-------------- On Windows ------------------- 1. Enable Windows Remote Desktop ( Windows XP ) Right Click "My Computer" > Remote Checkmark "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer" Select Remote Users > Add > Advanced > Find Now Select a user and hit OK to exit 2. Get ip address using command prompt ( Windows XP ) Win+R > type cmd, then it enter type in ipconfig , then hit enter ex: default port is: 3389 --------------- On LINUX ------------------- 3. install rdesktop using your package manager # debian/ubuntu sudo apt-get install rdesktop # archlinux sudo pacman -S rdesktop 4. Using rdesktop # basic useage rdesktop -g 100% # set the username rdesktop -u heoyea -g 100% # redirect sound (not working) rdesktop -u heoyea -g 100% -r sound:local # this will give you the taskbar in windows toggle fullscreen: Ctrl+Alt+Enter