Notes for video: add to ~/.tmux.conf # vim keys in copy or choice mode set-window-option -g mode-keys vi # copying selection vim style # # bind-key Escape copy-mode # enter copy mode; default [ bind-key -t vi-copy Escape cancel # exit copy mode; or hit q bind-key p paste-buffer # paste; default ] bind-key -t vi-copy v begin-selection # begin visual mode bind-key -t vi-copy V select-line # visual line bind-key -t vi-copy y copy-selection # yank bind-key -t vi-copy r rectangle-toggle # visual block toggle # read and write and delete paste buffer ( xsel method) # # ctrl+shift+v bind-key < command-prompt -p "send to tmux:" "run-shell 'tmux set-buffer -- \"$(xsel -o -b)\"'" bind-key > command-prompt -p "send to xsel:" "run-shell 'tmux show-buffer | xsel -i -b'" bind-key + command-prompt "delete-buffer"