### Security
- Fix key version when SHA512WithRSA is used. There was a typo creating RSA keys with SHA256 digests instead of SHA512.

@ -1,11 +1,21 @@
# Set V to 1 for verbose output from the Makefile
Q=$(if $V,,@)
SRC=$(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*")
all: lint test build
@ -21,8 +31,6 @@ bootstra%:
$Q curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $$(go env GOPATH)/bin latest
$Q go install
$Q go install
$Q go install
$Q go install
.PHONY: bootstra%
@ -30,8 +38,17 @@ bootstra%:
# Determine the type of `push` and `version`
# If TRAVIS_TAG is set then we know this ref has been tagged.
NOT_RC := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | grep -v -e -rc)
ifeq ($(NOT_RC),)
PUSHTYPE := release-candidate
PUSHTYPE := release
# GITHUB Actions
else ifdef GITHUB_REF
VERSION ?= $(shell echo $(GITHUB_REF) | sed 's/^refs\/tags\///')
NOT_RC := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | grep -v -e -rc)
ifeq ($(NOT_RC),)
@ -44,50 +61,59 @@ VERSION ?= $(shell [ -d .git ] && git describe --tags --always --dirty="-dev")
# If we are not in an active git dir then try reading the version from .VERSION.
# .VERSION contains a slug populated by `git archive`.
VERSION := $(or $(VERSION),$(shell ./ .VERSION))
ifeq ($(TRAVIS_BRANCH),master)
PUSHTYPE := master
PUSHTYPE := branch
VERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed 's/^v//')
DEB_VERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed 's/-/./g')
ifdef V
$(info VERSION is $(VERSION))
include make/
# Build
DATE := $(shell date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC')
LDFLAGS := -ldflags='-w -X "main.Version=$(VERSION)" -X "main.BuildTime=$(DATE)"'
# Always explicitly enable or disable cgo,
# so that go doesn't silently fall back on
# non-cgo when gcc is not found.
ifeq (,$(findstring CGO_ENABLED,$(GO_ENVS)))
ifneq ($(origin GOFLAGS),undefined)
# This section is for backward compatibility with
# $ make build GOFLAGS=""
# which is how we recommended building step-ca with cgo support
# until June 2023.
$Q go mod download
build: $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME)
@echo "Build Complete!"
$(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME): download $(call rwildcard,*.go)
$Q mkdir -p $(@D)
$Q $(GOOS_OVERRIDE) $(GOFLAGS) go build -v -o $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME) $(LDFLAGS) $(PKG)
$(PREFIX)bin/$(CLOUDKMS_BINNAME): download $(call rwildcard,*.go)
$Q mkdir -p $(@D)
$(PREFIX)bin/$(AWSKMS_BINNAME): download $(call rwildcard,*.go)
$Q mkdir -p $(@D)
$(PREFIX)bin/$(YUBIKEY_BINNAME): download $(call rwildcard,*.go)
$Q mkdir -p $(@D)
$(PREFIX)bin/$(PKCS11_BINNAME): download $(call rwildcard,*.go)
$Q mkdir -p $(@D)
# Target to force a build of step-ca without running tests
simple: build
@ -106,26 +132,19 @@ generate:
# Test
test: testdefault testtpmsimulator combinecoverage
$Q $(GO_ENVS) gotestsum -- -coverprofile=defaultcoverage.out -short -covermode=atomic ./...
$Q $(GOFLAGS) gotestsum -- -coverprofile=coverage.out -short -covermode=atomic ./...
$Q CGO_ENABLED=1 gotestsum -- -coverprofile=tpmsimulatorcoverage.out -short -covermode=atomic -tags tpmsimulator ./acme
$Q gotestsum -- -coverprofile=coverage.out -short -covermode=atomic ./...
cat defaultcoverage.out tpmsimulatorcoverage.out > coverage.out
.PHONY: test testdefault testtpmsimulator testcgo combinecoverage
.PHONY: test testcgo
integrate: integration
integration: bin/$(BINNAME)
$Q $(GO_ENVS) gotestsum -- -tags=integration ./integration/...
$Q $(GOFLAGS) gotestsum -- -tags=integration ./integration/...
.PHONY: integrate integration
@ -149,11 +168,15 @@ lint:
install: $(PREFIX)bin/$(BINNAME)
.PHONY: install uninstall
@ -165,6 +188,18 @@ clean:
ifneq ($(BINNAME),"")
$Q rm -f bin/$(BINNAME)
ifneq ($(CLOUDKMS_BINNAME),"")
$Q rm -f bin/$(CLOUDKMS_BINNAME)
ifneq ($(AWSKMS_BINNAME),"")
$Q rm -f bin/$(AWSKMS_BINNAME)
ifneq ($(YUBIKEY_BINNAME),"")
$Q rm -f bin/$(YUBIKEY_BINNAME)
ifneq ($(PKCS11_BINNAME),"")
$Q rm -f bin/$(PKCS11_BINNAME)
.PHONY: clean
@ -177,3 +212,31 @@ run:
.PHONY: run
# Debian
$Q echo "step-ca ($(DEB_VERSION)) unstable; urgency=medium" > debian/changelog
$Q echo >> debian/changelog
$Q echo " * See" >> debian/changelog
$Q echo >> debian/changelog
$Q echo " -- Smallstep Labs, Inc. <> $(shell date -uR)" >> debian/changelog
debian: changelog
$Q mkdir -p $(RELEASE); \
OUTPUT=../step-ca*.deb; \
rm $$OUTPUT; \
dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot -us -uc && cp $$OUTPUT $(RELEASE)/
distclean: clean
.PHONY: changelog debian distclean
# Targets for creating step artifacts
docker-artifacts: docker-$(PUSHTYPE)
.PHONY: docker-artifacts

@ -1,61 +1,48 @@
# step-ca
# Step Certificates
[![GitHub release](](
[![Go Report Card](](
[![Build Status](](
[![CLA assistant](](
`step-ca` is an online certificate authority for secure, automated certificate management for DevOps.
It's the server counterpart to the [`step` CLI tool]( for working with certificates and keys.
Both projects are maintained by [Smallstep Labs](
`step-ca` is an online certificate authority for secure, automated certificate management. It's the server counterpart to the [`step` CLI tool](
You can use `step-ca` to:
- Issue HTTPS server and client certificates that [work in browsers]( ([RFC5280]( and [CA/Browser Forum]( compliance)
- Issue TLS certificates for DevOps: VMs, containers, APIs, database connections, Kubernetes pods...
You can use it to:
- Issue X.509 certificates for your internal infrastructure:
- HTTPS certificates that [work in browsers]( ([RFC5280]( and [CA/Browser Forum]( compliance)
- TLS certificates for VMs, containers, APIs, mobile clients, database connections, printers, wifi networks, toaster ovens...
- Client certificates to [enable mutual TLS (mTLS)]( in your infra. mTLS is an optional feature in TLS where both client and server authenticate each other. Why add the complexity of a VPN when you can safely use mTLS over the public internet?
- Issue SSH certificates:
- For people, in exchange for single sign-on identity tokens
- For people, in exchange for single sign-on ID tokens
- For hosts, in exchange for cloud instance identity documents
- Easily automate certificate management:
- It's an [ACME server]( that supports all [popular ACME challenge types](
- It's an ACME v2 server
- It has a JSON API
- It comes with a [Go wrapper](./examples#user-content-basic-client-usage)
- ... and there's a [command-line client]( you can use in scripts!
### Comparison with Smallstep's commercial product
`step-ca` is optimized for a two-tier PKI serving common DevOps use cases.
Whatever your use case, `step-ca` is easy to use and hard to misuse, thanks to [safe, sane defaults](
As you design your PKI, if you need any of the following, [consider our commerical CA](
- Multiple certificate authorities
- Active revocation (CRL, OSCP)
- Turnkey high-volume, high availability CA
- An API for seamless IaC management of your PKI
- Integrated support for SCEP & NDES, for migrating from legacy Active Directory Certificate Services deployments
- Device identity — cross-platform device inventory and attestation using Secure Enclave & TPM 2.0
- Highly automated PKI — managed certificate renewal, monitoring, TPM-based attested enrollment
- Seamless client deployments of EAP-TLS Wi-Fi, VPN, SSH, and browser certificates
- Jamf, Intune, or other MDM for root distribution and client enrollment
- Web Admin UI — history, issuance, and metrics
- ACME External Account Binding (EAB)
- Deep integration with an identity provider
- Fine-grained, role-based access control
- FIPS-compliant software
- HSM-bound private keys
See our [full feature comparison]( for more.
You can [start a free trial]( or [set up a call with us]( to learn more.
**Don't want to run your own CA?**
To get up and running quickly, or as an alternative to running your own `step-ca` server, consider creating a [free hosted smallstep Certificate Manager authority](
**Questions? Find us in [Discussions]( or [Join our Discord](**
[Website]( |
[Documentation]( |
[Documentation]( |
[Installation]( |
[Contributor's Guide](./
[Getting Started]( |
[Contributor's Guide](./docs/
[![GitHub release](](
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[![Build Status](](
[![CLA assistant](](
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[![Twitter followers](](
![star us](
## Features
@ -65,6 +52,7 @@ Setting up a *public key infrastructure* (PKI) is out of reach for many small te
- Choose key types (RSA, ECDSA, EdDSA) and lifetimes to suit your needs
- [Short-lived certificates]( with automated enrollment, renewal, and passive revocation
- Capable of high availability (HA) deployment using [root federation]( and/or multiple intermediaries
- Can operate as [an online intermediate CA for an existing root CA](
- [Badger, BoltDB, Postgres, and MySQL database backends](
@ -131,13 +119,19 @@ See our installation docs [here](
## Documentation
* [Official documentation]( is on
* The `step` command reference is available via `step help`,
or by running `step help --http=:8080` from the command line
Documentation can be found in a handful of different places:
1. On the web at
2. On the command line with `step help ca xxx` where `xxx` is the subcommand
you are interested in. Ex: `step help ca provisioner list`.
3. In your browser, by running `step help --http=:8080 ca` from the command line
and visiting http://localhost:8080.
4. The [docs](./docs/ folder is being deprecated, but it still has some documentation and tutorials.
## Feedback?
* Tell us what you like and don't like about managing your PKI - we're eager to help solve problems in this space. [Join our Discord]( or [GitHub Discussions](
* Tell us about a feature you'd like to see! [Request a Feature](
* Tell us what you like and don't like about managing your PKI - we're eager to help solve problems in this space.
* Tell us about a feature you'd like to see! [Add a feature request Issue](, [ask on Discussions](, or hit us up on [Twitter](

@ -20,17 +20,6 @@ type Account struct {
Status Status `json:"status"`
OrdersURL string `json:"orders"`
ExternalAccountBinding interface{} `json:"externalAccountBinding,omitempty"`
LocationPrefix string `json:"-"`
ProvisionerID string `json:"-"`
ProvisionerName string `json:"-"`
// GetLocation returns the URL location of the given account.
func (a *Account) GetLocation() string {
if a.LocationPrefix == "" {
return ""
return a.LocationPrefix + a.ID
// ToLog enables response logging.
@ -83,7 +72,6 @@ func (p *Policy) GetAllowedNameOptions() *policy.X509NameOptions {
IPRanges: p.X509.Allowed.IPRanges,
func (p *Policy) GetDeniedNameOptions() *policy.X509NameOptions {
if p == nil {
return nil

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ func TestKeyToID(t *testing.T) {
jwk.Key = "foo"
return test{
jwk: jwk,
err: NewErrorISE("error generating jwk thumbprint: go-jose/go-jose: unknown key type 'string'"),
err: NewErrorISE("error generating jwk thumbprint: square/go-jose: unknown key type 'string'"),
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
@ -66,23 +66,6 @@ func TestKeyToID(t *testing.T) {
func TestAccount_GetLocation(t *testing.T) {
locationPrefix := ""
type test struct {
acc *Account
exp string
tests := map[string]test{
"empty": {acc: &Account{LocationPrefix: ""}, exp: ""},
"not-empty": {acc: &Account{ID: "bar", LocationPrefix: locationPrefix}, exp: locationPrefix + "bar"},
for name, tc := range tests {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, tc.acc.GetLocation(), tc.exp)
func TestAccount_IsValid(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
acc *Account
@ -152,6 +135,7 @@ func TestExternalAccountKey_BindTo(t *testing.T) {
if assert.True(t, errors.As(err, &ae)) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tt.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tt.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tt.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tt.err.Subproblems)
} else {

@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
package api
import (
@ -68,12 +67,6 @@ func (u *UpdateAccountRequest) Validate() error {
// getAccountLocationPath returns the current account URL location.
// Returned location will be of the form: https://<ca-url>/acme/<provisioner>/account/<accID>
func getAccountLocationPath(ctx context.Context, linker acme.Linker, accID string) string {
return linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.AccountLinkType, accID)
// NewAccount is the handler resource for creating new ACME accounts.
func NewAccount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
@ -82,23 +75,23 @@ func NewAccount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
payload, err := payloadFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
var nar NewAccountRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(payload.value, &nar); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err,
render.Error(w, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err,
"failed to unmarshal new-account request payload"))
if err := nar.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
prov, err := acmeProvisionerFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -108,49 +101,46 @@ func NewAccount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var acmeErr *acme.Error
if !errors.As(err, &acmeErr) || acmeErr.Status != http.StatusBadRequest {
// Something went wrong ...
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
// Account does not exist //
if nar.OnlyReturnExisting {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorAccountDoesNotExistType,
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorAccountDoesNotExistType,
"account does not exist"))
jwk, err := jwkFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
eak, err := validateExternalAccountBinding(ctx, &nar)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
acc = &acme.Account{
Key: jwk,
Contact: nar.Contact,
Status: acme.StatusValid,
LocationPrefix: getAccountLocationPath(ctx, linker, ""),
ProvisionerID: prov.ID,
ProvisionerName: prov.Name,
Key: jwk,
Contact: nar.Contact,
Status: acme.StatusValid,
if err := db.CreateAccount(ctx, acc); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error creating account"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error creating account"))
if eak != nil { // means that we have a (valid) External Account Binding key that should be bound, updated and sent in the response
if err := eak.BindTo(acc); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if err := db.UpdateExternalAccountKey(ctx, prov.ID, eak); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating external account binding key"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating external account binding key"))
acc.ExternalAccountBinding = nar.ExternalAccountBinding
@ -162,8 +152,8 @@ func NewAccount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
linker.LinkAccount(ctx, acc)
w.Header().Set("Location", getAccountLocationPath(ctx, linker, acc.ID))
render.JSONStatus(w, r, acc, httpStatus)
w.Header().Set("Location", linker.GetLink(r.Context(), acme.AccountLinkType, acc.ID))
render.JSONStatus(w, acc, httpStatus)
// GetOrUpdateAccount is the api for updating an ACME account.
@ -174,12 +164,12 @@ func GetOrUpdateAccount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
acc, err := accountFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
payload, err := payloadFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -188,12 +178,12 @@ func GetOrUpdateAccount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !payload.isPostAsGet {
var uar UpdateAccountRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(payload.value, &uar); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err,
render.Error(w, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err,
"failed to unmarshal new-account request payload"))
if err := uar.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if len(uar.Status) > 0 || len(uar.Contact) > 0 {
@ -204,7 +194,7 @@ func GetOrUpdateAccount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := db.UpdateAccount(ctx, acc); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating account"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating account"))
@ -213,7 +203,7 @@ func GetOrUpdateAccount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
linker.LinkAccount(ctx, acc)
w.Header().Set("Location", linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.AccountLinkType, acc.ID))
render.JSON(w, r, acc)
render.JSON(w, acc)
func logOrdersByAccount(w http.ResponseWriter, oids []string) {
@ -233,23 +223,23 @@ func GetOrdersByAccountID(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
acc, err := accountFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
accID := chi.URLParam(r, "accID")
if acc.ID != accID {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType, "account ID '%s' does not match url param '%s'", acc.ID, accID))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType, "account ID '%s' does not match url param '%s'", acc.ID, accID))
orders, err := db.GetOrdersByAccountID(ctx, acc.ID)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
linker.LinkOrdersByAccountID(ctx, orders)
render.JSON(w, r, orders)
render.JSON(w, orders)
logOrdersByAccount(w, orders)

@ -7,14 +7,12 @@ import (
@ -36,41 +34,35 @@ var (
type fakeProvisioner struct{}
func (*fakeProvisioner) AuthorizeOrderIdentifier(context.Context, provisioner.ACMEIdentifier) error {
func (*fakeProvisioner) AuthorizeOrderIdentifier(ctx context.Context, identifier provisioner.ACMEIdentifier) error {
return nil
func (*fakeProvisioner) AuthorizeSign(context.Context, string) ([]provisioner.SignOption, error) {
func (*fakeProvisioner) AuthorizeSign(ctx context.Context, token string) ([]provisioner.SignOption, error) {
return nil, nil
func (*fakeProvisioner) IsChallengeEnabled(context.Context, provisioner.ACMEChallenge) bool {
func (*fakeProvisioner) IsChallengeEnabled(ctx context.Context, challenge provisioner.ACMEChallenge) bool {
return true
func (*fakeProvisioner) IsAttestationFormatEnabled(context.Context, provisioner.ACMEAttestationFormat) bool {
func (*fakeProvisioner) IsAttestationFormatEnabled(ctx context.Context, format provisioner.ACMEAttestationFormat) bool {
return true
func (*fakeProvisioner) GetAttestationRoots() (*x509.CertPool, bool) { return nil, false }
func (*fakeProvisioner) AuthorizeRevoke(context.Context, string) error { return nil }
func (*fakeProvisioner) GetID() string { return "" }
func (*fakeProvisioner) GetName() string { return "" }
func (*fakeProvisioner) DefaultTLSCertDuration() time.Duration { return 0 }
func (*fakeProvisioner) GetOptions() *provisioner.Options { return nil }
func newProv() acme.Provisioner {
// Initialize provisioners
p := &provisioner.ACME{
Type: "ACME",
Name: "test@acme-<test>",
if err := p.Init(provisioner.Config{Claims: globalProvisionerClaims}); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v", err)
return p
func (*fakeProvisioner) GetAttestationRoots() (*x509.CertPool, bool) {
return nil, false
func newProvWithID() acme.Provisioner {
func (*fakeProvisioner) AuthorizeRevoke(ctx context.Context, token string) error { return nil }
func (*fakeProvisioner) GetID() string { return "" }
func (*fakeProvisioner) GetName() string { return "" }
func (*fakeProvisioner) DefaultTLSCertDuration() time.Duration { return 0 }
func (*fakeProvisioner) GetOptions() *provisioner.Options { return nil }
func newProv() acme.Provisioner {
// Initialize provisioners
p := &provisioner.ACME{
ID: uuid.NewString(),
Type: "ACME",
Name: "test@acme-<test>",
@ -328,7 +320,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetOrdersByAccountID(t *testing.T) {
"fail/nil-account": func(t *testing.T) test {
return test{
db: &acme.MockDB{},
ctx: context.WithValue(context.Background(), accContextKey, http.NoBody),
ctx: context.WithValue(context.Background(), accContextKey, nil),
statusCode: 400,
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorAccountDoesNotExistType, "account does not exist"),
@ -378,7 +370,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetOrdersByAccountID(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := acme.NewContext(tc.ctx, tc.db, nil, acme.NewLinker("", "acme"), nil)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
GetOrdersByAccountID(w, req)
@ -396,6 +388,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetOrdersByAccountID(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -817,7 +810,7 @@ func TestHandler_NewAccount(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := acme.NewContext(tc.ctx, tc.db, nil, acme.NewLinker("", "acme"), nil)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar", nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
NewAccount(w, req)
@ -835,6 +828,7 @@ func TestHandler_NewAccount(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -1020,7 +1014,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetOrUpdateAccount(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := acme.NewContext(tc.ctx, tc.db, nil, acme.NewLinker("", "acme"), nil)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar", nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
GetOrUpdateAccount(w, req)
@ -1038,6 +1032,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetOrUpdateAccount(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {

@ -866,6 +866,7 @@ func TestHandler_validateExternalAccountBinding(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Status, tc.err.Status)
assert.HasPrefix(t, ae.Err.Error(), tc.err.Err.Error())
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
} else {
@ -1144,6 +1145,7 @@ func Test_validateEABJWS(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, tc.err.Status, err.Status)
assert.HasPrefix(t, err.Err.Error(), tc.err.Err.Error())
assert.Equals(t, tc.err.Detail, err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, tc.err.Identifier, err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, tc.err.Subproblems, err.Subproblems)
} else {
assert.Nil(t, err)

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ type Directory struct {
NewOrder string `json:"newOrder"`
RevokeCert string `json:"revokeCert"`
KeyChange string `json:"keyChange"`
Meta *Meta `json:"meta,omitempty"`
Meta Meta `json:"meta"`
// ToLog enables response logging for the Directory type.
@ -223,58 +223,27 @@ func GetDirectory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
acmeProv, err := acmeProvisionerFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
linker := acme.MustLinkerFromContext(ctx)
render.JSON(w, r, &Directory{
render.JSON(w, &Directory{
NewNonce: linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.NewNonceLinkType),
NewAccount: linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.NewAccountLinkType),
NewOrder: linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.NewOrderLinkType),
RevokeCert: linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.RevokeCertLinkType),
KeyChange: linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.KeyChangeLinkType),
Meta: createMetaObject(acmeProv),
Meta: Meta{
ExternalAccountRequired: acmeProv.RequireEAB,
// createMetaObject creates a Meta object if the ACME provisioner
// has one or more properties that are written in the ACME directory output.
// It returns nil if none of the properties are set.
func createMetaObject(p *provisioner.ACME) *Meta {
if shouldAddMetaObject(p) {
return &Meta{
TermsOfService: p.TermsOfService,
Website: p.Website,
CaaIdentities: p.CaaIdentities,
ExternalAccountRequired: p.RequireEAB,
return nil
// shouldAddMetaObject returns whether or not the ACME provisioner
// has properties configured that must be added to the ACME directory object.
func shouldAddMetaObject(p *provisioner.ACME) bool {
switch {
case p.TermsOfService != "":
return true
case p.Website != "":
return true
case len(p.CaaIdentities) > 0:
return true
case p.RequireEAB:
return true
return false
// NotImplemented returns a 501 and is generally a placeholder for functionality which
// MAY be added at some point in the future but is not in any way a guarantee of such.
func NotImplemented(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorNotImplementedType, "this API is not implemented"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorNotImplementedType, "this API is not implemented"))
// GetAuthorization ACME api for retrieving an Authz.
@ -285,28 +254,28 @@ func GetAuthorization(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
acc, err := accountFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
az, err := db.GetAuthorization(ctx, chi.URLParam(r, "authzID"))
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving authorization"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving authorization"))
if acc.ID != az.AccountID {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"account '%s' does not own authorization '%s'", acc.ID, az.ID))
if err = az.UpdateStatus(ctx, db); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating authorization status"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating authorization status"))
linker.LinkAuthorization(ctx, az)
w.Header().Set("Location", linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.AuthzLinkType, az.ID))
render.JSON(w, r, az)
render.JSON(w, az)
// GetChallenge ACME api for retrieving a Challenge.
@ -317,13 +286,13 @@ func GetChallenge(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
acc, err := accountFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
payload, err := payloadFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -336,22 +305,22 @@ func GetChallenge(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
azID := chi.URLParam(r, "authzID")
ch, err := db.GetChallenge(ctx, chi.URLParam(r, "chID"), azID)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving challenge"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving challenge"))
ch.AuthorizationID = azID
if acc.ID != ch.AccountID {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"account '%s' does not own challenge '%s'", acc.ID, ch.ID))
jwk, err := jwkFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if err = ch.Validate(ctx, db, jwk, payload.value); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error validating challenge"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error validating challenge"))
@ -359,7 +328,7 @@ func GetChallenge(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add("Link", link(linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.AuthzLinkType, azID), "up"))
w.Header().Set("Location", linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.ChallengeLinkType, azID, ch.ID))
render.JSON(w, r, ch)
render.JSON(w, ch)
// GetCertificate ACME api for retrieving a Certificate.
@ -369,18 +338,18 @@ func GetCertificate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
acc, err := accountFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
certID := chi.URLParam(r, "certID")
cert, err := db.GetCertificate(ctx, certID)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving certificate"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving certificate"))
if cert.AccountID != acc.ID {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"account '%s' does not own certificate '%s'", acc.ID, certID))
@ -394,6 +363,6 @@ func GetCertificate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
api.LogCertificate(w, cert.Leaf)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/pem-certificate-chain")
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/pem-certificate-chain; charset=utf-8")

@ -15,16 +15,13 @@ import (
type mockClient struct {
@ -60,7 +57,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetNonce(t *testing.T) {
// Request with chi context
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
@ -132,35 +129,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetDirectory(t *testing.T) {
NewOrder: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/new-order", baseURL.String(), provName),
RevokeCert: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/revoke-cert", baseURL.String(), provName),
KeyChange: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/key-change", baseURL.String(), provName),
Meta: &Meta{
ExternalAccountRequired: true,
return test{
ctx: ctx,
dir: expDir,
statusCode: 200,
"ok/full-meta": func(t *testing.T) test {
prov := newACMEProv(t)
prov.TermsOfService = ""
prov.Website = "https://ca.local/"
prov.CaaIdentities = []string{"ca.local"}
prov.RequireEAB = true
provName := url.PathEscape(prov.GetName())
baseURL := &url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: ""}
ctx := acme.NewProvisionerContext(context.Background(), prov)
expDir := Directory{
NewNonce: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/new-nonce", baseURL.String(), provName),
NewAccount: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/new-account", baseURL.String(), provName),
NewOrder: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/new-order", baseURL.String(), provName),
RevokeCert: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/revoke-cert", baseURL.String(), provName),
KeyChange: fmt.Sprintf("%s/acme/%s/key-change", baseURL.String(), provName),
Meta: &Meta{
TermsOfService: "",
Website: "https://ca.local/",
CaaIdentities: []string{"ca.local"},
Meta: Meta{
ExternalAccountRequired: true,
@ -175,7 +144,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetDirectory(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := acme.NewLinkerContext(tc.ctx, acme.NewLinker("", "acme"))
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar", nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
GetDirectory(w, req)
@ -193,6 +162,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetDirectory(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -347,7 +317,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetAuthorization(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := acme.NewContext(tc.ctx, tc.db, nil, acme.NewLinker("", "acme"), nil)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar", nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
GetAuthorization(w, req)
@ -365,6 +335,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetAuthorization(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -489,7 +460,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetCertificate(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := acme.NewDatabaseContext(tc.ctx, tc.db)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
GetCertificate(w, req)
@ -507,11 +478,12 @@ func TestHandler_GetCertificate(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.HasPrefix(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
assert.Equals(t, bytes.TrimSpace(body), bytes.TrimSpace(certBytes))
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/pem-certificate-chain"})
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/pem-certificate-chain; charset=utf-8"})
@ -747,7 +719,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetChallenge(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := acme.NewContext(tc.ctx, tc.db, nil, acme.NewLinker("", "acme"), nil)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
GetChallenge(w, req)
@ -765,6 +737,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetChallenge(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -778,89 +751,3 @@ func TestHandler_GetChallenge(t *testing.T) {
func Test_createMetaObject(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
p *provisioner.ACME
want *Meta
name: "no-meta",
p: &provisioner.ACME{
Type: "ACME",
Name: "acme",
want: nil,
name: "terms-of-service",
p: &provisioner.ACME{
Type: "ACME",
Name: "acme",
TermsOfService: "",
want: &Meta{
TermsOfService: "",
name: "website",
p: &provisioner.ACME{
Type: "ACME",
Name: "acme",
Website: "https://ca.local",
want: &Meta{
Website: "https://ca.local",
name: "caa",
p: &provisioner.ACME{
Type: "ACME",
Name: "acme",
CaaIdentities: []string{"ca.local", "ca.remote"},
want: &Meta{
CaaIdentities: []string{"ca.local", "ca.remote"},
name: "require-eab",
p: &provisioner.ACME{
Type: "ACME",
Name: "acme",
RequireEAB: true,
want: &Meta{
ExternalAccountRequired: true,
name: "full-meta",
p: &provisioner.ACME{
Type: "ACME",
Name: "acme",
TermsOfService: "",
Website: "https://ca.local",
CaaIdentities: []string{"ca.local", "ca.remote"},
RequireEAB: true,
want: &Meta{
TermsOfService: "",
Website: "https://ca.local",
CaaIdentities: []string{"ca.local", "ca.remote"},
ExternalAccountRequired: true,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got := createMetaObject(tt.p)
if !cmp.Equal(tt.want, got) {
t.Errorf("createMetaObject() diff =\n%s", cmp.Diff(tt.want, got))

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
@ -17,6 +16,7 @@ import (
type nextHTTP = func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func addNonce(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
db := acme.MustDatabaseFromContext(r.Context())
nonce, err := db.CreateNonce(r.Context())
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
w.Header().Set("Replay-Nonce", string(nonce))
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func verifyContentType(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
p, err := provisionerFromContext(r.Context())
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ func verifyContentType(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType,
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType,
"expected content-type to be in %s, but got %s", expected, ct))
@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ func parseJWS(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
body, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "failed to read request body"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "failed to read request body"))
jws, err := jose.ParseJWS(string(body))
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err, "failed to parse JWS from request body"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err, "failed to parse JWS from request body"))
ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), jwsContextKey, jws)
@ -133,26 +133,26 @@ func validateJWS(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
jws, err := jwsFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if len(jws.Signatures) == 0 {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "request body does not contain a signature"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "request body does not contain a signature"))
if len(jws.Signatures) > 1 {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "request body contains more than one signature"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "request body contains more than one signature"))
sig := jws.Signatures[0]
uh := sig.Unprotected
if uh.KeyID != "" ||
if len(uh.KeyID) > 0 ||
uh.JSONWebKey != nil ||
uh.Algorithm != "" ||
uh.Nonce != "" ||
len(uh.Algorithm) > 0 ||
len(uh.Nonce) > 0 ||
len(uh.ExtraHeaders) > 0 {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "unprotected header must not be used"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "unprotected header must not be used"))
hdr := sig.Protected
@ -162,13 +162,13 @@ func validateJWS(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
switch k := hdr.JSONWebKey.Key.(type) {
case *rsa.PublicKey:
if k.Size() < keyutil.MinRSAKeyBytes {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType,
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType,
"rsa keys must be at least %d bits (%d bytes) in size",
8*keyutil.MinRSAKeyBytes, keyutil.MinRSAKeyBytes))
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType,
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType,
"jws key type and algorithm do not match"))
@ -176,35 +176,35 @@ func validateJWS(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
case jose.ES256, jose.ES384, jose.ES512, jose.EdDSA:
// we good
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorBadSignatureAlgorithmType, "unsuitable algorithm: %s", hdr.Algorithm))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorBadSignatureAlgorithmType, "unsuitable algorithm: %s", hdr.Algorithm))
// Check the validity/freshness of the Nonce.
if err := db.DeleteNonce(ctx, acme.Nonce(hdr.Nonce)); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
// Check that the JWS url matches the requested url.
jwsURL, ok := hdr.ExtraHeaders["url"].(string)
if !ok {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "jws missing url protected header"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "jws missing url protected header"))
reqURL := &url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: r.Host, Path: r.URL.Path}
if jwsURL != reqURL.String() {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType,
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType,
"url header in JWS (%s) does not match request url (%s)", jwsURL, reqURL))
if hdr.JSONWebKey != nil && hdr.KeyID != "" {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "jwk and kid are mutually exclusive"))
if hdr.JSONWebKey != nil && len(hdr.KeyID) > 0 {
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "jwk and kid are mutually exclusive"))
if hdr.JSONWebKey == nil && hdr.KeyID == "" {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "either jwk or kid must be defined in jws protected header"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "either jwk or kid must be defined in jws protected header"))
next(w, r)
@ -221,23 +221,23 @@ func extractJWK(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
jws, err := jwsFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
jwk := jws.Signatures[0].Protected.JSONWebKey
if jwk == nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "jwk expected in protected header"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "jwk expected in protected header"))
if !jwk.Valid() {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "invalid jwk in protected header"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "invalid jwk in protected header"))
// Overwrite KeyID with the JWK thumbprint.
jwk.KeyID, err = acme.KeyToID(jwk)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error getting KeyID from JWK"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error getting KeyID from JWK"))
@ -247,15 +247,15 @@ func extractJWK(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
// Get Account OR continue to generate a new one OR continue Revoke with certificate private key
acc, err := db.GetAccountByKeyID(ctx, jwk.KeyID)
switch {
case acme.IsErrNotFound(err):
case errors.Is(err, acme.ErrNotFound):
// For NewAccount and Revoke requests ...
case err != nil:
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if !acc.IsValid() {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType, "account is not active"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType, "account is not active"))
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, accContextKey, acc)
@ -274,11 +274,11 @@ func checkPrerequisites(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
if ok {
ok, err := checkFunc(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error checking acme provisioner prerequisites"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error checking acme provisioner prerequisites"))
if !ok {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorNotImplementedType, "acme provisioner configuration lacks prerequisites"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorNotImplementedType, "acme provisioner configuration lacks prerequisites"))
@ -293,74 +293,37 @@ func lookupJWK(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
db := acme.MustDatabaseFromContext(ctx)
linker := acme.MustLinkerFromContext(ctx)
jws, err := jwsFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
kidPrefix := linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.AccountLinkType, "")
kid := jws.Signatures[0].Protected.KeyID
if kid == "" {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "signature missing 'kid'"))
if !strings.HasPrefix(kid, kidPrefix) {
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType,
"kid does not have required prefix; expected %s, but got %s",
kidPrefix, kid))
accID := path.Base(kid)
accID := strings.TrimPrefix(kid, kidPrefix)
acc, err := db.GetAccount(ctx, accID)
switch {
case acme.IsErrNotFound(err):
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorAccountDoesNotExistType, "account with ID '%s' not found", accID))
case nosql.IsErrNotFound(err):
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorAccountDoesNotExistType, "account with ID '%s' not found", accID))
case err != nil:
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if !acc.IsValid() {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType, "account is not active"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType, "account is not active"))
if storedLocation := acc.GetLocation(); storedLocation != "" {
if kid != storedLocation {
// ACME accounts should have a stored location equivalent to the
// kid in the ACME request.
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"kid does not match stored account location; expected %s, but got %s",
storedLocation, kid))
// Verify that the provisioner with which the account was created
// matches the provisioner in the request URL.
reqProv := acme.MustProvisionerFromContext(ctx)
switch {
case acc.ProvisionerID == "" && acc.ProvisionerName != reqProv.GetName():
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"account provisioner does not match requested provisioner; account provisioner = %s, requested provisioner = %s",
acc.ProvisionerName, reqProv.GetName()))
case acc.ProvisionerID != "" && acc.ProvisionerID != reqProv.GetID():
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"account provisioner does not match requested provisioner; account provisioner = %s, requested provisioner = %s",
acc.ProvisionerID, reqProv.GetID()))
} else {
// This code will only execute for old ACME accounts that do
// not have a cached location. The following validation was
// the original implementation of the `kid` check which has
// since been deprecated. However, the code will remain to
// ensure consistent behavior for old ACME accounts.
linker := acme.MustLinkerFromContext(ctx)
kidPrefix := linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.AccountLinkType, "")
if !strings.HasPrefix(kid, kidPrefix) {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType,
"kid does not have required prefix; expected %s, but got %s",
kidPrefix, kid))
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, accContextKey, acc)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, jwkContextKey, acc.Key)
next(w, r.WithContext(ctx))
@ -376,7 +339,7 @@ func extractOrLookupJWK(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
ctx := r.Context()
jws, err := jwsFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -412,32 +375,23 @@ func verifyAndExtractJWSPayload(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
ctx := r.Context()
jws, err := jwsFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
jwk, err := jwkFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if jwk.Algorithm != "" && jwk.Algorithm != jws.Signatures[0].Protected.Algorithm {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "verifier and signature algorithm do not match"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "verifier and signature algorithm do not match"))
payload, err := jws.Verify(jwk)
switch {
case errors.Is(err, jose.ErrCryptoFailure):
payload, err = retryVerificationWithPatchedSignatures(jws, jwk)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err, "error verifying jws with patched signature(s)"))
case err != nil:
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err, "error verifying jws"))
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err, "error verifying jws"))
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, payloadContextKey, &payloadInfo{
value: payload,
isPostAsGet: len(payload) == 0,
@ -447,115 +401,16 @@ func verifyAndExtractJWSPayload(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
// retryVerificationWithPatchedSignatures retries verification of the JWS using
// the JWK by patching the JWS signatures if they're determined to be too short.
// Generally this shouldn't happen, but we've observed this to be the case with
// the macOS ACME client, which seems to omit (at least one) leading null
// byte(s). The error returned is `go-jose/go-jose: error in cryptographic
// primitive`, which is a sentinel error that hides the details of the actual
// underlying error, which is as follows: `go-jose/go-jose: invalid signature
// size, have 63 bytes, wanted 64`, for ES256.
func retryVerificationWithPatchedSignatures(jws *jose.JSONWebSignature, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey) (data []byte, err error) {
originalSignatureValues := make([][]byte, len(jws.Signatures))
patched := false
defer func() {
if patched && err != nil {
for i, sig := range jws.Signatures {
sig.Signature = originalSignatureValues[i]
jws.Signatures[i] = sig
for i, sig := range jws.Signatures {
var expectedSize int
alg := strings.ToUpper(sig.Header.Algorithm)
switch alg {
case jose.ES256:
expectedSize = 64
case jose.ES384:
expectedSize = 96
case jose.ES512:
expectedSize = 132
// other cases are (currently) ignored
switch diff := expectedSize - len(sig.Signature); diff {
case 0:
// expected length; nothing to do; will result in just doing the
// same verification (as done before calling this function) again,
// and thus an error will be returned.
case 1:
patched = true
original := make([]byte, expectedSize-diff)
copy(original, sig.Signature)
originalSignatureValues[i] = original
patchedR := make([]byte, expectedSize)
copy(patchedR[1:], original) // [0x00, R.0:31, S.0:32], for expectedSize 64
sig.Signature = patchedR
jws.Signatures[i] = sig
// verify it with a patched R; return early if successful; continue
// with patching S if not.
data, err = jws.Verify(jwk)
if err == nil {
patchedS := make([]byte, expectedSize)
halfSize := expectedSize / 2
copy(patchedS, original[:halfSize]) // [R.0:32], for expectedSize 64
copy(patchedS[halfSize+1:], original[halfSize:]) // [R.0:32, 0x00, S.0:31]
sig.Signature = patchedS
jws.Signatures[i] = sig
case 2:
// assumption is currently the Apple case, in which only the
// first null byte of R and/or S are removed, and thus not a case in
// which two first bytes of either R or S are removed.
patched = true
original := make([]byte, expectedSize-diff)
copy(original, sig.Signature)
originalSignatureValues[i] = original
patchedRS := make([]byte, expectedSize)
halfSize := expectedSize / 2
copy(patchedRS[1:], original[:halfSize-1]) // [0x00, R.0:31], for expectedSize 64
copy(patchedRS[halfSize+1:], original[halfSize-1:]) // [0x00, R.0:31, 0x00, S.0:31]
sig.Signature = patchedRS
jws.Signatures[i] = sig
// Technically, there can be multiple null bytes in either R or S,
// so when the difference is larger than 2, there is more than one
// option to pick. Apple's ACME client seems to only cut off the
// first null byte of either R or S, so we don't do anything in this
// case. Will result in just doing the same verification (as done
// before calling this function) again, and thus an error will be
// returned.
// TODO(hs): log this specific case? It might mean some other ACME
// client is doing weird things.
data, err = jws.Verify(jwk)
// isPostAsGet asserts that the request is a PostAsGet (empty JWS payload).
func isPostAsGet(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
payload, err := payloadFromContext(r.Context())
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if !payload.isPostAsGet {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "expected POST-as-GET"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "expected POST-as-GET"))
next(w, r)

