#!/bin/bash # _ _ _ _ # __ _ ___ | |_| |__ | | ___| |_ _ _ # / _` |/ _ \| __| '_ \| |/ _ \ __| | | | #| (_| | (_) | |_| |_) | | __/ |_| |_| | # \__, |\___/ \__|_.__/|_|\___|\__|\__,_| # |___/ # https://www.youtube.com/user/gotbletu # https://twitter.com/gotbletu # https://plus.google.com/+gotbletu # https://github.com/gotbletu # gotbleu@gmail.com # tutorial video playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqv94xWU9zZ1cXfg3ED24G6RSt4NbFBfO # description: move mouse cursor around, mouse clicks and drag using just the keyboard (vim style, wasd, numpad, or arrow keys) # requirements: xdotool xterm wmctrl # note: if you want to use this script by itself then bind commmand to a hotkey: # xterm -geometry 0x0+0+0 -e /path/to/mousemove_mode.sh # references: # https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1106808#p1106808 # http://stackoverflow.com/a/10680015 # http://stackoverflow.com/a/11759139 # http://www.bbc.co.uk/accessibility/guides/keyboard_mouse/computer/linux/gnome/ # use to set always on top and refocusing title="mousemove_mode.sh" # Always on top: check if terminal script window is focus or not, if not then refocus it refocus_window() { while : do detect_focus_window=$(xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowname) if [[ "$detect_focus_window" != "$title" ]]; then wmctrl -a "$title" fi done } # background the process refocus_window & # movemouse/mouse clicks using xdotools (using vim, wasd, numpad or arrow keys) while read -rsn1 key # 1 char (not delimiter), silent, dont need to hit enter key do # catch multi-char special key sequences # allows special arrow keys to work read -sN1 -t 0.0001 k1 read -sN1 -t 0.0001 k2 read -sN1 -t 0.0001 k3 key+=${k1}${k2}${k3} case "$key" in h|a|4|$'\e[D') xdotool mousemove_relative -- -15 0 ;; # move left j|s|5|$'\e[B') xdotool mousemove_relative 0 15 ;; # move down k|w|8|$'\e[A') xdotool mousemove_relative -- 0 -15 ;; # move up l|d|6|$'\e[C') xdotool mousemove_relative 15 0 ;; # move right u|e|7|'/') xdotool click 1 ;; # primary click o|q|9|'-') sleep 0.2 && xdotool click 3 ;; # secondary click (menu click) i|r|'*'|',') xdotool click 2 ;; # middle click n|z|0) xdotool mousedown 1 ;; # highlight | drag&drop mode (begin) m|x|'.') xdotool mouseup 1 ;; # highlight | drag&drop mode (end) $'\e'|';'|'+') break ;; # quit esac done