
gotbletu 6 years ago
parent 2967988965
commit 29b4146499

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
# _ _ _ _
# __ _ ___ | |_| |__ | | ___| |_ _ _
# / _` |/ _ \| __| '_ \| |/ _ \ __| | | |
#| (_| | (_) | |_| |_) | | __/ |_| |_| |
# \__, |\___/ \__|_.__/|_|\___|\__|\__,_|
# |___/
# https://www.youtube.com/user/gotbletu
# https://twitter.com/gotbletu
# https://github.com/gotbletu
# gotbleu@gmail.com
# _ _ _
# _ _ _ __| |_ __ ___ _ __| |_ __ _| |
# | | | | '__| | '_ \ / _ \| '__| __/ _` | |
# | |_| | | | | |_) | (_) | | | || (_| | |
# \__,_|_| |_| .__/ \___/|_| \__\__,_|_|
# |_|
# DESC: custom way to handle url (similar idea to xdg-open, mailcap)
# works with just about all programs (e.g w3m, rtv, newsboat, urlview ...etc)
# DEMO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jyfrmBYzVQ
# install: lynx youtube-dl task-spooler newsboat rtv w3m mpv urlview tmux feh plowshare streamlink curl coreutils
# newsboat:
# vim ~/.newsboat/config
# browser ~/.scripts/urlportal.sh
# rtv:
# vim ~/.bashrc
# export RTV_BROWSER=~/.scripts/urlportal.sh
# w3m:
# vim ~/.w3m/keymap
# open url under cursor (default: Esc+Shift+M); e.g 2+Esc+Shift+M
# keymap e EXTERN_LINK ~/.scripts/urlportal.sh
# urlview:
# vim ~/.urlview
# COMMAND ~/.scripts/urlportal.sh
# references:
# cirrusuk http://arza.us/paste/piper
# obosob https://github.com/michael-lazar/rtv/issues/78#issuecomment-125507472
# budlabs - mpv queue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vbr3-mHoRs
# https://github.com/budlabs/youtube/blob/master/letslinux/032-queue-files-in-mpv/openvideo
# ji99 - mpv queue script https://www.reddit.com/r/commandline/comments/920p5d/bash_script_for_queueing_youtube_links_in_mpv/
# BROWSER="chromium"
# DEFAULT="xdg-open"
# DEFAULT="chromium --incognito"
# DEFAULT="w3m"
## long videos like youtube
VIDEO_QUEUE="tsp mpv --ontop --no-border --force-window --autofit=500x280 --geometry=-15-53"
## short videos/animated gif clips
VIDEO_CLIP="mpv --loop --quiet --ontop --no-border --force-window --autofit=900x600 --geometry=-15+60"
IMAGEGUI="feh -. -x -B black -g 900x600-15+60"
# IMAGECLI="w3m /usr/lib/w3m/cgi-bin/treat_as_url.cgi -o display_image=1 -o imgdisplay=/usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay"
IMAGECLI="w3m -o display_image=1 -o imgdisplay=w3mimgdisplay"
# IMAGECLI="fbi"
# LIVEFEED='streamlink -p "mpv --cache 2048 --ontop --no-border --force-window --autofit=500x280 --geometry=-15-60"'
LIVEFEED="tsp streamlink"
# enable case-insensitive matching
shopt -s nocasematch
case "$url" in
nohup $VIDEO_CLIP "${url/.gifv/.webm}" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
nohup $VIDEO_CLIP "$url" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
$LIVEFEED "$url"
# $VIDEO_QUEUE "$url"
nohup $VIDEO_CLIP "$url" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
tmux new-window -n rtv && tmux send-keys "rtv -l $url && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
tmux new-window -n browse && tmux send-keys "$BROWSERCLI '$url' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
tmux new-window -n browse && tmux send-keys "$BROWSERCLI '$url' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(printf $url | sed 's/ia-i/i/g' | sed 's/\.html//g')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(printf $url | sed 's@img\/@tn\/i@')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(printf $url | sed 's@/t@/u@')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(printf $url | sed 's/imgy-u/u/g' | sed 's/.html//g')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
# nohup $IMAGEGUI "$(printf $url | sed 's/small/big/')" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
cleanurl="$(printf $url | sed 's/small/big/')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