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
@ -15,18 +14,17 @@ import (
tassert ""
var testBody = []byte("foo")
func testNext(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
func testNext(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ func TestHandler_addNonce(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newBaseContext(context.Background(), tc.db)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody).WithContext(ctx)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil).WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
addNonce(testNext)(w, req)
res := w.Result()
@ -95,6 +93,7 @@ func TestHandler_addNonce(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ func TestHandler_addDirLink(t *testing.T) {
for name, run := range tests {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
req = req.WithContext(tc.ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
addDirLink(testNext)(w, req)
@ -148,6 +147,7 @@ func TestHandler_addDirLink(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ func TestHandler_verifyContentType(t *testing.T) {
if tc.url != "" {
_u = tc.url
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", _u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", _u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(tc.ctx)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", tc.contentType)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ func TestHandler_verifyContentType(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ func TestHandler_isPostAsGet(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
// h := &Handler{}
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(tc.ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
isPostAsGet(testNext)(w, req)
@ -319,6 +320,7 @@ func TestHandler_isPostAsGet(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -330,7 +332,7 @@ func TestHandler_isPostAsGet(t *testing.T) {
type errReader int
func (errReader) Read([]byte) (int, error) {
func (errReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return 0, errors.New("force")
func (errReader) Close() error {
@ -357,7 +359,7 @@ func TestHandler_parseJWS(t *testing.T) {
return test{
body: strings.NewReader("foo"),
statusCode: 400,
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "failed to parse JWS from request body: go-jose/go-jose: compact JWS format must have three parts"),
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "failed to parse JWS from request body: square/go-jose: compact JWS format must have three parts"),
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
@ -408,6 +410,7 @@ func TestHandler_parseJWS(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -472,7 +475,7 @@ func TestHandler_verifyAndExtractJWSPayload(t *testing.T) {
err: acme.NewErrorISE("jwk expected in request context"),
"fail/verify-jws-failure-wrong-jwk": func(t *testing.T) test {
"fail/verify-jws-failure": func(t *testing.T) test {
_jwk, err := jose.GenerateJWK("EC", "P-256", "ES256", "sig", "", 0)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
_pub := _jwk.Public()
@ -481,34 +484,7 @@ func TestHandler_verifyAndExtractJWSPayload(t *testing.T) {
return test{
ctx: ctx,
statusCode: 400,
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "error verifying jws: go-jose/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive"),
"fail/verify-jws-failure-too-many-signatures": func(t *testing.T) test {
newParsedJWS, err := jose.ParseJWS(raw)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
newParsedJWS.Signatures = append(newParsedJWS.Signatures, newParsedJWS.Signatures...)
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), jwsContextKey, newParsedJWS)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, jwkContextKey, pub)
return test{
ctx: ctx,
statusCode: 400,
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "error verifying jws: go-jose/go-jose: too many signatures in payload; expecting only one"),
"fail/apple-acmeclient-omitting-leading-null-byte-in-signature-with-wrong-jwk": func(t *testing.T) test {
_jwk, err := jose.GenerateJWK("EC", "P-256", "ES256", "sig", "", 0)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
_pub := _jwk.Public()
appleNullByteCaseBody := `{"payload":"dGVzdC0xMTA1","protected":"eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9","signature":"rQPYKYflfKnlgBKqDeWsJH2TJ6iHAnou7sFzXlmYD4ArXqLfYuqotWERKrna2wfzh0pu7USWO2gzlOqRK9qq"}`
appleNullByteCaseJWS, err := jose.ParseJWS(appleNullByteCaseBody)
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), jwsContextKey, appleNullByteCaseJWS)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, jwkContextKey, &_pub)
return test{
ctx: ctx,
statusCode: 400,
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "error verifying jws: go-jose/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive"),
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "error verifying jws: square/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive"),
"fail/algorithm-mismatch": func(t *testing.T) test {
@ -607,44 +583,12 @@ func TestHandler_verifyAndExtractJWSPayload(t *testing.T) {
"ok/apple-acmeclient-omitting-leading-null-byte-in-signature": func(t *testing.T) test {
appleNullByteCaseKey := []byte(`{
"kid": "uioinbiTlJICL0MYsb6ar1totfRA2tiPqWgntF8xUdo",
"crv": "P-256",
"alg": "ES256",
"kty": "EC",
"x": "wlz-Kv9X0h32fzLq-cogls9HxoZQqV-GuWxdb2MCeUY",
"y": "xzP6zRrg_jynYljZTxfJuql_QWtdQR6lpJ52q_6Vavg"
appleNullByteCaseJWK := &jose.JSONWebKey{}
err = json.Unmarshal(appleNullByteCaseKey, appleNullByteCaseJWK)
require.NoError(t, err)
appleNullByteCaseBody := `{"payload":"dGVzdC0xMTA1","protected":"eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9","signature":"rQPYKYflfKnlgBKqDeWsJH2TJ6iHAnou7sFzXlmYD4ArXqLfYuqotWERKrna2wfzh0pu7USWO2gzlOqRK9qq"}`
appleNullByteCaseJWS, err := jose.ParseJWS(appleNullByteCaseBody)
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), jwsContextKey, appleNullByteCaseJWS)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, jwkContextKey, appleNullByteCaseJWK)
return test{
ctx: ctx,
statusCode: 200,
next: func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
p, err := payloadFromContext(r.Context())
tassert.NoError(t, err)
if tassert.NotNil(t, p) {
tassert.Equal(t, []byte(`test-1105`), p.value)
tassert.False(t, p.isPostAsGet)
tassert.False(t, p.isEmptyJSON)
for name, run := range tests {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
// h := &Handler{}
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(tc.ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
verifyAndExtractJWSPayload(, req)
@ -662,6 +606,7 @@ func TestHandler_verifyAndExtractJWSPayload(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -739,7 +684,31 @@ func TestHandler_lookupJWK(t *testing.T) {
linker: acme.NewLinker("", "acme"),
ctx: ctx,
statusCode: 400,
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "signature missing 'kid'"),
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "kid does not have required prefix; expected %s, but got ", prefix),
"fail/bad-kid-prefix": func(t *testing.T) test {
_so := new(jose.SignerOptions)
_so.WithHeader("kid", "foo")
_signer, err := jose.NewSigner(jose.SigningKey{
Algorithm: jose.SignatureAlgorithm(jwk.Algorithm),
Key: jwk.Key,
}, _so)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
_jws, err := _signer.Sign([]byte("baz"))
assert.FatalError(t, err)
_raw, err := _jws.CompactSerialize()
assert.FatalError(t, err)
_parsed, err := jose.ParseJWS(_raw)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
ctx := acme.NewProvisionerContext(context.Background(), prov)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, jwsContextKey, _parsed)
return test{
db: &acme.MockDB{},
linker: acme.NewLinker("", "acme"),
ctx: ctx,
statusCode: 400,
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "kid does not have required prefix; expected %s, but got foo", prefix),
"fail/account-not-found": func(t *testing.T) test {
@ -750,7 +719,7 @@ func TestHandler_lookupJWK(t *testing.T) {
db: &acme.MockDB{
MockGetAccount: func(ctx context.Context, accID string) (*acme.Account, error) {
assert.Equals(t, accID, accID)
return nil, acme.ErrNotFound
return nil, database.ErrNotFound
ctx: ctx,
@ -791,106 +760,7 @@ func TestHandler_lookupJWK(t *testing.T) {
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType, "account is not active"),
"fail/account-with-location-prefix/bad-kid": func(t *testing.T) test {
acc := &acme.Account{LocationPrefix: "foobar", Status: "valid"}
ctx := acme.NewProvisionerContext(context.Background(), prov)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, jwsContextKey, parsedJWS)
return test{
linker: acme.NewLinker("", "acme"),
db: &acme.MockDB{
MockGetAccount: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*acme.Account, error) {
assert.Equals(t, id, accID)
return acc, nil
ctx: ctx,
statusCode: http.StatusUnauthorized,
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType, "kid does not match stored account location; expected foobar, but %q", prefix+accID),
"fail/account-with-location-prefix/bad-provisioner": func(t *testing.T) test {
acc := &acme.Account{LocationPrefix: prefix + accID, Status: "valid", Key: jwk, ProvisionerName: "other"}
ctx := acme.NewProvisionerContext(context.Background(), prov)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, jwsContextKey, parsedJWS)
return test{
linker: acme.NewLinker("", "acme"),
db: &acme.MockDB{
MockGetAccount: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*acme.Account, error) {
assert.Equals(t, id, accID)
return acc, nil
ctx: ctx,
next: func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
_acc, err := accountFromContext(r.Context())
assert.FatalError(t, err)
assert.Equals(t, _acc, acc)
_jwk, err := jwkFromContext(r.Context())
assert.FatalError(t, err)
assert.Equals(t, _jwk, jwk)
statusCode: http.StatusUnauthorized,
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"account provisioner does not match requested provisioner; account provisioner = %s, requested provisioner = %s",
"other", prov.GetName()),
"fail/account-with-location-prefix/bad-provisioner-id": func(t *testing.T) test {
p := newProvWithID()
acc := &acme.Account{LocationPrefix: prefix + accID, Status: "valid", Key: jwk, ProvisionerID: uuid.NewString()}
ctx := acme.NewProvisionerContext(context.Background(), p)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, jwsContextKey, parsedJWS)
return test{
linker: acme.NewLinker("", "acme"),
db: &acme.MockDB{
MockGetAccount: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*acme.Account, error) {
assert.Equals(t, id, accID)
return acc, nil
ctx: ctx,
next: func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
_acc, err := accountFromContext(r.Context())
assert.FatalError(t, err)
assert.Equals(t, _acc, acc)
_jwk, err := jwkFromContext(r.Context())
assert.FatalError(t, err)
assert.Equals(t, _jwk, jwk)
statusCode: http.StatusUnauthorized,
err: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"account provisioner does not match requested provisioner; account provisioner = %s, requested provisioner = %s",
acc.ProvisionerID, p.GetID()),
"ok/account-with-location-prefix": func(t *testing.T) test {
acc := &acme.Account{LocationPrefix: prefix + accID, Status: "valid", Key: jwk, ProvisionerName: prov.GetName()}
ctx := acme.NewProvisionerContext(context.Background(), prov)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, jwsContextKey, parsedJWS)
return test{
linker: acme.NewLinker("", "acme"),
db: &acme.MockDB{
MockGetAccount: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*acme.Account, error) {
assert.Equals(t, id, accID)
return acc, nil
ctx: ctx,
next: func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
_acc, err := accountFromContext(r.Context())
assert.FatalError(t, err)
assert.Equals(t, _acc, acc)
_jwk, err := jwkFromContext(r.Context())
assert.FatalError(t, err)
assert.Equals(t, _jwk, jwk)
statusCode: http.StatusOK,
"ok/account-without-location-prefix": func(t *testing.T) test {
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
acc := &acme.Account{Status: "valid", Key: jwk}
ctx := acme.NewProvisionerContext(context.Background(), prov)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, jwsContextKey, parsedJWS)
@ -915,38 +785,12 @@ func TestHandler_lookupJWK(t *testing.T) {
statusCode: 200,
"ok/account-with-provisioner-id": func(t *testing.T) test {
p := newProvWithID()
acc := &acme.Account{LocationPrefix: prefix + accID, Status: "valid", Key: jwk, ProvisionerID: p.GetID()}
ctx := acme.NewProvisionerContext(context.Background(), p)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, jwsContextKey, parsedJWS)
return test{
linker: acme.NewLinker("", "acme"),
db: &acme.MockDB{
MockGetAccount: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*acme.Account, error) {
assert.Equals(t, id, accID)
return acc, nil
ctx: ctx,
next: func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
_acc, err := accountFromContext(r.Context())
assert.FatalError(t, err)
assert.Equals(t, _acc, acc)
_jwk, err := jwkFromContext(r.Context())
assert.FatalError(t, err)
assert.Equals(t, _jwk, jwk)
statusCode: 200,
for name, run := range tests {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newBaseContext(tc.ctx, tc.db, tc.linker)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
lookupJWK(, req)
@ -964,6 +808,7 @@ func TestHandler_lookupJWK(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -1145,7 +990,7 @@ func TestHandler_extractJWK(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newBaseContext(tc.ctx, tc.db)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
extractJWK(, req)
@ -1163,6 +1008,7 @@ func TestHandler_extractJWK(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -1520,7 +1366,7 @@ func TestHandler_validateJWS(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newBaseContext(tc.ctx, tc.db)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
validateJWS(, req)
@ -1538,6 +1384,7 @@ func TestHandler_validateJWS(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -1702,7 +1549,7 @@ func TestHandler_extractOrLookupJWK(t *testing.T) {
tc := prep(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newBaseContext(tc.ctx, tc.db, tc.linker)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
extractOrLookupJWK(, req)
@ -1720,6 +1567,7 @@ func TestHandler_extractOrLookupJWK(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -1787,7 +1635,7 @@ func TestHandler_checkPrerequisites(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := acme.NewPrerequisitesCheckerContext(tc.ctx, tc.prerequisitesChecker)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
checkPrerequisites(, req)
@ -1804,6 +1652,7 @@ func TestHandler_checkPrerequisites(t *testing.T) {
assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(bytes.TrimSpace(body), &ae))
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -1812,86 +1661,3 @@ func TestHandler_checkPrerequisites(t *testing.T) {
func Test_retryVerificationWithPatchedSignatures(t *testing.T) {
patchedRKey := []byte(`{
"kid": "uioinbiTlJICL0MYsb6ar1totfRA2tiPqWgntF8xUdo",
"crv": "P-256",
"alg": "ES256",
"kty": "EC",
"x": "wlz-Kv9X0h32fzLq-cogls9HxoZQqV-GuWxdb2MCeUY",
"y": "xzP6zRrg_jynYljZTxfJuql_QWtdQR6lpJ52q_6Vavg"
patchedRJWK := &jose.JSONWebKey{}
err := json.Unmarshal(patchedRKey, patchedRJWK)
require.NoError(t, err)
patchedRBody := `{"payload":"dGVzdC0xMTA1","protected":"eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9","signature":"rQPYKYflfKnlgBKqDeWsJH2TJ6iHAnou7sFzXlmYD4ArXqLfYuqotWERKrna2wfzh0pu7USWO2gzlOqRK9qq"}`
patchedR, err := jose.ParseJWS(patchedRBody)
require.NoError(t, err)
patchedSKey := []byte(`{
"kid": "PblXsnK59uTiF5k3mmAN2B6HDPPxqBL_4UGhEG8ZO6g",
"crv": "P-256",
"alg": "ES256",
"kty": "EC",
"x": "T5aM_TOSattXNeUkH1VHZXh8URzdjZTI2zLvVgI0cy0",
"y": "Lf8h8qZnURXIxm6OnQ69kxGC91YtTZRD2GAroEf1UA8"
patchedSJWK := &jose.JSONWebKey{}
err = json.Unmarshal(patchedSKey, patchedSJWK)
require.NoError(t, err)
patchedSBody := `{"payload":"dGVzdC02Ng","protected":"eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9","signature":"krtSKSgVB04oqx6i9QLeal_wZSnjV1_PSIM3AubT0WRIxnhl_yYbVpa3i53p3dUW56TtP6_SUZboH6SvLHMz"}`
patchedS, err := jose.ParseJWS(patchedSBody)
require.NoError(t, err)
patchedRSKey := []byte(`{
"kid": "U8BmBVbZsNUawvhOomJQPa6uYj1rdxCPQWF_nOLVsc4",
"crv": "P-256",
"alg": "ES256",
"kty": "EC",
"x": "Ym0l3GMS6aHBLo-xe73Kub4kafnOBu_QAfOsx5y-bV0",
"y": "wKijX9Cu67HbK94StPcI18WulgRfIMbP2ZU7gQuf3-M"
patchedRSJWK := &jose.JSONWebKey{}
err = json.Unmarshal(patchedRSKey, patchedRSJWK)
require.NoError(t, err)
patchedRSBody := `{"payload":"dGVzdC05MDY3","protected":"eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9","signature":"2r_My19oRg7mWf9I5JTkNYp8otfEMz-yXRA8ltZTAKZxyJLurpVEgicmNItu7lfcCrGrTgI3Obye_gSaIyc"}`
patchedRS, err := jose.ParseJWS(patchedRSBody)
require.NoError(t, err)
patchedRWithWrongJWK, err := jose.ParseJWS(patchedRBody)
require.NoError(t, err)
tests := []struct {
name string
jws *jose.JSONWebSignature
jwk *jose.JSONWebKey
expectedData []byte
expectedSignature string
expectedError error
{"ok/patched-r", patchedR, patchedRJWK, []byte(`test-1105`), `AK0D2CmH5Xyp5YASqg3lrCR9kyeohwJ6Lu7Bc15ZmA-AK16i32LqqLVhESq52tsH84dKbu1EljtoM5TqkSvaqg`, nil},
{"ok/patched-s", patchedS, patchedSJWK, []byte(`test-66`), `krtSKSgVB04oqx6i9QLeal_wZSnjV1_PSIM3AubT0WQASMZ4Zf8mG1aWt4ud6d3VFuek7T-v0lGW6B-kryxzMw`, nil},
{"ok/patched-rs", patchedRS, patchedRSJWK, []byte(`test-9067`), `ANq_zMtfaEYO5ln_SOSU5DWKfKLXxDM_sl0QPJbWUwAApnHIku6ulUSCJyY0i27uV9wKsatOAjc5vJ7-BJojJw`, nil},
{"fail/patched-r-wrong-jwk", patchedRWithWrongJWK, patchedRSJWK, nil, `rQPYKYflfKnlgBKqDeWsJH2TJ6iHAnou7sFzXlmYD4ArXqLfYuqotWERKrna2wfzh0pu7USWO2gzlOqRK9qq`, errors.New("go-jose/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive")},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
expectedSignature, decodeErr := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(tt.expectedSignature)
require.NoError(t, decodeErr)
data, err := retryVerificationWithPatchedSignatures(tt.jws, tt.jwk)
if tt.expectedError != nil {
tassert.EqualError(t, err, tt.expectedError.Error())
tassert.Equal(t, expectedSignature, tt.jws.Signatures[0].Signature)
tassert.Empty(t, data)
tassert.NoError(t, err)
tassert.Len(t, tt.jws.Signatures[0].Signature, 64)
tassert.Equal(t, expectedSignature, tt.jws.Signatures[0].Signature)
tassert.Equal(t, tt.expectedData, data)

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
@ -99,29 +99,29 @@ func NewOrder(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
acc, err := accountFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
prov, err := provisionerFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
payload, err := payloadFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
var nor NewOrderRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(payload.value, &nor); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err,
render.Error(w, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err,
"failed to unmarshal new-order request payload"))
if err := nor.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -130,39 +130,39 @@ func NewOrder(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
acmeProv, err := acmeProvisionerFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
var eak *acme.ExternalAccountKey
if acmeProv.RequireEAB {
if eak, err = db.GetExternalAccountKeyByAccountID(ctx, prov.GetID(), acc.ID); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving external account binding key"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving external account binding key"))
acmePolicy, err := newACMEPolicyEngine(eak)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error creating ACME policy engine"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error creating ACME policy engine"))
for _, identifier := range nor.Identifiers {
// evaluate the ACME account level policy
if err = isIdentifierAllowed(acmePolicy, identifier); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorRejectedIdentifierType, err, "not authorized"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorRejectedIdentifierType, err, "not authorized"))
// evaluate the provisioner level policy
orderIdentifier := provisioner.ACMEIdentifier{Type: provisioner.ACMEIdentifierType(identifier.Type), Value: identifier.Value}
if err = prov.AuthorizeOrderIdentifier(ctx, orderIdentifier); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorRejectedIdentifierType, err, "not authorized"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorRejectedIdentifierType, err, "not authorized"))
// evaluate the authority level policy
if err = ca.AreSANsAllowed(ctx, []string{identifier.Value}); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorRejectedIdentifierType, err, "not authorized"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorRejectedIdentifierType, err, "not authorized"))
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func NewOrder(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
Status: acme.StatusPending,
if err := newAuthorization(ctx, az); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
o.AuthorizationIDs[i] = az.ID
@ -207,14 +207,14 @@ func NewOrder(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := db.CreateOrder(ctx, o); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error creating order"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error creating order"))
linker.LinkOrder(ctx, o)
w.Header().Set("Location", linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.OrderLinkType, o.ID))
render.JSONStatus(w, r, o, http.StatusCreated)
render.JSONStatus(w, o, http.StatusCreated)
func isIdentifierAllowed(acmePolicy policy.X509Policy, identifier acme.Identifier) error {
@ -226,7 +226,6 @@ func isIdentifierAllowed(acmePolicy policy.X509Policy, identifier acme.Identifie
func newACMEPolicyEngine(eak *acme.ExternalAccountKey) (policy.X509Policy, error) {
if eak == nil {
//nolint:nilnil,nolintlint // expected values
return nil, nil
return policy.NewX509PolicyEngine(eak.Policy)
@ -289,39 +288,39 @@ func GetOrder(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
acc, err := accountFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
prov, err := provisionerFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
o, err := db.GetOrder(ctx, chi.URLParam(r, "ordID"))
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving order"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving order"))
if acc.ID != o.AccountID {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"account '%s' does not own order '%s'", acc.ID, o.ID))
if prov.GetID() != o.ProvisionerID {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"provisioner '%s' does not own order '%s'", prov.GetID(), o.ID))
if err = o.UpdateStatus(ctx, db); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating order status"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating order status"))
linker.LinkOrder(ctx, o)
w.Header().Set("Location", linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.OrderLinkType, o.ID))
render.JSON(w, r, o)
render.JSON(w, o)
// FinalizeOrder attempts to finalize an order and create a certificate.
@ -332,56 +331,56 @@ func FinalizeOrder(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
acc, err := accountFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
prov, err := provisionerFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
payload, err := payloadFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
var fr FinalizeRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(payload.value, &fr); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err,
render.Error(w, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err,
"failed to unmarshal finalize-order request payload"))
if err := fr.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
o, err := db.GetOrder(ctx, chi.URLParam(r, "ordID"))
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving order"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving order"))
if acc.ID != o.AccountID {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"account '%s' does not own order '%s'", acc.ID, o.ID))
if prov.GetID() != o.ProvisionerID {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"provisioner '%s' does not own order '%s'", prov.GetID(), o.ID))
ca := mustAuthority(ctx)
if err = o.Finalize(ctx, db, fr.csr, ca, prov); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error finalizing order"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error finalizing order"))
linker.LinkOrder(ctx, o)
w.Header().Set("Location", linker.GetLink(ctx, acme.OrderLinkType, o.ID))
render.JSON(w, r, o)
render.JSON(w, o)
// challengeTypes determines the types of challenges that should be used

@ -8,14 +8,13 @@ import (
@ -469,7 +468,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetOrder(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newBaseContext(tc.ctx, tc.db, acme.NewLinker("", "acme"))
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
GetOrder(w, req)
@ -487,6 +486,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetOrder(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@ func TestHandler_NewOrder(t *testing.T) {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newBaseContext(tc.ctx, tc.db, acme.NewLinker("", "acme"))
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
NewOrder(w, req)
@ -1846,6 +1846,7 @@ func TestHandler_NewOrder(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
@ -2125,7 +2126,7 @@ func TestHandler_FinalizeOrder(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newBaseContext(tc.ctx, tc.db, acme.NewLinker("", "acme"))
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
FinalizeOrder(w, req)
@ -2143,6 +2144,7 @@ func TestHandler_FinalizeOrder(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {

@ -33,65 +33,65 @@ func RevokeCert(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
jws, err := jwsFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
prov, err := provisionerFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
payload, err := payloadFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
var p revokePayload
err = json.Unmarshal(payload.value, &p)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error unmarshaling payload"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error unmarshaling payload"))
certBytes, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(p.Certificate)
if err != nil {
// in this case the most likely cause is a client that didn't properly encode the certificate
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err, "error base64url decoding payload certificate property"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err, "error base64url decoding payload certificate property"))
certToBeRevoked, err := x509.ParseCertificate(certBytes)
if err != nil {
// in this case a client may have encoded something different than a certificate
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err, "error parsing certificate"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, err, "error parsing certificate"))
serial := certToBeRevoked.SerialNumber.String()
dbCert, err := db.GetCertificateBySerial(ctx, serial)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving certificate by serial"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving certificate by serial"))
if !bytes.Equal(dbCert.Leaf.Raw, certToBeRevoked.Raw) {
// this should never happen
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewErrorISE("certificate raw bytes are not equal"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewErrorISE("certificate raw bytes are not equal"))
if shouldCheckAccountFrom(jws) {
account, err := accountFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
acmeErr := isAccountAuthorized(ctx, dbCert, certToBeRevoked, account)
if acmeErr != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acmeErr)
render.Error(w, acmeErr)
} else {
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ func RevokeCert(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
_, err := jws.Verify(certToBeRevoked.PublicKey)
if err != nil {
// TODO(hs): possible to determine an error vs. unauthorized and thus provide an ISE vs. Unauthorized?
render.Error(w, r, wrapUnauthorizedError(certToBeRevoked, nil, "verification of jws using certificate public key failed", err))
render.Error(w, wrapUnauthorizedError(certToBeRevoked, nil, "verification of jws using certificate public key failed", err))
@ -108,19 +108,19 @@ func RevokeCert(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ca := mustAuthority(ctx)
hasBeenRevokedBefore, err := ca.IsRevoked(serial)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving revocation status of certificate"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving revocation status of certificate"))
if hasBeenRevokedBefore {
render.Error(w, r, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorAlreadyRevokedType, "certificate was already revoked"))
render.Error(w, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorAlreadyRevokedType, "certificate was already revoked"))
reasonCode := p.ReasonCode
acmeErr := validateReasonCode(reasonCode)
if acmeErr != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acmeErr)
render.Error(w, acmeErr)
@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ func RevokeCert(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx = provisioner.NewContextWithMethod(ctx, provisioner.RevokeMethod)
err = prov.AuthorizeRevoke(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error authorizing revocation on provisioner"))
render.Error(w, acme.WrapErrorISE(err, "error authorizing revocation on provisioner"))
options := revokeOptions(serial, certToBeRevoked, reasonCode)
err = ca.Revoke(ctx, options)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, wrapRevokeErr(err))
render.Error(w, wrapRevokeErr(err))
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ func RevokeCert(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// the identifiers in the certificate are extracted and compared against the (valid) Authorizations
// that are stored for the ACME Account. If these sets match, the Account is considered authorized
// to revoke the certificate. If this check fails, the client will receive an unauthorized error.
func isAccountAuthorized(_ context.Context, dbCert *acme.Certificate, certToBeRevoked *x509.Certificate, account *acme.Account) *acme.Error {
func isAccountAuthorized(ctx context.Context, dbCert *acme.Certificate, certToBeRevoked *x509.Certificate, account *acme.Account) *acme.Error {
if !account.IsValid() {
return wrapUnauthorizedError(certToBeRevoked, nil, fmt.Sprintf("account '%s' has status '%s'", account.ID, account.Status), nil)

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import (
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ func jwkEncode(pub crypto.PublicKey) (string, error) {
// jwsFinal constructs the final JWS object.
// Implementation taken from, which seems to be based on
func jwsFinal(_ crypto.Hash, sig []byte, phead, payload string) ([]byte, error) {
func jwsFinal(sha crypto.Hash, sig []byte, phead, payload string) ([]byte, error) {
enc := struct {
Protected string `json:"protected"`
Payload string `json:"payload"`
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ type mockCA struct {
MockAreSANsallowed func(ctx context.Context, sans []string) error
func (m *mockCA) SignWithContext(context.Context, *x509.CertificateRequest, provisioner.SignOptions, ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
func (m *mockCA) Sign(cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.SignOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
return nil, nil
@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ func TestHandler_RevokeCert(t *testing.T) {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := newBaseContext(tc.ctx, tc.db, acme.NewLinker("", "acme"))
req := httptest.NewRequest("POST", revokeURL, http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("POST", revokeURL, nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
RevokeCert(w, req)
@ -1090,11 +1090,12 @@ func TestHandler_RevokeCert(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, ae.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, ae.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
assert.Equals(t, res.Header["Content-Type"], []string{"application/problem+json"})
} else {
assert.True(t, bytes.Equal(bytes.TrimSpace(body), []byte{}))
assert.Equals(t, int64(-1), req.ContentLength)
assert.Equals(t, int64(0), req.ContentLength)
assert.Equals(t, []string{fmt.Sprintf("<%s/acme/%s/directory>;rel=\"index\"", baseURL.String(), escProvName)}, res.Header["Link"])
@ -1229,6 +1230,7 @@ func TestHandler_isAccountAuthorized(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, acmeErr.Type, tc.err.Type)
assert.Equals(t, acmeErr.Status, tc.err.Status)
assert.Equals(t, acmeErr.Detail, tc.err.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, acmeErr.Identifier, tc.err.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, acmeErr.Subproblems, tc.err.Subproblems)
@ -1279,7 +1281,7 @@ func Test_wrapUnauthorizedError(t *testing.T) {
"wrap-subject": func(t *testing.T) test {
acmeErr := acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType, "verification of jws using certificate public key failed: go-jose/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive")
acmeErr := acme.NewError(acme.ErrorUnauthorizedType, "verification of jws using certificate public key failed: square/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive")
acmeErr.Status = http.StatusForbidden
acmeErr.Detail = "No authorization provided for name"
cert := &x509.Certificate{
@ -1288,7 +1290,7 @@ func Test_wrapUnauthorizedError(t *testing.T) {
return test{
err: errors.New("go-jose/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive"),
err: errors.New("square/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive"),
cert: cert,
unauthorizedIdentifiers: []acme.Identifier{},
msg: "verification of jws using certificate public key failed",
@ -1321,6 +1323,7 @@ func Test_wrapUnauthorizedError(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, acmeErr.Type, tc.want.Type)
assert.Equals(t, acmeErr.Status, tc.want.Status)
assert.Equals(t, acmeErr.Detail, tc.want.Detail)
assert.Equals(t, acmeErr.Identifier, tc.want.Identifier)
assert.Equals(t, acmeErr.Subproblems, tc.want.Subproblems)

@ -8,16 +8,15 @@ import (
// Authorization representst an ACME Authorization.
type Authorization struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
AccountID string `json:"-"`
Token string `json:"-"`
Fingerprint string `json:"-"`
Identifier Identifier `json:"identifier"`
Status Status `json:"status"`
Challenges []*Challenge `json:"challenges"`
Wildcard bool `json:"wildcard"`
ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expires"`
Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"`
ID string `json:"-"`
AccountID string `json:"-"`
Token string `json:"-"`
Identifier Identifier `json:"identifier"`
Status Status `json:"status"`
Challenges []*Challenge `json:"challenges"`
Wildcard bool `json:"wildcard"`
ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expires"`
Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"`
// ToLog enables response logging.

