Notes for video: ## 1. requirements - aria2 - webui-aria2 (download from ) - python (if you want to use the simplehttpserver) ## 2. add these shits to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc aria2c-quit() { killall aria2c kill $(ps -ef | grep '[h]ttp.server' | awk '{print $2}') #kill $(ps -ef | grep '[S]impleHTTPServer' | awk '{print $2}') } aria2c-webui() { # download location DIR_DL=~/Downloads # run as daemon aria2c --enable-rpc --rpc-listen-all -D -d "$DIR_DL" # use python simplehttpserver to host the webui # this avoids download the index.html file on each computer # # path to the webui index.html DIR_WEBUI=~/.binary/webui-aria2/ # webui-aria2c uses port 6800 so we use 6801 for python_simple_http_server PORT=6801 cd "$DIR_WEBUI" nohup python3 -m http.server "$PORT" >/dev/null 2>&1& # for older distro # nohup python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer "$PORT" >/dev/null 2>&1& echo "connect via http://localhost:6801 or http://ip_address_of_server:6801" } ## 3. Aria2c Integration addon ( Chrome / Chromium) ## 4. Related Videos - aria2c commandline ( - python simplehttpserver ( - python simplehttpserver with upload (