# Bookstack in docker ###### guide by example ![logo](https://i.imgur.com/qDXwqaU.png) # Purpose & Overview Documentation and notes. * [Official site](https://www.bookstackapp.com/) * [Github](https://github.com/BookStackApp/BookStack) * [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/bookstack) BookStack is a modern, open source, good looking wiki platform for storing and organizing information and documentation. Written in PHP, with MySQL database for the user data.
There is no official Dockerhub image so the one maintained by [linuxserver.io](https://www.linuxserver.io/) is used, which uses nginx as a web server. # Files and directory structure ``` /home/ └── ~/ └── docker/ └── bookstack/ ├── bookstack-data/ ├── bookstack-db-data/ ├── .env ├── docker-compose.yml └── bookstack-backup-script.sh ``` * `bookstack-data/` - a directory where bookstack will store its web app data * `bookstack-db-data/` - a directory where bookstack will store its MySQL database data * `.env` - a file containing environmental variables for docker compose * `docker-compose.yml` - a docker compose file, telling docker how to build the containers * `bookstack-backup-script.sh` - a backup script if you want it You only need to provide the files.
The directories are created by docker compose on the first run. # docker-compose Dockerhub linuxserver/bookstack [example compose.](https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/bookstack) `docker-compose.yml` ```yml version: "2" services: bookstack-db: image: linuxserver/mariadb container_name: bookstack-db hostname: bookstack-db restart: unless-stopped env_file: .env volumes: - ./bookstack-db-data:/config bookstack: image: linuxserver/bookstack container_name: bookstack hostname: bookstack restart: unless-stopped env_file: .env depends_on: - bookstack-db volumes: - ./bookstack-data:/config networks: default: external: name: $DEFAULT_NETWORK ``` `.env` ```bash # GENERAL MY_DOMAIN=blabla.org DEFAULT_NETWORK=caddy_net TZ=Europe/Bratislava #LINUXSERVER.IO PUID=1000 PGID=1000 # BOOKSTACK-MARIADB MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=bookstack MYSQL_DATABASE=bookstack MYSQL_USER=bookstack MYSQL_PASSWORD=bookstack # BOOKSTACK DB_HOST=bookstack-db DB_USER=bookstack DB_PASS=bookstack DB_DATABASE=bookstack # USING SENDGRID FOR SENDING EMAILS APP_URL=https://book.blabla.org MAIL_DRIVER=smtp MAIL_HOST=smtp.sendgrid.net MAIL_PORT=465 MAIL_FROM=book@blabla.org MAIL_USERNAME=apikey MAIL_PASSWORD=SG.2FA24asaddasdasdasdsadasdasdassadDEMBzuh9e43 MAIL_ENCRYPTION=SSL ``` **All containers must be on the same network**.
If one does not exist yet: `docker network create caddy_net` # Reverse proxy Caddy v2 is used, details [here](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker/tree/master/caddy_v2).
`Caddyfile` ``` book.{$MY_DOMAIN} { reverse_proxy bookstack:80 } ``` --- ![interface-pic](https://i.imgur.com/cN1GUZw.png) # Update [Watchtower](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker/tree/master/watchtower) updates the image automatically. Manual image update: - `docker-compose pull`
- `docker-compose up -d`
- `docker image prune` # Backup and restore #### Backup Using [borg](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker/tree/master/borg_backup) that makes daily snapshot of the entire directory. #### Restore * down the bookstack containers `docker-compose down`
* delete the entire bookstack directory
* from the backup copy back the bookstack directory
* start the containers `docker-compose up -d` # Backup of just user data Users data daily export using the [official procedure.](https://www.bookstackapp.com/docs/admin/backup-restore/)
For bookstack it means database dump and backing up several directories containing user uploaded files. Daily [borg](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker/tree/master/borg_backup) run takes care of backing up the directories. So only database dump is needed.
The created backup sqlite3 file is overwritten on every run of the script, but that's ok since borg is making daily snapshots. #### Create a backup script Placed inside `bookstack` directory on the host `bookstack-backup-script.sh` ```bash #!/bin/bash # CREATE DATABASE DUMP, bash -c '...' IS USED OTHERWISE OUTPUT > WOULD TRY TO GO TO THE HOST docker container exec bookstack-db bash -c 'mysqldump -u $MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD $MYSQL_DATABASE > $MYSQL_DIR/BACKUP.bookstack.database.sql' ``` the script must be **executable** - `chmod +x bookstack-backup-script.sh` #### Cronjob Running on the host, so that the script will be periodically run. * `su` - switch to root * `crontab -e` - add new cron job
* `0 22 * * * /home/bastard/docker/bookstack/bookstack-backup-script.sh`
runs it every day [at 22:00](https://crontab.guru/#0_22_*_*_*) * `crontab -l` - list cronjobs to check # Restore the user data Assuming clean start, first restore the database before running the app container. * start only the database container: `docker-compose up -d bookstack-db` * copy `BACKUP.bookstack.database.sql` in `bookstack/bookstack-db-data/` * restore the database inside the container
`docker container exec --workdir /config bookstack-db bash -c 'mysql -u $MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD $MYSQL_DATABASE < BACKUP.bookstack.database.sql'` * now start the app container: `docker-compose up -d` * let it run so it creates its file structure * down the containers `docker-compose down` * in `bookstack/bookstack-data/www/`
replace directories `files`,`images`,`uploads` and the file `.env`
with the ones from the BorgBackup repository * start the containers: `docker-compose up -d` * if there was a major version jump, exec in to the app container and run `php artisan migrate`
`docker container exec -it bookstack /bin/bash`
`cd /var/www/html/`
`php artisan migrate` Again, the above steps are based on the [official procedure.](https://www.bookstackapp.com/docs/admin/backup-restore/)