@ -26,17 +26,9 @@ import (
type ChallengeType string
@ -52,18 +44,6 @@ const (
DEVICEATTEST01 ChallengeType = "device-attest-01"
var (
// InsecurePortHTTP01 is the port used to verify http-01 challenges. If not set it
// defaults to 80.
InsecurePortHTTP01 int
// InsecurePortTLSALPN01 is the port used to verify tls-alpn-01 challenges. If not
// set it defaults to 443.
// This variable can be used for testing purposes.
InsecurePortTLSALPN01 int
// Challenge represents an ACME response Challenge type.
type Challenge struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
@ -87,9 +67,10 @@ func (ch *Challenge) ToLog() (interface{}, error) {
return string(b), nil
// Validate attempts to validate the Challenge. Stores changes to the Challenge
// type using the DB interface. If the Challenge is validated, the 'status' and
// 'validated' attributes are updated.
// Validate attempts to validate the challenge. Stores changes to the Challenge
// type using the DB interface.
// satisfactorily validated, the 'status' and 'validated' attributes are
// updated.
func (ch *Challenge) Validate(ctx context.Context, db DB, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey, payload []byte) error {
// If already valid or invalid then return without performing validation.
if ch.Status != StatusPending {
@ -112,12 +93,6 @@ func (ch *Challenge) Validate(ctx context.Context, db DB, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey,
func http01Validate(ctx context.Context, ch *Challenge, db DB, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey) error {
u := &url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: http01ChallengeHost(ch.Value), Path: fmt.Sprintf("/.well-known/acme-challenge/%s", ch.Token)}
// Append insecure port if set.
// Only used for testing purposes.
if InsecurePortHTTP01 != 0 {
u.Host += ":" + strconv.Itoa(InsecurePortHTTP01)
vc := MustClientFromContext(ctx)
resp, err := vc.Get(u.String())
if err != nil {
@ -190,14 +165,7 @@ func tlsalpn01Validate(ctx context.Context, ch *Challenge, db DB, jwk *jose.JSON
InsecureSkipVerify: true, //nolint:gosec // we expect a self-signed challenge certificate
var hostPort string
// Allow to change TLS port for testing purposes.
if port := InsecurePortTLSALPN01; port == 0 {
hostPort = net.JoinHostPort(ch.Value, "443")
} else {
hostPort = net.JoinHostPort(ch.Value, strconv.Itoa(port))
hostPort := net.JoinHostPort(ch.Value, "443")
vc := MustClientFromContext(ctx)
conn, err := vc.TLSDial("tcp", hostPort, config)
@ -342,26 +310,20 @@ func dns01Validate(ctx context.Context, ch *Challenge, db DB, jwk *jose.JSONWebK
return nil
type payloadType struct {
type Payload struct {
AttObj string `json:"attObj"`
Error string `json:"error"`
type attestationObject struct {
type AttestationObject struct {
Format string `json:"fmt"`
AttStatement map[string]interface{} `json:"attStmt,omitempty"`
// TODO(bweeks): move attestation verification to a shared package.
// TODO(bweeks): define new error type for failed attestation validation.
func deviceAttest01Validate(ctx context.Context, ch *Challenge, db DB, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey, payload []byte) error {
// Load authorization to store the key fingerprint.
az, err := db.GetAuthorization(ctx, ch.AuthorizationID)
if err != nil {
return WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading authorization")
// Parse payload.
var p payloadType
var p Payload
if err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &p); err != nil {
return WrapErrorISE(err, "error unmarshalling JSON")
@ -375,23 +337,18 @@ func deviceAttest01Validate(ctx context.Context, ch *Challenge, db DB, jwk *jose
return WrapErrorISE(err, "error base64 decoding attObj")
att := attestationObject{}
att := AttestationObject{}
if err := cbor.Unmarshal(attObj, &att); err != nil {
return WrapErrorISE(err, "error unmarshalling CBOR")
format := att.Format
prov := MustProvisionerFromContext(ctx)
if !prov.IsAttestationFormatEnabled(ctx, provisioner.ACMEAttestationFormat(format)) {
if format != "apple" && format != "step" && format != "tpm" {
return storeError(ctx, db, ch, true, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "unsupported attestation object format %q", format))
if !prov.IsAttestationFormatEnabled(ctx, provisioner.ACMEAttestationFormat(att.Format)) {
return storeError(ctx, db, ch, true,
NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "attestation format %q is not enabled", format))
NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "attestation format %q is not enabled", att.Format))
switch format {
switch att.Format {
case "apple":
data, err := doAppleAttestationFormat(ctx, prov, ch, &att)
if err != nil {
@ -409,7 +366,7 @@ func deviceAttest01Validate(ctx context.Context, ch *Challenge, db DB, jwk *jose
if len(data.Nonce) != 0 {
sum := sha256.Sum256([]byte(ch.Token))
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(data.Nonce, sum[:]) != 1 {
return storeError(ctx, db, ch, true, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "challenge token does not match"))
return storeError(ctx, db, ch, true, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "challenge token does not match"))
@ -418,16 +375,8 @@ func deviceAttest01Validate(ctx context.Context, ch *Challenge, db DB, jwk *jose
// Note: We might want to use an external service for this.
if data.UDID != ch.Value && data.SerialNumber != ch.Value {
subproblem := NewSubproblemWithIdentifier(
Identifier{Type: "permanent-identifier", Value: ch.Value},
"challenge identifier %q doesn't match any of the attested hardware identifiers %q", ch.Value, []string{data.UDID, data.SerialNumber},
return storeError(ctx, db, ch, true, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "permanent identifier does not match").AddSubproblems(subproblem))
return storeError(ctx, db, ch, true, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "permanent identifier does not match"))
// Update attestation key fingerprint to compare against the CSR
az.Fingerprint = data.Fingerprint
case "step":
data, err := doStepAttestationFormat(ctx, prov, ch, jwk, &att)
if err != nil {
@ -441,53 +390,15 @@ func deviceAttest01Validate(ctx context.Context, ch *Challenge, db DB, jwk *jose
return WrapErrorISE(err, "error validating attestation")
// Validate the YubiKey serial number from the attestation
// certificate with the challenged Order value.
// Validate Apple's ClientIdentifier (Identifier.Value) with device
// identifiers.
// Note: We might want to use an external service for this.
if data.SerialNumber != ch.Value {
subproblem := NewSubproblemWithIdentifier(
Identifier{Type: "permanent-identifier", Value: ch.Value},
"challenge identifier %q doesn't match the attested hardware identifier %q", ch.Value, data.SerialNumber,
return storeError(ctx, db, ch, true, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "permanent identifier does not match").AddSubproblems(subproblem))
return storeError(ctx, db, ch, true, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "permanent identifier does not match"))
// Update attestation key fingerprint to compare against the CSR
az.Fingerprint = data.Fingerprint
case "tpm":
data, err := doTPMAttestationFormat(ctx, prov, ch, jwk, &att)
if err != nil {
var acmeError *Error
if errors.As(err, &acmeError) {
if acmeError.Status == 500 {
return acmeError
return storeError(ctx, db, ch, true, acmeError)
return WrapErrorISE(err, "error validating attestation")
// TODO(hs): currently this will allow a request for which no PermanentIdentifiers have been
// extracted from the AK certificate. This is currently the case for AK certs from the CLI, as we
// haven't implemented a way for AK certs requested by the CLI to always contain the requested
// PermanentIdentifier. Omitting the check below doesn't allow just any request, as the Order can
// still fail if the challenge value isn't equal to the CSR subject.
if len(data.PermanentIdentifiers) > 0 && !slices.Contains(data.PermanentIdentifiers, ch.Value) { // TODO(hs): add support for HardwareModuleName
subproblem := NewSubproblemWithIdentifier(
Identifier{Type: "permanent-identifier", Value: ch.Value},
"challenge identifier %q doesn't match any of the attested hardware identifiers %q", ch.Value, data.PermanentIdentifiers,
return storeError(ctx, db, ch, true, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "permanent identifier does not match").AddSubproblems(subproblem))
// Update attestation key fingerprint to compare against the CSR
az.Fingerprint = data.Fingerprint
return storeError(ctx, db, ch, true, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "unsupported attestation object format %q", format))
return storeError(ctx, db, ch, true, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "unexpected attestation object format"))
// Update and store the challenge.
@ -495,314 +406,12 @@ func deviceAttest01Validate(ctx context.Context, ch *Challenge, db DB, jwk *jose
ch.Error = nil
ch.ValidatedAt = clock.Now().Format(time.RFC3339)
// Store the fingerprint in the authorization.
// TODO: add method to update authorization and challenge atomically.
if az.Fingerprint != "" {
if err := db.UpdateAuthorization(ctx, az); err != nil {
return WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating authorization")
if err := db.UpdateChallenge(ctx, ch); err != nil {
return WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating challenge")
return nil
var (
oidSubjectAlternativeName = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 29, 17}
type tpmAttestationData struct {
Certificate *x509.Certificate
VerifiedChains [][]*x509.Certificate
PermanentIdentifiers []string
Fingerprint string
// coseAlgorithmIdentifier models a COSEAlgorithmIdentifier.
// Also see
type coseAlgorithmIdentifier int32
const (
coseAlgES256 coseAlgorithmIdentifier = -7
coseAlgRS256 coseAlgorithmIdentifier = -257
coseAlgRS1 coseAlgorithmIdentifier = -65535 // deprecated, but (still) often used in TPMs
func doTPMAttestationFormat(_ context.Context, prov Provisioner, ch *Challenge, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey, att *attestationObject) (*tpmAttestationData, error) {
ver, ok := att.AttStatement["ver"].(string)
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "ver not present")
if ver != "2.0" {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "version %q is not supported", ver)
x5c, ok := att.AttStatement["x5c"].([]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c not present")
if len(x5c) == 0 {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c is empty")
akCertBytes, ok := x5c[0].([]byte)
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c is malformed")
akCert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(akCertBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is malformed")
intermediates := x509.NewCertPool()
for _, v := range x5c[1:] {
intCertBytes, vok := v.([]byte)
if !vok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c is malformed")
intCert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(intCertBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is malformed")
// TODO(hs): this can be removed when permanent-identifier/hardware-module-name are handled correctly in
// the stdlib in;drc=b5b2cf519fe332891c165077f3723ee74932a647;l=362,
// but I doubt that will happen.
if len(akCert.UnhandledCriticalExtensions) > 0 {
unhandledCriticalExtensions := akCert.UnhandledCriticalExtensions[:0]
for _, extOID := range akCert.UnhandledCriticalExtensions {
if !extOID.Equal(oidSubjectAlternativeName) {
// critical extensions other than the Subject Alternative Name remain unhandled
unhandledCriticalExtensions = append(unhandledCriticalExtensions, extOID)
akCert.UnhandledCriticalExtensions = unhandledCriticalExtensions
roots, ok := prov.GetAttestationRoots()
if !ok {
return nil, NewErrorISE("no root CA bundle available to verify the attestation certificate")
// verify that the AK certificate was signed by a trusted root,
// chained to by the intermediates provided by the client. As part
// of building the verified certificate chain, the signature over the
// AK certificate is checked to be a valid signature of one of the
// provided intermediates. Signatures over the intermediates are in
// turn also verified to be valid signatures from one of the trusted
// roots.
verifiedChains, err := akCert.Verify(x509.VerifyOptions{
Roots: roots,
Intermediates: intermediates,
CurrentTime: time.Now().Truncate(time.Second),
KeyUsages: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageAny},
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is not valid")
// validate additional AK certificate requirements
if err := validateAKCertificate(akCert); err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "AK certificate is not valid")
// TODO(hs): implement revocation check; Verify() doesn't perform CRL check nor OCSP lookup.
sans, err := x509util.ParseSubjectAlternativeNames(akCert)
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "failed parsing AK certificate Subject Alternative Names")
permanentIdentifiers := make([]string, len(sans.PermanentIdentifiers))
for i, pi := range sans.PermanentIdentifiers {
permanentIdentifiers[i] = pi.Identifier
// extract and validate pubArea, sig, certInfo and alg properties from the request body
pubArea, ok := att.AttStatement["pubArea"].([]byte)
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "invalid pubArea in attestation statement")
if len(pubArea) == 0 {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "pubArea is empty")
sig, ok := att.AttStatement["sig"].([]byte)
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "invalid sig in attestation statement")
if len(sig) == 0 {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "sig is empty")
certInfo, ok := att.AttStatement["certInfo"].([]byte)
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "invalid certInfo in attestation statement")
if len(certInfo) == 0 {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "certInfo is empty")
alg, ok := att.AttStatement["alg"].(int64)
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "invalid alg in attestation statement")
var hash crypto.Hash
switch coseAlgorithmIdentifier(alg) {
case coseAlgRS256, coseAlgES256:
hash = crypto.SHA256
case coseAlgRS1:
hash = crypto.SHA1
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "invalid alg %d in attestation statement", alg)
// recreate the generated key certification parameter values and verify
// the attested key using the public key of the AK.
certificationParameters := &attest.CertificationParameters{
Public: pubArea, // the public key that was attested
CreateAttestation: certInfo, // the attested properties of the key
CreateSignature: sig, // signature over the attested properties
verifyOpts := attest.VerifyOpts{
Public: akCert.PublicKey, // public key of the AK that attested the key
Hash: hash,
if err = certificationParameters.Verify(verifyOpts); err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "invalid certification parameters")
// decode the "certInfo" data. This won't fail, as it's also done as part of Verify().
tpmCertInfo, err := tpm2.DecodeAttestationData(certInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "failed decoding attestation data")
keyAuth, err := KeyAuthorization(ch.Token, jwk)
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapErrorISE(err, "failed creating key auth digest")
hashedKeyAuth := sha256.Sum256([]byte(keyAuth))
// verify the WebAuthn object contains the expect key authorization digest, which is carried
// within the encoded `certInfo` property of the attestation statement.
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(hashedKeyAuth[:], []byte(tpmCertInfo.ExtraData)) == 0 {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "key authorization invalid")
// decode the (attested) public key and determine its fingerprint. This won't fail, as it's also done as part of Verify().
pub, err := tpm2.DecodePublic(pubArea)
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "failed decoding pubArea")
publicKey, err := pub.Key()
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "failed getting public key")
data := &tpmAttestationData{
Certificate: akCert,
VerifiedChains: verifiedChains,
PermanentIdentifiers: permanentIdentifiers,
if data.Fingerprint, err = keyutil.Fingerprint(publicKey); err != nil {
return nil, WrapErrorISE(err, "error calculating key fingerprint")
// TODO(hs): pass more attestation data, so that that can be used/recorded too?
return data, nil
var (
oidExtensionExtendedKeyUsage = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 29, 37}
oidTCGKpAIKCertificate = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{2, 23, 133, 8, 3}
// validateAKCertificate validates the X.509 AK certificate to be
// in accordance with the required properties. The requirements come from:
// - Version MUST be set to 3.
// - Subject field MUST be set to empty.
// - The Subject Alternative Name extension MUST be set as defined
// in [TPMv2-EK-Profile] section 3.2.9.
// - The Extended Key Usage extension MUST contain the OID
// ("joint-iso-itu-t(2) international-organizations(23) 133 tcg-kp(8) tcg-kp-AIKCertificate(3)").
// - The Basic Constraints extension MUST have the CA component set to false.
// - An Authority Information Access (AIA) extension with entry id-ad-ocsp
// and a CRL Distribution Point extension [RFC5280] are both OPTIONAL as
// the status of many attestation certificates is available through metadata
// services. See, for example, the FIDO Metadata Service.
func validateAKCertificate(c *x509.Certificate) error {
if c.Version != 3 {
return fmt.Errorf("AK certificate has invalid version %d; only version 3 is allowed", c.Version)
if c.Subject.String() != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("AK certificate subject must be empty; got %q", c.Subject)
if c.IsCA {
return errors.New("AK certificate must not be a CA")
if err := validateAKCertificateExtendedKeyUsage(c); err != nil {
return err
return validateAKCertificateSubjectAlternativeNames(c)
// validateAKCertificateSubjectAlternativeNames checks if the AK certificate
// has TPM hardware details set.
func validateAKCertificateSubjectAlternativeNames(c *x509.Certificate) error {
sans, err := x509util.ParseSubjectAlternativeNames(c)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed parsing AK certificate Subject Alternative Names: %w", err)
details := sans.TPMHardwareDetails
manufacturer, model, version := details.Manufacturer, details.Model, details.Version
switch {
case manufacturer == "":
return errors.New("missing TPM manufacturer")
case model == "":
return errors.New("missing TPM model")
case version == "":
return errors.New("missing TPM version")
return nil
// validateAKCertificateExtendedKeyUsage checks if the AK certificate
// has the "tcg-kp-AIKCertificate" Extended Key Usage set.
func validateAKCertificateExtendedKeyUsage(c *x509.Certificate) error {
var (
valid = false
ekus []asn1.ObjectIdentifier
for _, ext := range c.Extensions {
if ext.Id.Equal(oidExtensionExtendedKeyUsage) {
if _, err := asn1.Unmarshal(ext.Value, &ekus); err != nil || !ekus[0].Equal(oidTCGKpAIKCertificate) {
return errors.New("AK certificate is missing Extended Key Usage value tcg-kp-AIKCertificate (")
valid = true
if !valid {
return errors.New("AK certificate is missing Extended Key Usage extension")
return nil
// Apple Enterprise Attestation Root CA from
const appleEnterpriseAttestationRootCA = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
@ -833,10 +442,9 @@ type appleAttestationData struct {
UDID string
SEPVersion string
Certificate *x509.Certificate
Fingerprint string
func doAppleAttestationFormat(_ context.Context, prov Provisioner, _ *Challenge, att *attestationObject) (*appleAttestationData, error) {
func doAppleAttestationFormat(ctx context.Context, prov Provisioner, ch *Challenge, att *AttestationObject) (*appleAttestationData, error) {
// Use configured or default attestation roots if none is configured.
roots, ok := prov.GetAttestationRoots()
if !ok {
@ -850,30 +458,30 @@ func doAppleAttestationFormat(_ context.Context, prov Provisioner, _ *Challenge,
x5c, ok := att.AttStatement["x5c"].([]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c not present")
return nil, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c not present")
if len(x5c) == 0 {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c is empty")
return nil, NewError(ErrorRejectedIdentifierType, "x5c is empty")
der, ok := x5c[0].([]byte)
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c is malformed")
return nil, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c is malformed")
leaf, err := x509.ParseCertificate(der)
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is malformed")
return nil, WrapError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is malformed")
intermediates := x509.NewCertPool()
for _, v := range x5c[1:] {
der, ok = v.([]byte)
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c is malformed")
return nil, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c is malformed")
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(der)
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is malformed")
return nil, WrapError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is malformed")
@ -884,15 +492,12 @@ func doAppleAttestationFormat(_ context.Context, prov Provisioner, _ *Challenge,
CurrentTime: time.Now().Truncate(time.Second),
KeyUsages: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageAny},
}); err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is not valid")
return nil, WrapError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is not valid")
data := &appleAttestationData{
Certificate: leaf,
if data.Fingerprint, err = keyutil.Fingerprint(leaf.PublicKey); err != nil {
return nil, WrapErrorISE(err, "error calculating key fingerprint")
for _, ext := range leaf.Extensions {
switch {
case ext.Id.Equal(oidAppleSerialNumber):
@ -938,10 +543,9 @@ var oidYubicoSerialNumber = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 41482, 3, 7}
type stepAttestationData struct {
Certificate *x509.Certificate
SerialNumber string
Fingerprint string
func doStepAttestationFormat(_ context.Context, prov Provisioner, ch *Challenge, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey, att *attestationObject) (*stepAttestationData, error) {
func doStepAttestationFormat(ctx context.Context, prov Provisioner, ch *Challenge, jwk *jose.JSONWebKey, att *AttestationObject) (*stepAttestationData, error) {
// Use configured or default attestation roots if none is configured.
roots, ok := prov.GetAttestationRoots()
if !ok {
@ -956,28 +560,28 @@ func doStepAttestationFormat(_ context.Context, prov Provisioner, ch *Challenge,
// Extract x5c and verify certificate
x5c, ok := att.AttStatement["x5c"].([]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c not present")
return nil, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c not present")
if len(x5c) == 0 {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorRejectedIdentifierType, "x5c is empty")
return nil, NewError(ErrorRejectedIdentifierType, "x5c is empty")
der, ok := x5c[0].([]byte)
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c is malformed")
return nil, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c is malformed")
leaf, err := x509.ParseCertificate(der)
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is malformed")
return nil, WrapError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is malformed")
intermediates := x509.NewCertPool()
for _, v := range x5c[1:] {
der, ok = v.([]byte)
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c is malformed")
return nil, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "x5c is malformed")
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(der)
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is malformed")
return nil, WrapError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is malformed")
@ -987,7 +591,7 @@ func doStepAttestationFormat(_ context.Context, prov Provisioner, ch *Challenge,
CurrentTime: time.Now().Truncate(time.Second),
KeyUsages: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageAny},
}); err != nil {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is not valid")
return nil, WrapError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "x5c is not valid")
// Verify proof of possession of private key validating the key
@ -997,10 +601,10 @@ func doStepAttestationFormat(_ context.Context, prov Provisioner, ch *Challenge,
var sig []byte
csig, ok := att.AttStatement["sig"].([]byte)
if !ok {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "sig not present")
return nil, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "sig not present")
if err := cbor.Unmarshal(csig, &sig); err != nil {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "sig is malformed")
return nil, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "sig is malformed")
keyAuth, err := KeyAuthorization(ch.Token, jwk)
if err != nil {
@ -1010,23 +614,23 @@ func doStepAttestationFormat(_ context.Context, prov Provisioner, ch *Challenge,
switch pub := leaf.PublicKey.(type) {
case *ecdsa.PublicKey:
if pub.Curve != elliptic.P256() {
return nil, WrapDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "unsupported elliptic curve %s", pub.Curve)
return nil, WrapError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, err, "unsupported elliptic curve %s", pub.Curve)
sum := sha256.Sum256([]byte(keyAuth))
if !ecdsa.VerifyASN1(pub, sum[:], sig) {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "failed to validate signature")
return nil, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "failed to validate signature")
case *rsa.PublicKey:
sum := sha256.Sum256([]byte(keyAuth))
if err := rsa.VerifyPKCS1v15(pub, crypto.SHA256, sum[:], sig); err != nil {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "failed to validate signature")
return nil, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "failed to validate signature")
case ed25519.PublicKey:
if !ed25519.Verify(pub, []byte(keyAuth), sig) {
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "failed to validate signature")
return nil, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "failed to validate signature")
return nil, NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "unsupported public key type %T", pub)
return nil, NewError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "unsupported public key type %T", pub)
// Parse attestation data:
@ -1034,9 +638,6 @@ func doStepAttestationFormat(_ context.Context, prov Provisioner, ch *Challenge,
data := &stepAttestationData{
Certificate: leaf,
if data.Fingerprint, err = keyutil.Fingerprint(leaf.PublicKey); err != nil {
return nil, WrapErrorISE(err, "error calculating key fingerprint")
for _, ext := range leaf.Extensions {
if !ext.Id.Equal(oidYubicoSerialNumber) {
@ -1100,10 +701,10 @@ func uitoa(val uint) string {
var buf [20]byte // big enough for 64bit value base 10
i := len(buf) - 1
for val >= 10 {
v := val / 10
buf[i] = byte('0' + val - v*10)
q := val / 10
buf[i] = byte('0' + val - q*10)
val = v
val = q
// val < 10
buf[i] = byte('0' + val)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1,860 +0,0 @@
//go:build tpmsimulator
// +build tpmsimulator
package acme
import (
tpmstorage ""
func newSimulatedTPM(t *testing.T) *tpm.TPM {
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
tpm, err := tpm.New(withSimulator(t), tpm.WithStore(tpmstorage.NewDirstore(tmpDir))) // TODO: provide in-memory storage implementation instead
require.NoError(t, err)
return tpm
func withSimulator(t *testing.T) tpm.NewTPMOption {
var sim simulator.Simulator
t.Cleanup(func() {
if sim == nil {
err := sim.Close()
require.NoError(t, err)
sim, err := simulator.New()
require.NoError(t, err)
err = sim.Open()
require.NoError(t, err)
return tpm.WithSimulator(sim)
func generateKeyID(t *testing.T, pub crypto.PublicKey) []byte {
b, err := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(pub)
require.NoError(t, err)
hash := sha256.Sum256(b)
return hash[:]
func mustAttestTPM(t *testing.T, keyAuthorization string, permanentIdentifiers []string) ([]byte, crypto.Signer, *x509.Certificate) {
aca, err := minica.New(
minica.WithName("TPM Testing"),
func() (crypto.Signer, error) {
return keyutil.GenerateSigner("RSA", "", 2048)
require.NoError(t, err)
// prepare simulated TPM and create an AK
stpm := newSimulatedTPM(t)
eks, err := stpm.GetEKs(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
ak, err := stpm.CreateAK(context.Background(), "first-ak")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, ak)
// extract the AK public key // TODO(hs): replace this when there's a simpler method to get the AK public key (e.g. ak.Public())
ap, err := ak.AttestationParameters(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
akp, err := attest.ParseAKPublic(attest.TPMVersion20, ap.Public)
require.NoError(t, err)
// create template and sign certificate for the AK public key
keyID := generateKeyID(t, eks[0].Public())
template := &x509.Certificate{
PublicKey: akp.Public,
IsCA: false,
UnknownExtKeyUsage: []asn1.ObjectIdentifier{oidTCGKpAIKCertificate},
sans := []x509util.SubjectAlternativeName{}
uris := []*url.URL{{Scheme: "urn", Opaque: "ek:sha256:" + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(keyID)}}
for _, pi := range permanentIdentifiers {
sans = append(sans, x509util.SubjectAlternativeName{
Type: x509util.PermanentIdentifierType,
Value: pi,
asn1Value := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"extraNames":[{"type": %q, "value": %q},{"type": %q, "value": %q},{"type": %q, "value": %q}]}`, oidTPMManufacturer, "1414747215", oidTPMModel, "SLB 9670 TPM2.0", oidTPMVersion, "7.55"))
sans = append(sans, x509util.SubjectAlternativeName{
Type: x509util.DirectoryNameType,
ASN1Value: asn1Value,
ext, err := createSubjectAltNameExtension(nil, nil, nil, uris, sans, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
akCert, err := aca.Sign(template)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, akCert)
// create a new key attested by the AK, while including
// the key authorization bytes as qualifying data.
keyAuthSum := sha256.Sum256([]byte(keyAuthorization))
config := tpm.AttestKeyConfig{
Algorithm: "RSA",
Size: 2048,
QualifyingData: keyAuthSum[:],
key, err := stpm.AttestKey(context.Background(), "first-ak", "first-key", config)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, key)
require.Equal(t, "first-key", key.Name())
require.NotEqual(t, 0, len(key.Data()))
require.Equal(t, "first-ak", key.AttestedBy())
require.True(t, key.WasAttested())
require.True(t, key.WasAttestedBy(ak))
signer, err := key.Signer(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
// prepare the attestation object with the AK certificate chain,
// the attested key, its metadata and the signature signed by the
// AK.
params, err := key.CertificationParameters(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
attObj, err := cbor.Marshal(struct {
Format string `json:"fmt"`
AttStatement map[string]interface{} `json:"attStmt,omitempty"`
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
require.NoError(t, err)
// marshal the ACME payload
payload, err := json.Marshal(struct {
AttObj string `json:"attObj"`
AttObj: base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(attObj),
require.NoError(t, err)
return payload, signer, aca.Root
func Test_deviceAttest01ValidateWithTPMSimulator(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
ch *Challenge
db DB
jwk *jose.JSONWebKey
payload []byte
type test struct {
args args
wantErr *Error
tests := map[string]func(t *testing.T) test{
"ok/doTPMAttestationFormat-storeError": func(t *testing.T) test {
jwk, keyAuth := mustAccountAndKeyAuthorization(t, "token")
payload, _, root := mustAttestTPM(t, keyAuth, nil) // TODO: value(s) for AK cert?
caRoot := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: root.Raw})
ctx := NewProvisionerContext(context.Background(), mustAttestationProvisioner(t, caRoot))
// parse payload, set invalid "ver", remarshal
var p payloadType
err := json.Unmarshal(payload, &p)
require.NoError(t, err)
attObj, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(p.AttObj)
require.NoError(t, err)
att := attestationObject{}
err = cbor.Unmarshal(attObj, &att)
require.NoError(t, err)
att.AttStatement["ver"] = "bogus"
attObj, err = cbor.Marshal(struct {
Format string `json:"fmt"`
AttStatement map[string]interface{} `json:"attStmt,omitempty"`
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: att.AttStatement,
require.NoError(t, err)
payload, err = json.Marshal(struct {
AttObj string `json:"attObj"`
AttObj: base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(attObj),
require.NoError(t, err)
return test{
args: args{
ctx: ctx,
jwk: jwk,
ch: &Challenge{
ID: "chID",
AuthorizationID: "azID",
Token: "token",
Type: "device-attest-01",
Status: StatusPending,
Value: "",
payload: payload,
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
assert.Equal(t, "azID", id)
return &Authorization{ID: "azID"}, nil
MockUpdateChallenge: func(ctx context.Context, updch *Challenge) error {
assert.Equal(t, "chID", updch.ID)
assert.Equal(t, "token", updch.Token)
assert.Equal(t, StatusInvalid, updch.Status)
assert.Equal(t, ChallengeType("device-attest-01"), updch.Type)
assert.Equal(t, "", updch.Value)
err := NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, `version "bogus" is not supported`)
assert.EqualError(t, updch.Error.Err, err.Err.Error())
assert.Equal(t, err.Type, updch.Error.Type)
assert.Equal(t, err.Detail, updch.Error.Detail)
assert.Equal(t, err.Status, updch.Error.Status)
assert.Equal(t, err.Subproblems, updch.Error.Subproblems)
return nil
wantErr: nil,
"ok with invalid PermanentIdentifier SAN": func(t *testing.T) test {
jwk, keyAuth := mustAccountAndKeyAuthorization(t, "token")
payload, _, root := mustAttestTPM(t, keyAuth, []string{""}) // TODO: value(s) for AK cert?
caRoot := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: root.Raw})
ctx := NewProvisionerContext(context.Background(), mustAttestationProvisioner(t, caRoot))
return test{
args: args{
ctx: ctx,
jwk: jwk,
ch: &Challenge{
ID: "chID",
AuthorizationID: "azID",
Token: "token",
Type: "device-attest-01",
Status: StatusPending,
Value: "",
payload: payload,
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
assert.Equal(t, "azID", id)
return &Authorization{ID: "azID"}, nil
MockUpdateChallenge: func(ctx context.Context, updch *Challenge) error {
assert.Equal(t, "chID", updch.ID)
assert.Equal(t, "token", updch.Token)
assert.Equal(t, StatusInvalid, updch.Status)
assert.Equal(t, ChallengeType("device-attest-01"), updch.Type)
assert.Equal(t, "", updch.Value)
err := NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, `permanent identifier does not match`).
Identifier{Type: "permanent-identifier", Value: ""},
`challenge identifier "" doesn't match any of the attested hardware identifiers [""]`,
assert.EqualError(t, updch.Error.Err, err.Err.Error())
assert.Equal(t, err.Type, updch.Error.Type)
assert.Equal(t, err.Detail, updch.Error.Detail)
assert.Equal(t, err.Status, updch.Error.Status)
assert.Equal(t, err.Subproblems, updch.Error.Subproblems)
return nil
wantErr: nil,
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
jwk, keyAuth := mustAccountAndKeyAuthorization(t, "token")
payload, signer, root := mustAttestTPM(t, keyAuth, nil) // TODO: value(s) for AK cert?
caRoot := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: root.Raw})
ctx := NewProvisionerContext(context.Background(), mustAttestationProvisioner(t, caRoot))
return test{
args: args{
ctx: ctx,
jwk: jwk,
ch: &Challenge{
ID: "chID",
AuthorizationID: "azID",
Token: "token",
Type: "device-attest-01",
Status: StatusPending,
Value: "",
payload: payload,
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
assert.Equal(t, "azID", id)
return &Authorization{ID: "azID"}, nil
MockUpdateAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, az *Authorization) error {
fingerprint, err := keyutil.Fingerprint(signer.Public())
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "azID", az.ID)
assert.Equal(t, fingerprint, az.Fingerprint)
return nil
MockUpdateChallenge: func(ctx context.Context, updch *Challenge) error {
assert.Equal(t, "chID", updch.ID)
assert.Equal(t, "token", updch.Token)
assert.Equal(t, StatusValid, updch.Status)
assert.Equal(t, ChallengeType("device-attest-01"), updch.Type)
assert.Equal(t, "", updch.Value)
return nil
wantErr: nil,
"ok with PermanentIdentifier SAN": func(t *testing.T) test {
jwk, keyAuth := mustAccountAndKeyAuthorization(t, "token")
payload, signer, root := mustAttestTPM(t, keyAuth, []string{""}) // TODO: value(s) for AK cert?
caRoot := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: root.Raw})
ctx := NewProvisionerContext(context.Background(), mustAttestationProvisioner(t, caRoot))
return test{
args: args{
ctx: ctx,
jwk: jwk,
ch: &Challenge{
ID: "chID",
AuthorizationID: "azID",
Token: "token",
Type: "device-attest-01",
Status: StatusPending,
Value: "",
payload: payload,
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
assert.Equal(t, "azID", id)
return &Authorization{ID: "azID"}, nil
MockUpdateAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, az *Authorization) error {
fingerprint, err := keyutil.Fingerprint(signer.Public())
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "azID", az.ID)
assert.Equal(t, fingerprint, az.Fingerprint)
return nil
MockUpdateChallenge: func(ctx context.Context, updch *Challenge) error {
assert.Equal(t, "chID", updch.ID)
assert.Equal(t, "token", updch.Token)
assert.Equal(t, StatusValid, updch.Status)
assert.Equal(t, ChallengeType("device-attest-01"), updch.Type)
assert.Equal(t, "", updch.Value)
return nil
wantErr: nil,
for name, run := range tests {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
tc := run(t)
if err := deviceAttest01Validate(tc.args.ctx,, tc.args.db, tc.args.jwk, tc.args.payload); err != nil {
assert.Error(t, tc.wantErr)
assert.EqualError(t, err, tc.wantErr.Error())
assert.Nil(t, tc.wantErr)
func newBadAttestationStatementError(msg string) *Error {
return &Error{
Type: "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badAttestationStatement",
Status: 400,
Err: errors.New(msg),
func newInternalServerError(msg string) *Error {
return &Error{
Type: "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:serverInternal",
Status: 500,
Err: errors.New(msg),
var (
oidPermanentIdentifier = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 3}
oidHardwareModuleNameIdentifier = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 4}
func Test_doTPMAttestationFormat(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
aca, err := minica.New(
minica.WithName("TPM Testing"),
func() (crypto.Signer, error) {
return keyutil.GenerateSigner("RSA", "", 2048)
require.NoError(t, err)
acaRoot := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: aca.Root.Raw})
// prepare simulated TPM and create an AK
stpm := newSimulatedTPM(t)
eks, err := stpm.GetEKs(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
ak, err := stpm.CreateAK(context.Background(), "first-ak")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, ak)
// extract the AK public key // TODO(hs): replace this when there's a simpler method to get the AK public key (e.g. ak.Public())
ap, err := ak.AttestationParameters(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
akp, err := attest.ParseAKPublic(attest.TPMVersion20, ap.Public)
require.NoError(t, err)
// create template and sign certificate for the AK public key
keyID := generateKeyID(t, eks[0].Public())
template := &x509.Certificate{
PublicKey: akp.Public,
IsCA: false,
UnknownExtKeyUsage: []asn1.ObjectIdentifier{oidTCGKpAIKCertificate},
sans := []x509util.SubjectAlternativeName{}
uris := []*url.URL{{Scheme: "urn", Opaque: "ek:sha256:" + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(keyID)}}
asn1Value := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"extraNames":[{"type": %q, "value": %q},{"type": %q, "value": %q},{"type": %q, "value": %q}]}`, oidTPMManufacturer, "1414747215", oidTPMModel, "SLB 9670 TPM2.0", oidTPMVersion, "7.55"))
sans = append(sans, x509util.SubjectAlternativeName{
Type: x509util.DirectoryNameType,
ASN1Value: asn1Value,
ext, err := createSubjectAltNameExtension(nil, nil, nil, uris, sans, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
akCert, err := aca.Sign(template)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, akCert)
invalidTemplate := &x509.Certificate{
PublicKey: akp.Public,
IsCA: false,
UnknownExtKeyUsage: []asn1.ObjectIdentifier{oidTCGKpAIKCertificate},
invalidAKCert, err := aca.Sign(invalidTemplate)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, invalidAKCert)
// generate a JWK and the key authorization value
jwk, err := jose.GenerateJWK("EC", "P-256", "ES256", "sig", "", 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
keyAuthorization, err := KeyAuthorization("token", jwk)
require.NoError(t, err)
// create a new key attested by the AK, while including
// the key authorization bytes as qualifying data.
keyAuthSum := sha256.Sum256([]byte(keyAuthorization))
config := tpm.AttestKeyConfig{
Algorithm: "RSA",
Size: 2048,
QualifyingData: keyAuthSum[:],
key, err := stpm.AttestKey(context.Background(), "first-ak", "first-key", config)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, key)
params, err := key.CertificationParameters(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
signer, err := key.Signer(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
fingerprint, err := keyutil.Fingerprint(signer.Public())
require.NoError(t, err)
// attest another key and get its certification parameters
anotherKey, err := stpm.AttestKey(context.Background(), "first-ak", "another-key", config)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, key)
anotherKeyParams, err := anotherKey.CertificationParameters(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
prov Provisioner
ch *Challenge
jwk *jose.JSONWebKey
att *attestationObject
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want *tpmAttestationData
expErr *Error
{"ok", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, nil},
{"fail ver not present", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("ver not present")},
{"fail ver type", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": []interface{}{},
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("ver not present")},
{"fail bogus ver", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "bogus",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError(`version "bogus" is not supported`)},
{"fail x5c not present", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("x5c not present")},
{"fail x5c type", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": [][]byte{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("x5c not present")},
{"fail x5c empty", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("x5c is empty")},
{"fail leaf type", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "step",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{"leaf", aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("x5c is malformed")},
{"fail leaf parse", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "step",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw[:100], aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("x5c is malformed: x509: malformed certificate")},
{"fail intermediate type", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "step",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, "intermediate"},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("x5c is malformed")},
{"fail intermediate parse", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "step",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw[:100]},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("x5c is malformed: x509: malformed certificate")},
{"fail roots", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, nil), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newInternalServerError("no root CA bundle available to verify the attestation certificate")},
{"fail verify", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "step",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("x5c is not valid: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority")},
{"fail validateAKCertificate", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{invalidAKCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("AK certificate is not valid: missing TPM manufacturer")},
{"fail pubArea not present", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("invalid pubArea in attestation statement")},
{"fail pubArea type", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": []interface{}{},
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("invalid pubArea in attestation statement")},
{"fail pubArea empty", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": []byte{},
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("pubArea is empty")},
{"fail sig not present", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("invalid sig in attestation statement")},
{"fail sig type", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": []interface{}{},
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("invalid sig in attestation statement")},
{"fail sig empty", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": []byte{},
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("sig is empty")},
{"fail certInfo not present", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("invalid certInfo in attestation statement")},
{"fail certInfo type", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": []interface{}{},
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("invalid certInfo in attestation statement")},
{"fail certInfo empty", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": []byte{},
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("certInfo is empty")},
{"fail alg not present", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("invalid alg in attestation statement")},
{"fail alg type", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(0), // invalid alg
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("invalid alg 0 in attestation statement")},
{"fail attestation verification", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": anotherKeyParams.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("invalid certification parameters: certification refers to a different key")},
{"fail keyAuthorization", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "token"}, &jose.JSONWebKey{Key: []byte("not an asymmetric key")}, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), // RS256
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newInternalServerError("failed creating key auth digest: error generating JWK thumbprint: go-jose/go-jose: unknown key type '[]uint8'")},
{"fail different keyAuthorization", args{ctx, mustAttestationProvisioner(t, acaRoot), &Challenge{Token: "aDifferentToken"}, jwk, &attestationObject{
Format: "tpm",
AttStatement: map[string]interface{}{
"ver": "2.0",
"x5c": []interface{}{akCert.Raw, aca.Intermediate.Raw},
"alg": int64(-257), //
"sig": params.CreateSignature,
"certInfo": params.CreateAttestation,
"pubArea": params.Public,
}}, nil, newBadAttestationStatementError("key authorization invalid")},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := doTPMAttestationFormat(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.prov,, tt.args.jwk, tt.args.att)
if tt.expErr != nil {
var ae *Error
if assert.True(t, errors.As(err, &ae)) {
assert.EqualError(t, err, tt.expErr.Error())
assert.Equal(t, ae.StatusCode(), tt.expErr.StatusCode())
assert.Equal(t, ae.Type, tt.expErr.Type)
assert.Nil(t, got)
assert.NoError(t, err)
if assert.NotNil(t, got) {
assert.Equal(t, akCert, got.Certificate)
assert.Equal(t, [][]*x509.Certificate{
akCert, aca.Intermediate, aca.Root,
}, got.VerifiedChains)
assert.Equal(t, fingerprint, got.Fingerprint)
assert.Empty(t, got.PermanentIdentifiers) // currently expected to be always empty

@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ func NewClient() Client {
http: &http.Client{
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
Transport: &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
//nolint:gosec // used on tls-alpn-01 challenge
InsecureSkipVerify: true, // lgtm[go/disabled-certificate-check]

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ var clock Clock
// CertificateAuthority is the interface implemented by a CA authority.
type CertificateAuthority interface {
SignWithContext(ctx context.Context, cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.SignOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
Sign(cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.SignOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
AreSANsAllowed(ctx context.Context, sans []string) error
IsRevoked(sn string) (bool, error)
Revoke(context.Context, *authority.RevokeOptions) error
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ type PrerequisitesChecker func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
// DefaultPrerequisitesChecker is the default PrerequisiteChecker and returns
// always true.
func DefaultPrerequisitesChecker(context.Context) (bool, error) {
func DefaultPrerequisitesChecker(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
@ -93,17 +93,14 @@ func ProvisionerFromContext(ctx context.Context) (v Provisioner, ok bool) {
// MustProvisionerFromContext returns the current provisioner from the given context.
// MustLinkerFromContext returns the current provisioner from the given context.
// It will panic if it's not in the context.
func MustProvisionerFromContext(ctx context.Context) Provisioner {
var (
v Provisioner
ok bool
if v, ok = ProvisionerFromContext(ctx); !ok {
if v, ok := ProvisionerFromContext(ctx); !ok {
panic("acme provisioner is not the context")
} else {
return v
return v
// MockProvisioner for testing
@ -130,7 +127,7 @@ func (m *MockProvisioner) GetName() string {
return m.Mret1.(string)
// AuthorizeOrderIdentifier mock
// AuthorizeOrderIdentifiers mock
func (m *MockProvisioner) AuthorizeOrderIdentifier(ctx context.Context, identifier provisioner.ACMEIdentifier) error {
if m.MauthorizeOrderIdentifier != nil {
return m.MauthorizeOrderIdentifier(ctx, identifier)

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package acme
import (
@ -13,12 +12,6 @@ import (
// account.
var ErrNotFound = errors.New("not found")
// IsErrNotFound returns true if the error is a "not found" error. Returns false
// otherwise.
func IsErrNotFound(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, ErrNotFound) || errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows)
// DB is the DB interface expected by the step-ca ACME API.
type DB interface {
CreateAccount(ctx context.Context, acc *Account) error
@ -72,14 +65,11 @@ func DatabaseFromContext(ctx context.Context) (db DB, ok bool) {
// MustDatabaseFromContext returns the current database from the given context.
// It will panic if it's not in the context.
func MustDatabaseFromContext(ctx context.Context) DB {
var (
db DB
ok bool
if db, ok = DatabaseFromContext(ctx); !ok {
if db, ok := DatabaseFromContext(ctx); !ok {
panic("acme database is not in the context")
} else {
return db
return db
// MockDB is an implementation of the DB interface that should only be used as

