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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# AUTHOR: gotbletu (@gmail|twitter|youtube|github|lbry)
# DESC: turn any terminal into a dropdown terminal
# DEPEND: coreutils xdotool wmutils ( |
# CLOG: 2021-02-10 use comm to match window name and class, this avoids terminal windows with different names
# 2015-02-15 0.1
# get screen resolution width and height
ROOT=$(lsw -r)
width=$(wattr w "$ROOT")
height=$(wattr h "$ROOT")
# option 1: set terminal emulator manually
# my_term=urxvt
# my_term=sakura
# my_term="alacritty"
# my_term=terminator
# my_term=gnome-terminal
# my_term=kitty # for kitty to work uncomment line 28 and comment line 31
# option 2: auto detect terminal emulator (note: make sure to only open one)
# my_term="urxvt|kitty|xterm|uxterm|termite|sakura|lxterminal|terminator|mate-terminal|pantheon-terminal|konsole|gnome-terminal|xfce4-terminal"
# get terminal emulator pid ex: 44040485
# pid=$(xdotool search --class "$my_term" | tail -n1)
# get terminal emulator and matching name pid ex: 44040485
pid=$(comm -12 <(xdotool search --name "$my_term" | sort) <(xdotool search --class "$my_term" | sort))
# get windows id from pid ex: 0x2a00125%
wid=$(printf 0x%x "$pid")
# maximize terminal emulator
wrs "$width" "$height" "$wid"
# toggle show/hide terminal emulator
mapw -t "$wid"