Notes for Video: == On Server == a. install xauth openssh-server openssh b. enable X11 forwarding [Client] sudo nano /etc/ssh/ssh_config %% uncomment and change to yes #ForwardX11 no --> ForwardX11 yes #ForwardX11Trusted yes --> ForwardX11Trusted yes c. enable X11 forwarding [Daemon] sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config X11Forwarding yes X11DisplayOffset 10 d. restart ssh daemon %% debian sudo service ssh restart %% archlinux sudo systemctl restart sshd.service e. check if the display is correct echo $DISPLAY --> localhost:10.0 %% if it doesnt say localhost then is wrong == On Local Machine == %% a. useage ssh -Y heoyea-core@ # using X11 Trusted ssh -X heoyea-core@ # faster x11 forwarding ssh -X -C -c blowfish-cbc,arcfour heoyea-core@ -C = compress all data -c = Set ciphers. Blowfish is a fast block cipher; it appears very secure and is much faster than 3des %% after u connect u can use command line like usual or gui if you want