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# W3M Prefix Search Engines Searches Using FZF and Surfraw
4 years ago
improving w3m by having a quick way to search multiple search engines or even custom search engines via the power of surfraw elvi
* tutorial video: [Link]( | update [Link](
4 years ago
* offical website: [Link](
tags: linux w3m omnibar address bar quick w3m smart search fzf fuzzy finder surfraw tmux workaround current url
4 years ago
### install requirements
w3m surfraw fzf gawk coreutils grep
4 years ago
### install script to local directory
[Download at cgi-bin](w3m_plugins/cgi-bin)
4 years ago
4 years ago
chmod +x ~/.w3m/cgi-bin/*.cgi
4 years ago
### configuration
vim ~/.w3m/keymap
# search with surfraw (no clipboard required)
keymap xs COMMAND "READ_SHELL ~/.w3m/cgi-bin/fzf_surfraw.cgi ; BACK ; GOTO file:/cgi-bin/goto_w3m_clipboard.cgi"
keymap XS COMMAND "READ_SHELL ~/.w3m/cgi-bin/fzf_surfraw.cgi ; BACK ; TAB_GOTO file:/cgi-bin/goto_w3m_clipboard.cgi"
4 years ago
# yank url to multiple clipboard
keymap yy EXTERN_LINK "url=%s ; printf "%b" "$url" > /tmp/clipbrd.txt ; printf "%b" "$url" | xsel -b ; printf "%b" "$url" | tmux load-buffer -"
keymap YY EXTERN_LINK "url=%s ; printf "%b" "$url" > /tmp/clipbrd.txt ; printf "%b" "$url" | xsel -b ; printf "%b" "$url" | tmux load-buffer -"
# paste url and go
keymap pp GOTO file:/cgi-bin/goto_clipboard.cgi
keymap PP TAB_GOTO file:/cgi-bin/goto_clipboard.cgi
keymap pt GOTO file:/cgi-bin/goto_tmux_clipboard.cgi
keymap PT TAB_GOTO file:/cgi-bin/goto_tmux_clipboard.cgi
keymap pw GOTO file:/cgi-bin/goto_w3m_clipboard.cgi
keymap PW TAB_GOTO file:/cgi-bin/goto_w3m_clipboard.cgi
4 years ago
### change config settings
sed -i 's@cgi_bin.*@cgi_bin ~/.w3m/cgi-bin:/usr/lib/w3m/cgi-bin:/usr/local/libexec/w3m/cgi-bin@g' ~/.w3m/config
sed -i 's:default_url.*:default_url 1:g' ~/.w3m/config
### usage example
$ w3m
then press xs or XS to use surfraw for smart search
4 years ago
### references
4 years ago
- [W3M Playlist](
- [Surfraw Playlist](
- [FZF Playlist](
### contact
_ _ _ _
__ _ ___ | |_| |__ | | ___| |_ _ _
4 years ago
/ _` |/ _ \| __| '_ \| |/ _ \ __| | | |
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4 years ago
4 years ago