You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
gotbletu 242bc530ed zsh vim mode update 9 years ago test 9 years ago old aero snap script 12 years ago
aircomicserver.txt aircomic 11 years ago
alias_functions_examples.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago any term dropdown 10 years ago
aspell_fx.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago test 9 years ago july notes 11 years ago calibre 10 years ago
calibredb_functions.txt calibre 11 years ago
cheat_zsh_autocomplete.txt cheat autocomplete 9 years ago plain text paste 9 years ago
color_commands.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
color_manpages.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
combine_pdf.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
compiz_grid_hotcorner_click.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
config.yml flexget config 11 years ago
doc2pdf.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
e17-general-settings.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
feedly_custom_rss.txt add url 11 years ago
ffmpeg_x11grab_screencast.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
flexget_crontab.txt flexget notes 11 years ago flexget correct version 1.2.128 10 years ago
fstab.txt fstab 11 years ago fzf snippet v2 10 years ago
fzf.txt fuzzy finder 11 years ago fzf dmenu2 10 years ago new fzf alias 10 years ago add for bash 10 years ago
google_text_to_speech.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
guake_chfontsize.txt chfontsize 11 years ago
handbrakecli_function.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
image_resizer.png resize rotate zenity 9 years ago
image_rotate.png resize rotate zenity 9 years ago
imgur_function.txt new 11 years ago imgur dl 10 years ago link back to youtube 11 years ago
locate_discover.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
lxde-wallpaper-change.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
mate-settings.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
mate-wallpaper-change.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
minidlna.txt minidlna 11 years ago
mlocate_vdiscover_vim_locate.txt i learn sed 11 years ago audiobooks 9 years ago test 9 years ago test 9 years ago mutt update and html notes 9 years ago
my-i3-config.txt j4 dmenu 11 years ago
newsbeuter_greader.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago offline install pkg 10 years ago link back to youtube 11 years ago
pastebinit_alias.txt the future 11 years ago peerflix alias 2 10 years ago
pip.txt forgto uninstall 11 years ago
podbeuter_podqueue_function.txt extra notes 12 years ago pulseaudio sound normalizer 9 years ago pulseaudio change cli 10 years ago
python_webserver.txt i3 11 years ago typo 11 years ago
rsync_examples.txt rsync fat32 fix 11 years ago
rtmpdump_sniff_your_own_tutorial.txt sniff tutorial 10 years ago
rtmpsrv_functions.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
scrot_functions.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
shell-fm.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
simplehttpserver.txt python server with upload 11 years ago link back to youtube 11 years ago link back to youtube 11 years ago
sopcast.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
sopcast_v2.txt sopcast updated Feb 2014 11 years ago
ssh_passwordlesskey.txt add username 11 years ago
ssh_x11_forwarding.txt x forwarding 11 years ago
stow.txt new notes 11 years ago
tmux_copy_mode_vim.txt july notes 11 years ago
tmux_layout.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
tmux_maximize_pane.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
tmux_mouse_mode.txt july notes 11 years ago
transmission-cli.txt july notes 11 years ago test 9 years ago
universal_package_manager.txt uni pkmgr 11 years ago
urlscan_tmux.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
urlview_tmux.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
vifm.txt vifm 11 years ago rsync vifm 9 years ago
vim_copy_paste_to_x_clipboard.txt extra notes 12 years ago
vim_sudo_permission.txt sudo for vim 11 years ago
vlc_midi.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago
w3m_context_view_tmux.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago aria2 webui related 10 years ago
wiican_wiimote_xbmc.wminput link back to youtube 11 years ago xbox 360 gamepad 9 years ago
xclip_pbcopy_alias.txt Update xclip_pbcopy_alias.txt 9 years ago
xfce-wallpaper-change.txt link back to youtube 11 years ago xrdpv3 10 years ago
youtube.png youtube 1click 9 years ago yt audio only dl 9 years ago resize rotate zenity v2 9 years ago dont need 360 9 years ago
zsh_vim_mode.txt zsh vim mode update 9 years ago

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| (_| | (_) | |_| |_) | |  __/ |_| |_| |
 \__, |\___/ \__|_.__/|_|\___|\__|\__,_|


This is the shownotes for my youtube tutorial videos. All hail the opensource powers. Come join the darkside lols. Hit me up on social media, youtube or email if you got any tips or question. If you find my videos feature on other site let me know also, I always need an Ego Boost from time to time LMAO. Thanks

My Videos has Been Feature On:

Official Software Site

couturier - merge pdf and images

curseofwar - fast action terminal RTS game with vim hotkeys

fzf - fuzzy finder for your shell

inxi - a full featured system information script

package converter - frontend to Alien

pacmixer - an alsamixer alike for pulseaudio

sunflower-fm - lightweight file manager with dual pane

torrent-search - search for torrents

turses - console twitter client

veromix - KDE mixer for pulseaudio


Archwiki: xbacklight / xcalib - backlight utilities Link

FZF Fuzzy Finder - A command-line fuzzy finder written in Go Link

Linuxaria: poor mans sportify Link

OMGUbuntu: veromix - mixer for pulseaudio Link

Phoenixts: 9 YouTube Channels to Learn Linux Online Link

Softpedia: Video Clip of the Week: Workspaces & How We Use Them Link

Softpedia: Video Clip of the Week: KDE SC 4.7 Link

UbuntuBuzz: doc2pdf - convert microsoft doc or docx files to pdf Link

WebUpd8: compiz grid with mouse binding Link

WebUpd8: ofris - deep freeze for linux Link

Transmission Remote CLI torrent client (Xpressrazor) Link

Spanish Translation

Hipertextual: turn any terminal into a dropdown terminal (Ander Raso) Link

transmission cli torrent client (comandormrf) Link | CLI | TUI/Ncurses

German Translation

Mutt Terminal Email client (tomzai) Link

Shout Outs (Thanks everyone = )

InfinitelyGalactic - Linux, Android, Tech Reviewer Link