@ -13,15 +13,12 @@ import (
// dbAccount represents an ACME account.
type dbAccount struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Key *jose.JSONWebKey `json:"key"`
Contact []string `json:"contact,omitempty"`
Status acme.Status `json:"status"`
LocationPrefix string `json:"locationPrefix"`
ProvisionerID string `json:"provisionerID,omitempty"`
ProvisionerName string `json:"provisionerName"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
DeactivatedAt time.Time `json:"deactivatedAt"`
ID string `json:"id"`
Key *jose.JSONWebKey `json:"key"`
Contact []string `json:"contact,omitempty"`
Status acme.Status `json:"status"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
DeactivatedAt time.Time `json:"deactivatedAt"`
func (dba *dbAccount) clone() *dbAccount {
@ -29,7 +26,7 @@ func (dba *dbAccount) clone() *dbAccount {
return &nu
func (db *DB) getAccountIDByKeyID(_ context.Context, kid string) (string, error) {
func (db *DB) getAccountIDByKeyID(ctx context.Context, kid string) (string, error) {
id, err := db.db.Get(accountByKeyIDTable, []byte(kid))
if err != nil {
if nosqlDB.IsErrNotFound(err) {
@ -41,7 +38,7 @@ func (db *DB) getAccountIDByKeyID(_ context.Context, kid string) (string, error)
// getDBAccount retrieves and unmarshals dbAccount.
func (db *DB) getDBAccount(_ context.Context, id string) (*dbAccount, error) {
func (db *DB) getDBAccount(ctx context.Context, id string) (*dbAccount, error) {
data, err := db.db.Get(accountTable, []byte(id))
if err != nil {
if nosqlDB.IsErrNotFound(err) {
@ -65,13 +62,10 @@ func (db *DB) GetAccount(ctx context.Context, id string) (*acme.Account, error)
return &acme.Account{
Status: dbacc.Status,
Contact: dbacc.Contact,
Key: dbacc.Key,
ID: dbacc.ID,
LocationPrefix: dbacc.LocationPrefix,
ProvisionerID: dbacc.ProvisionerID,
ProvisionerName: dbacc.ProvisionerName,
Status: dbacc.Status,
Contact: dbacc.Contact,
Key: dbacc.Key,
ID: dbacc.ID,
}, nil
@ -93,14 +87,11 @@ func (db *DB) CreateAccount(ctx context.Context, acc *acme.Account) error {
dba := &dbAccount{
ID: acc.ID,
Key: acc.Key,
Contact: acc.Contact,
Status: acc.Status,
CreatedAt: clock.Now(),
LocationPrefix: acc.LocationPrefix,
ProvisionerID: acc.ProvisionerID,
ProvisionerName: acc.ProvisionerName,
ID: acc.ID,
Key: acc.Key,
Contact: acc.Contact,
Status: acc.Status,
CreatedAt: clock.Now(),
kid, err := acme.KeyToID(dba.Key)

@ -68,14 +68,12 @@ func TestDB_getDBAccount(t *testing.T) {
jwk, err := jose.GenerateJWK("EC", "P-256", "ES256", "sig", "", 0)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
dbacc := &dbAccount{
ID: accID,
Status: acme.StatusDeactivated,
CreatedAt: now,
DeactivatedAt: now,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
ProvisionerID: "73d2c0f1-9753-448b-9b48-bf00fe434681",
ProvisionerName: "acme",
ID: accID,
Status: acme.StatusDeactivated,
CreatedAt: now,
DeactivatedAt: now,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
b, err := json.Marshal(dbacc)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
@ -199,8 +197,6 @@ func TestDB_getAccountIDByKeyID(t *testing.T) {
func TestDB_GetAccount(t *testing.T) {
accID := "accID"
locationPrefix := ""
provisionerName := "foo"
type test struct {
db nosql.DB
err error
@ -226,14 +222,12 @@ func TestDB_GetAccount(t *testing.T) {
jwk, err := jose.GenerateJWK("EC", "P-256", "ES256", "sig", "", 0)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
dbacc := &dbAccount{
ID: accID,
Status: acme.StatusDeactivated,
CreatedAt: now,
DeactivatedAt: now,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
LocationPrefix: locationPrefix,
ProvisionerName: provisionerName,
ID: accID,
Status: acme.StatusDeactivated,
CreatedAt: now,
DeactivatedAt: now,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
b, err := json.Marshal(dbacc)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
@ -272,8 +266,6 @@ func TestDB_GetAccount(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, acc.ID, tc.dbacc.ID)
assert.Equals(t, acc.Status, tc.dbacc.Status)
assert.Equals(t, acc.Contact, tc.dbacc.Contact)
assert.Equals(t, acc.LocationPrefix, tc.dbacc.LocationPrefix)
assert.Equals(t, acc.ProvisionerName, tc.dbacc.ProvisionerName)
assert.Equals(t, acc.Key.KeyID, tc.dbacc.Key.KeyID)
@ -387,7 +379,6 @@ func TestDB_GetAccountByKeyID(t *testing.T) {
func TestDB_CreateAccount(t *testing.T) {
locationPrefix := ""
type test struct {
db nosql.DB
acc *acme.Account
@ -399,10 +390,9 @@ func TestDB_CreateAccount(t *testing.T) {
jwk, err := jose.GenerateJWK("EC", "P-256", "ES256", "sig", "", 0)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
acc := &acme.Account{
Status: acme.StatusValid,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
LocationPrefix: locationPrefix,
Status: acme.StatusValid,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
return test{
db: &db.MockNoSQLDB{
@ -423,10 +413,9 @@ func TestDB_CreateAccount(t *testing.T) {
jwk, err := jose.GenerateJWK("EC", "P-256", "ES256", "sig", "", 0)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
acc := &acme.Account{
Status: acme.StatusValid,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
LocationPrefix: locationPrefix,
Status: acme.StatusValid,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
return test{
db: &db.MockNoSQLDB{
@ -447,10 +436,9 @@ func TestDB_CreateAccount(t *testing.T) {
jwk, err := jose.GenerateJWK("EC", "P-256", "ES256", "sig", "", 0)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
acc := &acme.Account{
Status: acme.StatusValid,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
LocationPrefix: locationPrefix,
Status: acme.StatusValid,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
return test{
db: &db.MockNoSQLDB{
@ -468,8 +456,6 @@ func TestDB_CreateAccount(t *testing.T) {
assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(nu, dbacc))
assert.Equals(t, dbacc.ID, string(key))
assert.Equals(t, dbacc.Contact, acc.Contact)
assert.Equals(t, dbacc.LocationPrefix, acc.LocationPrefix)
assert.Equals(t, dbacc.ProvisionerName, acc.ProvisionerName)
assert.Equals(t, dbacc.Key.KeyID, acc.Key.KeyID)
assert.True(t, clock.Now().Add(-time.Minute).Before(dbacc.CreatedAt))
assert.True(t, clock.Now().Add(time.Minute).After(dbacc.CreatedAt))
@ -493,10 +479,9 @@ func TestDB_CreateAccount(t *testing.T) {
jwk, err := jose.GenerateJWK("EC", "P-256", "ES256", "sig", "", 0)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
acc := &acme.Account{
Status: acme.StatusValid,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
LocationPrefix: locationPrefix,
Status: acme.StatusValid,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
return test{
db: &db.MockNoSQLDB{
@ -515,8 +500,6 @@ func TestDB_CreateAccount(t *testing.T) {
assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(nu, dbacc))
assert.Equals(t, dbacc.ID, string(key))
assert.Equals(t, dbacc.Contact, acc.Contact)
assert.Equals(t, dbacc.LocationPrefix, acc.LocationPrefix)
assert.Equals(t, dbacc.ProvisionerName, acc.ProvisionerName)
assert.Equals(t, dbacc.Key.KeyID, acc.Key.KeyID)
assert.True(t, clock.Now().Add(-time.Minute).Before(dbacc.CreatedAt))
assert.True(t, clock.Now().Add(time.Minute).After(dbacc.CreatedAt))
@ -556,14 +539,12 @@ func TestDB_UpdateAccount(t *testing.T) {
jwk, err := jose.GenerateJWK("EC", "P-256", "ES256", "sig", "", 0)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
dbacc := &dbAccount{
ID: accID,
Status: acme.StatusDeactivated,
CreatedAt: now,
DeactivatedAt: now,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
LocationPrefix: "foo",
ProvisionerName: "alpha",
Key: jwk,
ID: accID,
Status: acme.StatusDeactivated,
CreatedAt: now,
DeactivatedAt: now,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
b, err := json.Marshal(dbacc)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
@ -663,12 +644,10 @@ func TestDB_UpdateAccount(t *testing.T) {
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
acc := &acme.Account{
ID: accID,
Status: acme.StatusDeactivated,
Contact: []string{"baz", "zap"},
LocationPrefix: "bar",
ProvisionerName: "beta",
Key: jwk,
ID: accID,
Status: acme.StatusDeactivated,
Contact: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Key: jwk,
return test{
acc: acc,
@ -687,10 +666,7 @@ func TestDB_UpdateAccount(t *testing.T) {
assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(nu, dbNew))
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.ID, dbacc.ID)
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.Status, acc.Status)
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.Contact, acc.Contact)
// LocationPrefix should not change.
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.LocationPrefix, dbacc.LocationPrefix)
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.ProvisionerName, dbacc.ProvisionerName)
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.Contact, dbacc.Contact)
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.Key.KeyID, dbacc.Key.KeyID)
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.CreatedAt, dbacc.CreatedAt)
assert.True(t, dbNew.DeactivatedAt.Add(-time.Minute).Before(now))
@ -710,7 +686,12 @@ func TestDB_UpdateAccount(t *testing.T) {
assert.HasPrefix(t, err.Error(), tc.err.Error())
} else {
assert.Nil(t, tc.err)
if assert.Nil(t, tc.err) {
assert.Equals(t, tc.acc.ID, dbacc.ID)
assert.Equals(t, tc.acc.Status, dbacc.Status)
assert.Equals(t, tc.acc.Contact, dbacc.Contact)
assert.Equals(t, tc.acc.Key.KeyID, dbacc.Key.KeyID)

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ type dbAuthz struct {
Identifier acme.Identifier `json:"identifier"`
Status acme.Status `json:"status"`
Token string `json:"token"`
Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint,omitempty"`
ChallengeIDs []string `json:"challengeIDs"`
Wildcard bool `json:"wildcard"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ func (ba *dbAuthz) clone() *dbAuthz {
// getDBAuthz retrieves and unmarshals a database representation of the
// ACME Authorization type.
func (db *DB) getDBAuthz(_ context.Context, id string) (*dbAuthz, error) {
func (db *DB) getDBAuthz(ctx context.Context, id string) (*dbAuthz, error) {
data, err := db.db.Get(authzTable, []byte(id))
if nosql.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return nil, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "authz %s not found", id)
@ -62,16 +61,15 @@ func (db *DB) GetAuthorization(ctx context.Context, id string) (*acme.Authorizat
return &acme.Authorization{
ID: dbaz.ID,
AccountID: dbaz.AccountID,
Identifier: dbaz.Identifier,
Status: dbaz.Status,
Challenges: chs,
Wildcard: dbaz.Wildcard,
ExpiresAt: dbaz.ExpiresAt,
Token: dbaz.Token,
Fingerprint: dbaz.Fingerprint,
Error: dbaz.Error,
ID: dbaz.ID,
AccountID: dbaz.AccountID,
Identifier: dbaz.Identifier,
Status: dbaz.Status,
Challenges: chs,
Wildcard: dbaz.Wildcard,
ExpiresAt: dbaz.ExpiresAt,
Token: dbaz.Token,
Error: dbaz.Error,
}, nil
@ -99,7 +97,6 @@ func (db *DB) CreateAuthorization(ctx context.Context, az *acme.Authorization) e
Identifier: az.Identifier,
ChallengeIDs: chIDs,
Token: az.Token,
Fingerprint: az.Fingerprint,
Wildcard: az.Wildcard,
@ -114,14 +111,14 @@ func (db *DB) UpdateAuthorization(ctx context.Context, az *acme.Authorization) e
nu := old.clone()
nu.Status = az.Status
nu.Fingerprint = az.Fingerprint
nu.Error = az.Error
return, old.ID, nu, old, "authz", authzTable)
// GetAuthorizationsByAccountID retrieves and unmarshals ACME authz types from the database.
func (db *DB) GetAuthorizationsByAccountID(_ context.Context, accountID string) ([]*acme.Authorization, error) {
func (db *DB) GetAuthorizationsByAccountID(ctx context.Context, accountID string) ([]*acme.Authorization, error) {
entries, err := db.db.List(authzTable)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error listing authz")
@ -139,16 +136,15 @@ func (db *DB) GetAuthorizationsByAccountID(_ context.Context, accountID string)
authzs = append(authzs, &acme.Authorization{
ID: dbaz.ID,
AccountID: dbaz.AccountID,
Identifier: dbaz.Identifier,
Status: dbaz.Status,
Challenges: nil, // challenges not required for current use case
Wildcard: dbaz.Wildcard,
ExpiresAt: dbaz.ExpiresAt,
Token: dbaz.Token,
Fingerprint: dbaz.Fingerprint,
Error: dbaz.Error,
ID: dbaz.ID,
AccountID: dbaz.AccountID,
Identifier: dbaz.Identifier,
Status: dbaz.Status,
Challenges: nil, // challenges not required for current use case
Wildcard: dbaz.Wildcard,
ExpiresAt: dbaz.ExpiresAt,
Token: dbaz.Token,
Error: dbaz.Error,

@ -473,7 +473,6 @@ func TestDB_UpdateAuthorization(t *testing.T) {
ExpiresAt: now.Add(5 * time.Minute),
ChallengeIDs: []string{"foo", "bar"},
Wildcard: true,
Fingerprint: "fingerprint",
b, err := json.Marshal(dbaz)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
@ -550,11 +549,10 @@ func TestDB_UpdateAuthorization(t *testing.T) {
{ID: "foo"},
{ID: "bar"},
Token: dbaz.Token,
Wildcard: dbaz.Wildcard,
ExpiresAt: dbaz.ExpiresAt,
Fingerprint: "fingerprint",
Error: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "malformed"),
Token: dbaz.Token,
Wildcard: dbaz.Wildcard,
ExpiresAt: dbaz.ExpiresAt,
Error: acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "malformed"),
return test{
az: updAz,
@ -584,7 +582,6 @@ func TestDB_UpdateAuthorization(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.Wildcard, dbaz.Wildcard)
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.CreatedAt, dbaz.CreatedAt)
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.ExpiresAt, dbaz.ExpiresAt)
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.Fingerprint, dbaz.Fingerprint)
assert.Equals(t, dbNew.Error.Error(), acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "The request message was malformed").Error())
return nu, true, nil

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ func (db *DB) CreateCertificate(ctx context.Context, cert *acme.Certificate) err
// GetCertificate retrieves and unmarshals an ACME certificate type from the
// datastore.
func (db *DB) GetCertificate(_ context.Context, id string) (*acme.Certificate, error) {
func (db *DB) GetCertificate(ctx context.Context, id string) (*acme.Certificate, error) {
b, err := db.db.Get(certTable, []byte(id))
if nosql.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return nil, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "certificate %s not found", id)

@ -6,10 +6,8 @@ import (
type dbChallenge struct {
@ -21,7 +19,7 @@ type dbChallenge struct {
Value string `json:"value"`
ValidatedAt string `json:"validatedAt"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Error *acme.Error `json:"error"` // TODO(hs): a bit dangerous; should become db-specific type
Error *acme.Error `json:"error"`
func (dbc *dbChallenge) clone() *dbChallenge {
@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ func (dbc *dbChallenge) clone() *dbChallenge {
return &u
func (db *DB) getDBChallenge(_ context.Context, id string) (*dbChallenge, error) {
func (db *DB) getDBChallenge(ctx context.Context, id string) (*dbChallenge, error) {
data, err := db.db.Get(challengeTable, []byte(id))
if nosql.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return nil, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "challenge %s not found", id)
@ -69,7 +67,6 @@ func (db *DB) CreateChallenge(ctx context.Context, ch *acme.Challenge) error {
// GetChallenge retrieves and unmarshals an ACME challenge type from the database.
// Implements the acme.DB GetChallenge interface.
func (db *DB) GetChallenge(ctx context.Context, id, authzID string) (*acme.Challenge, error) {
_ = authzID // unused input
dbch, err := db.getDBChallenge(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type dbExternalAccountKeyReference struct {
// getDBExternalAccountKey retrieves and unmarshals dbExternalAccountKey.
func (db *DB) getDBExternalAccountKey(_ context.Context, id string) (*dbExternalAccountKey, error) {
func (db *DB) getDBExternalAccountKey(ctx context.Context, id string) (*dbExternalAccountKey, error) {
data, err := db.db.Get(externalAccountKeyTable, []byte(id))
if err != nil {
if nosqlDB.IsErrNotFound(err) {
@ -160,8 +160,6 @@ func (db *DB) DeleteExternalAccountKey(ctx context.Context, provisionerID, keyID
// GetExternalAccountKeys retrieves all External Account Binding keys for a provisioner
func (db *DB) GetExternalAccountKeys(ctx context.Context, provisionerID, cursor string, limit int) ([]*acme.ExternalAccountKey, string, error) {
_, _ = cursor, limit // unused input
defer externalAccountKeyMutex.RUnlock()
@ -229,7 +227,7 @@ func (db *DB) GetExternalAccountKeyByReference(ctx context.Context, provisionerI
return db.GetExternalAccountKey(ctx, provisionerID, dbExternalAccountKeyReference.ExternalAccountKeyID)
func (db *DB) GetExternalAccountKeyByAccountID(context.Context, string, string) (*acme.ExternalAccountKey, error) {
func (db *DB) GetExternalAccountKeyByAccountID(ctx context.Context, provisionerID, accountID string) (*acme.ExternalAccountKey, error) {
//nolint:nilnil // legacy
return nil, nil

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ func (db *DB) CreateNonce(ctx context.Context) (acme.Nonce, error) {
// DeleteNonce verifies that the nonce is valid (by checking if it exists),
// and if so, consumes the nonce resource by deleting it from the database.
func (db *DB) DeleteNonce(_ context.Context, nonce acme.Nonce) error {
func (db *DB) DeleteNonce(ctx context.Context, nonce acme.Nonce) error {
err := db.db.Update(&database.Tx{
Operations: []*database.TxEntry{

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ func New(db nosqlDB.DB) (*DB, error) {
// save writes the new data to the database, overwriting the old data if it
// existed.
func (db *DB) save(_ context.Context, id string, nu, old interface{}, typ string, table []byte) error {
func (db *DB) save(ctx context.Context, id string, nu, old interface{}, typ string, table []byte) error {
var (
err error
newB []byte

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func (a *dbOrder) clone() *dbOrder {
// getDBOrder retrieves and unmarshals an ACME Order type from the database.
func (db *DB) getDBOrder(_ context.Context, id string) (*dbOrder, error) {
func (db *DB) getDBOrder(ctx context.Context, id string) (*dbOrder, error) {
b, err := db.db.Get(orderTable, []byte(id))
if nosql.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return nil, acme.NewError(acme.ErrorMalformedType, "order %s not found", id)

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
package acme
import (
func TestIsErrNotFound(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
err error
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want bool
{"true ErrNotFound", args{ErrNotFound}, true},
{"true sql.ErrNoRows", args{sql.ErrNoRows}, true},
{"true wrapped ErrNotFound", args{fmt.Errorf("something failed: %w", ErrNotFound)}, true},
{"true wrapped sql.ErrNoRows", args{fmt.Errorf("something failed: %w", sql.ErrNoRows)}, true},
{"false other", args{errors.New("not found")}, false},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := IsErrNotFound(tt.args.err); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("IsErrNotFound() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)

@ -270,77 +270,21 @@ var (
// Error represents an ACME Error
// Error represents an ACME
type Error struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Detail string `json:"detail"`
Subproblems []Subproblem `json:"subproblems,omitempty"`
Err error `json:"-"`
Status int `json:"-"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Detail string `json:"detail"`
Subproblems []interface{} `json:"subproblems,omitempty"`
Identifier interface{} `json:"identifier,omitempty"`
Err error `json:"-"`
Status int `json:"-"`
// Subproblem represents an ACME subproblem. It's fairly
// similar to an ACME error, but differs in that it can't
// include subproblems itself, the error is reflected
// in the Detail property and doesn't have a Status.
type Subproblem struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Detail string `json:"detail"`
// The "identifier" field MUST NOT be present at the top level in ACME
// problem documents. It can only be present in subproblems.
// Subproblems need not all have the same type, and they do not need to
// match the top level type.
Identifier *Identifier `json:"identifier,omitempty"`
// NewError creates a new Error.
// NewError creates a new Error type.
func NewError(pt ProblemType, msg string, args ...interface{}) *Error {
return newError(pt, errors.Errorf(msg, args...))
// NewDetailedError creates a new Error that includes the error
// message in the details, providing more information to the
// ACME client.
func NewDetailedError(pt ProblemType, msg string, args ...interface{}) *Error {
return NewError(pt, msg, args...).withDetail()
func (e *Error) withDetail() *Error {
if e == nil || e.Status >= 500 || e.Err == nil {
return e
e.Detail = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", e.Detail, e.Err)
return e
// AddSubproblems adds the Subproblems to Error. It
// returns the Error, allowing for fluent addition.
func (e *Error) AddSubproblems(subproblems ...Subproblem) *Error {
e.Subproblems = append(e.Subproblems, subproblems...)
return e
// NewSubproblem creates a new Subproblem. The msg and args
// are used to create a new error, which is set as the Detail, allowing
// for more detailed error messages to be returned to the ACME client.
func NewSubproblem(pt ProblemType, msg string, args ...interface{}) Subproblem {
e := newError(pt, fmt.Errorf(msg, args...))
s := Subproblem{
Type: e.Type,
Detail: e.Err.Error(),
return s
// NewSubproblemWithIdentifier creates a new Subproblem with a specific ACME
// Identifier. It calls NewSubproblem and sets the Identifier.
func NewSubproblemWithIdentifier(pt ProblemType, identifier Identifier, msg string, args ...interface{}) Subproblem {
s := NewSubproblem(pt, msg, args...)
s.Identifier = &identifier
return s
func newError(pt ProblemType, err error) *Error {
meta, ok := errorMap[pt]
if !ok {
@ -384,10 +328,6 @@ func WrapError(typ ProblemType, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) *Err
func WrapDetailedError(typ ProblemType, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) *Error {
return WrapError(typ, err, msg, args...).withDetail()
// WrapErrorISE shortcut to wrap an internal server error type.
func WrapErrorISE(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) *Error {
return WrapError(ErrorServerInternalType, err, msg, args...)
@ -424,7 +364,7 @@ func (e *Error) ToLog() (interface{}, error) {
// Render implements render.RenderableError for Error.
func (e *Error) Render(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func (e *Error) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/problem+json")
render.JSONStatus(w, r, e, e.StatusCode())
render.JSONStatus(w, e, e.StatusCode())

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
package acme
import (
func mustJSON(t *testing.T, m map[string]interface{}) string {
b, err := json.Marshal(m)
require.NoError(t, err)
return string(b)
func TestError_WithAdditionalErrorDetail(t *testing.T) {
internalJSON := mustJSON(t, map[string]interface{}{
"detail": "The server experienced an internal error",
"type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:serverInternal",
malformedErr := NewError(ErrorMalformedType, "malformed error") // will result in Err == nil behavior
malformedJSON := mustJSON(t, map[string]interface{}{
"detail": "The request message was malformed",
"type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed",
withDetailJSON := mustJSON(t, map[string]interface{}{
"detail": "Attestation statement cannot be verified: invalid property",
"type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badAttestationStatement",
tests := []struct {
name string
err *Error
want string
{"internal", NewDetailedError(ErrorServerInternalType, ""), internalJSON},
{"nil err", malformedErr, malformedJSON},
{"detailed", NewDetailedError(ErrorBadAttestationStatementType, "invalid property"), withDetailJSON},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
b, err := json.Marshal(tt.err)
require.NoError(t, err)
// tests if the additional error detail is included in the JSON representation
// of the ACME error. This is what is returned to ACME clients and being logged
// by the CA.
assert.JSONEq(t, tt.want, string(b))

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
@ -142,14 +142,11 @@ func LinkerFromContext(ctx context.Context) (v Linker, ok bool) {
// MustLinkerFromContext returns the current linker from the given context. It
// will panic if it's not in the context.
func MustLinkerFromContext(ctx context.Context) Linker {
var (
v Linker
ok bool
if v, ok = LinkerFromContext(ctx); !ok {
if v, ok := LinkerFromContext(ctx); !ok {
panic("acme linker is not the context")
} else {
return v
return v
type baseURLKey struct{}
@ -186,19 +183,19 @@ func (l *linker) Middleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
nameEscaped := chi.URLParam(r, "provisionerID")
name, err := url.PathUnescape(nameEscaped)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, WrapErrorISE(err, "error url unescaping provisioner name '%s'", nameEscaped))
render.Error(w, WrapErrorISE(err, "error url unescaping provisioner name '%s'", nameEscaped))
p, err := authority.MustFromContext(ctx).LoadProvisionerByName(name)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
acmeProv, ok := p.(*provisioner.ACME)
if !ok {
render.Error(w, r, NewError(ErrorAccountDoesNotExistType, "provisioner must be of type ACME"))
render.Error(w, NewError(ErrorAccountDoesNotExistType, "provisioner must be of type ACME"))

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package acme
import (
@ -12,7 +11,6 @@ import (
@ -127,27 +125,6 @@ func (o *Order) UpdateStatus(ctx context.Context, db DB) error {
return nil
// getAuthorizationFingerprint returns a fingerprint from the list of authorizations. This
// fingerprint is used on the device-attest-01 flow to verify the attestation
// certificate public key with the CSR public key.
// There's no point on reading all the authorizations as there will be only one
// for a permanent identifier.
func (o *Order) getAuthorizationFingerprint(ctx context.Context, db DB) (string, error) {
for _, azID := range o.AuthorizationIDs {
az, err := db.GetAuthorization(ctx, azID)
if err != nil {
return "", WrapErrorISE(err, "error getting authorization %q", azID)
// There's no point on reading all the authorizations as there will
// be only one for a permanent identifier.
if az.Fingerprint != "" {
return az.Fingerprint, nil
return "", nil
// Finalize signs a certificate if the necessary conditions for Order completion
// have been met.
@ -173,24 +150,6 @@ func (o *Order) Finalize(ctx context.Context, db DB, csr *x509.CertificateReques
return NewErrorISE("unexpected status %s for order %s", o.Status, o.ID)
// Get key fingerprint if any. And then compare it with the CSR fingerprint.
// In device-attest-01 challenges we should check that the keys in the CSR
// and the attestation certificate are the same.
fingerprint, err := o.getAuthorizationFingerprint(ctx, db)
if err != nil {
return err
if fingerprint != "" {
fp, err := keyutil.Fingerprint(csr.PublicKey)
if err != nil {
return WrapErrorISE(err, "error calculating key fingerprint")
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(fingerprint), []byte(fp)) == 0 {
return NewError(ErrorUnauthorizedType, "order %s csr does not match the attested key", o.ID)
// canonicalize the CSR to allow for comparison
csr = canonicalize(csr)
@ -206,15 +165,6 @@ func (o *Order) Finalize(ctx context.Context, db DB, csr *x509.CertificateReques
for i := range o.Identifiers {
if o.Identifiers[i].Type == PermanentIdentifier {
permanentIdentifier = o.Identifiers[i].Value
// the first (and only) Permanent Identifier that gets added to the certificate
// should be equal to the Subject Common Name if it's set. If not equal, the CSR
// is rejected, because the Common Name hasn't been challenged in that case. This
// could result in unauthorized access if a relying system relies on the Common
// Name in its authorization logic.
if csr.Subject.CommonName != "" && csr.Subject.CommonName != permanentIdentifier {
return NewError(ErrorBadCSRType, "CSR Subject Common Name does not match identifiers exactly: "+
"CSR Subject Common Name = %s, Order Permanent Identifier = %s", csr.Subject.CommonName, permanentIdentifier)
@ -263,7 +213,7 @@ func (o *Order) Finalize(ctx context.Context, db DB, csr *x509.CertificateReques
signOps = append(signOps, extraOptions...)
// Sign a new certificate.
certChain, err := auth.SignWithContext(ctx, csr, provisioner.SignOptions{
certChain, err := auth.Sign(csr, provisioner.SignOptions{
NotBefore: provisioner.NewTimeDuration(o.NotBefore),
NotAfter: provisioner.NewTimeDuration(o.NotAfter),
}, signOps...)

