You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env sh
# AUTHOR: gotbletu (@gmail|twitter|youtube|github|lbry)
# DESC: paste and go feature for w3m web browser using system clipboard (aka ctrl+v)
# DEMO: | updated
# REQD: 1. chmod +x ~/.w3m/cgi-bin/goto_clipboard.cgi
# 2. sed -i 's@cgi_bin.*@cgi_bin ~/.w3m/cgi-bin:/usr/lib/w3m/cgi-bin:/usr/local/libexec/w3m/cgi-bin@g' ~/.w3m/config
# 3. sed -i 's@default_url.*@default_url 1@g' ~/.w3m/config
# 4. $EDITOR ~/.w3m/keymap
# keymap pp GOTO file:/cgi-bin/goto_clipboard.cgi
# keymap PP TAB_GOTO file:/cgi-bin/goto_clipboard.cgi
# CLOG: 2021-05-22 version 0.3 new instructions, no longer required root path for cgi scripts
# 2021-02-05 version 0.2 reset url back to 1 (aka edit current url)
# 2020-04-26 version 0.1
# set open-url value to zero (aka empty url line)
printf "%s\r\n" "W3m-control: SET_OPTION default_url=0"
#GOTO url in clipboard in current page. If the clipboard has a
#"non url string/nothing" an blank page is shown.
printf "%s\r\n" "W3m-control: GOTO $(xsel -ob)"
#delete the buffer (element in history) created between the current page and
#the searched page by calling this script.
printf "%s\r\n" "W3m-control: DELETE_PREVBUF"
# set default open-url value to one (aka current url)
printf "%s\r\n" "W3m-control: SET_OPTION default_url=1"