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This is notes for video:
# to open crontab with commandline editor
crontab -e
# to open crontab with gui editor
env EDITOR=xdg-open crontab -e
to test if crontab is working to outputting a log file
* * * * * ~/Scripts/ > /tmp/timebomb_error.log 2>&1
## for crontab
# to run flexget without generating log files
@hourly flexget --cron
# start transmission-gtk version minimized if it is not already running
*/30 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && if pidof -x /usr/bin/transmission-gtk; then exit; else /usr/bin/transmission-gtk -m; fi &
# this is for transmission-cli/daemon version
@hourly if pidof -x /usr/bin/transmission-daemon; then exit; else /usr/bin/transmission-daemon; fi &