@ -2,12 +2,9 @@ package acme
import (
@ -19,7 +16,6 @@ import (
@ -271,16 +267,16 @@ func TestOrder_UpdateStatus(t *testing.T) {
type mockSignAuth struct {
signWithContext func(ctx context.Context, csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
sign func(csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
areSANsAllowed func(ctx context.Context, sans []string) error
loadProvisionerByName func(string) (provisioner.Interface, error)
ret1, ret2 interface{}
err error
func (m *mockSignAuth) SignWithContext(ctx context.Context, csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
if m.signWithContext != nil {
return m.signWithContext(ctx, csr, signOpts, extraOpts...)
func (m *mockSignAuth) Sign(csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
if m.sign != nil {
return m.sign(csr, signOpts, extraOpts...)
} else if m.err != nil {
return nil, m.err
@ -301,7 +297,7 @@ func (m *mockSignAuth) LoadProvisionerByName(name string) (provisioner.Interface
return m.ret1.(provisioner.Interface), m.err
func (m *mockSignAuth) IsRevoked(string) (bool, error) {
func (m *mockSignAuth) IsRevoked(sn string) (bool, error) {
return false, nil
@ -310,14 +306,6 @@ func (m *mockSignAuth) Revoke(context.Context, *authority.RevokeOptions) error {
func TestOrder_Finalize(t *testing.T) {
mustSigner := func(kty, crv string, size int) crypto.Signer {
s, err := keyutil.GenerateSigner(kty, crv, size)
if err != nil {
return s
type test struct {
o *Order
err *Error
@ -398,72 +386,6 @@ func TestOrder_Finalize(t *testing.T) {
err: NewErrorISE("unrecognized order status: %s", o.Status),
"fail/non-matching-permanent-identifier-common-name": func(t *testing.T) test {
now := clock.Now()
o := &Order{
ID: "oID",
AccountID: "accID",
Status: StatusReady,
ExpiresAt: now.Add(5 * time.Minute),
AuthorizationIDs: []string{"a", "b"},
Identifiers: []Identifier{
{Type: "permanent-identifier", Value: "a-permanent-identifier"},
signer := mustSigner("EC", "P-256", 0)
fingerprint, err := keyutil.Fingerprint(signer.Public())
if err != nil {
csr := &x509.CertificateRequest{
Subject: pkix.Name{
CommonName: "a-different-identifier",
PublicKey: signer.Public(),
ExtraExtensions: []pkix.Extension{
Id: asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 3},
Value: []byte("a-permanent-identifier"),
return test{
o: o,
csr: csr,
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
switch id {
case "a":
return &Authorization{
ID: id,
Status: StatusValid,
}, nil
case "b":
return &Authorization{
ID: id,
Fingerprint: fingerprint,
Status: StatusValid,
}, nil
assert.FatalError(t, errors.Errorf("unexpected authorization %s", id))
return nil, errors.New("force")
MockUpdateOrder: func(ctx context.Context, o *Order) error {
return nil
err: &Error{
Type: "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badCSR",
Detail: "The CSR is unacceptable",
Status: 400,
Err: fmt.Errorf("CSR Subject Common Name does not match identifiers exactly: "+
"CSR Subject Common Name = %s, Order Permanent Identifier = %s", csr.Subject.CommonName, "a-permanent-identifier"),
"fail/error-provisioner-auth": func(t *testing.T) test {
now := clock.Now()
o := &Order{
@ -493,11 +415,6 @@ func TestOrder_Finalize(t *testing.T) {
return nil, errors.New("force")
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
return &Authorization{ID: id, Status: StatusValid}, nil
err: NewErrorISE("error retrieving authorization options from ACME provisioner: force"),
@ -537,11 +454,6 @@ func TestOrder_Finalize(t *testing.T) {
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
return &Authorization{ID: id, Status: StatusValid}, nil
err: NewErrorISE("error creating template options from ACME provisioner: error unmarshaling template data: invalid character 'o' in literal false (expecting 'a')"),
@ -578,16 +490,11 @@ func TestOrder_Finalize(t *testing.T) {
ca: &mockSignAuth{
signWithContext: func(_ context.Context, _csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
sign: func(_csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
assert.Equals(t, _csr, csr)
return nil, errors.New("force")
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
return &Authorization{ID: id, Status: StatusValid}, nil
err: NewErrorISE("error signing certificate for order oID: force"),
@ -628,15 +535,12 @@ func TestOrder_Finalize(t *testing.T) {
ca: &mockSignAuth{
signWithContext: func(_ context.Context, _csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
sign: func(_csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
assert.Equals(t, _csr, csr)
return []*x509.Certificate{foo, bar, baz}, nil
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
return &Authorization{ID: id, Status: StatusValid}, nil
MockCreateCertificate: func(ctx context.Context, cert *Certificate) error {
assert.Equals(t, cert.AccountID, o.AccountID)
assert.Equals(t, cert.OrderID, o.ID)
@ -685,15 +589,12 @@ func TestOrder_Finalize(t *testing.T) {
ca: &mockSignAuth{
signWithContext: func(_ context.Context, _csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
sign: func(_csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
assert.Equals(t, _csr, csr)
return []*x509.Certificate{foo, bar, baz}, nil
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
return &Authorization{ID: id, Status: StatusValid}, nil
MockCreateCertificate: func(ctx context.Context, cert *Certificate) error {
cert.ID = "certID"
assert.Equals(t, cert.AccountID, o.AccountID)
@ -716,297 +617,6 @@ func TestOrder_Finalize(t *testing.T) {
err: NewErrorISE("error updating order oID: force"),
"fail/csr-fingerprint": func(t *testing.T) test {
now := clock.Now()
o := &Order{
ID: "oID",
AccountID: "accID",
Status: StatusReady,
ExpiresAt: now.Add(5 * time.Minute),
AuthorizationIDs: []string{"a", "b"},
Identifiers: []Identifier{
{Type: "permanent-identifier", Value: "a-permanent-identifier"},
signer := mustSigner("EC", "P-256", 0)
csr := &x509.CertificateRequest{
Subject: pkix.Name{
CommonName: "a-permanent-identifier",
PublicKey: signer.Public(),
ExtraExtensions: []pkix.Extension{
Id: asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 3},
Value: []byte("a-permanent-identifier"),
leaf := &x509.Certificate{
Subject: pkix.Name{CommonName: "a-permanent-identifier"},
PublicKey: signer.Public(),
ExtraExtensions: []pkix.Extension{
Id: asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 3},
Value: []byte("a-permanent-identifier"),
inter := &x509.Certificate{Subject: pkix.Name{CommonName: "inter"}}
root := &x509.Certificate{Subject: pkix.Name{CommonName: "root"}}
return test{
o: o,
csr: csr,
prov: &MockProvisioner{
MauthorizeSign: func(ctx context.Context, token string) ([]provisioner.SignOption, error) {
assert.Equals(t, token, "")
return nil, nil
MgetOptions: func() *provisioner.Options {
return nil
ca: &mockSignAuth{
signWithContext: func(_ context.Context, _csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
assert.Equals(t, _csr, csr)
return []*x509.Certificate{leaf, inter, root}, nil
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
return &Authorization{
ID: id,
Fingerprint: "other-fingerprint",
Status: StatusValid,
}, nil
MockCreateCertificate: func(ctx context.Context, cert *Certificate) error {
cert.ID = "certID"
assert.Equals(t, cert.AccountID, o.AccountID)
assert.Equals(t, cert.OrderID, o.ID)
assert.Equals(t, cert.Leaf, leaf)
assert.Equals(t, cert.Intermediates, []*x509.Certificate{inter, root})
return nil
MockUpdateOrder: func(ctx context.Context, updo *Order) error {
assert.Equals(t, updo.CertificateID, "certID")
assert.Equals(t, updo.Status, StatusValid)
assert.Equals(t, updo.ID, o.ID)
assert.Equals(t, updo.AccountID, o.AccountID)
assert.Equals(t, updo.ExpiresAt, o.ExpiresAt)
assert.Equals(t, updo.AuthorizationIDs, o.AuthorizationIDs)
assert.Equals(t, updo.Identifiers, o.Identifiers)
return nil
err: NewError(ErrorUnauthorizedType, "order oID csr does not match the attested key"),
"ok/permanent-identifier": func(t *testing.T) test {
now := clock.Now()
o := &Order{
ID: "oID",
AccountID: "accID",
Status: StatusReady,
ExpiresAt: now.Add(5 * time.Minute),
AuthorizationIDs: []string{"a", "b"},
Identifiers: []Identifier{
{Type: "permanent-identifier", Value: "a-permanent-identifier"},
signer := mustSigner("EC", "P-256", 0)
fingerprint, err := keyutil.Fingerprint(signer.Public())
if err != nil {
csr := &x509.CertificateRequest{
Subject: pkix.Name{
CommonName: "a-permanent-identifier",
PublicKey: signer.Public(),
ExtraExtensions: []pkix.Extension{
Id: asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 3},
Value: []byte("a-permanent-identifier"),
leaf := &x509.Certificate{
Subject: pkix.Name{CommonName: "a-permanent-identifier"},
PublicKey: signer.Public(),
ExtraExtensions: []pkix.Extension{
Id: asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 3},
Value: []byte("a-permanent-identifier"),
inter := &x509.Certificate{Subject: pkix.Name{CommonName: "inter"}}
root := &x509.Certificate{Subject: pkix.Name{CommonName: "root"}}
return test{
o: o,
csr: csr,
prov: &MockProvisioner{
MauthorizeSign: func(ctx context.Context, token string) ([]provisioner.SignOption, error) {
assert.Equals(t, token, "")
return nil, nil
MgetOptions: func() *provisioner.Options {
return nil
ca: &mockSignAuth{
signWithContext: func(_ context.Context, _csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
assert.Equals(t, _csr, csr)
return []*x509.Certificate{leaf, inter, root}, nil
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
switch id {
case "a":
return &Authorization{
ID: id,
Status: StatusValid,
}, nil
case "b":
return &Authorization{
ID: id,
Fingerprint: fingerprint,
Status: StatusValid,
}, nil
assert.FatalError(t, errors.Errorf("unexpected authorization %s", id))
return nil, errors.New("force")
MockCreateCertificate: func(ctx context.Context, cert *Certificate) error {
cert.ID = "certID"
assert.Equals(t, cert.AccountID, o.AccountID)
assert.Equals(t, cert.OrderID, o.ID)
assert.Equals(t, cert.Leaf, leaf)
assert.Equals(t, cert.Intermediates, []*x509.Certificate{inter, root})
return nil
MockUpdateOrder: func(ctx context.Context, updo *Order) error {
assert.Equals(t, updo.CertificateID, "certID")
assert.Equals(t, updo.Status, StatusValid)
assert.Equals(t, updo.ID, o.ID)
assert.Equals(t, updo.AccountID, o.AccountID)
assert.Equals(t, updo.ExpiresAt, o.ExpiresAt)
assert.Equals(t, updo.AuthorizationIDs, o.AuthorizationIDs)
assert.Equals(t, updo.Identifiers, o.Identifiers)
return nil
"ok/permanent-identifier-only": func(t *testing.T) test {
now := clock.Now()
o := &Order{
ID: "oID",
AccountID: "accID",
Status: StatusReady,
ExpiresAt: now.Add(5 * time.Minute),
AuthorizationIDs: []string{"a", "b"},
Identifiers: []Identifier{
{Type: "dns", Value: "foo.internal"},
{Type: "permanent-identifier", Value: "a-permanent-identifier"},
signer := mustSigner("EC", "P-256", 0)
fingerprint, err := keyutil.Fingerprint(signer.Public())
if err != nil {
csr := &x509.CertificateRequest{
Subject: pkix.Name{
CommonName: "a-permanent-identifier",
DNSNames: []string{"foo.internal"},
PublicKey: signer.Public(),
ExtraExtensions: []pkix.Extension{
Id: asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 3},
Value: []byte("a-permanent-identifier"),
leaf := &x509.Certificate{
Subject: pkix.Name{CommonName: "a-permanent-identifier"},
PublicKey: signer.Public(),
ExtraExtensions: []pkix.Extension{
Id: asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 8, 3},
Value: []byte("a-permanent-identifier"),
inter := &x509.Certificate{Subject: pkix.Name{CommonName: "inter"}}
root := &x509.Certificate{Subject: pkix.Name{CommonName: "root"}}
return test{
o: o,
csr: csr,
prov: &MockProvisioner{
MauthorizeSign: func(ctx context.Context, token string) ([]provisioner.SignOption, error) {
assert.Equals(t, token, "")
return nil, nil
MgetOptions: func() *provisioner.Options {
return nil
// TODO(hs): we should work on making the mocks more realistic. Ideally, we should get rid of
// the mock entirely, relying on an instances of provisioner, authority and DB (possibly hardest), so
// that behavior of the tests is what an actual CA would do. We could gradually phase them out by
// using the mocking functions as a wrapper for actual test helpers generated per test case or per
// function that's tested.
ca: &mockSignAuth{
signWithContext: func(_ context.Context, _csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
assert.Equals(t, _csr, csr)
return []*x509.Certificate{leaf, inter, root}, nil
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
return &Authorization{
ID: id,
Fingerprint: fingerprint,
Status: StatusValid,
}, nil
MockCreateCertificate: func(ctx context.Context, cert *Certificate) error {
cert.ID = "certID"
assert.Equals(t, cert.AccountID, o.AccountID)
assert.Equals(t, cert.OrderID, o.ID)
assert.Equals(t, cert.Leaf, leaf)
assert.Equals(t, cert.Intermediates, []*x509.Certificate{inter, root})
return nil
MockUpdateOrder: func(ctx context.Context, updo *Order) error {
assert.Equals(t, updo.CertificateID, "certID")
assert.Equals(t, updo.Status, StatusValid)
assert.Equals(t, updo.ID, o.ID)
assert.Equals(t, updo.AccountID, o.AccountID)
assert.Equals(t, updo.ExpiresAt, o.ExpiresAt)
assert.Equals(t, updo.AuthorizationIDs, o.AuthorizationIDs)
assert.Equals(t, updo.Identifiers, o.Identifiers)
return nil
"ok/new-cert-dns": func(t *testing.T) test {
now := clock.Now()
o := &Order{
@ -1044,15 +654,12 @@ func TestOrder_Finalize(t *testing.T) {
ca: &mockSignAuth{
signWithContext: func(_ context.Context, _csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
sign: func(_csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
assert.Equals(t, _csr, csr)
return []*x509.Certificate{foo, bar, baz}, nil
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
return &Authorization{ID: id, Status: StatusValid}, nil
MockCreateCertificate: func(ctx context.Context, cert *Certificate) error {
cert.ID = "certID"
assert.Equals(t, cert.AccountID, o.AccountID)
@ -1108,15 +715,12 @@ func TestOrder_Finalize(t *testing.T) {
ca: &mockSignAuth{
signWithContext: func(_ context.Context, _csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
sign: func(_csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
assert.Equals(t, _csr, csr)
return []*x509.Certificate{foo, bar, baz}, nil
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
return &Authorization{ID: id, Status: StatusValid}, nil
MockCreateCertificate: func(ctx context.Context, cert *Certificate) error {
cert.ID = "certID"
assert.Equals(t, cert.AccountID, o.AccountID)
@ -1175,15 +779,12 @@ func TestOrder_Finalize(t *testing.T) {
ca: &mockSignAuth{
signWithContext: func(_ context.Context, _csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
sign: func(_csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signOpts provisioner.SignOptions, extraOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
assert.Equals(t, _csr, csr)
return []*x509.Certificate{foo, bar, baz}, nil
db: &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
return &Authorization{ID: id, Status: StatusValid}, nil
MockCreateCertificate: func(ctx context.Context, cert *Certificate) error {
cert.ID = "certID"
assert.Equals(t, cert.AccountID, o.AccountID)
@ -1891,55 +1492,3 @@ func TestOrder_sans(t *testing.T) {
func TestOrder_getAuthorizationFingerprint(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
type fields struct {
AuthorizationIDs []string
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
db DB
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
want string
wantErr bool
{"ok", fields{[]string{"az1", "az2"}}, args{ctx, &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
return &Authorization{ID: id, Status: StatusValid}, nil
}}, "", false},
{"ok fingerprint", fields{[]string{"az1", "az2"}}, args{ctx, &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
if id == "az1" {
return &Authorization{ID: id, Status: StatusValid}, nil
return &Authorization{ID: id, Fingerprint: "fingerprint", Status: StatusValid}, nil
}}, "fingerprint", false},
{"fail", fields{[]string{"az1", "az2"}}, args{ctx, &MockDB{
MockGetAuthorization: func(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Authorization, error) {
return nil, errors.New("force")
}}, "", true},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
o := &Order{
AuthorizationIDs: tt.fields.AuthorizationIDs,
got, err := o.getAuthorizationFingerprint(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.db)
if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("Order.getAuthorizationFingerprint() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
if got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("Order.getAuthorizationFingerprint() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package api
import (
"crypto/dsa" //nolint:staticcheck // support legacy algorithms
@ -19,13 +18,10 @@ import (
@ -42,9 +38,8 @@ type Authority interface {
AuthorizeRenewToken(ctx context.Context, ott string) (*x509.Certificate, error)
GetTLSOptions() *config.TLSOptions
Root(shasum string) (*x509.Certificate, error)
SignWithContext(ctx context.Context, cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.SignOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
Sign(cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.SignOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
Renew(peer *x509.Certificate) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
RenewContext(ctx context.Context, peer *x509.Certificate, pk crypto.PublicKey) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
Rekey(peer *x509.Certificate, pk crypto.PublicKey) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
LoadProvisionerByCertificate(*x509.Certificate) (provisioner.Interface, error)
LoadProvisionerByName(string) (provisioner.Interface, error)
@ -54,7 +49,6 @@ type Authority interface {
GetRoots() ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
GetFederation() ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
Version() authority.Version
GetCertificateRevocationList() (*authority.CertificateRevocationListInfo, error)
// mustAuthority will be replaced on unit tests.
@ -228,60 +222,8 @@ type RootResponse struct {
// ProvisionersResponse is the response object that returns the list of
// provisioners.
type ProvisionersResponse struct {
Provisioners provisioner.List
NextCursor string
const redacted = "*** REDACTED ***"
func scepFromProvisioner(p *provisioner.SCEP) *models.SCEP {
return &models.SCEP{
ID: p.ID,
Type: p.Type,
Name: p.Name,
ForceCN: p.ForceCN,
ChallengePassword: redacted,
Capabilities: p.Capabilities,
IncludeRoot: p.IncludeRoot,
ExcludeIntermediate: p.ExcludeIntermediate,
MinimumPublicKeyLength: p.MinimumPublicKeyLength,
DecrypterCertificate: []byte(redacted),
DecrypterKeyPEM: []byte(redacted),
DecrypterKeyURI: redacted,
DecrypterKeyPassword: redacted,
EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier: p.EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier,
Options: p.Options,
Claims: p.Claims,
// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler. It marshals the ProvisionersResponse
// into a byte slice.
// Special treatment is given to the SCEP provisioner, as it contains a
// challenge secret that MUST NOT be leaked in (public) HTTP responses. The
// challenge value is thus redacted in HTTP responses.
func (p ProvisionersResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
var responseProvisioners provisioner.List
for _, item := range p.Provisioners {
scepProv, ok := item.(*provisioner.SCEP)
if !ok {
responseProvisioners = append(responseProvisioners, item)
responseProvisioners = append(responseProvisioners, scepFromProvisioner(scepProv))
var list = struct {
Provisioners []provisioner.Interface `json:"provisioners"`
NextCursor string `json:"nextCursor"`
Provisioners: []provisioner.Interface(responseProvisioners),
NextCursor: p.NextCursor,
return json.Marshal(list)
Provisioners provisioner.List `json:"provisioners"`
NextCursor string `json:"nextCursor"`
// ProvisionerKeyResponse is the response object that returns the encrypted key
@ -313,7 +255,7 @@ func (h *caHandler) Route(r Router) {
// New creates a new RouterHandler with the CA endpoints.
// Deprecated: Use api.Route(r Router)
func New(Authority) RouterHandler {
func New(auth Authority) RouterHandler {
return &caHandler{}
@ -325,7 +267,6 @@ func Route(r Router) {
r.MethodFunc("POST", "/renew", Renew)
r.MethodFunc("POST", "/rekey", Rekey)
r.MethodFunc("POST", "/revoke", Revoke)
r.MethodFunc("GET", "/crl", CRL)
r.MethodFunc("GET", "/provisioners", Provisioners)
r.MethodFunc("GET", "/provisioners/{kid}/encrypted-key", ProvisionerKey)
r.MethodFunc("GET", "/roots", Roots)
@ -353,7 +294,7 @@ func Route(r Router) {
// Version is an HTTP handler that returns the version of the server.
func Version(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
v := mustAuthority(r.Context()).Version()
render.JSON(w, r, VersionResponse{
render.JSON(w, VersionResponse{
Version: v.Version,
RequireClientAuthentication: v.RequireClientAuthentication,
@ -361,7 +302,7 @@ func Version(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Health is an HTTP handler that returns the status of the server.
func Health(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
render.JSON(w, r, HealthResponse{Status: "ok"})
render.JSON(w, HealthResponse{Status: "ok"})
// Root is an HTTP handler that using the SHA256 from the URL, returns the root
@ -372,11 +313,11 @@ func Root(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Load root certificate with the
cert, err := mustAuthority(r.Context()).Root(sum)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.Wrapf(http.StatusNotFound, err, "%s was not found", r.RequestURI))
render.Error(w, errs.Wrapf(http.StatusNotFound, err, "%s was not found", r.RequestURI))
render.JSON(w, r, &RootResponse{RootPEM: Certificate{cert}})
render.JSON(w, &RootResponse{RootPEM: Certificate{cert}})
func certChainToPEM(certChain []*x509.Certificate) []Certificate {
@ -391,17 +332,17 @@ func certChainToPEM(certChain []*x509.Certificate) []Certificate {
func Provisioners(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
cursor, limit, err := ParseCursor(r)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
p, next, err := mustAuthority(r.Context()).GetProvisioners(cursor, limit)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.JSON(w, r, &ProvisionersResponse{
render.JSON(w, &ProvisionersResponse{
Provisioners: p,
NextCursor: next,
@ -412,18 +353,18 @@ func ProvisionerKey(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
kid := chi.URLParam(r, "kid")
key, err := mustAuthority(r.Context()).GetEncryptedKey(kid)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.NotFoundErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.NotFoundErr(err))
render.JSON(w, r, &ProvisionerKeyResponse{key})
render.JSON(w, &ProvisionerKeyResponse{key})
// Roots returns all the root certificates for the CA.
func Roots(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
roots, err := mustAuthority(r.Context()).GetRoots()
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error getting roots"))
render.Error(w, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error getting roots"))
@ -432,7 +373,7 @@ func Roots(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
certs[i] = Certificate{roots[i]}
render.JSONStatus(w, r, &RootsResponse{
render.JSONStatus(w, &RootsResponse{
Certificates: certs,
}, http.StatusCreated)
@ -441,7 +382,7 @@ func Roots(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func RootsPEM(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
roots, err := mustAuthority(r.Context()).GetRoots()
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
@ -454,7 +395,7 @@ func RootsPEM(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if _, err := w.Write(block); err != nil {
log.Error(w, r, err)
log.Error(w, err)
@ -464,7 +405,7 @@ func RootsPEM(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func Federation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
federated, err := mustAuthority(r.Context()).GetFederation()
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error getting federated roots"))
render.Error(w, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error getting federated roots"))
@ -473,7 +414,7 @@ func Federation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
certs[i] = Certificate{federated[i]}
render.JSONStatus(w, r, &FederationResponse{
render.JSONStatus(w, &FederationResponse{
Certificates: certs,
}, http.StatusCreated)
@ -494,7 +435,7 @@ func logOtt(w http.ResponseWriter, token string) {
// LogCertificate adds certificate fields to the log message.
// LogCertificate add certificate fields to the log message.
func LogCertificate(w http.ResponseWriter, cert *x509.Certificate) {
if rl, ok := w.(logging.ResponseLogger); ok {
m := map[string]interface{}{
@ -526,46 +467,11 @@ func LogCertificate(w http.ResponseWriter, cert *x509.Certificate) {
// LogSSHCertificate adds SSH certificate fields to the log message.
func LogSSHCertificate(w http.ResponseWriter, cert *ssh.Certificate) {
if rl, ok := w.(logging.ResponseLogger); ok {
mak := bytes.TrimSpace(ssh.MarshalAuthorizedKey(cert))
var certificate string
parts := strings.Split(string(mak), " ")
if len(parts) > 1 {
certificate = parts[1]
var userOrHost string
if cert.CertType == ssh.HostCert {
userOrHost = "host"
} else {
userOrHost = "user"
certificateType := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s certificate", parts[0], userOrHost) // e.g. user certificate
m := map[string]interface{}{
"serial": cert.Serial,
"principals": cert.ValidPrincipals,
"valid-from": time.Unix(int64(cert.ValidAfter), 0).Format(time.RFC3339),
"valid-to": time.Unix(int64(cert.ValidBefore), 0).Format(time.RFC3339),
"certificate": certificate,
"certificate-type": certificateType,
fingerprint, err := sshutil.FormatFingerprint(mak, sshutil.DefaultFingerprint)
if err == nil {
fpParts := strings.Split(fingerprint, " ")
if len(fpParts) > 3 {
m["public-key"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", fpParts[1], fpParts[len(fpParts)-1])
// ParseCursor parses the cursor and limit from the request query params.
func ParseCursor(r *http.Request) (cursor string, limit int, err error) {
q := r.URL.Query()
cursor = q.Get("cursor")
if v := q.Get("limit"); v != "" {
if v := q.Get("limit"); len(v) > 0 {
limit, err = strconv.Atoi(v)
if err != nil {
return "", 0, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "limit '%s' is not an integer", v)

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
"crypto/dsa" //nolint:staticcheck // support legacy algorithms
"crypto/dsa" //nolint
@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ import (
@ -189,10 +189,9 @@ type mockAuthority struct {
authorizeRenewToken func(ctx context.Context, ott string) (*x509.Certificate, error)
getTLSOptions func() *authority.TLSOptions
root func(shasum string) (*x509.Certificate, error)
signWithContext func(ctx context.Context, cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.SignOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
sign func(cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.SignOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
renew func(cert *x509.Certificate) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
rekey func(oldCert *x509.Certificate, pk crypto.PublicKey) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
renewContext func(ctx context.Context, oldCert *x509.Certificate, pk crypto.PublicKey) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
loadProvisionerByCertificate func(cert *x509.Certificate) (provisioner.Interface, error)
loadProvisionerByName func(name string) (provisioner.Interface, error)
getProvisioners func(nextCursor string, limit int) (provisioner.List, string, error)
@ -200,7 +199,6 @@ type mockAuthority struct {
getEncryptedKey func(kid string) (string, error)
getRoots func() ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
getFederation func() ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
getCRL func() (*authority.CertificateRevocationListInfo, error)
signSSH func(ctx context.Context, key ssh.PublicKey, opts provisioner.SignSSHOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) (*ssh.Certificate, error)
signSSHAddUser func(ctx context.Context, key ssh.PublicKey, cert *ssh.Certificate) (*ssh.Certificate, error)
renewSSH func(ctx context.Context, cert *ssh.Certificate) (*ssh.Certificate, error)
@ -214,14 +212,6 @@ type mockAuthority struct {
version func() authority.Version
func (m *mockAuthority) GetCertificateRevocationList() (*authority.CertificateRevocationListInfo, error) {
if m.getCRL != nil {
return m.getCRL()
return m.ret1.(*authority.CertificateRevocationListInfo), m.err
// TODO: remove once Authorize is deprecated.
func (m *mockAuthority) Authorize(ctx context.Context, ott string) ([]provisioner.SignOption, error) {
if m.authorize != nil {
@ -251,9 +241,9 @@ func (m *mockAuthority) Root(shasum string) (*x509.Certificate, error) {
return m.ret1.(*x509.Certificate), m.err
func (m *mockAuthority) SignWithContext(ctx context.Context, cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.SignOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
if m.signWithContext != nil {
return m.signWithContext(ctx, cr, opts, signOpts...)
func (m *mockAuthority) Sign(cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.SignOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
if m.sign != nil {
return m.sign(cr, opts, signOpts...)
return []*x509.Certificate{m.ret1.(*x509.Certificate), m.ret2.(*x509.Certificate)}, m.err
@ -265,13 +255,6 @@ func (m *mockAuthority) Renew(cert *x509.Certificate) ([]*x509.Certificate, erro
return []*x509.Certificate{m.ret1.(*x509.Certificate), m.ret2.(*x509.Certificate)}, m.err
func (m *mockAuthority) RenewContext(ctx context.Context, oldcert *x509.Certificate, pk crypto.PublicKey) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
if m.renewContext != nil {
return m.renewContext(ctx, oldcert, pk)
return []*x509.Certificate{m.ret1.(*x509.Certificate), m.ret2.(*x509.Certificate)}, m.err
func (m *mockAuthority) Rekey(oldcert *x509.Certificate, pk crypto.PublicKey) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
if m.rekey != nil {
return m.rekey(oldcert, pk)
@ -655,7 +638,7 @@ func TestSignRequest_Validate(t *testing.T) {
if err := s.Validate(); err != nil {
if assert.NotNil(t, tt.err) {
assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), tt.err.Error()))
assert.HasPrefix(t, err.Error(), tt.err.Error())
} else {
assert.Nil(t, tt.err)
@ -814,7 +797,7 @@ func Test_caHandler_Route(t *testing.T) {
func Test_Health(t *testing.T) {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
Health(w, req)
@ -848,7 +831,7 @@ func Test_Root(t *testing.T) {
// Request with chi context
chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext()
chiCtx.URLParams.Add("sha", "efc7d6b475a56fe587650bcdb999a4a308f815ba44db4bf0371ea68a786ccd36")
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx))
expected := []byte(`{"ca":"` + strings.ReplaceAll(rootPEM, "\n", `\n`) + `\n"}`)
@ -884,12 +867,16 @@ func Test_Sign(t *testing.T) {
CsrPEM: CertificateRequest{csr},
OTT: "foobarzar",
require.NoError(t, err)
if err != nil {
invalid, err := json.Marshal(SignRequest{
CsrPEM: CertificateRequest{csr},
OTT: "",
require.NoError(t, err)
if err != nil {
expected1 := []byte(`{"crt":"` + strings.ReplaceAll(certPEM, "\n", `\n`) + `\n","ca":"` + strings.ReplaceAll(rootPEM, "\n", `\n`) + `\n","certChain":["` + strings.ReplaceAll(certPEM, "\n", `\n`) + `\n","` + strings.ReplaceAll(rootPEM, "\n", `\n`) + `\n"]}`)
expected2 := []byte(`{"crt":"` + strings.ReplaceAll(stepCertPEM, "\n", `\n`) + `\n","ca":"` + strings.ReplaceAll(rootPEM, "\n", `\n`) + `\n","certChain":["` + strings.ReplaceAll(stepCertPEM, "\n", `\n`) + `\n","` + strings.ReplaceAll(rootPEM, "\n", `\n`) + `\n"]}`)
@ -1059,7 +1046,7 @@ func Test_Renew(t *testing.T) {
return nil
req := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "", nil)
req.TLS = tt.tls
req.Header = tt.header
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
@ -1213,10 +1200,10 @@ func Test_Provisioners(t *testing.T) {
expectedError400 := errs.BadRequest("limit 'abc' is not an integer")
expectedError400Bytes, err := json.Marshal(expectedError400)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
expectedError500 := errs.InternalServer("force")
expectedError500Bytes, err := json.Marshal(expectedError500)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
mockMustAuthority(t, tt.fields.Authority)
@ -1267,7 +1254,7 @@ func Test_ProvisionerKey(t *testing.T) {
// Request with chi context
chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext()
chiCtx.URLParams.Add("kid", "oV1p0MJeGQ7qBlK6B-oyfVdBRjh_e7VSK_YSEEqgW00")
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx))
tests := []struct {
@ -1283,7 +1270,7 @@ func Test_ProvisionerKey(t *testing.T) {
expected := []byte(`{"key":"` + privKey + `"}`)
expectedError404 := errs.NotFound("force")
expectedError404Bytes, err := json.Marshal(expectedError404)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
@ -1335,7 +1322,7 @@ func Test_Roots(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
mockMustAuthority(t, &mockAuthority{ret1: []*x509.Certificate{tt.root}, err: tt.err})
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
req.TLS = tt.tls
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
Roots(w, req)
@ -1376,7 +1363,7 @@ func Test_caHandler_RootsPEM(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
mockMustAuthority(t, &mockAuthority{ret1: tt.roots, err: tt.err})
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
RootsPEM(w, req)
res := w.Result()
@ -1421,7 +1408,7 @@ func Test_Federation(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
mockMustAuthority(t, &mockAuthority{ret1: []*x509.Certificate{tt.root}, err: tt.err})
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
req.TLS = tt.tls
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
Federation(w, req)
@ -1521,140 +1508,3 @@ func mustCertificate(t *testing.T, pub, priv interface{}) *x509.Certificate {
return cert
func TestProvisionersResponse_MarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
k := map[string]any{
"use": "sig",
"kty": "EC",
"kid": "4UELJx8e0aS9m0CH3fZ0EB7D5aUPICb759zALHFejvc",
"crv": "P-256",
"alg": "ES256",
"x": "7ZdAAMZCFU4XwgblI5RfZouBi8lYmF6DlZusNNnsbm8",
"y": "sQr2JdzwD2fgyrymBEXWsxDxFNjjqN64qLLSbLdLZ9Y",
key := jose.JSONWebKey{}
b, err := json.Marshal(k)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &key)
require.NoError(t, err)
r := ProvisionersResponse{
Provisioners: provisioner.List{
Name: "scep",
Type: "scep",
ChallengePassword: "not-so-secret",
MinimumPublicKeyLength: 2048,
EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier: 2,
IncludeRoot: true,
ExcludeIntermediate: true,
DecrypterCertificate: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4},
DecrypterKeyPEM: []byte{5, 6, 7, 8},
DecrypterKeyURI: "softkms:path=/path/to/private.key",
DecrypterKeyPassword: "super-secret-password",
EncryptedKey: "eyJhbGciOiJQQkVTMi1IUzI1NitBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwicDJjIjoxMDAwMDAsInAycyI6IlhOdmYxQjgxSUlLMFA2NUkwcmtGTGcifQ.XaN9zcPQeWt49zchUDm34FECUTHfQTn_.tmNHPQDqR3ebsWfd.9WZr3YVdeOyJh36vvx0VlRtluhvYp4K7jJ1KGDr1qypwZ3ziBVSNbYYQ71du7fTtrnfG1wgGTVR39tWSzBU-zwQ5hdV3rpMAaEbod5zeW6SHd95H3Bvcb43YiiqJFNL5sGZzFb7FqzVmpsZ1efiv6sZaGDHtnCAL6r12UG5EZuqGfM0jGCZitUz2m9TUKXJL5DJ7MOYbFfkCEsUBPDm_TInliSVn2kMJhFa0VOe5wZk5YOuYM3lNYW64HGtbf-llN2Xk-4O9TfeSPizBx9ZqGpeu8pz13efUDT2WL9tWo6-0UE-CrG0bScm8lFTncTkHcu49_a5NaUBkYlBjEiw.thPcx3t1AUcWuEygXIY3Fg",
Key: &key,
Name: "step-cli",
Type: "JWK",
NextCursor: "next",
expected := map[string]any{
"provisioners": []map[string]any{
"type": "scep",
"name": "scep",
"forceCN": false,
"includeRoot": true,
"excludeIntermediate": true,
"challenge": "*** REDACTED ***",
"decrypterCertificate": []byte("*** REDACTED ***"),
"decrypterKey": "*** REDACTED ***",
"decrypterKeyPEM": []byte("*** REDACTED ***"),
"decrypterKeyPassword": "*** REDACTED ***",
"minimumPublicKeyLength": 2048,
"encryptionAlgorithmIdentifier": 2,
"type": "JWK",
"name": "step-cli",
"key": map[string]any{
"use": "sig",
"kty": "EC",
"kid": "4UELJx8e0aS9m0CH3fZ0EB7D5aUPICb759zALHFejvc",
"crv": "P-256",
"alg": "ES256",
"x": "7ZdAAMZCFU4XwgblI5RfZouBi8lYmF6DlZusNNnsbm8",
"y": "sQr2JdzwD2fgyrymBEXWsxDxFNjjqN64qLLSbLdLZ9Y",
"encryptedKey": "eyJhbGciOiJQQkVTMi1IUzI1NitBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwicDJjIjoxMDAwMDAsInAycyI6IlhOdmYxQjgxSUlLMFA2NUkwcmtGTGcifQ.XaN9zcPQeWt49zchUDm34FECUTHfQTn_.tmNHPQDqR3ebsWfd.9WZr3YVdeOyJh36vvx0VlRtluhvYp4K7jJ1KGDr1qypwZ3ziBVSNbYYQ71du7fTtrnfG1wgGTVR39tWSzBU-zwQ5hdV3rpMAaEbod5zeW6SHd95H3Bvcb43YiiqJFNL5sGZzFb7FqzVmpsZ1efiv6sZaGDHtnCAL6r12UG5EZuqGfM0jGCZitUz2m9TUKXJL5DJ7MOYbFfkCEsUBPDm_TInliSVn2kMJhFa0VOe5wZk5YOuYM3lNYW64HGtbf-llN2Xk-4O9TfeSPizBx9ZqGpeu8pz13efUDT2WL9tWo6-0UE-CrG0bScm8lFTncTkHcu49_a5NaUBkYlBjEiw.thPcx3t1AUcWuEygXIY3Fg",
"nextCursor": "next",
expBytes, err := json.Marshal(expected)
assert.NoError(t, err)
br, err := r.MarshalJSON()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.JSONEq(t, string(expBytes), string(br))
keyCopy := key
expList := provisioner.List{
Name: "scep",
Type: "scep",
ChallengePassword: "not-so-secret",
MinimumPublicKeyLength: 2048,
EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier: 2,
IncludeRoot: true,
ExcludeIntermediate: true,
DecrypterCertificate: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4},
DecrypterKeyPEM: []byte{5, 6, 7, 8},
DecrypterKeyURI: "softkms:path=/path/to/private.key",
DecrypterKeyPassword: "super-secret-password",
EncryptedKey: "eyJhbGciOiJQQkVTMi1IUzI1NitBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwicDJjIjoxMDAwMDAsInAycyI6IlhOdmYxQjgxSUlLMFA2NUkwcmtGTGcifQ.XaN9zcPQeWt49zchUDm34FECUTHfQTn_.tmNHPQDqR3ebsWfd.9WZr3YVdeOyJh36vvx0VlRtluhvYp4K7jJ1KGDr1qypwZ3ziBVSNbYYQ71du7fTtrnfG1wgGTVR39tWSzBU-zwQ5hdV3rpMAaEbod5zeW6SHd95H3Bvcb43YiiqJFNL5sGZzFb7FqzVmpsZ1efiv6sZaGDHtnCAL6r12UG5EZuqGfM0jGCZitUz2m9TUKXJL5DJ7MOYbFfkCEsUBPDm_TInliSVn2kMJhFa0VOe5wZk5YOuYM3lNYW64HGtbf-llN2Xk-4O9TfeSPizBx9ZqGpeu8pz13efUDT2WL9tWo6-0UE-CrG0bScm8lFTncTkHcu49_a5NaUBkYlBjEiw.thPcx3t1AUcWuEygXIY3Fg",
Key: &keyCopy,
Name: "step-cli",
Type: "JWK",
// MarshalJSON must not affect the struct properties itself
assert.Equal(t, expList, r.Provisioners)
const (
func TestLogSSHCertificate(t *testing.T) {
out, _, _, _, err := ssh.ParseAuthorizedKey([]byte(fixtureECDSACertificate))
require.NoError(t, err)
cert, ok := out.(*ssh.Certificate)
require.True(t, ok)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
rl := logging.NewResponseLogger(w)
LogSSHCertificate(rl, cert)
assert.Equal(t, 200, w.Result().StatusCode)
fields := rl.Fields()
assert.Equal(t, uint64(14376510277651266987), fields["serial"])
assert.Equal(t, []string{"herman"}, fields["principals"])
assert.Equal(t, " user certificate", fields["certificate-type"])
assert.Equal(t, time.Unix(1674129191, 0).Format(time.RFC3339), fields["valid-from"])
assert.Equal(t, time.Unix(1674186851, 0).Format(time.RFC3339), fields["valid-to"])
assert.Equal(t, "SHA256:RvkDPGwl/G9d7LUFm1kmWhvOD9I/moPq4yxcb0STwr0 (ECDSA-CERT)", fields["public-key"])

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
// CRL is an HTTP handler that returns the current CRL in DER or PEM format
func CRL(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
crlInfo, err := mustAuthority(r.Context()).GetCertificateRevocationList()
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
if crlInfo == nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.New(http.StatusNotFound, "no CRL available"))
expires := crlInfo.ExpiresAt
if expires.IsZero() {
expires = time.Now()
w.Header().Add("Expires", expires.Format(time.RFC1123))
_, formatAsPEM := r.URL.Query()["pem"]
if formatAsPEM {
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/x-pem-file")
w.Header().Add("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"crl.pem\"")
_ = pem.Encode(w, &pem.Block{
Type: "X509 CRL",
Bytes: crlInfo.Data,
} else {
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/pkix-crl")
w.Header().Add("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"crl.der\"")

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
package api
import (
func Test_CRL(t *testing.T) {
data := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}
pemData := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Type: "X509 CRL",
Bytes: data,
pemData = bytes.TrimSpace(pemData)
emptyPEMData := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Type: "X509 CRL",
Bytes: nil,
emptyPEMData = bytes.TrimSpace(emptyPEMData)
tests := []struct {
name string
url string
err error
statusCode int
crlInfo *authority.CertificateRevocationListInfo
expectedBody []byte
expectedHeaders http.Header
expectedErrorJSON string
{"ok", "", nil, http.StatusOK, &authority.CertificateRevocationListInfo{Data: data}, data, http.Header{"Content-Type": []string{"application/pkix-crl"}, "Content-Disposition": []string{`attachment; filename="crl.der"`}}, ""},
{"ok/pem", "", nil, http.StatusOK, &authority.CertificateRevocationListInfo{Data: data}, pemData, http.Header{"Content-Type": []string{"application/x-pem-file"}, "Content-Disposition": []string{`attachment; filename="crl.pem"`}}, ""},
{"ok/empty", "", nil, http.StatusOK, &authority.CertificateRevocationListInfo{Data: nil}, nil, http.Header{"Content-Type": []string{"application/pkix-crl"}, "Content-Disposition": []string{`attachment; filename="crl.der"`}}, ""},
{"ok/empty-pem", "", nil, http.StatusOK, &authority.CertificateRevocationListInfo{Data: nil}, emptyPEMData, http.Header{"Content-Type": []string{"application/x-pem-file"}, "Content-Disposition": []string{`attachment; filename="crl.pem"`}}, ""},
{"fail/internal", "", errs.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("failure"), "authority.GetCertificateRevocationList"), http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, nil, http.Header{}, `{"status":500,"message":"The certificate authority encountered an Internal Server Error. Please see the certificate authority logs for more info."}`},
{"fail/nil", "", nil, http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil, http.Header{}, `{"status":404,"message":"no CRL available"}`},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
mockMustAuthority(t, &mockAuthority{ret1: tt.crlInfo, err: tt.err})
chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext()
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", tt.url, http.NoBody)
req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx))
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
CRL(w, req)
res := w.Result()
assert.Equal(t, tt.statusCode, res.StatusCode)
body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
if tt.statusCode >= 300 {
assert.JSONEq(t, tt.expectedErrorJSON, string(bytes.TrimSpace(body)))
// check expected header values
for _, h := range []string{"content-type", "content-disposition"} {
v := tt.expectedHeaders.Get(h)
require.NotEmpty(t, v)
actual := res.Header.Get(h)
assert.Equal(t, v, actual)
// check expires header value
assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Header.Get("expires"))
t1, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, res.Header.Get("expires"))
if assert.NoError(t, err) {
assert.False(t, t1.IsZero())
// check body contents
assert.Equal(t, tt.expectedBody, bytes.TrimSpace(body))

@ -2,36 +2,14 @@
package log
import (
type errorLoggerKey struct{}
// ErrorLogger is the function type used to log errors.
type ErrorLogger func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, error)
func (fn ErrorLogger) call(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
if fn == nil {
fn(w, r, err)
// WithErrorLogger returns a new context with the given error logger.
func WithErrorLogger(ctx context.Context, fn ErrorLogger) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, errorLoggerKey{}, fn)
// ErrorLoggerFromContext returns an error logger from the context.
func ErrorLoggerFromContext(ctx context.Context) (fn ErrorLogger) {
fn, _ = ctx.Value(errorLoggerKey{}).(ErrorLogger)
// StackTracedError is the set of errors implementing the StackTrace function.
@ -43,23 +21,16 @@ type StackTracedError interface {
StackTrace() errors.StackTrace
type fieldCarrier interface {
Fields() map[string]any
// Error adds to the response writer the given error if it implements
// logging.ResponseLogger. If it does not implement it, then writes the error
// using the log package.
func Error(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
ErrorLoggerFromContext(r.Context()).call(w, r, err)
fc, ok := w.(fieldCarrier)
func Error(rw http.ResponseWriter, err error) {
rl, ok := rw.(logging.ResponseLogger)
if !ok {
"error": err,
@ -68,8 +39,8 @@ func Error(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
var st StackTracedError
if errors.As(err, &st) {
if !errors.As(err, &st) {
"stack-trace": fmt.Sprintf("%+v", st.StackTrace()),
@ -77,21 +48,21 @@ func Error(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
// EnabledResponse log the response object if it implements the EnableLogger
// interface.
func EnabledResponse(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v any) {
func EnabledResponse(rw http.ResponseWriter, v interface{}) {
type enableLogger interface {
ToLog() (any, error)
ToLog() (interface{}, error)
if el, ok := v.(enableLogger); ok {
out, err := el.ToLog()
if err != nil {
Error(rw, r, err)
Error(rw, err)
if rl, ok := rw.(fieldCarrier); ok {
if rl, ok := rw.(logging.ResponseLogger); ok {
"response": out,

