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9 years ago
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### About
This is the **shownotes** for my youtube tutorial videos. All hail the opensource powers. Come join the darkside lols.
Hit me up on social media, youtube or email if you got any tips or question.
If you find my videos feature on other site let me know also, I always need an Ego Boost from time to time LMAO. Thanks
9 years ago
## My Videos has Been Feature On:
9 years ago
#### Official Software Site
[couturier]( - merge pdf and images
[curseofwar]( - fast action terminal RTS game with vim hotkeys
9 years ago
[fzf]( - fuzzy finder for your shell
9 years ago
[inxi]( - a full featured system information script
[package converter]( - frontend to Alien
[pacmixer]( - an alsamixer alike for pulseaudio
[sunflower-fm]( - lightweight file manager with dual pane
[torrent-search]( - search for torrents
[turses]( - console twitter client
[veromix]( - KDE mixer for pulseaudio
#### Blogs/Wikis:
Archwiki: xbacklight / xcalib - backlight utilities [Link](
FZF Fuzzy Finder - A command-line fuzzy finder written in Go [Link](
Linuxaria: poor mans sportify [Link](
OMGUbuntu: veromix - mixer for pulseaudio [Link](
Phoenixts: 9 YouTube Channels to Learn Linux Online [Link](
Softpedia: Video Clip of the Week: Workspaces & How We Use Them [Link](
Softpedia: Video Clip of the Week: KDE SC 4.7 [Link](
UbuntuBuzz: doc2pdf - convert microsoft doc or docx files to pdf [Link](
WebUpd8: compiz grid with mouse binding [Link](
WebUpd8: ofris - deep freeze for linux [Link](
9 years ago
Transmission Remote CLI torrent client (Xpressrazor) [Link](
9 years ago
#### Spanish Translation
9 years ago
Hipertextual: turn any terminal into a dropdown terminal (Ander Raso) [Link](
9 years ago
9 years ago
transmission cli torrent client (comandormrf) [Link]( | [CLI]( | [TUI/Ncurses](
9 years ago
9 years ago
#### German Translation
Mutt Terminal Email client (tomzai) [Link](
9 years ago
#### Shout Outs (Thanks everyone = )
[InfinitelyGalactic]( - Linux, Android, Tech Reviewer [Link](