# nohup $IMAGEGUI "$(printf $url | sed 's/small/big/')" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
cleanurl="$(curl -s "$url" | grep onclick | grep -oP '<a href=\047\K[^\047]+')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(printf $url | sed 's/-thumb//')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(printf "$url/1/" | sed 's/freescreens.ru/picpic.online/')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(curl -s "$url" | grep -oP '<img id="photo" src="\K[^"]+')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(curl -s "$url/1/" | grep allimage | grep -oP '<img src="\K[^"]+')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(printf $url | sed 's@https://@https://cdn.@' | sed 's@/viewer.php?file=@/images/@')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
# cleanurl="$(curl -s "$url" | grep -oP '<img class=\047centred\047 src=\047\K[^\047]+')"
cleanurl="$(curl -s "$url" | grep centred | grep -oP 'src=\047\K[^\047]+')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(curl -s "$url" | grep -oP '<meta property="og:image" content="\K[^"]+' | sed 's/small/big/')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(lynx -source "$url" | grep -oP '<meta property="og:image" content="\K[^"]+')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(curl -s "$url" | grep imagebam | grep -oP '<p><img src="\K[^"]+')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(curl -s "$url" | grep -oP '<p style="display: block; text-align:center;"><img src="\K[^"]+')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(curl --data "imgContinue=Continue to image ..." --location "$url" | grep centred | grep -oP 'src=\047\K[^\047]+')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
cleanurl="$(curl --data "imgContinue=Continue to image ..." --location "$(printf $url | sed 's@http://@https://www.@')" | grep centred | grep -oP 'src=\047\K[^\047]+')"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$cleanurl' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
nohup $VIDEO_CLIP "$url" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
*i.imgur.com/*| *imgur.com/*.*)
# nohup $IMAGEGUI "$url" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$url' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
# tmux split-window && tmux send-keys "lynx -source "$url" | grep post-image-container | grep -oP '<div id=\"\K[^\"]+' | while read line; do echo https://i.imgur.com/"\$line".png; done | urlview && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
multiurlextract="(lynx -source "$url" | grep post-image-container | grep -oP '<div id=\"\K[^\"]+' | while read line; do echo https://i.imgur.com/"\$line".png; done | urlview)"
tmux split-window && tmux send-keys "$multiurlextract && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
tmux split-window -fv && tmux send-keys "mutt -- '$url' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
tmux split-window -fv -p 20 && tmux send-keys "mpv '$url' && exit" 'Enter'
transmission-remote --add "$url"
tmux new-window -n pixcli && tmux send-keys "$IMAGECLI '$url' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'
# nohup $IMAGEGUI "$url" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
nohup $VIDEO_CLIP "${url/.gifv/.webm}" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
if pgrep -f $DDL_QUEUE_FAST > /dev/null
echo "$url" >> $DDL_QUEUE_FAST
echo "$url" >> $DDL_QUEUE_FAST
cat $DDL_QUEUE_FAST | awk '!x[$0]++' | sponge $DDL_QUEUE_FAST
tmux split-window -fv -p 20 && tmux send-keys "until [[ \$(cat $DDL_QUEUE_FAST | grep -v '#' | wc -l) -eq 0 ]]; do mkdir -p $DDL_PATH && cd $DDL_PATH && plowdown -m $DDL_QUEUE_FAST -o $DDL_PATH ; done" 'Enter'
# create queue fifo files if it does not exist
if [[ ! -p /tmp/mpvinput ]]; then
mkfifo /tmp/mpvinput
# check if process mpv exist (e.g mpv --input-file=/tmp/mpvinput filename.mp3)
if pgrep -f mpvinput > /dev/null
# if mpv is already running then append new url/files to queue
# echo loadfile \"${url/'/\\'}\" append-play > /tmp/mpvinput
echo loadfile \"$url\" append-play > /tmp/mpvinput
# nohup $VIDEO_CLIP "${url/.gifv/.webm}" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# if mpv is not running then start it (initial startup)
# mpv --no-video --input-file=/tmp/mpvinput "$1"
tmux split-window -fv -p 20 && tmux send-keys "mpv --no-video --input-file=/tmp/mpvinput \"$url\" && exit" 'Enter'
# Note: use "<" or ">" hotkeys to skip between songs/audio queue list on mpv
# $DEFAULT "$url"
tmux new-window -n browse && tmux send-keys "$DEFAULT '$url' && tmux kill-pane" 'Enter'