@ -1,108 +1,43 @@
package log
import (
pkgerrors ""
type stackTracedError struct{}
func (stackTracedError) Error() string {
return "a stacktraced error"
func (stackTracedError) StackTrace() pkgerrors.StackTrace {
f := struct{}{}
return pkgerrors.StackTrace{ // fake stacktrace
func TestError(t *testing.T) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
logger := slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(&buf, &slog.HandlerOptions{}))
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/test", http.NoBody)
reqWithLogger := req.WithContext(WithErrorLogger(req.Context(), func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
if err != nil {
logger.ErrorContext(r.Context(), "request failed", slog.Any("error", err))
theError := errors.New("the error")
type args struct {
rw http.ResponseWriter
err error
tests := []struct {
name string
rw http.ResponseWriter
r *http.Request
isFieldCarrier bool
isSlogLogger bool
stepDebug bool
expectStackTrace bool
name string
args args
withFields bool
{"noLogger", nil, nil, req, false, false, false, false},
{"noError", nil, logging.NewResponseLogger(httptest.NewRecorder()), req, true, false, false, false},
{"noErrorDebug", nil, logging.NewResponseLogger(httptest.NewRecorder()), req, true, false, true, false},
{"anError", assert.AnError, logging.NewResponseLogger(httptest.NewRecorder()), req, true, false, false, false},
{"anErrorDebug", assert.AnError, logging.NewResponseLogger(httptest.NewRecorder()), req, true, false, true, false},
{"stackTracedError", new(stackTracedError), logging.NewResponseLogger(httptest.NewRecorder()), req, true, false, true, true},
{"stackTracedErrorDebug", new(stackTracedError), logging.NewResponseLogger(httptest.NewRecorder()), req, true, false, true, true},
{"slogWithNoError", nil, logging.NewResponseLogger(httptest.NewRecorder()), reqWithLogger, true, true, false, false},
{"slogWithError", assert.AnError, logging.NewResponseLogger(httptest.NewRecorder()), reqWithLogger, true, true, false, false},
{"normalLogger", args{httptest.NewRecorder(), theError}, false},
{"responseLogger", args{logging.NewResponseLogger(httptest.NewRecorder()), theError}, true},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if tt.stepDebug {
t.Setenv("STEPDEBUG", "1")
} else {
t.Setenv("STEPDEBUG", "0")
Error(, tt.r, tt.error)
// return early if test case doesn't use logger
if !tt.isFieldCarrier && !tt.isSlogLogger {
if tt.isFieldCarrier {
fields :=
// expect the error field to be (not) set and to be the same error that was fed to Error
if tt.error == nil {
assert.Nil(t, fields["error"])
Error(, tt.args.err)
if tt.withFields {
if rl, ok :=; ok {
fields := rl.Fields()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(fields["error"], theError) {
t.Errorf("ResponseLogger[\"error\"] = %s, wants %s", fields["error"], theError)
} else {
assert.Same(t, tt.error, fields["error"])
// check if stack-trace is set when expected
if _, hasStackTrace := fields["stack-trace"]; tt.expectStackTrace && !hasStackTrace {
t.Error(`ResponseLogger["stack-trace"] not set`)
} else if !tt.expectStackTrace && hasStackTrace {
t.Error(`ResponseLogger["stack-trace"] was set`)
if tt.isSlogLogger {
b := buf.Bytes()
if tt.error == nil {
assert.Empty(t, b)
} else if assert.NotEmpty(t, b) {
var m map[string]any
assert.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(b, &m))
assert.Equal(t, tt.error.Error(), m["error"])
t.Error("ResponseWriter does not implement logging.ResponseLogger")

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
package models
import (
var errDummyImplementation = errors.New("dummy implementation")
// SCEP is the SCEP provisioner model used solely in CA API
// responses. All methods for the [provisioner.Interface] interface
// are implemented, but return a dummy error.
// TODO(hs): remove reliance on the interface for the API responses
type SCEP struct {
ID string `json:"-"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ForceCN bool `json:"forceCN"`
ChallengePassword string `json:"challenge"`
Capabilities []string `json:"capabilities,omitempty"`
IncludeRoot bool `json:"includeRoot"`
ExcludeIntermediate bool `json:"excludeIntermediate"`
MinimumPublicKeyLength int `json:"minimumPublicKeyLength"`
DecrypterCertificate []byte `json:"decrypterCertificate"`
DecrypterKeyPEM []byte `json:"decrypterKeyPEM"`
DecrypterKeyURI string `json:"decrypterKey"`
DecrypterKeyPassword string `json:"decrypterKeyPassword"`
EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier int `json:"encryptionAlgorithmIdentifier"`
Options *provisioner.Options `json:"options,omitempty"`
Claims *provisioner.Claims `json:"claims,omitempty"`
// GetID returns the provisioner unique identifier.
func (s *SCEP) GetID() string {
if s.ID != "" {
return s.ID
return s.GetIDForToken()
// GetIDForToken returns an identifier that will be used to load the provisioner
// from a token.
func (s *SCEP) GetIDForToken() string {
return "scep/" + s.Name
// GetName returns the name of the provisioner.
func (s *SCEP) GetName() string {
return s.Name
// GetType returns the type of provisioner.
func (s *SCEP) GetType() provisioner.Type {
return provisioner.TypeSCEP
// GetEncryptedKey returns the base provisioner encrypted key if it's defined.
func (s *SCEP) GetEncryptedKey() (string, string, bool) {
return "", "", false
// GetTokenID returns the identifier of the token.
func (s *SCEP) GetTokenID(string) (string, error) {
return "", errDummyImplementation
// Init initializes and validates the fields of a SCEP type.
func (s *SCEP) Init(_ provisioner.Config) (err error) {
return errDummyImplementation
// AuthorizeSign returns an unimplemented error. Provisioners should overwrite
// this method if they will support authorizing tokens for signing x509 Certificates.
func (s *SCEP) AuthorizeSign(context.Context, string) ([]provisioner.SignOption, error) {
return nil, errDummyImplementation
// AuthorizeRevoke returns an unimplemented error. Provisioners should overwrite
// this method if they will support authorizing tokens for revoking x509 Certificates.
func (s *SCEP) AuthorizeRevoke(context.Context, string) error {
return errDummyImplementation
// AuthorizeRenew returns an unimplemented error. Provisioners should overwrite
// this method if they will support authorizing tokens for renewing x509 Certificates.
func (s *SCEP) AuthorizeRenew(context.Context, *x509.Certificate) error {
return errDummyImplementation
// AuthorizeSSHSign returns an unimplemented error. Provisioners should overwrite
// this method if they will support authorizing tokens for signing SSH Certificates.
func (s *SCEP) AuthorizeSSHSign(context.Context, string) ([]provisioner.SignOption, error) {
return nil, errDummyImplementation
// AuthorizeSSHRevoke returns an unimplemented error. Provisioners should overwrite
// this method if they will support authorizing tokens for revoking SSH Certificates.
func (s *SCEP) AuthorizeSSHRevoke(context.Context, string) error {
return errDummyImplementation
// AuthorizeSSHRenew returns an unimplemented error. Provisioners should overwrite
// this method if they will support authorizing tokens for renewing SSH Certificates.
func (s *SCEP) AuthorizeSSHRenew(context.Context, string) (*ssh.Certificate, error) {
return nil, errDummyImplementation
// AuthorizeSSHRekey returns an unimplemented error. Provisioners should overwrite
// this method if they will support authorizing tokens for rekeying SSH Certificates.
func (s *SCEP) AuthorizeSSHRekey(context.Context, string) (*ssh.Certificate, []provisioner.SignOption, error) {
return nil, nil, errDummyImplementation
var _ provisioner.Interface = (*SCEP)(nil)

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func (e badProtoJSONError) Error() string {
// Render implements render.RenderableError for badProtoJSONError
func (e badProtoJSONError) Render(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func (e badProtoJSONError) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) {
v := struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Detail string `json:"detail"`
@ -62,5 +62,5 @@ func (e badProtoJSONError) Render(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// trim the proto prefix for the message
Message: strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(e.Error(), "proto:")),
render.JSONStatus(w, r, v, http.StatusBadRequest)
render.JSONStatus(w, v, http.StatusBadRequest)

@ -142,8 +142,7 @@ func Test_badProtoJSONError_Render(t *testing.T) {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
r := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "/test", http.NoBody)
tt.e.Render(w, r)
res := w.Result()
defer res.Body.Close()

@ -29,25 +29,25 @@ func (s *RekeyRequest) Validate() error {
// Rekey is similar to renew except that the certificate will be renewed with new key from csr.
func Rekey(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.TLS == nil || len(r.TLS.PeerCertificates) == 0 {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequest("missing client certificate"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequest("missing client certificate"))
var body RekeyRequest
if err := read.JSON(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
if err := body.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
a := mustAuthority(r.Context())
certChain, err := a.Rekey(r.TLS.PeerCertificates[0], body.CsrPEM.CertificateRequest.PublicKey)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "cahandler.Rekey"))
render.Error(w, errs.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "cahandler.Rekey"))
certChainPEM := certChainToPEM(certChain)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func Rekey(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
LogCertificate(w, certChain[0])
render.JSONStatus(w, r, &SignResponse{
render.JSONStatus(w, &SignResponse{
ServerPEM: certChainPEM[0],
CertChainPEM: certChainPEM,

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
package render
import (
@ -13,8 +14,8 @@ import (
// JSON is shorthand for JSONStatus(w, v, http.StatusOK).
func JSON(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v interface{}) {
JSONStatus(w, r, v, http.StatusOK)
func JSON(w http.ResponseWriter, v interface{}) {
JSONStatus(w, v, http.StatusOK)
// JSONStatus marshals v into w. It additionally sets the status code of
@ -22,28 +23,17 @@ func JSON(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v interface{}) {
// JSONStatus sets the Content-Type of w to application/json unless one is
// specified.
func JSONStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v interface{}, status int) {
func JSONStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, v interface{}, status int) {
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := json.NewEncoder(&b).Encode(v); err != nil {
setContentTypeUnlessPresent(w, "application/json")
_, _ = b.WriteTo(w)
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(v); err != nil {
var errUnsupportedType *json.UnsupportedTypeError
if errors.As(err, &errUnsupportedType) {
var errUnsupportedValue *json.UnsupportedValueError
if errors.As(err, &errUnsupportedValue) {
var errMarshalError *json.MarshalerError
if errors.As(err, &errMarshalError) {
log.EnabledResponse(w, r, v)
log.EnabledResponse(w, v)
// ProtoJSON is shorthand for ProtoJSONStatus(w, m, http.StatusOK).
@ -80,22 +70,22 @@ func setContentTypeUnlessPresent(w http.ResponseWriter, contentType string) {
type RenderableError interface {
Render(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
// Error marshals the JSON representation of err to w. In case err implements
// RenderableError its own Render method will be called instead.
func Error(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
log.Error(rw, r, err)
func Error(w http.ResponseWriter, err error) {
log.Error(w, err)
var re RenderableError
if errors.As(err, &re) {
re.Render(rw, r)
var r RenderableError
if errors.As(err, &r) {
JSONStatus(rw, r, err, statusCodeFromError(err))
JSONStatus(w, err, statusCodeFromError(err))
// StatusCodedError is the set of errors that implement the basic StatusCode

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
package render
import (
@ -18,8 +16,8 @@ import (
func TestJSON(t *testing.T) {
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
rw := logging.NewResponseLogger(rec)
r := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "/test", http.NoBody)
JSON(rw, r, map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"})
JSON(rw, map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"})
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, rec.Result().StatusCode)
assert.Equal(t, "application/json", rec.Header().Get("Content-Type"))
@ -28,44 +26,10 @@ func TestJSON(t *testing.T) {
assert.Empty(t, rw.Fields())
func TestJSONPanicsOnUnsupportedType(t *testing.T) {
jsonPanicTest[json.UnsupportedTypeError](t, make(chan struct{}))
func TestJSONPanicsOnUnsupportedValue(t *testing.T) {
jsonPanicTest[json.UnsupportedValueError](t, math.NaN())
func TestJSONPanicsOnMarshalerError(t *testing.T) {
var v erroneousJSONMarshaler
jsonPanicTest[json.MarshalerError](t, v)
type erroneousJSONMarshaler struct{}
func (erroneousJSONMarshaler) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return nil, assert.AnError
func jsonPanicTest[T json.UnsupportedTypeError | json.UnsupportedValueError | json.MarshalerError](t *testing.T, v any) {
defer func() {
var err error
if r := recover(); r == nil {
t.Fatal("expected panic")
} else if e, ok := r.(error); !ok {
t.Fatalf("did not panic with an error (%T)", r)
} else {
err = e
var e *T
assert.ErrorAs(t, err, &e)
r := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "/test", http.NoBody)
JSON(httptest.NewRecorder(), r, v)
func TestJSONPanics(t *testing.T) {
assert.Panics(t, func() {
JSON(httptest.NewRecorder(), make(chan struct{}))
type renderableError struct {
@ -77,9 +41,10 @@ func (err renderableError) Error() string {
return err.Message
func (err renderableError) Render(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func (err renderableError) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "something/custom")
JSONStatus(w, r, err, err.Code)
JSONStatus(w, err, err.Code)
type statusedError struct {
@ -116,8 +81,8 @@ func TestError(t *testing.T) {
t.Run(strconv.Itoa(caseIndex), func(t *testing.T) {
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
r := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "/test", http.NoBody)
Error(rec, r, kase.err)
Error(rec, kase.err)
assert.Equal(t, kase.code, rec.Result().StatusCode)
assert.Equal(t, kase.body, rec.Body.String())

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
@ -18,25 +17,16 @@ const (
// Renew uses the information of certificate in the TLS connection to create a
// new one.
func Renew(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
// Get the leaf certificate from the peer or the token.
cert, token, err := getPeerCertificate(r)
cert, err := getPeerCertificate(r)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
// The token can be used by RAs to renew a certificate.
if token != "" {
ctx = authority.NewTokenContext(ctx, token)
logOtt(w, token)
a := mustAuthority(ctx)
certChain, err := a.RenewContext(ctx, cert, nil)
a := mustAuthority(r.Context())
certChain, err := a.Renew(cert)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "cahandler.Renew"))
render.Error(w, errs.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "cahandler.Renew"))
certChainPEM := certChainToPEM(certChain)
@ -46,7 +36,7 @@ func Renew(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
LogCertificate(w, certChain[0])
render.JSONStatus(w, r, &SignResponse{
render.JSONStatus(w, &SignResponse{
ServerPEM: certChainPEM[0],
CertChainPEM: certChainPEM,
@ -54,16 +44,15 @@ func Renew(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
}, http.StatusCreated)
func getPeerCertificate(r *http.Request) (*x509.Certificate, string, error) {
func getPeerCertificate(r *http.Request) (*x509.Certificate, error) {
if r.TLS != nil && len(r.TLS.PeerCertificates) > 0 {
return r.TLS.PeerCertificates[0], "", nil
return r.TLS.PeerCertificates[0], nil
if s := r.Header.Get(authorizationHeader); s != "" {
if parts := strings.SplitN(s, bearerScheme+" ", 2); len(parts) == 2 {
ctx := r.Context()
peer, err := mustAuthority(ctx).AuthorizeRenewToken(ctx, parts[1])
return peer, parts[1], err
return mustAuthority(ctx).AuthorizeRenewToken(ctx, parts[1])
return nil, "", errs.BadRequest("missing client certificate")
return nil, errs.BadRequest("missing client certificate")

@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ func (r *RevokeRequest) Validate() (err error) {
func Revoke(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body RevokeRequest
if err := read.JSON(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
if err := body.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ func Revoke(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// A token indicates that we are using the api via a provisioner token,
// otherwise it is assumed that the certificate is revoking itself over mTLS.
if body.OTT != "" {
if len(body.OTT) > 0 {
logOtt(w, body.OTT)
if _, err := a.Authorize(ctx, body.OTT); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
opts.OTT = body.OTT
@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ func Revoke(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// the client certificate Serial Number must match the serial number
// being revoked.
if r.TLS == nil || len(r.TLS.PeerCertificates) == 0 {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequest("missing ott or client certificate"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequest("missing ott or client certificate"))
opts.Crt = r.TLS.PeerCertificates[0]
if opts.Crt.SerialNumber.String() != opts.Serial {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequest("serial number in client certificate different than body"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequest("serial number in client certificate different than body"))
// TODO: should probably be checking if the certificate was revoked here.
@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ func Revoke(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := a.Revoke(ctx, opts); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error revoking certificate"))
render.Error(w, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error revoking certificate"))
logRevoke(w, opts)
render.JSON(w, r, &RevokeResponse{Status: "ok"})
render.JSON(w, &RevokeResponse{Status: "ok"})
func logRevoke(w http.ResponseWriter, ri *authority.RevokeOptions) {

@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ type SignResponse struct {
func Sign(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body SignRequest
if err := read.JSON(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
logOtt(w, body.OTT)
if err := body.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ func Sign(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx = provisioner.NewContextWithMethod(ctx, provisioner.SignMethod)
signOpts, err := a.Authorize(ctx, body.OTT)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
certChain, err := a.SignWithContext(ctx, body.CsrPEM.CertificateRequest, opts, signOpts...)
certChain, err := a.Sign(body.CsrPEM.CertificateRequest, opts, signOpts...)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error signing certificate"))
render.Error(w, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error signing certificate"))
certChainPEM := certChainToPEM(certChain)
@ -88,9 +88,8 @@ func Sign(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if len(certChainPEM) > 1 {
caPEM = certChainPEM[1]
LogCertificate(w, certChain[0])
render.JSONStatus(w, r, &SignResponse{
render.JSONStatus(w, &SignResponse{
ServerPEM: certChainPEM[0],
CertChainPEM: certChainPEM,

@ -253,19 +253,19 @@ type SSHBastionResponse struct {
func SSHSign(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body SSHSignRequest
if err := read.JSON(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
logOtt(w, body.OTT)
if err := body.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
publicKey, err := ssh.ParsePublicKey(body.PublicKey)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error parsing publicKey"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error parsing publicKey"))
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ func SSHSign(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if body.AddUserPublicKey != nil {
addUserPublicKey, err = ssh.ParsePublicKey(body.AddUserPublicKey)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error parsing addUserPublicKey"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error parsing addUserPublicKey"))
@ -293,13 +293,13 @@ func SSHSign(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
a := mustAuthority(ctx)
signOpts, err := a.Authorize(ctx, body.OTT)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
cert, err := a.SignSSH(ctx, publicKey, opts, signOpts...)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error signing ssh certificate"))
render.Error(w, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error signing ssh certificate"))
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ func SSHSign(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if addUserPublicKey != nil && authority.IsValidForAddUser(cert) == nil {
addUserCert, err := a.SignSSHAddUser(ctx, addUserPublicKey, cert)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error signing ssh certificate"))
render.Error(w, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error signing ssh certificate"))
addUserCertificate = &SSHCertificate{addUserCert}
@ -317,10 +317,10 @@ func SSHSign(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var identityCertificate []Certificate
if cr := body.IdentityCSR.CertificateRequest; cr != nil {
ctx := authority.NewContextWithSkipTokenReuse(r.Context())
ctx = provisioner.NewContextWithMethod(ctx, provisioner.SignIdentityMethod)
ctx = provisioner.NewContextWithMethod(ctx, provisioner.SignMethod)
signOpts, err := a.Authorize(ctx, body.OTT)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
@ -330,16 +330,15 @@ func SSHSign(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
NotAfter: time.Unix(int64(cert.ValidBefore), 0),
certChain, err := a.SignWithContext(ctx, cr, provisioner.SignOptions{}, signOpts...)
certChain, err := a.Sign(cr, provisioner.SignOptions{}, signOpts...)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error signing identity certificate"))
render.Error(w, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error signing identity certificate"))
identityCertificate = certChainToPEM(certChain)
LogSSHCertificate(w, cert)
render.JSONStatus(w, r, &SSHSignResponse{
render.JSONStatus(w, &SSHSignResponse{
Certificate: SSHCertificate{cert},
AddUserCertificate: addUserCertificate,
IdentityCertificate: identityCertificate,
@ -352,12 +351,12 @@ func SSHRoots(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
keys, err := mustAuthority(ctx).GetSSHRoots(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
if len(keys.HostKeys) == 0 && len(keys.UserKeys) == 0 {
render.Error(w, r, errs.NotFound("no keys found"))
render.Error(w, errs.NotFound("no keys found"))
@ -369,7 +368,7 @@ func SSHRoots(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
resp.UserKeys = append(resp.UserKeys, SSHPublicKey{PublicKey: k})
render.JSON(w, r, resp)
render.JSON(w, resp)
// SSHFederation is an HTTP handler that returns the federated SSH public keys
@ -378,12 +377,12 @@ func SSHFederation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
keys, err := mustAuthority(ctx).GetSSHFederation(ctx)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
if len(keys.HostKeys) == 0 && len(keys.UserKeys) == 0 {
render.Error(w, r, errs.NotFound("no keys found"))
render.Error(w, errs.NotFound("no keys found"))
@ -395,7 +394,7 @@ func SSHFederation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
resp.UserKeys = append(resp.UserKeys, SSHPublicKey{PublicKey: k})
render.JSON(w, r, resp)
render.JSON(w, resp)
// SSHConfig is an HTTP handler that returns rendered templates for ssh clients
@ -403,18 +402,18 @@ func SSHFederation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func SSHConfig(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body SSHConfigRequest
if err := read.JSON(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
if err := body.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
ctx := r.Context()
ts, err := mustAuthority(ctx).GetSSHConfig(ctx, body.Type, body.Data)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
@ -425,32 +424,32 @@ func SSHConfig(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
case provisioner.SSHHostCert:
cfg.HostTemplates = ts
render.Error(w, r, errs.InternalServer("it should hot get here"))
render.Error(w, errs.InternalServer("it should hot get here"))
render.JSON(w, r, cfg)
render.JSON(w, cfg)
// SSHCheckHost is the HTTP handler that returns if a hosts certificate exists or not.
func SSHCheckHost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body SSHCheckPrincipalRequest
if err := read.JSON(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
if err := body.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
ctx := r.Context()
exists, err := mustAuthority(ctx).CheckSSHHost(ctx, body.Principal, body.Token)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.JSON(w, r, &SSHCheckPrincipalResponse{
render.JSON(w, &SSHCheckPrincipalResponse{
Exists: exists,
@ -465,10 +464,10 @@ func SSHGetHosts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
hosts, err := mustAuthority(ctx).GetSSHHosts(ctx, cert)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.JSON(w, r, &SSHGetHostsResponse{
render.JSON(w, &SSHGetHostsResponse{
Hosts: hosts,
@ -477,22 +476,22 @@ func SSHGetHosts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func SSHBastion(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body SSHBastionRequest
if err := read.JSON(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
if err := body.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
ctx := r.Context()
bastion, err := mustAuthority(ctx).GetSSHBastion(ctx, body.User, body.Hostname)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.JSON(w, r, &SSHBastionResponse{
render.JSON(w, &SSHBastionResponse{
Hostname: body.Hostname,
Bastion: bastion,

@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ type SSHRekeyResponse struct {
func SSHRekey(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body SSHRekeyRequest
if err := read.JSON(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
logOtt(w, body.OTT)
if err := body.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
publicKey, err := ssh.ParsePublicKey(body.PublicKey)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error parsing publicKey"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error parsing publicKey"))
@ -64,18 +64,18 @@ func SSHRekey(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
a := mustAuthority(ctx)
signOpts, err := a.Authorize(ctx, body.OTT)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
oldCert, _, err := provisioner.ExtractSSHPOPCert(body.OTT)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
newCert, err := a.RekeySSH(ctx, oldCert, publicKey, signOpts...)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error rekeying ssh certificate"))
render.Error(w, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error rekeying ssh certificate"))
@ -85,12 +85,11 @@ func SSHRekey(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
identity, err := renewIdentityCertificate(r, notBefore, notAfter)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error renewing identity certificate"))
render.Error(w, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error renewing identity certificate"))
LogSSHCertificate(w, newCert)
render.JSONStatus(w, r, &SSHRekeyResponse{
render.JSONStatus(w, &SSHRekeyResponse{
Certificate: SSHCertificate{newCert},
IdentityCertificate: identity,
}, http.StatusCreated)

@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ type SSHRenewResponse struct {
func SSHRenew(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body SSHRenewRequest
if err := read.JSON(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
logOtt(w, body.OTT)
if err := body.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -56,18 +56,18 @@ func SSHRenew(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
a := mustAuthority(ctx)
_, err := a.Authorize(ctx, body.OTT)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
oldCert, _, err := provisioner.ExtractSSHPOPCert(body.OTT)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
newCert, err := a.RenewSSH(ctx, oldCert)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error renewing ssh certificate"))
render.Error(w, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error renewing ssh certificate"))
@ -77,12 +77,11 @@ func SSHRenew(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
identity, err := renewIdentityCertificate(r, notBefore, notAfter)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error renewing identity certificate"))
render.Error(w, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error renewing identity certificate"))
LogSSHCertificate(w, newCert)
render.JSONStatus(w, r, &SSHSignResponse{
render.JSONStatus(w, &SSHSignResponse{
Certificate: SSHCertificate{newCert},
IdentityCertificate: identity,
}, http.StatusCreated)

@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ func (r *SSHRevokeRequest) Validate() (err error) {
func SSHRevoke(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body SSHRevokeRequest
if err := read.JSON(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
render.Error(w, errs.BadRequestErr(err, "error reading request body"))
if err := body.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -75,18 +75,18 @@ func SSHRevoke(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
logOtt(w, body.OTT)
if _, err := a.Authorize(ctx, body.OTT); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.UnauthorizedErr(err))
opts.OTT = body.OTT
if err := a.Revoke(ctx, opts); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error revoking ssh certificate"))
render.Error(w, errs.ForbiddenErr(err, "error revoking ssh certificate"))
logSSHRevoke(w, opts)
render.JSON(w, r, &SSHRevokeResponse{Status: "ok"})
render.JSON(w, &SSHRevokeResponse{Status: "ok"})
func logSSHRevoke(w http.ResponseWriter, ri *authority.RevokeOptions) {

@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ func Test_SSHSign(t *testing.T) {
signSSHAddUser: func(ctx context.Context, key ssh.PublicKey, cert *ssh.Certificate) (*ssh.Certificate, error) {
return tt.addUserCert, tt.addUserErr
signWithContext: func(ctx context.Context, cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.SignOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
sign: func(cr *x509.CertificateRequest, opts provisioner.SignOptions, signOpts ...provisioner.SignOption) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
return tt.tlsSignCerts, tt.tlsSignErr

@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ func requireEABEnabled(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
acmeProvisioner := prov.GetDetails().GetACME()
if acmeProvisioner == nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewErrorISE("error getting ACME details for provisioner '%s'", prov.GetName()))
render.Error(w, admin.NewErrorISE("error getting ACME details for provisioner '%s'", prov.GetName()))
if !acmeProvisioner.RequireEab {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, "ACME EAB not enabled for provisioner '%s'", prov.GetName()))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, "ACME EAB not enabled for provisioner '%s'", prov.GetName()))
@ -70,17 +70,17 @@ func NewACMEAdminResponder() ACMEAdminResponder {
// GetExternalAccountKeys writes the response for the EAB keys GET endpoint
func (h *acmeAdminResponder) GetExternalAccountKeys(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotImplementedType, "this functionality is currently only available in Certificate Manager:"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotImplementedType, "this functionality is currently only available in Certificate Manager:"))
// CreateExternalAccountKey writes the response for the EAB key POST endpoint
func (h *acmeAdminResponder) CreateExternalAccountKey(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotImplementedType, "this functionality is currently only available in Certificate Manager:"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotImplementedType, "this functionality is currently only available in Certificate Manager:"))
// DeleteExternalAccountKey writes the response for the EAB key DELETE endpoint
func (h *acmeAdminResponder) DeleteExternalAccountKey(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotImplementedType, "this functionality is currently only available in Certificate Manager:"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotImplementedType, "this functionality is currently only available in Certificate Manager:"))
func eakToLinked(k *acme.ExternalAccountKey) *linkedca.EABKey {

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ func TestHandler_requireEABEnabled(t *testing.T) {
for name, prep := range tests {
tc := prep(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody).WithContext(tc.ctx)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil).WithContext(tc.ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
requireEABEnabled(, req)
res := w.Result()
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ func TestHandler_CreateExternalAccountKey(t *testing.T) {
tc := prep(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
req := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "/foo", http.NoBody) // chi routing is prepared in test setup
req := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "/foo", nil) // chi routing is prepared in test setup
req = req.WithContext(tc.ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
acmeResponder := NewACMEAdminResponder()
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ func TestHandler_DeleteExternalAccountKey(t *testing.T) {
tc := prep(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo", http.NoBody) // chi routing is prepared in test setup
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo", nil) // chi routing is prepared in test setup
req = req.WithContext(tc.ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
acmeResponder := NewACMEAdminResponder()
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetExternalAccountKeys(t *testing.T) {
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext()
chiCtx.URLParams.Add("provisionerName", "provName")
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx)
return test{
ctx: ctx,

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ func GetAdmin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
adm, ok := mustAuthority(r.Context()).LoadAdminByID(id)
if !ok {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType,
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType,
"admin %s not found", id))
@ -101,17 +101,17 @@ func GetAdmin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func GetAdmins(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
cursor, limit, err := api.ParseCursor(r)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err,
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err,
"error parsing cursor and limit from query params"))
admins, nextCursor, err := mustAuthority(r.Context()).GetAdmins(cursor, limit)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving paginated admins"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving paginated admins"))
render.JSON(w, r, &GetAdminsResponse{
render.JSON(w, &GetAdminsResponse{
Admins: admins,
NextCursor: nextCursor,
@ -121,19 +121,19 @@ func GetAdmins(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func CreateAdmin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body CreateAdminRequest
if err := read.JSON(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error reading request body"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error reading request body"))
if err := body.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
auth := mustAuthority(r.Context())
p, err := auth.LoadProvisionerByName(body.Provisioner)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner %s", body.Provisioner))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner %s", body.Provisioner))
adm := &linkedca.Admin{
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ func CreateAdmin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Store to authority collection.
if err := auth.StoreAdmin(r.Context(), adm, p); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error storing admin"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error storing admin"))
@ -155,23 +155,23 @@ func DeleteAdmin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
id := chi.URLParam(r, "id")
if err := mustAuthority(r.Context()).RemoveAdmin(r.Context(), id); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error deleting admin %s", id))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error deleting admin %s", id))
render.JSON(w, r, &DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"})
render.JSON(w, &DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"})
// UpdateAdmin updates an existing admin.
func UpdateAdmin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body UpdateAdminRequest
if err := read.JSON(r.Body, &body); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error reading request body"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error reading request body"))
if err := body.Validate(); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ func UpdateAdmin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
auth := mustAuthority(r.Context())
adm, err := auth.UpdateAdmin(r.Context(), id, &linkedca.Admin{Type: body.Type})
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating admin %s", id))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating admin %s", id))

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetAdmin(t *testing.T) {
tc := prep(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
mockMustAuthority(t, tc.auth)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody) // chi routing is prepared in test setup
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil) // chi routing is prepared in test setup
req = req.WithContext(tc.ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
GetAdmin(w, req)
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetAdmins(t *testing.T) {
var tests = map[string]func(t *testing.T) test{
"fail/parse-cursor": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo?limit=A", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo?limit=A", nil)
return test{
ctx: context.Background(),
req: req,
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetAdmins(t *testing.T) {
"fail/auth.GetAdmins": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
auth := &mockAdminAuthority{
MockGetAdmins: func(cursor string, limit int) ([]*linkedca.Admin, string, error) {
assert.Equals(t, "", cursor)
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetAdmins(t *testing.T) {
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
createdAt := time.Now()
var deletedAt time.Time
adm1 := &linkedca.Admin{
@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ func TestHandler_DeleteAdmin(t *testing.T) {
tc := prep(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
mockMustAuthority(t, tc.auth)
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo", http.NoBody) // chi routing is prepared in test setup
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo", nil) // chi routing is prepared in test setup
req = req.WithContext(tc.ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
DeleteAdmin(w, req)

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
package api
import (
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ import (
func requireAPIEnabled(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !mustAuthority(r.Context()).IsAdminAPIEnabled() {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotImplementedType, "administration API not enabled"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotImplementedType, "administration API not enabled"))
next(w, r)
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ func extractAuthorizeTokenAdmin(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tok := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
if tok == "" {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"missing authorization header token"))
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ func extractAuthorizeTokenAdmin(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
ctx := r.Context()
adm, err := mustAuthority(ctx).AuthorizeAdminToken(r, tok)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -64,13 +65,13 @@ func loadProvisionerByName(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
// TODO(hs): distinguish 404 vs. 500
if p, err = auth.LoadProvisionerByName(name); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner %s", name))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner %s", name))
prov, err := adminDB.GetProvisioner(ctx, p.GetID())
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving provisioner %s", name))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving provisioner %s", name))
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ func checkAction(next http.HandlerFunc, supportedInStandalone bool) http.Handler
// when an action is not supported in standalone mode and when
// using a nosql.DB backend, actions are not supported
if _, ok := admin.MustFromContext(r.Context()).(*nosql.DB); ok {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotImplementedType,
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotImplementedType,
"operation not supported in standalone mode"))
@ -124,16 +125,16 @@ func loadExternalAccountKey(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
if err != nil {
if acme.IsErrNotFound(err) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "ACME External Account Key not found"))
if errors.Is(err, acme.ErrNotFound) {
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "ACME External Account Key not found"))
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving ACME External Account Key"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving ACME External Account Key"))
if eak == nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "ACME External Account Key not found"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "ACME External Account Key not found"))

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func TestHandler_requireAPIEnabled(t *testing.T) {
tc := prep(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
mockMustAuthority(t, tc.auth)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody) // chi routing is prepared in test setup
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil) // chi routing is prepared in test setup
req = req.WithContext(tc.ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
requireAPIEnabled(, req)
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ func TestHandler_extractAuthorizeTokenAdmin(t *testing.T) {
var tests = map[string]func(t *testing.T) test{
"fail/missing-authorization-token": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
req.Header["Authorization"] = []string{""}
return test{
ctx: context.Background(),
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ func TestHandler_extractAuthorizeTokenAdmin(t *testing.T) {
"fail/auth.AuthorizeAdminToken": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
req.Header["Authorization"] = []string{"token"}
auth := &mockAdminAuthority{
MockAuthorizeAdminToken: func(r *http.Request, token string) (*linkedca.Admin, error) {
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ func TestHandler_extractAuthorizeTokenAdmin(t *testing.T) {
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
req.Header["Authorization"] = []string{"token"}
createdAt := time.Now()
var deletedAt time.Time
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ func TestHandler_loadProvisionerByName(t *testing.T) {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
mockMustAuthority(t, tc.auth)
ctx := admin.NewContext(tc.ctx, tc.adminDB)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody) // chi routing is prepared in test setup
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil) // chi routing is prepared in test setup
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ func TestHandler_checkAction(t *testing.T) {
tc := prep(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := admin.NewContext(context.Background(), tc.adminDB)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody).WithContext(ctx)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil).WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
checkAction(, tc.supportedInStandalone)(w, req)
res := w.Result()
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ func TestHandler_loadExternalAccountKey(t *testing.T) {
tc := prep(t)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := acme.NewDatabaseContext(tc.ctx, tc.acmeDB)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
loadExternalAccountKey(, req)

