# this is notes for video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0KPl5O006M ------------------------------- ## for ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc vdiscover() { # usage: vdiscover # example: vdiscover man vs wild # OR operator: vdiscover 'man vs wild (mkv|avi)' # $ ending in: vdiscover 'man vs wild (mkv|avi)$' # vdiscover '(naruto|shingeki) (mkv|avi)$' # escape spaces, pipe and parentheses keyword=$(echo "$@" | sed 's/ /.*/g' | sed 's:|:\\|:g' | sed 's:(:\\(:g' | sed 's:):\\):g') locate -ir "$keyword" | vim -R - } ------------------------------- # for ~/.vimrc " credits " http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Open_a_web-browser_with_the_URL_in_the_current_line " section 41.6 using functions http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/usr_41.html " devnull https://code.google.com/p/vimwiki/issues/detail?id=401 " put qoutes around line http://stackoverflow.com/a/3218805 " bypass pressing Enter to continue with extra http://stackoverflow.com/a/890831 function! OpenCurrentLine () " grab current line let line = getline (".") " add qoutes around the current line to avoid spaces/symbols issues let line = substitute(line, '^\(.*\)$', '"\1"', "g") " open with default system app, no messy output msg exec "!xdg-open" line '>&/dev/null &' endfunction "bind function to a hotkey map :call OpenCurrentLine()