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type PolicyAdminResponder interface {
// policyAdminResponder implements PolicyAdminResponder.
type policyAdminResponder struct{}
// NewPolicyAdminResponder returns a new PolicyAdminResponder.
// NewACMEAdminResponder returns a new PolicyAdminResponder.
func NewPolicyAdminResponder() PolicyAdminResponder {
return &policyAdminResponder{}
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func NewPolicyAdminResponder() PolicyAdminResponder {
func (par *policyAdminResponder) GetAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if err := blockLinkedCA(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) GetAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *ht
authorityPolicy, err := auth.GetAuthorityPolicy(r.Context())
var ae *admin.Error
if errors.As(err, &ae) && !ae.IsType(admin.ErrorNotFoundType) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(ae, "error retrieving authority policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(ae, "error retrieving authority policy"))
if authorityPolicy == nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "authority policy does not exist"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "authority policy does not exist"))
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) GetAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *ht
func (par *policyAdminResponder) CreateAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if err := blockLinkedCA(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -77,26 +77,26 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) CreateAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r
var ae *admin.Error
if errors.As(err, &ae) && !ae.IsType(admin.ErrorNotFoundType) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving authority policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving authority policy"))
if authorityPolicy != nil {
adminErr := admin.NewError(admin.ErrorConflictType, "authority already has a policy")
render.Error(w, r, adminErr)
render.Error(w, adminErr)
var newPolicy = new(linkedca.Policy)
if err := read.ProtoJSON(r.Body, newPolicy); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if err := validatePolicy(newPolicy); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error validating authority policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error validating authority policy"))
@ -105,11 +105,11 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) CreateAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r
var createdPolicy *linkedca.Policy
if createdPolicy, err = auth.CreateAuthorityPolicy(ctx, adm, newPolicy); err != nil {
if isBadRequest(err) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error storing authority policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error storing authority policy"))
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error storing authority policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error storing authority policy"))
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) CreateAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r
func (par *policyAdminResponder) UpdateAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if err := blockLinkedCA(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -129,25 +129,25 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) UpdateAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r
var ae *admin.Error
if errors.As(err, &ae) && !ae.IsType(admin.ErrorNotFoundType) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving authority policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error retrieving authority policy"))
if authorityPolicy == nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "authority policy does not exist"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "authority policy does not exist"))
var newPolicy = new(linkedca.Policy)
if err := read.ProtoJSON(r.Body, newPolicy); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if err := validatePolicy(newPolicy); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error validating authority policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error validating authority policy"))
@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) UpdateAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r
var updatedPolicy *linkedca.Policy
if updatedPolicy, err = auth.UpdateAuthorityPolicy(ctx, adm, newPolicy); err != nil {
if isBadRequest(err) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error updating authority policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error updating authority policy"))
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating authority policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating authority policy"))
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) UpdateAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r
func (par *policyAdminResponder) DeleteAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if err := blockLinkedCA(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -180,35 +180,35 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) DeleteAuthorityPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r
var ae *admin.Error
if errors.As(err, &ae) && !ae.IsType(admin.ErrorNotFoundType) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(ae, "error retrieving authority policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(ae, "error retrieving authority policy"))
if authorityPolicy == nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "authority policy does not exist"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "authority policy does not exist"))
if err := auth.RemoveAuthorityPolicy(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error deleting authority policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error deleting authority policy"))
render.JSONStatus(w, r, DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"}, http.StatusOK)
render.JSONStatus(w, DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"}, http.StatusOK)
// GetProvisionerPolicy handles the GET /admin/provisioners/{name}/policy request
func (par *policyAdminResponder) GetProvisionerPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if err := blockLinkedCA(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
prov := linkedca.MustProvisionerFromContext(ctx)
provisionerPolicy := prov.GetPolicy()
if provisionerPolicy == nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "provisioner policy does not exist"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "provisioner policy does not exist"))
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) GetProvisionerPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *
func (par *policyAdminResponder) CreateProvisionerPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if err := blockLinkedCA(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -227,20 +227,20 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) CreateProvisionerPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
provisionerPolicy := prov.GetPolicy()
if provisionerPolicy != nil {
adminErr := admin.NewError(admin.ErrorConflictType, "provisioner %s already has a policy", prov.Name)
render.Error(w, r, adminErr)
render.Error(w, adminErr)
var newPolicy = new(linkedca.Policy)
if err := read.ProtoJSON(r.Body, newPolicy); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if err := validatePolicy(newPolicy); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error validating provisioner policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error validating provisioner policy"))
@ -248,11 +248,11 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) CreateProvisionerPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
auth := mustAuthority(ctx)
if err := auth.UpdateProvisioner(ctx, prov); err != nil {
if isBadRequest(err) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error creating provisioner policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error creating provisioner policy"))
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error creating provisioner policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error creating provisioner policy"))
@ -263,27 +263,27 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) CreateProvisionerPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
func (par *policyAdminResponder) UpdateProvisionerPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if err := blockLinkedCA(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
prov := linkedca.MustProvisionerFromContext(ctx)
provisionerPolicy := prov.GetPolicy()
if provisionerPolicy == nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "provisioner policy does not exist"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "provisioner policy does not exist"))
var newPolicy = new(linkedca.Policy)
if err := read.ProtoJSON(r.Body, newPolicy); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if err := validatePolicy(newPolicy); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error validating provisioner policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error validating provisioner policy"))
@ -291,11 +291,11 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) UpdateProvisionerPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
auth := mustAuthority(ctx)
if err := auth.UpdateProvisioner(ctx, prov); err != nil {
if isBadRequest(err) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error updating provisioner policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error updating provisioner policy"))
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating provisioner policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating provisioner policy"))
@ -306,13 +306,13 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) UpdateProvisionerPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
func (par *policyAdminResponder) DeleteProvisionerPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if err := blockLinkedCA(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
prov := linkedca.MustProvisionerFromContext(ctx)
if prov.Policy == nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "provisioner policy does not exist"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "provisioner policy does not exist"))
@ -321,24 +321,24 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) DeleteProvisionerPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
auth := mustAuthority(ctx)
if err := auth.UpdateProvisioner(ctx, prov); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error deleting provisioner policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error deleting provisioner policy"))
render.JSONStatus(w, r, DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"}, http.StatusOK)
render.JSONStatus(w, DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"}, http.StatusOK)
func (par *policyAdminResponder) GetACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if err := blockLinkedCA(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
eak := linkedca.MustExternalAccountKeyFromContext(ctx)
eakPolicy := eak.GetPolicy()
if eakPolicy == nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "ACME EAK policy does not exist"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "ACME EAK policy does not exist"))
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) GetACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *
func (par *policyAdminResponder) CreateACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if err := blockLinkedCA(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -357,20 +357,20 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) CreateACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
eakPolicy := eak.GetPolicy()
if eakPolicy != nil {
adminErr := admin.NewError(admin.ErrorConflictType, "ACME EAK %s already has a policy", eak.Id)
render.Error(w, r, adminErr)
render.Error(w, adminErr)
var newPolicy = new(linkedca.Policy)
if err := read.ProtoJSON(r.Body, newPolicy); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if err := validatePolicy(newPolicy); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error validating ACME EAK policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error validating ACME EAK policy"))
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) CreateACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
acmeEAK := linkedEAKToCertificates(eak)
acmeDB := acme.MustDatabaseFromContext(ctx)
if err := acmeDB.UpdateExternalAccountKey(ctx, prov.GetId(), acmeEAK); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error creating ACME EAK policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error creating ACME EAK policy"))
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) CreateACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
func (par *policyAdminResponder) UpdateACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if err := blockLinkedCA(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -397,20 +397,20 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) UpdateACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
eak := linkedca.MustExternalAccountKeyFromContext(ctx)
eakPolicy := eak.GetPolicy()
if eakPolicy == nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "ACME EAK policy does not exist"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "ACME EAK policy does not exist"))
var newPolicy = new(linkedca.Policy)
if err := read.ProtoJSON(r.Body, newPolicy); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if err := validatePolicy(newPolicy); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error validating ACME EAK policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error validating ACME EAK policy"))
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) UpdateACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
acmeEAK := linkedEAKToCertificates(eak)
acmeDB := acme.MustDatabaseFromContext(ctx)
if err := acmeDB.UpdateExternalAccountKey(ctx, prov.GetId(), acmeEAK); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating ACME EAK policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating ACME EAK policy"))
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) UpdateACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
func (par *policyAdminResponder) DeleteACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
if err := blockLinkedCA(ctx); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) DeleteACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
eak := linkedca.MustExternalAccountKeyFromContext(ctx)
eakPolicy := eak.GetPolicy()
if eakPolicy == nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "ACME EAK policy does not exist"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "ACME EAK policy does not exist"))
@ -446,11 +446,11 @@ func (par *policyAdminResponder) DeleteACMEAccountPolicy(w http.ResponseWriter,
acmeEAK := linkedEAKToCertificates(eak)
acmeDB := acme.MustDatabaseFromContext(ctx)
if err := acmeDB.UpdateExternalAccountKey(ctx, prov.GetId(), acmeEAK); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error deleting ACME EAK policy"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error deleting ACME EAK policy"))
render.JSONStatus(w, r, DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"}, http.StatusOK)
render.JSONStatus(w, DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"}, http.StatusOK)
// blockLinkedCA blocks all API operations on linked deployments

@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ func TestPolicyAdminResponder_GetAuthorityPolicy(t *testing.T) {
ctx := admin.NewContext(tc.ctx, tc.adminDB)
par := NewPolicyAdminResponder()
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ func TestPolicyAdminResponder_GetProvisionerPolicy(t *testing.T) {
ctx = acme.NewDatabaseContext(ctx, tc.acmeDB)
par := NewPolicyAdminResponder()
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
@ -1986,7 +1986,7 @@ func TestPolicyAdminResponder_GetACMEAccountPolicy(t *testing.T) {
ctx = acme.NewDatabaseContext(ctx, tc.acmeDB)
par := NewPolicyAdminResponder()
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -38,21 +38,21 @@ func GetProvisioner(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
auth := mustAuthority(ctx)
db := admin.MustFromContext(ctx)
if id != "" {
if len(id) > 0 {
if p, err = auth.LoadProvisionerByID(id); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner %s", id))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner %s", id))
} else {
if p, err = auth.LoadProvisionerByName(name); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner %s", name))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner %s", name))
prov, err := db.GetProvisioner(ctx, p.GetID())
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
render.ProtoJSON(w, prov)
@ -62,17 +62,17 @@ func GetProvisioner(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func GetProvisioners(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
cursor, limit, err := api.ParseCursor(r)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err,
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err,
"error parsing cursor and limit from query params"))
p, next, err := mustAuthority(r.Context()).GetProvisioners(cursor, limit)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.Error(w, errs.InternalServerErr(err))
render.JSON(w, r, &GetProvisionersResponse{
render.JSON(w, &GetProvisionersResponse{
Provisioners: p,
NextCursor: next,
@ -82,24 +82,24 @@ func GetProvisioners(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func CreateProvisioner(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var prov = new(linkedca.Provisioner)
if err := read.ProtoJSON(r.Body, prov); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
// TODO: Validate inputs
if err := authority.ValidateClaims(prov.Claims); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
// validate the templates and template data
if err := validateTemplates(prov.X509Template, prov.SshTemplate); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "invalid template"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "invalid template"))
if err := mustAuthority(r.Context()).StoreProvisioner(r.Context(), prov); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error storing provisioner %s", prov.Name))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error storing provisioner %s", prov.Name))
render.ProtoJSONStatus(w, prov, http.StatusCreated)
@ -116,31 +116,31 @@ func DeleteProvisioner(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
name := chi.URLParam(r, "name")
auth := mustAuthority(r.Context())
if id != "" {
if len(id) > 0 {
if p, err = auth.LoadProvisionerByID(id); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner %s", id))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner %s", id))
} else {
if p, err = auth.LoadProvisionerByName(name); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner %s", name))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner %s", name))
if err := auth.RemoveProvisioner(r.Context(), p.GetID()); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error removing provisioner %s", p.GetName()))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error removing provisioner %s", p.GetName()))
render.JSON(w, r, &DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"})
render.JSON(w, &DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"})
// UpdateProvisioner updates an existing prov.
func UpdateProvisioner(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var nu = new(linkedca.Provisioner)
if err := read.ProtoJSON(r.Body, nu); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -151,51 +151,51 @@ func UpdateProvisioner(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
p, err := auth.LoadProvisionerByName(name)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner from cached configuration '%s'", name))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner from cached configuration '%s'", name))
old, err := db.GetProvisioner(r.Context(), p.GetID())
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner from db '%s'", p.GetID()))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error loading provisioner from db '%s'", p.GetID()))
if nu.Id != old.Id {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewErrorISE("cannot change provisioner ID"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewErrorISE("cannot change provisioner ID"))
if nu.Type != old.Type {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewErrorISE("cannot change provisioner type"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewErrorISE("cannot change provisioner type"))
if nu.AuthorityId != old.AuthorityId {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewErrorISE("cannot change provisioner authorityID"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewErrorISE("cannot change provisioner authorityID"))
if !nu.CreatedAt.AsTime().Equal(old.CreatedAt.AsTime()) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewErrorISE("cannot change provisioner createdAt"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewErrorISE("cannot change provisioner createdAt"))
if !nu.DeletedAt.AsTime().Equal(old.DeletedAt.AsTime()) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.NewErrorISE("cannot change provisioner deletedAt"))
render.Error(w, admin.NewErrorISE("cannot change provisioner deletedAt"))
// TODO: Validate inputs
if err := authority.ValidateClaims(nu.Claims); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
// validate the templates and template data
if err := validateTemplates(nu.X509Template, nu.SshTemplate); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "invalid template"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "invalid template"))
if err := auth.UpdateProvisioner(r.Context(), nu); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
render.ProtoJSON(w, nu)

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
var tests = map[string]func(t *testing.T) test{
"fail/auth.LoadProvisionerByID": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo?id=provID", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo?id=provID", nil)
chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext()
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx)
auth := &mockAdminAuthority{
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
"fail/auth.LoadProvisionerByName": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext()
chiCtx.URLParams.Add("name", "provName")
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx)
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
"fail/db.GetProvisioner": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext()
chiCtx.URLParams.Add("name", "provName")
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx)
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext()
chiCtx.URLParams.Add("name", "provName")
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx)
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetProvisioners(t *testing.T) {
var tests = map[string]func(t *testing.T) test{
"fail/parse-cursor": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo?limit=X", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo?limit=X", nil)
return test{
ctx: context.Background(),
statusCode: 400,
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetProvisioners(t *testing.T) {
"fail/auth.GetProvisioners": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
auth := &mockAdminAuthority{
MockGetProvisioners: func(cursor string, limit int) (provisioner.List, string, error) {
assert.Equals(t, "", cursor)
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ func TestHandler_GetProvisioners(t *testing.T) {
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
provisioners := provisioner.List{
Type: "OIDC",
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ func TestHandler_DeleteProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
var tests = map[string]func(t *testing.T) test{
"fail/auth.LoadProvisionerByID": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo?id=provID", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo?id=provID", nil)
chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext()
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx)
auth := &mockAdminAuthority{
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ func TestHandler_DeleteProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
"fail/auth.LoadProvisionerByName": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo", nil)
chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext()
chiCtx.URLParams.Add("name", "provName")
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx)
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ func TestHandler_DeleteProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
"fail/auth.RemoveProvisioner": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo", nil)
chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext()
chiCtx.URLParams.Add("name", "provName")
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx)
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ func TestHandler_DeleteProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
"ok": func(t *testing.T) test {
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo", http.NoBody)
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo", nil)
chiCtx := chi.NewRouteContext()
chiCtx.URLParams.Add("name", "provName")
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), chi.RouteCtxKey, chiCtx)

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -56,8 +56,10 @@ func validateWebhook(webhook *linkedca.Webhook) error {
// kind
if _, ok := linkedca.Webhook_Kind_name[int32(webhook.Kind)]; !ok || webhook.Kind == linkedca.Webhook_NO_KIND {
return admin.NewError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, "webhook kind %q is invalid", webhook.Kind)
switch webhook.Kind {
case linkedca.Webhook_ENRICHING, linkedca.Webhook_AUTHORIZING:
return admin.NewError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, "webhook kind is invalid")
return nil
@ -71,28 +73,28 @@ func (war *webhookAdminResponder) CreateProvisionerWebhook(w http.ResponseWriter
var newWebhook = new(linkedca.Webhook)
if err := read.ProtoJSON(r.Body, newWebhook); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if err := validateWebhook(newWebhook); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if newWebhook.Secret != "" {
err := admin.NewError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, "webhook secret must not be set")
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if newWebhook.Id != "" {
err := admin.NewError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, "webhook ID must not be set")
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
id, err := randutil.UUIDv4()
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error generating webhook id"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error generating webhook id"))
newWebhook.Id = id
@ -101,14 +103,14 @@ func (war *webhookAdminResponder) CreateProvisionerWebhook(w http.ResponseWriter
for _, wh := range prov.Webhooks {
if wh.Name == newWebhook.Name {
err := admin.NewError(admin.ErrorConflictType, "provisioner %q already has a webhook with the name %q", prov.Name, newWebhook.Name)
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
secret, err := randutil.Bytes(64)
if err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error generating webhook secret"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error generating webhook secret"))
newWebhook.Secret = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(secret)
@ -117,11 +119,11 @@ func (war *webhookAdminResponder) CreateProvisionerWebhook(w http.ResponseWriter
if err := auth.UpdateProvisioner(ctx, prov); err != nil {
if isBadRequest(err) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error creating provisioner webhook"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error creating provisioner webhook"))
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error creating provisioner webhook"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error creating provisioner webhook"))
@ -145,21 +147,21 @@ func (war *webhookAdminResponder) DeleteProvisionerWebhook(w http.ResponseWriter
if !found {
render.JSONStatus(w, r, DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"}, http.StatusOK)
render.JSONStatus(w, DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"}, http.StatusOK)
if err := auth.UpdateProvisioner(ctx, prov); err != nil {
if isBadRequest(err) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error deleting provisioner webhook"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error deleting provisioner webhook"))
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error deleting provisioner webhook"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error deleting provisioner webhook"))
render.JSONStatus(w, r, DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"}, http.StatusOK)
render.JSONStatus(w, DeleteResponse{Status: "ok"}, http.StatusOK)
func (war *webhookAdminResponder) UpdateProvisionerWebhook(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
@ -170,12 +172,12 @@ func (war *webhookAdminResponder) UpdateProvisionerWebhook(w http.ResponseWriter
var newWebhook = new(linkedca.Webhook)
if err := read.ProtoJSON(r.Body, newWebhook); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if err := validateWebhook(newWebhook); err != nil {
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
@ -186,13 +188,13 @@ func (war *webhookAdminResponder) UpdateProvisionerWebhook(w http.ResponseWriter
if newWebhook.Secret != "" && newWebhook.Secret != wh.Secret {
err := admin.NewError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, "webhook secret cannot be updated")
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
newWebhook.Secret = wh.Secret
if newWebhook.Id != "" && newWebhook.Id != wh.Id {
err := admin.NewError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, "webhook ID cannot be updated")
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
newWebhook.Id = wh.Id
@ -203,17 +205,17 @@ func (war *webhookAdminResponder) UpdateProvisionerWebhook(w http.ResponseWriter
if !found {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("provisioner %q has no webhook with the name %q", prov.Name, newWebhook.Name)
err := admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, msg)
render.Error(w, r, err)
render.Error(w, err)
if err := auth.UpdateProvisioner(ctx, prov); err != nil {
if isBadRequest(err) {
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error updating provisioner webhook"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, err, "error updating provisioner webhook"))
render.Error(w, r, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating provisioner webhook"))
render.Error(w, admin.WrapErrorISE(err, "error updating provisioner webhook"))

@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ import (
@ -181,26 +180,6 @@ func TestWebhookAdminResponder_CreateProvisionerWebhook(t *testing.T) {
statusCode: 400,
"fail/unsupported-webhook-kind": func(t *testing.T) test {
prov := &linkedca.Provisioner{
Name: "provName",
ctx := linkedca.NewContextWithProvisioner(context.Background(), prov)
adminErr := admin.NewError(admin.ErrorBadRequestType, `(line 5:13): invalid value for enum type: "UNSUPPORTED"`)
adminErr.Message = `(line 5:13): invalid value for enum type: "UNSUPPORTED"`
body := []byte(`
"name": "metadata",
"url": "",
"kind": "UNSUPPORTED",
return test{
ctx: ctx,
body: body,
err: adminErr,
statusCode: 400,
"fail/auth.UpdateProvisioner-error": func(t *testing.T) test {
adm := &linkedca.Admin{
Subject: "step",
@ -376,7 +355,7 @@ func TestWebhookAdminResponder_DeleteProvisionerWebhook(t *testing.T) {
ctx = linkedca.NewContextWithProvisioner(ctx, prov)
ctx = admin.NewContext(ctx, &admin.MockDB{})
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo", http.NoBody).WithContext(ctx)
req := httptest.NewRequest("DELETE", "/foo", nil).WithContext(ctx)
war := NewWebhookAdminResponder()

@ -92,14 +92,11 @@ func FromContext(ctx context.Context) (db DB, ok bool) {
// MustFromContext returns the current admin database from the given context. It
// will panic if it's not in the context.
func MustFromContext(ctx context.Context) DB {
var (
db DB
ok bool
if db, ok = FromContext(ctx); !ok {
if db, ok := FromContext(ctx); !ok {
panic("admin database is not in the context")
} else {
return db
return db
// MockDB is an implementation of the DB interface that should only be used as

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func (dba *dbAdmin) clone() *dbAdmin {
return &u
func (db *DB) getDBAdminBytes(_ context.Context, id string) ([]byte, error) {
func (db *DB) getDBAdminBytes(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]byte, error) {
data, err := db.db.Get(adminsTable, []byte(id))
if nosql.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return nil, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "admin %s not found", id)
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ func (db *DB) GetAdmin(ctx context.Context, id string) (*linkedca.Admin, error)
// GetAdmins retrieves and unmarshals all active (not deleted) admins
// from the database.
// TODO should we be paginating?
func (db *DB) GetAdmins(context.Context) ([]*linkedca.Admin, error) {
func (db *DB) GetAdmins(ctx context.Context) ([]*linkedca.Admin, error) {
dbEntries, err := db.db.List(adminsTable)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error loading admins")
@ -115,10 +115,12 @@ func (db *DB) GetAdmins(context.Context) ([]*linkedca.Admin, error) {
if errors.As(err, &ae) {
if ae.IsType(admin.ErrorDeletedType) || ae.IsType(admin.ErrorAuthorityMismatchType) {
} else {
return nil, err
} else {
return nil, err
return nil, err
if adm.AuthorityId != db.authorityID {

@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ func TestDB_CreateAdmin(t *testing.T) {
var _dba = new(dbAdmin)
assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(nu, _dba))
assert.True(t, _dba.ID != "" && _dba.ID == string(key))
assert.True(t, len(_dba.ID) > 0 && _dba.ID == string(key))
assert.Equals(t, _dba.AuthorityID, adm.AuthorityId)
assert.Equals(t, _dba.ProvisionerID, adm.ProvisionerId)
assert.Equals(t, _dba.Subject, adm.Subject)
@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ func TestDB_CreateAdmin(t *testing.T) {
var _dba = new(dbAdmin)
assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(nu, _dba))
assert.True(t, _dba.ID != "" && _dba.ID == string(key))
assert.True(t, len(_dba.ID) > 0 && _dba.ID == string(key))
assert.Equals(t, _dba.AuthorityID, adm.AuthorityId)
assert.Equals(t, _dba.ProvisionerID, adm.ProvisionerId)
assert.Equals(t, _dba.Subject, adm.Subject)

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func New(db nosqlDB.DB, authorityID string) (*DB, error) {
// save writes the new data to the database, overwriting the old data if it
// existed.
func (db *DB) save(_ context.Context, id string, nu, old interface{}, typ string, table []byte) error {
func (db *DB) save(ctx context.Context, id string, nu, old interface{}, typ string, table []byte) error {
var (
err error
newB []byte

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ func (dbap *dbAuthorityPolicy) convert() *linkedca.Policy {
return dbToLinked(dbap.Policy)
func (db *DB) getDBAuthorityPolicyBytes(_ context.Context, authorityID string) ([]byte, error) {
func (db *DB) getDBAuthorityPolicyBytes(ctx context.Context, authorityID string) ([]byte, error) {
data, err := db.db.Get(authorityPoliciesTable, []byte(authorityID))
if nosql.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return nil, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "authority policy not found")

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func (dbp *dbProvisioner) convert2linkedca() (*linkedca.Provisioner, error) {
}, nil
func (db *DB) getDBProvisionerBytes(_ context.Context, id string) ([]byte, error) {
func (db *DB) getDBProvisionerBytes(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]byte, error) {
data, err := db.db.Get(provisionersTable, []byte(id))
if nosql.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return nil, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorNotFoundType, "provisioner %s not found", id)
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ func (db *DB) GetProvisioner(ctx context.Context, id string) (*linkedca.Provisio
// GetProvisioners retrieves and unmarshals all active (not deleted) provisioners
// from the database.
func (db *DB) GetProvisioners(_ context.Context) ([]*linkedca.Provisioner, error) {
func (db *DB) GetProvisioners(ctx context.Context) ([]*linkedca.Provisioner, error) {
dbEntries, err := db.db.List(provisionersTable)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error loading provisioners")
@ -145,10 +145,12 @@ func (db *DB) GetProvisioners(_ context.Context) ([]*linkedca.Provisioner, error
if errors.As(err, &ae) {
if ae.IsType(admin.ErrorDeletedType) || ae.IsType(admin.ErrorAuthorityMismatchType) {
} else {
return nil, err
} else {
return nil, err
return nil, err
if prov.AuthorityId != db.authorityID {

@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ func TestDB_CreateProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
var _dbp = new(dbProvisioner)
assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(nu, _dbp))
assert.True(t, _dbp.ID != "" && _dbp.ID == string(key))
assert.True(t, len(_dbp.ID) > 0 && _dbp.ID == string(key))
assert.Equals(t, _dbp.AuthorityID, prov.AuthorityId)
assert.Equals(t, _dbp.Type, prov.Type)
assert.Equals(t, _dbp.Name, prov.Name)
@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ func TestDB_CreateProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
var _dbp = new(dbProvisioner)
assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(nu, _dbp))
assert.True(t, _dbp.ID != "" && _dbp.ID == string(key))
assert.True(t, len(_dbp.ID) > 0 && _dbp.ID == string(key))
assert.Equals(t, _dbp.AuthorityID, prov.AuthorityId)
assert.Equals(t, _dbp.Type, prov.Type)
assert.Equals(t, _dbp.Name, prov.Name)
@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ func TestDB_UpdateProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
var _dbp = new(dbProvisioner)
assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(nu, _dbp))
assert.True(t, _dbp.ID != "" && _dbp.ID == string(key))
assert.True(t, len(_dbp.ID) > 0 && _dbp.ID == string(key))
assert.Equals(t, _dbp.AuthorityID, prov.AuthorityId)
assert.Equals(t, _dbp.Type, prov.Type)
assert.Equals(t, _dbp.Name, prov.Name)
@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@ func TestDB_UpdateProvisioner(t *testing.T) {
var _dbp = new(dbProvisioner)
assert.FatalError(t, json.Unmarshal(nu, _dbp))
assert.True(t, _dbp.ID != "" && _dbp.ID == string(key))
assert.True(t, len(_dbp.ID) > 0 && _dbp.ID == string(key))
assert.Equals(t, _dbp.AuthorityID, prov.AuthorityId)
assert.Equals(t, _dbp.Type, prov.Type)
assert.Equals(t, _dbp.Name, prov.Name)

@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ func (e *Error) ToLog() (interface{}, error) {
// Render implements render.RenderableError for Error.
func (e *Error) Render(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func (e *Error) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) {
e.Message = e.Err.Error()
render.JSONStatus(w, r, e, e.StatusCode())
render.JSONStatus(w, e, e.StatusCode())

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
@ -62,10 +61,7 @@ type Authority struct {
x509Enforcers []provisioner.CertificateEnforcer
scepOptions *scep.Options
validateSCEP bool
scepAuthority *scep.Authority
scepKeyManager provisioner.SCEPKeyManager
scepService *scep.Service
sshHostPassword []byte
@ -77,11 +73,6 @@ type Authority struct {
sshCAUserFederatedCerts []ssh.PublicKey
sshCAHostFederatedCerts []ssh.PublicKey
// CRL vars
crlTicker *time.Ticker
crlStopper chan struct{}
crlMutex sync.Mutex
// If true, do not re-initialize
initOnce bool
startTime time.Time
@ -105,9 +96,6 @@ type Authority struct {
// If true, do not output initialization logs
quietInit bool
// Called whenever applicable, in order to instrument the authority.
meter Meter
// Info contains information about the authority.
@ -129,8 +117,6 @@ func New(cfg *config.Config, opts ...Option) (*Authority, error) {
var a = &Authority{
config: cfg,
certificates: new(sync.Map),
validateSCEP: true,
meter: noopMeter{},
// Apply options.
@ -139,9 +125,6 @@ func New(cfg *config.Config, opts ...Option) (*Authority, error) {
return nil, err
if a.keyManager != nil {
a.keyManager = newInstrumentedKeyManager(a.keyManager, a.meter)
if !a.skipInit {
// Initialize authority from options or configuration.
@ -159,7 +142,6 @@ func NewEmbedded(opts ...Option) (*Authority, error) {
a := &Authority{
config: &config.Config{},
certificates: new(sync.Map),
meter: noopMeter{},
// Apply options.
@ -168,9 +150,6 @@ func NewEmbedded(opts ...Option) (*Authority, error) {
return nil, err
if a.keyManager != nil {
a.keyManager = newInstrumentedKeyManager(a.keyManager, a.meter)
// Validate required options
switch {
@ -213,14 +192,11 @@ func FromContext(ctx context.Context) (a *Authority, ok bool) {
// MustFromContext returns the current authority from the given context. It will
// panic if the authority is not in the context.
func MustFromContext(ctx context.Context) *Authority {
var (
a *Authority
ok bool
if a, ok = FromContext(ctx); !ok {
if a, ok := FromContext(ctx); !ok {
panic("authority is not in the context")
} else {
return a
return a
// ReloadAdminResources reloads admins and provisioners from the DB.
@ -280,24 +256,6 @@ func (a *Authority) ReloadAdminResources(ctx context.Context) error {
a.config.AuthorityConfig.Admins = adminList
a.admins = adminClxn
switch {
case a.requiresSCEP() && a.GetSCEP() == nil:
// TODO(hs): try to initialize SCEP here too? It's a bit
// problematic if this method is called as part of an update
// via Admin API and a password needs to be provided.
case a.requiresSCEP() && a.GetSCEP() != nil:
// update the SCEP Authority with the currently active SCEP
// provisioner names and revalidate the configuration.
if err := a.scepAuthority.Validate(); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed validating SCEP authority: %v\n", err)
case !a.requiresSCEP() && a.GetSCEP() != nil:
// TODO(hs): don't remove the authority if we can't also
// reload it.
//a.scepAuthority = nil
return nil
@ -349,8 +307,6 @@ func (a *Authority) init() error {
if err != nil {
return err
a.keyManager = newInstrumentedKeyManager(a.keyManager, a.meter)
// Initialize linkedca client if necessary. On a linked RA, the issuer
@ -447,19 +403,18 @@ func (a *Authority) init() error {
return err
a.rootX509Certs = append(a.rootX509Certs, resp.RootCertificate)
a.intermediateX509Certs = append(a.intermediateX509Certs, resp.IntermediateCertificates...)
// Read root certificates and store them in the certificates map.
if len(a.rootX509Certs) == 0 {
a.rootX509Certs = make([]*x509.Certificate, 0, len(a.config.Root))
for _, path := range a.config.Root {
crts, err := pemutil.ReadCertificateBundle(path)
a.rootX509Certs = make([]*x509.Certificate, len(a.config.Root))
for i, path := range a.config.Root {
crt, err := pemutil.ReadCertificate(path)
if err != nil {
return err
a.rootX509Certs = append(a.rootX509Certs, crts...)
a.rootX509Certs[i] = crt
for _, crt := range a.rootX509Certs {
@ -474,13 +429,13 @@ func (a *Authority) init() error {
// Read federated certificates and store them in the certificates map.
if len(a.federatedX509Certs) == 0 {
a.federatedX509Certs = make([]*x509.Certificate, 0, len(a.config.FederatedRoots))
for _, path := range a.config.FederatedRoots {
crts, err := pemutil.ReadCertificateBundle(path)
a.federatedX509Certs = make([]*x509.Certificate, len(a.config.FederatedRoots))
for i, path := range a.config.FederatedRoots {
crt, err := pemutil.ReadCertificate(path)
if err != nil {
return err
a.federatedX509Certs = append(a.federatedX509Certs, crts...)
a.federatedX509Certs[i] = crt
for _, crt := range a.federatedX509Certs {
@ -585,6 +540,50 @@ func (a *Authority) init() error {
tmplVars.SSH.UserFederatedKeys = append(tmplVars.SSH.UserFederatedKeys, a.sshCAUserFederatedCerts...)
// Check if a KMS with decryption capability is required and available
if a.requiresDecrypter() {
if _, ok := a.keyManager.(kmsapi.Decrypter); !ok {
return errors.New("keymanager doesn't provide crypto.Decrypter")
// TODO: decide if this is a good approach for providing the SCEP functionality
// It currently mirrors the logic for the x509CAService
if a.requiresSCEPService() && a.scepService == nil {
var options scep.Options
// Read intermediate and create X509 signer and decrypter for default CAS.
options.CertificateChain, err = pemutil.ReadCertificateBundle(a.config.IntermediateCert)
if err != nil {
return err
options.CertificateChain = append(options.CertificateChain, a.rootX509Certs...)
options.Signer, err = a.keyManager.CreateSigner(&kmsapi.CreateSignerRequest{
SigningKey: a.config.IntermediateKey,
Password: a.password,
if err != nil {
return err
if km, ok := a.keyManager.(kmsapi.Decrypter); ok {
options.Decrypter, err = km.CreateDecrypter(&kmsapi.CreateDecrypterRequest{
DecryptionKey: a.config.IntermediateKey,
Password: a.password,
if err != nil {
return err
a.scepService, err = scep.NewService(ctx, options)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: mimick the x509CAService GetCertificateAuthority here too?
if a.config.AuthorityConfig.EnableAdmin {
// Initialize step-ca Admin Database if it's not already initialized using
// WithAdminDB.
@ -680,95 +679,6 @@ func (a *Authority) init() error {
return err
// The SCEP functionality is provided through an instance of
// scep.Authority. It is initialized when the CA is started and
// if it doesn't exist yet. It gets refreshed if it already
// exists. If the SCEP authority is no longer required on reload,
// it gets removed.
// TODO(hs): reloading through SIGHUP doesn't hit these cases. This
// is because an entirely new authority.Authority is created, including
// a new scep.Authority. Look into this to see if we want this to
// keep working like that, or want to reuse a single instance and
// update that.
switch {
case a.requiresSCEP() && a.GetSCEP() == nil:
if a.scepOptions == nil {
options := &scep.Options{
Roots: a.rootX509Certs,
Intermediates: a.intermediateX509Certs,
// intermediate certificates can be empty in RA mode
if len(a.intermediateX509Certs) > 0 {
options.SignerCert = a.intermediateX509Certs[0]
// attempt to create the (default) SCEP signer if the intermediate
// key is configured.
if a.config.IntermediateKey != "" {
if options.Signer, err = a.keyManager.CreateSigner(&kmsapi.CreateSignerRequest{
SigningKey: a.config.IntermediateKey,
Password: a.password,
}); err != nil {
return err
// TODO(hs): instead of creating the decrypter here, pass the
// intermediate key + chain down to the SCEP authority,
// and only instantiate it when required there. Is that possible?
// Also with entering passwords?
// TODO(hs): if moving the logic, try improving the logic for the
// decrypter password too? Right now it needs to be entered multiple
// times; I've observed it to be three times maximum, every time
// the intermediate key is read.
_, isRSAKey := options.Signer.Public().(*rsa.PublicKey)
if km, ok := a.keyManager.(kmsapi.Decrypter); ok && isRSAKey {
if decrypter, err := km.CreateDecrypter(&kmsapi.CreateDecrypterRequest{
DecryptionKey: a.config.IntermediateKey,
Password: a.password,
}); err == nil {
// only pass the decrypter down when it was successfully created,
// meaning it's an RSA key, and `CreateDecrypter` did not fail.
options.Decrypter = decrypter
options.DecrypterCert = options.Intermediates[0]
a.scepOptions = options
// provide the current SCEP provisioner names, so that the provisioners
// can be validated when the CA is started.
a.scepOptions.SCEPProvisionerNames = a.getSCEPProvisionerNames()
// create a new SCEP authority
scepAuthority, err := scep.New(a, *a.scepOptions)
if err != nil {
return err
if a.validateSCEP {
// validate the SCEP authority
if err := scepAuthority.Validate(); err != nil {
a.initLogf("failed validating SCEP authority: %v", err)
// set the SCEP authority
a.scepAuthority = scepAuthority
case !a.requiresSCEP() && a.GetSCEP() != nil:
// clear the SCEP authority if it's no longer required
a.scepAuthority = nil
case a.requiresSCEP() && a.GetSCEP() != nil:
// update the SCEP Authority with the currently active SCEP
// provisioner names and revalidate the configuration.
if err := a.scepAuthority.Validate(); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed validating SCEP authority: %v\n", err)
// Load X509 constraints engine.
// This is currently only available in CA mode.
@ -801,18 +711,6 @@ func (a *Authority) init() error {
a.templates.Data["Step"] = tmplVars
// Start the CRL generator, we can assume the configuration is validated.
if a.config.CRL.IsEnabled() {
// Default cache duration to the default one
if v := a.config.CRL.CacheDuration; v == nil || v.Duration <= 0 {
a.config.CRL.CacheDuration = config.DefaultCRLCacheDuration
// Start CRL generator
if err := a.startCRLGenerator(); err != nil {
return err
// JWT numeric dates are seconds.
a.startTime = time.Now().Truncate(time.Second)
// Set flag indicating that initialization has been completed, and should
@ -879,11 +777,6 @@ func (a *Authority) IsAdminAPIEnabled() bool {
// Shutdown safely shuts down any clients, databases, etc. held by the Authority.
func (a *Authority) Shutdown() error {
if a.crlTicker != nil {
if err := a.keyManager.Close(); err != nil {
log.Printf("error closing the key manager: %v", err)
@ -892,11 +785,6 @@ func (a *Authority) Shutdown() error {
// CloseForReload closes internal services, to allow a safe reload.
func (a *Authority) CloseForReload() {
if a.crlTicker != nil {
if err := a.keyManager.Close(); err != nil {
log.Printf("error closing the key manager: %v", err)
@ -918,68 +806,30 @@ func (a *Authority) IsRevoked(sn string) (bool, error) {
return a.db.IsRevoked(sn)
// requiresSCEP iterates over the configured provisioners
// and determines if at least one of them is a SCEP provisioner.
func (a *Authority) requiresSCEP() bool {
for _, p := range a.config.AuthorityConfig.Provisioners {
if p.GetType() == provisioner.TypeSCEP {
return true
return false
// requiresDecrypter returns whether the Authority
// requires a KMS that provides a crypto.Decrypter
// Currently this is only required when SCEP is
// enabled.
func (a *Authority) requiresDecrypter() bool {
return a.requiresSCEPService()
// getSCEPProvisionerNames returns the names of the SCEP provisioners
// that are currently available in the CA.
func (a *Authority) getSCEPProvisionerNames() (names []string) {
// requiresSCEPService iterates over the configured provisioners
// and determines if one of them is a SCEP provisioner.
func (a *Authority) requiresSCEPService() bool {
for _, p := range a.config.AuthorityConfig.Provisioners {
if p.GetType() == provisioner.TypeSCEP {
names = append(names, p.GetName())
return true
// GetSCEP returns the configured SCEP Authority
func (a *Authority) GetSCEP() *scep.Authority {
return a.scepAuthority
return false
func (a *Authority) startCRLGenerator() error {
if !a.config.CRL.IsEnabled() {
return nil
// Check that there is a valid CRL in the DB right now. If it doesn't exist
// or is expired, generate one now
_, ok := a.db.(db.CertificateRevocationListDB)
if !ok {
return errors.Errorf("CRL Generation requested, but database does not support CRL generation")
// Always create a new CRL on startup in case the CA has been down and the
// time to next expected CRL update is less than the cache duration.
if err := a.GenerateCertificateRevocationList(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not generate a CRL")
a.crlStopper = make(chan struct{}, 1)
a.crlTicker = time.NewTicker(a.config.CRL.TickerDuration())
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-a.crlTicker.C:
log.Println("Regenerating CRL")
if err := a.GenerateCertificateRevocationList(); err != nil {
log.Printf("error regenerating the CRL: %v", err)
case <-a.crlStopper:
return nil
// GetSCEPService returns the configured SCEP Service
// TODO: this function is intended to exist temporarily
// in order to make SCEP work more easily. It can be
// made more correct by using the right interfaces/abstractions
// after it works as expected.
func (a *Authority) GetSCEPService() *scep.Service {
return a.scepService

@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
package authority
import (
@ -21,7 +18,6 @@ import (
@ -113,7 +109,7 @@ func TestAuthorityNew(t *testing.T) {
c.Root = []string{"foo"}
return &newTest{
config: c,
err: errors.New(`error reading "foo": no such file or directory`),
err: errors.New("error reading foo: no such file or directory"),
"fail bad password": func(t *testing.T) *newTest {
@ -131,7 +127,7 @@ func TestAuthorityNew(t *testing.T) {
c.IntermediateCert = "wrong"
return &newTest{
config: c,
err: errors.New(`error reading "wrong": no such file or directory`),
err: errors.New("error reading wrong: no such file or directory"),
@ -176,130 +172,6 @@ func TestAuthorityNew(t *testing.T) {
func TestAuthorityNew_bundles(t *testing.T) {
ca0, err := minica.New()
if err != nil {
ca1, err := minica.New()
if err != nil {
ca2, err := minica.New()
if err != nil {
rootPath := t.TempDir()
writeCert := func(fn string, certs ...*x509.Certificate) error {
var b []byte
for _, crt := range certs {
b = append(b, pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Bytes: crt.Raw,
return os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, fn), b, 0600)
writeKey := func(fn string, signer crypto.Signer) error {
_, err := pemutil.Serialize(signer, pemutil.ToFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, fn), 0600))
return err
if err := writeCert("root0.crt", ca0.Root); err != nil {
if err := writeCert("int0.crt", ca0.Intermediate); err != nil {
if err := writeKey("int0.key", ca0.Signer); err != nil {
if err := writeCert("root1.crt", ca1.Root); err != nil {
if err := writeCert("int1.crt", ca1.Intermediate); err != nil {
if err := writeKey("int1.key", ca1.Signer); err != nil {
if err := writeCert("bundle0.crt", ca0.Root, ca1.Root); err != nil {
if err := writeCert("bundle1.crt", ca1.Root, ca2.Root); err != nil {
tests := []struct {
name string
config *config.Config
wantErr bool
{"ok ca0", &config.Config{
Address: "",
Root: []string{filepath.Join(rootPath, "root0.crt")},
IntermediateCert: filepath.Join(rootPath, "int0.crt"),
IntermediateKey: filepath.Join(rootPath, "int0.key"),
DNSNames: []string{""},
AuthorityConfig: &AuthConfig{},
}, false},
{"ok bundle", &config.Config{
Address: "",
Root: []string{filepath.Join(rootPath, "bundle0.crt")},
IntermediateCert: filepath.Join(rootPath, "int0.crt"),
IntermediateKey: filepath.Join(rootPath, "int0.key"),
DNSNames: []string{""},
AuthorityConfig: &AuthConfig{},
}, false},
{"ok federated ca1", &config.Config{
Address: "",
Root: []string{filepath.Join(rootPath, "root0.crt")},
FederatedRoots: []string{filepath.Join(rootPath, "root1.crt")},
IntermediateCert: filepath.Join(rootPath, "int0.crt"),
IntermediateKey: filepath.Join(rootPath, "int0.key"),
DNSNames: []string{""},
AuthorityConfig: &AuthConfig{},
}, false},
{"ok federated bundle", &config.Config{
Address: "",
Root: []string{filepath.Join(rootPath, "root0.crt")},
FederatedRoots: []string{filepath.Join(rootPath, "bundle1.crt")},
IntermediateCert: filepath.Join(rootPath, "int0.crt"),
IntermediateKey: filepath.Join(rootPath, "int0.key"),
DNSNames: []string{""},
AuthorityConfig: &AuthConfig{},
}, false},
{"fail root", &config.Config{
Address: "",
Root: []string{filepath.Join(rootPath, "missing.crt")},
IntermediateCert: filepath.Join(rootPath, "int0.crt"),
IntermediateKey: filepath.Join(rootPath, "int0.key"),
DNSNames: []string{""},
AuthorityConfig: &AuthConfig{},
}, true},
{"fail federated", &config.Config{
Address: "",
Root: []string{filepath.Join(rootPath, "root0.crt")},
FederatedRoots: []string{filepath.Join(rootPath, "missing.crt")},
IntermediateCert: filepath.Join(rootPath, "int0.crt"),
IntermediateKey: filepath.Join(rootPath, "int0.key"),
DNSNames: []string{""},
AuthorityConfig: &AuthConfig{},
}, true},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
_, err := New(tt.config)
if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("New() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
func TestAuthority_GetDatabase(t *testing.T) {
auth := testAuthority(t)
authWithDatabase, err := New(auth.config, WithDatabase(auth.db))
@ -415,7 +287,7 @@ func TestNewEmbedded_Sign(t *testing.T) {
csr, err := x509.ParseCertificateRequest(cr)
assert.FatalError(t, err)
cert, err := a.SignWithContext(context.Background(), csr, provisioner.SignOptions{})
cert, err := a.Sign(csr, provisioner.SignOptions{})
assert.FatalError(t, err)
assert.Equals(t, []string{""}, cert[0].DNSNames)
assert.Equals(t, crt, cert[1])
@ -479,7 +351,7 @@ func testScepAuthority(t *testing.T, opts ...Option) *Authority {
return a
func TestAuthority_GetSCEP(t *testing.T) {
func TestAuthority_GetSCEPService(t *testing.T) {
_ = testScepAuthority(t)
p := provisioner.List{
@ -543,7 +415,7 @@ func TestAuthority_GetSCEP(t *testing.T) {
if tt.wantService {
if got := a.GetSCEP(); (got != nil) != tt.wantService {
if got := a.GetSCEPService(); (got != nil) != tt.wantService {
t.Errorf("Authority.GetSCEPService() = %v, wantService %v", got, tt.wantService)

@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ func (a *Authority) AuthorizeAdminToken(r *http.Request, token string) (*linkedc
if !adminFound {
return nil, admin.NewError(admin.ErrorUnauthorizedType,
"adminHandler.authorizeToken; unable to load admin with subject(s) %s and provisioner '%s'",
adminSANs, prov.GetName())
adminSANs, claims.Issuer)
if strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/admin/admins") && (r.Method != "GET") && adm.Type != linkedca.Admin_SUPER_ADMIN {
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ func (a *Authority) Authorize(ctx context.Context, token string) ([]provisioner.
var opts = []interface{}{errs.WithKeyVal("token", token)}
switch m := provisioner.MethodFromContext(ctx); m {
case provisioner.SignMethod, provisioner.SignIdentityMethod:
case provisioner.SignMethod:
signOpts, err := a.authorizeSign(ctx, token)
return signOpts, errs.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "authority.Authorize", opts...)
case provisioner.RevokeMethod:
@ -286,16 +286,16 @@ func (a *Authority) authorizeRevoke(ctx context.Context, token string) error {
// extra extension cannot be found, authorize the renewal by default.
// TODO(mariano): should we authorize by default?
func (a *Authority) authorizeRenew(ctx context.Context, cert *x509.Certificate) (provisioner.Interface, error) {
func (a *Authority) authorizeRenew(cert *x509.Certificate) error {
serial := cert.SerialNumber.String()
var opts = []interface{}{errs.WithKeyVal("serialNumber", serial)}
isRevoked, err := a.IsRevoked(serial)
if err != nil {
return nil, errs.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "authority.authorizeRenew", opts...)
return errs.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "authority.authorizeRenew", opts...)
if isRevoked {
return nil, errs.Unauthorized("authority.authorizeRenew: certificate has been revoked", opts...)
return errs.Unauthorized("authority.authorizeRenew: certificate has been revoked", opts...)
p, err := a.LoadProvisionerByCertificate(cert)
if err != nil {
@ -305,17 +305,17 @@ func (a *Authority) authorizeRenew(ctx context.Context, cert *x509.Certificate)
// returns the noop provisioner if this happens, and it allows
// certificate renewals.
if p, ok = a.provisioners.LoadByCertificate(cert); !ok {
return nil, errs.Unauthorized("authority.authorizeRenew: provisioner not found", opts...)
return errs.Unauthorized("authority.authorizeRenew: provisioner not found", opts...)
if err := p.AuthorizeRenew(ctx, cert); err != nil {
return nil, errs.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "authority.authorizeRenew", opts...)
if err := p.AuthorizeRenew(context.Background(), cert); err != nil {
return errs.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "authority.authorizeRenew", opts...)
return p, nil
return nil
// authorizeSSHCertificate returns an error if the given certificate is revoked.
func (a *Authority) authorizeSSHCertificate(_ context.Context, cert *ssh.Certificate) error {
func (a *Authority) authorizeSSHCertificate(ctx context.Context, cert *ssh.Certificate) error {
var err error
var isRevoked bool
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ func (a *Authority) authorizeSSHRevoke(ctx context.Context, token string) error
// AuthorizeRenewToken validates the renew token and returns the leaf
// certificate in the x5cInsecure header.
func (a *Authority) AuthorizeRenewToken(_ context.Context, ott string) (*x509.Certificate, error) {
func (a *Authority) AuthorizeRenewToken(ctx context.Context, ott string) (*x509.Certificate, error) {
var claims jose.Claims
jwt, chain, err := jose.ParseX5cInsecure(ott, a.rootX509Certs)
if err != nil {
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ func (a *Authority) AuthorizeRenewToken(_ context.Context, ott string) (*x509.Ce
audiences := a.config.GetAudiences().Renew
if !matchesAudience(claims.Audience, audiences) && !isRAProvisioner(p) {
if !matchesAudience(claims.Audience, audiences) {
return nil, errs.InternalServerErr(jose.ErrInvalidAudience, errs.WithMessage("error validating renew token: invalid audience claim (aud)"))

@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ func TestAuthority_authorizeRenew(t *testing.T) {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
tc := genTestCase(t)
_, err := tc.auth.authorizeRenew(context.Background(), tc.cert)
err := tc.auth.authorizeRenew(tc.cert)
if err != nil {
if assert.NotNil(t, tc.err) {
var sc render.StatusCodedError
@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ func TestAuthority_AuthorizeRenewToken(t *testing.T) {
generateX5cToken := func(a *Authority, key crypto.Signer, claims jose.Claims, opts ...provisioner.SignOption) (string, *x509.Certificate) {
chain, err := a.SignWithContext(ctx, csr, provisioner.SignOptions{}, opts...)
chain, err := a.Sign(csr, provisioner.SignOptions{}, opts...)
if err != nil {
@ -1459,37 +1459,6 @@ func TestAuthority_AuthorizeRenewToken(t *testing.T) {
return nil
a4 := testAuthority(t)
a4.db = &db.MockAuthDB{
MUseToken: func(id, tok string) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
MGetCertificateData: func(serialNumber string) (*db.CertificateData, error) {
return &db.CertificateData{
Provisioner: &db.ProvisionerData{ID: "Max:IMi94WBNI6gP5cNHXlZYNUzvMjGdHyBRmFoo-lCEaqk", Name: "Max"},
RaInfo: &provisioner.RAInfo{ProvisionerName: "ra"},
}, nil
t4, c4 := generateX5cToken(a1, signer, jose.Claims{
Audience: []string{""},
Subject: "",
Issuer: "step-ca-client/1.0",
NotBefore: jose.NewNumericDate(now),
Expiry: jose.NewNumericDate(now.Add(5 * time.Minute)),
}, provisioner.CertificateEnforcerFunc(func(cert *x509.Certificate) error {
cert.NotBefore = now
cert.NotAfter = now.Add(time.Hour)
b, err := asn1.Marshal(stepProvisionerASN1{int(provisioner.TypeJWK), []byte("step-cli"), nil, nil})
if err != nil {
return err
cert.ExtraExtensions = append(cert.ExtraExtensions, pkix.Extension{
Id: asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 37476, 9000, 64, 1},
Value: b,
return nil
badSigner, _ := generateX5cToken(a1, otherSigner, jose.Claims{
Audience: []string{""},
Subject: "",
@ -1658,7 +1627,6 @@ func TestAuthority_AuthorizeRenewToken(t *testing.T) {
{"ok", a1, args{ctx, t1}, c1, false},
{"ok expired cert", a1, args{ctx, t2}, c2, false},
{"ok provisioner issuer", a1, args{ctx, t3}, c3, false},
{"ok ra provisioner", a4, args{ctx, t4}, c4, false},
{"fail token", a1, args{ctx, "not.a.token"}, nil, true},
{"fail token reuse", a1, args{ctx, t1}, nil, true},
{"fail token signature", a1, args{ctx, badSigner}, nil, true},

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package config
import (
@ -36,30 +35,21 @@ var (
// DefaultEnableSSHCA enable SSH CA features per provisioner or globally
// for all provisioners.
DefaultEnableSSHCA = false
// DefaultDisableSmallstepExtensions is the default value for the
// DisableSmallstepExtensions provisioner claim.
DefaultDisableSmallstepExtensions = false
// DefaultCRLCacheDuration is the default cache duration for the CRL.
DefaultCRLCacheDuration = &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 24 * time.Hour}
// DefaultCRLExpiredDuration is the default duration in which expired
// certificates will remain in the CRL after expiration.
DefaultCRLExpiredDuration = time.Hour
// GlobalProvisionerClaims is the default duration that expired certificates
// remain in the CRL after expiration.
// GlobalProvisionerClaims default claims for the Authority. Can be overridden
// by provisioner specific claims.
GlobalProvisionerClaims = provisioner.Claims{
MinTLSDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute}, // TLS certs
MaxTLSDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 24 * time.Hour},
DefaultTLSDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 24 * time.Hour},
MinUserSSHDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute}, // User SSH certs
MaxUserSSHDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 24 * time.Hour},
DefaultUserSSHDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 16 * time.Hour},
MinHostSSHDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute}, // Host SSH certs
MaxHostSSHDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 30 * 24 * time.Hour},
DefaultHostSSHDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 30 * 24 * time.Hour},
EnableSSHCA: &DefaultEnableSSHCA,
DisableRenewal: &DefaultDisableRenewal,
AllowRenewalAfterExpiry: &DefaultAllowRenewalAfterExpiry,
DisableSmallstepExtensions: &DefaultDisableSmallstepExtensions,
MinTLSDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute}, // TLS certs
MaxTLSDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 24 * time.Hour},
DefaultTLSDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 24 * time.Hour},
MinUserSSHDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute}, // User SSH certs
MaxUserSSHDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 24 * time.Hour},
DefaultUserSSHDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 16 * time.Hour},
MinHostSSHDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Minute}, // Host SSH certs
MaxHostSSHDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 30 * 24 * time.Hour},
DefaultHostSSHDur: &provisioner.Duration{Duration: 30 * 24 * time.Hour},
EnableSSHCA: &DefaultEnableSSHCA,
DisableRenewal: &DefaultDisableRenewal,
AllowRenewalAfterExpiry: &DefaultAllowRenewalAfterExpiry,
@ -82,64 +72,12 @@ type Config struct {
Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
Templates *templates.Templates `json:"templates,omitempty"`
CommonName string `json:"commonName,omitempty"`
CRL *CRLConfig `json:"crl,omitempty"`
MetricsAddress string `json:"metricsAddress,omitempty"`
SkipValidation bool `json:"-"`
// Keeps record of the filename the Config is read from
loadedFromFilepath string
// CRLConfig represents config options for CRL generation
type CRLConfig struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
GenerateOnRevoke bool `json:"generateOnRevoke,omitempty"`
CacheDuration *provisioner.Duration `json:"cacheDuration,omitempty"`
RenewPeriod *provisioner.Duration `json:"renewPeriod,omitempty"`
IDPurl string `json:"idpURL,omitempty"`
// IsEnabled returns if the CRL is enabled.
func (c *CRLConfig) IsEnabled() bool {
return c != nil && c.Enabled
// Validate validates the CRL configuration.
func (c *CRLConfig) Validate() error {
if c == nil {
return nil
if c.CacheDuration != nil && c.CacheDuration.Duration < 0 {
return errors.New("crl.cacheDuration must be greater than or equal to 0")
if c.RenewPeriod != nil && c.RenewPeriod.Duration < 0 {
return errors.New("crl.renewPeriod must be greater than or equal to 0")
if c.RenewPeriod != nil && c.CacheDuration != nil &&
c.RenewPeriod.Duration > c.CacheDuration.Duration {
return errors.New("crl.cacheDuration must be greater than or equal to crl.renewPeriod")
return nil
// TickerDuration the renewal ticker duration. This is set by renewPeriod, of it
// is not set is ~2/3 of cacheDuration.
func (c *CRLConfig) TickerDuration() time.Duration {
if !c.IsEnabled() {
return 0
if c.RenewPeriod != nil && c.RenewPeriod.Duration > 0 {
return c.RenewPeriod.Duration
return (c.CacheDuration.Duration / 3) * 2
// ASN1DN contains ASN1.DN attributes that are used in Subject and Issuer
// x509 Certificate blocks.
type ASN1DN struct {
@ -188,7 +126,7 @@ func (c *AuthConfig) init() {
// Validate validates the authority configuration.
func (c *AuthConfig) Validate(provisioner.Audiences) error {
func (c *AuthConfig) Validate(audiences provisioner.Audiences) error {
if c == nil {
return errors.New("authority cannot be undefined")
@ -252,24 +190,20 @@ func (c *Config) Init() {
if c.CommonName == "" {
c.CommonName = "Step Online CA"
if c.CRL != nil && c.CRL.Enabled && c.CRL.CacheDuration == nil {
c.CRL.CacheDuration = DefaultCRLCacheDuration
// Save saves the configuration to the given filename.
func (c *Config) Save(filename string) error {
var b bytes.Buffer
enc := json.NewEncoder(&b)
enc.SetIndent("", "\t")
if err := enc.Encode(c); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error encoding configuration: %w", err)
if err := os.WriteFile(filename, b.Bytes(), 0600); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error writing %q: %w", filename, err)
f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0600)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error opening %s", filename)
return nil
defer f.Close()
enc := json.NewEncoder(f)
enc.SetIndent("", "\t")
return errors.Wrapf(enc.Encode(c), "error writing %s", filename)
// Commit saves the current configuration to the same
@ -328,12 +262,6 @@ func (c *Config) Validate() error {
return errors.Errorf("invalid address %s", c.Address)
if addr := c.MetricsAddress; addr != "" {
if _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr); err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("invalid metrics address %q", c.Address)
if c.TLS == nil {
c.TLS = &DefaultTLSOptions
} else {
@ -372,11 +300,6 @@ func (c *Config) Validate() error {
return err
// Validate crl config: nil is ok
if err := c.CRL.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
return c.AuthorityConfig.Validate(c.GetAudiences())

@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ func matchURIConstraint(uri *url.URL, constraint string) (bool, error) {
// domainToReverseLabels converts a textual domain name like to
// the list of labels in reverse order, e.g. ["com", "example", "foo"].
func domainToReverseLabels(domain string) (reverseLabels []string, ok bool) {
for domain != "" {
for len(domain) > 0 {
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(domain, '.'); i == -1 {
reverseLabels = append(reverseLabels, domain)
domain = ""
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ func parseRFC2821Mailbox(in string) (mailbox rfc2821Mailbox, ok bool) {
} else {
// Atom ("." Atom)*
for in != "" {
for len(in) > 0 {
// atext from RFC 2822, Section 3.2.4
c := in[0]

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func newLinkedCAClient(token string) (*linkedCaClient, error) {
tlsConfig.GetClientCertificate = renewer.GetClientCertificate
// Start mTLS client
conn, err := grpc.NewClient(u.Host, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewTLS(tlsConfig)))
conn, err := grpc.Dial(u.Host, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewTLS(tlsConfig)))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error connecting %s", u.Host)
@ -265,20 +265,8 @@ func (c *linkedCaClient) GetCertificateData(serial string) (*db.CertificateData,
ID: p.Id, Name: p.Name, Type: p.Type.String(),
var raInfo *provisioner.RAInfo
if p := resp.RaProvisioner; p != nil && p.Provisioner != nil {
raInfo = &provisioner.RAInfo{
AuthorityID: p.AuthorityId,
ProvisionerID: p.Provisioner.Id,
ProvisionerType: p.Provisioner.Type.String(),
ProvisionerName: p.Provisioner.Name,
return &db.CertificateData{
Provisioner: pd,
RaInfo: raInfo,
}, nil
@ -381,19 +369,19 @@ func (c *linkedCaClient) IsSSHRevoked(serial string) (bool, error) {
return resp.Status != linkedca.RevocationStatus_ACTIVE, nil
func (c *linkedCaClient) CreateAuthorityPolicy(_ context.Context, _ *linkedca.Policy) error {
func (c *linkedCaClient) CreateAuthorityPolicy(ctx context.Context, policy *linkedca.Policy) error {
return errors.New("not implemented yet")
func (c *linkedCaClient) GetAuthorityPolicy(context.Context) (*linkedca.Policy, error) {
func (c *linkedCaClient) GetAuthorityPolicy(ctx context.Context) (*linkedca.Policy, error) {
return nil, errors.New("not implemented yet")
func (c *linkedCaClient) UpdateAuthorityPolicy(_ context.Context, _ *linkedca.Policy) error {
func (c *linkedCaClient) UpdateAuthorityPolicy(ctx context.Context, policy *linkedca.Policy) error {
return errors.New("not implemented yet")
func (c *linkedCaClient) DeleteAuthorityPolicy(context.Context) error {
func (c *linkedCaClient) DeleteAuthorityPolicy(ctx context.Context) error {
return errors.New("not implemented yet")
@ -478,7 +466,10 @@ func getAuthority(sans []string) (string, error) {
// getRootCertificate creates an insecure majordomo client and returns the
// verified root certificate.
func getRootCertificate(endpoint, fingerprint string) (*x509.Certificate, error) {
conn, err := grpc.NewClient(endpoint, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewTLS(&tls.Config{
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, endpoint, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewTLS(&tls.Config{
//nolint:gosec // used in bootstrap protocol
InsecureSkipVerify: true, // lgtm[go/disabled-certificate-check]
@ -486,7 +477,7 @@ func getRootCertificate(endpoint, fingerprint string) (*x509.Certificate, error)
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error connecting %s", endpoint)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
defer cancel()
client := linkedca.NewMajordomoClient(conn)
@ -528,7 +519,11 @@ func getRootCertificate(endpoint, fingerprint string) (*x509.Certificate, error)
// login creates a new majordomo client with just the root ca pool and returns
// the signed certificate and tls configuration.
func login(authority, token string, csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signer crypto.PrivateKey, endpoint string, rootCAs *x509.CertPool) (*tls.Certificate, *tls.Config, error) {
conn, err := grpc.NewClient(endpoint, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewTLS(&tls.Config{
// Connect to majordomo
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, endpoint, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewTLS(&tls.Config{
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
RootCAs: rootCAs,
@ -537,7 +532,7 @@ func login(authority, token string, csr *x509.CertificateRequest, signer crypto.
// Login to get the signed certificate
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
defer cancel()
client := linkedca.NewMajordomoClient(conn)

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
package authority
import (
kmsapi ""
// Meter wraps the set of defined callbacks for metrics gatherers.
type Meter interface {
// X509Signed is called whenever an X509 certificate is signed.
X509Signed(provisioner.Interface, error)
// X509Renewed is called whenever an X509 certificate is renewed.
X509Renewed(provisioner.Interface, error)
// X509Rekeyed is called whenever an X509 certificate is rekeyed.
X509Rekeyed(provisioner.Interface, error)
// X509WebhookAuthorized is called whenever an X509 authoring webhook is called.
X509WebhookAuthorized(provisioner.Interface, error)
// X509WebhookEnriched is called whenever an X509 enriching webhook is called.
X509WebhookEnriched(provisioner.Interface, error)
// SSHSigned is called whenever an SSH certificate is signed.
SSHSigned(provisioner.Interface, error)
// SSHRenewed is called whenever an SSH certificate is renewed.
SSHRenewed(provisioner.Interface, error)
// SSHRekeyed is called whenever an SSH certificate is rekeyed.
SSHRekeyed(provisioner.Interface, error)
// SSHWebhookAuthorized is called whenever an SSH authoring webhook is called.
SSHWebhookAuthorized(provisioner.Interface, error)
// SSHWebhookEnriched is called whenever an SSH enriching webhook is called.
SSHWebhookEnriched(provisioner.Interface, error)
// KMSSigned is called per KMS signer signature.
// noopMeter implements a noop [Meter].
type noopMeter struct{}
func (noopMeter) SSHRekeyed(provisioner.Interface, error) {}
func (noopMeter) SSHRenewed(provisioner.Interface, error) {}
func (noopMeter) SSHSigned(provisioner.Interface, error) {}
func (noopMeter) SSHWebhookAuthorized(provisioner.Interface, error) {}
func (noopMeter) SSHWebhookEnriched(provisioner.Interface, error) {}
func (noopMeter) X509Rekeyed(provisioner.Interface, error) {}
func (noopMeter) X509Renewed(provisioner.Interface, error) {}
func (noopMeter) X509Signed(provisioner.Interface, error) {}
func (noopMeter) X509WebhookAuthorized(provisioner.Interface, error) {}
func (noopMeter) X509WebhookEnriched(provisioner.Interface, error) {}
func (noopMeter) KMSSigned(error) {}
type instrumentedKeyManager struct {
meter Meter
type instrumentedKeyAndDecrypterManager struct {
decrypter kmsapi.Decrypter
meter Meter
func newInstrumentedKeyManager(k kms.KeyManager, m Meter) kms.KeyManager {
decrypter, isDecrypter := k.(kmsapi.Decrypter)
switch {
case isDecrypter:
return &instrumentedKeyAndDecrypterManager{&instrumentedKeyManager{k, m}, decrypter, m}
return &instrumentedKeyManager{k, m}
func (i *instrumentedKeyManager) CreateSigner(req *kmsapi.CreateSignerRequest) (s crypto.Signer, err error) {
if s, err = i.KeyManager.CreateSigner(req); err == nil {
s = &instrumentedKMSSigner{s, i.meter}
func (i *instrumentedKeyAndDecrypterManager) CreateDecrypter(req *kmsapi.CreateDecrypterRequest) (s crypto.Decrypter, err error) {
return i.decrypter.CreateDecrypter(req)
type instrumentedKMSSigner struct {
meter Meter
func (i *instrumentedKMSSigner) Sign(rand io.Reader, digest []byte, opts crypto.SignerOpts) (signature []byte, err error) {
signature, err = i.Signer.Sign(rand, digest, opts)
var _ kms.KeyManager = (*instrumentedKeyManager)(nil)
var _ kms.KeyManager = (*instrumentedKeyAndDecrypterManager)(nil)
var _ kmsapi.Decrypter = (*instrumentedKeyAndDecrypterManager)(nil)

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import (
casapi ""
// Option sets options to the Authority.
@ -167,15 +166,6 @@ func WithKeyManager(k kms.KeyManager) Option {
// WithX509CAService allows the consumer to provide an externally implemented
// API implementation of apiv1.CertificateAuthorityService
func WithX509CAService(svc casapi.CertificateAuthorityService) Option {
return func(a *Authority) error {
a.x509CAService = svc
return nil
// WithX509Signer defines the signer used to sign X509 certificates.
func WithX509Signer(crt *x509.Certificate, s crypto.Signer) Option {
return WithX509SignerChain([]*x509.Certificate{crt}, s)
@ -215,27 +205,6 @@ func WithX509SignerFunc(fn func() ([]*x509.Certificate, crypto.Signer, error)) O
// WithFullSCEPOptions defines the options used for SCEP support.
// This feature is EXPERIMENTAL and might change at any time.
func WithFullSCEPOptions(options *scep.Options) Option {
return func(a *Authority) error {
a.scepOptions = options
a.validateSCEP = false
return nil
// WithSCEPKeyManager defines the key manager used on SCEP provisioners.
// This feature is EXPERIMENTAL and might change at any time.
func WithSCEPKeyManager(skm provisioner.SCEPKeyManager) Option {
return func(a *Authority) error {
a.scepKeyManager = skm
return nil
// WithSSHUserSigner defines the signer used to sign SSH user certificates.
func WithSSHUserSigner(s crypto.Signer) Option {
return func(a *Authority) error {
@ -400,16 +369,3 @@ func readCertificateBundle(pemCerts []byte) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {
return certs, nil
// WithMeter is an option that sets the authority's [Meter] to the provided one.
func WithMeter(m Meter) Option {
if m == nil {
m = noopMeter{}
return func(a *Authority) (_ error) {
a.meter = m

@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ func (a *Authority) checkProvisionerPolicy(ctx context.Context, provName string,
// checkPolicy checks if a new or updated policy configuration results in the user
// locking themselves or other admins out of the CA.
func (a *Authority) checkPolicy(_ context.Context, currentAdmin *linkedca.Admin, otherAdmins []*linkedca.Admin, p *linkedca.Policy) error {
func (a *Authority) checkPolicy(ctx context.Context, currentAdmin *linkedca.Admin, otherAdmins []*linkedca.Admin, p *linkedca.Policy) error {
// convert the policy; return early if nil
policyOptions := authPolicy.LinkedToCertificates(p)
if policyOptions == nil {
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ func isAllowed(engine authPolicy.X509Policy, sans []string) error {
if isNamePolicyError && policyErr.Reason == policy.NotAllowed {
return &PolicyError{
Typ: AdminLockOut,
Err: fmt.Errorf("the provided policy would lock out %s from the CA. Please create an x509 policy to include %s as an allowed DNS name", sans, sans),
Err: fmt.Errorf("the provided policy would lock out %s from the CA. Please update your policy to include %s as an allowed name", sans, sans),
return &PolicyError{

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ type HostPolicy policy.SSHNamePolicyEngine
func NewX509PolicyEngine(policyOptions X509PolicyOptionsInterface) (X509Policy, error) {
// return early if no policy engine options to configure
if policyOptions == nil {
//nolint:nilnil,nolintlint // expected values
return nil, nil
@ -51,7 +50,6 @@ func NewX509PolicyEngine(policyOptions X509PolicyOptionsInterface) (X509Policy,
// ensure no policy engine is returned when no name options were provided
if len(options) == 0 {
//nolint:nilnil,nolintlint // expected values
return nil, nil
@ -95,7 +93,6 @@ func NewSSHHostPolicyEngine(policyOptions SSHPolicyOptionsInterface) (HostPolicy
func newSSHPolicyEngine(policyOptions SSHPolicyOptionsInterface, typ sshPolicyEngineType) (policy.SSHNamePolicyEngine, error) {
// return early if no policy engine options to configure
if policyOptions == nil {
//nolint:nilnil,nolintlint // expected values
return nil, nil
@ -137,7 +134,6 @@ func newSSHPolicyEngine(policyOptions SSHPolicyOptionsInterface, typ sshPolicyEn
// ensure no policy engine is returned when no name options were provided
if len(options) == 0 {
//nolint:nilnil,nolintlint // expected values
return nil, nil

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import (
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ func TestAuthority_checkPolicy(t *testing.T) {
err: &PolicyError{
Typ: AdminLockOut,
Err: errors.New("the provided policy would lock out [step] from the CA. Please create an x509 policy to include [step] as an allowed DNS name"),
Err: errors.New("the provided policy would lock out [step] from the CA. Please update your policy to include [step] as an allowed name"),
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func TestAuthority_checkPolicy(t *testing.T) {
err: &PolicyError{
Typ: AdminLockOut,
Err: errors.New("the provided policy would lock out [otherAdmin] from the CA. Please create an x509 policy to include [otherAdmin] as an allowed DNS name"),
Err: errors.New("the provided policy would lock out [otherAdmin] from the CA. Please update your policy to include [otherAdmin] as an allowed name"),

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ func (c ACMEChallenge) Validate() error {
type ACMEAttestationFormat string
const (
// APPLE is the format used to enable device-attest-01 on Apple devices.
// APPLE is the format used to enable device-attest-01 on apple devices.
APPLE ACMEAttestationFormat = "apple"
// STEP is the format used to enable device-attest-01 on devices that
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ const (
// TODO(mariano): should we rename this to something else.
STEP ACMEAttestationFormat = "step"
// TPM is the format used to enable device-attest-01 with TPMs.
// TPM is the format used to enable device-attest-01 on TPMs.
TPM ACMEAttestationFormat = "tpm"
@ -84,17 +84,6 @@ type ACME struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ForceCN bool `json:"forceCN,omitempty"`
// TermsOfService contains a URL pointing to the ACME server's
// terms of service. Defaults to empty.
TermsOfService string `json:"termsOfService,omitempty"`
// Website contains an URL pointing to more information about
// the ACME server. Defaults to empty.
Website string `json:"website,omitempty"`
// CaaIdentities is an array of hostnames that the ACME server
// identifies itself with. These hostnames can be used by ACME
// clients to determine the correct issuer domain name to use
// when configuring CAA records. Defaults to empty array.
CaaIdentities []string `json:"caaIdentities,omitempty"`
// RequireEAB makes the provisioner require ACME EAB to be provided
// by clients when creating a new Account. If set to true, the provided
// EAB will be verified. If set to false and an EAB is provided, it is
@ -133,7 +122,7 @@ func (p *ACME) GetIDForToken() string {
// GetTokenID returns the identifier of the token.
func (p *ACME) GetTokenID(string) (string, error) {
func (p *ACME) GetTokenID(ott string) (string, error) {
return "", errors.New("acme provisioner does not implement GetTokenID")
@ -184,7 +173,7 @@ func (p *ACME) Init(config Config) (err error) {
// Parse attestation roots.
// The pool will be nil if there are no roots.
// The pool will be nil if the there are not roots.
if rest := p.AttestationRoots; len(rest) > 0 {
var block *pem.Block
var hasCert bool
@ -228,7 +217,7 @@ type ACMEIdentifier struct {
// AuthorizeOrderIdentifier verifies the provisioner is allowed to issue a
// certificate for an ACME Order Identifier.
func (p *ACME) AuthorizeOrderIdentifier(_ context.Context, identifier ACMEIdentifier) error {
func (p *ACME) AuthorizeOrderIdentifier(ctx context.Context, identifier ACMEIdentifier) error {
x509Policy := p.ctl.getPolicy().getX509()
// identifier is allowed if no policy is configured
@ -253,11 +242,11 @@ func (p *ACME) AuthorizeOrderIdentifier(_ context.Context, identifier ACMEIdenti
// AuthorizeSign does not do any validation, because all validation is handled
// in the ACME protocol. This method returns a list of modifiers / constraints
// on the resulting certificate.
func (p *ACME) AuthorizeSign(context.Context, string) ([]SignOption, error) {
func (p *ACME) AuthorizeSign(ctx context.Context, token string) ([]SignOption, error) {
opts := []SignOption{
// modifiers / withOptions
newProvisionerExtensionOption(TypeACME, p.Name, "").WithControllerOptions(p.ctl),
newProvisionerExtensionOption(TypeACME, p.Name, ""),
// validators
@ -274,7 +263,7 @@ func (p *ACME) AuthorizeSign(context.Context, string) ([]SignOption, error) {
// the CA. It can be used to authorize revocation of a certificate. With the
// ACME protocol, revocation authorization is specified and performed as part
// of the client/server interaction, so this is a no-op.
func (p *ACME) AuthorizeRevoke(context.Context, string) error {
func (p *ACME) AuthorizeRevoke(ctx context.Context, token string) error {
return nil
@ -289,7 +278,7 @@ func (p *ACME) AuthorizeRenew(ctx context.Context, cert *x509.Certificate) error
// IsChallengeEnabled checks if the given challenge is enabled. By default
// http-01, dns-01 and tls-alpn-01 are enabled, to disable any of them the
// Challenge provisioner property should have at least one element.
func (p *ACME) IsChallengeEnabled(_ context.Context, challenge ACMEChallenge) bool {
func (p *ACME) IsChallengeEnabled(ctx context.Context, challenge ACMEChallenge) bool {
enabledChallenges := []ACMEChallenge{
HTTP_01, DNS_01, TLS_ALPN_01,
@ -307,7 +296,7 @@ func (p *ACME) IsChallengeEnabled(_ context.Context, challenge ACMEChallenge) bo
// IsAttestationFormatEnabled checks if the given attestation format is enabled.
// By default apple, step and tpm are enabled, to disable any of them the
// AttestationFormat provisioner property should have at least one element.
func (p *ACME) IsAttestationFormatEnabled(_ context.Context, format ACMEAttestationFormat) bool {
func (p *ACME) IsAttestationFormatEnabled(ctx context.Context, format ACMEAttestationFormat) bool {
enabledFormats := []ACMEAttestationFormat{

@ -24,9 +24,6 @@ import (
_ "embed"
// awsIssuer is the string used as issuer in the generated tokens.
@ -52,10 +49,112 @@ const awsMetadataTokenHeader = "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token" //nolint:gosec // no c
const awsMetadataTokenTTLHeader = "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds" //nolint:gosec // no credentials here
// awsCertificate is the certificate used to validate the instance identity
// signature. It is embedded in the binary at compile time.
// signature.
// The first certificate is used in:
// ap-northeast-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2
// eu-central-1, eu-north-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3
// us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2
// ca-central-1, sa-east-1
// The second certificate is used in:
// eu-south-1
// The third certificate is used in:
// ap-east-1
// The fourth certificate is used in:
// af-south-1
// The fifth certificate is used in:
//go:embed aws_certificates.pem
var awsCertificate string
// me-south-1
const awsCertificate = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
// awsSignatureAlgorithm is the signature algorithm used to verify the identity
// document signature.
@ -363,7 +462,7 @@ func (p *AWS) AuthorizeSign(ctx context.Context, token string) ([]SignOption, er
newURIsValidator(ctx, nil),
// Template options
@ -379,18 +478,14 @@ func (p *AWS) AuthorizeSign(ctx context.Context, token string) ([]SignOption, er
// modifiers / withOptions
newProvisionerExtensionOption(TypeAWS, p.Name, doc.AccountID, "InstanceID", doc.InstanceID).WithControllerOptions(p.ctl),
newProvisionerExtensionOption(TypeAWS, p.Name, doc.AccountID, "InstanceID", doc.InstanceID),
// validators
newValidityValidator(p.ctl.Claimer.MinTLSCertDuration(), p.ctl.Claimer.MaxTLSCertDuration()),
p.ctl.newWebhookController(data, linkedca.Webhook_X509),
), nil
@ -613,7 +708,7 @@ func (p *AWS) authorizeToken(token string) (*awsPayload, error) {
// AuthorizeSSHSign returns the list of SignOption for a SignSSH request.
func (p *AWS) AuthorizeSSHSign(_ context.Context, token string) ([]SignOption, error) {
func (p *AWS) AuthorizeSSHSign(ctx context.Context, token string) ([]SignOption, error) {
if !p.ctl.Claimer.IsSSHCAEnabled() {
return nil, errs.Unauthorized("aws.AuthorizeSSHSign; ssh ca is disabled for aws provisioner '%s'", p.GetName())
@ -673,10 +768,6 @@ func (p *AWS) AuthorizeSSHSign(_ context.Context, token string) ([]SignOption, e
// Ensure that all principal names are allowed
newSSHNamePolicyValidator(p.ctl.getPolicy().getSSHHost(), nil),
// Call webhooks
p.ctl.newWebhookController(data, linkedca.Webhook_SSH),
), nil

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
