# Kopia ###### guide-by-example ![logo](https://i.imgur.com/A2mosM6.png) WORK IN PROGRESS
# Content * [Kopia in Linux](#Kopia-in-Linux) * [Kopia in Windows](#Kopia-in-Windows) * [Kopia in Docker](#Kopia-in-Docker) # Purpose & Overview Backups. * [Official site](https://kopia.io/) * [Official Forum](https://kopia.discourse.group/) * [Github](https://github.com/kopia/kopia) Kopia is a new open source backup utility with basically **all** modern features.
Cross-platform, deduplication, encryption, compression, multithreaded speed, native cloud storage support, repository replication, snapshots mounting, GUI version, server version,... Written in golang.
Embedded webGUI for server mode is done in React. KopiaUI comes packaged with electron. ### Ways to use Kopia * **cli** - Command line.
You call the kopia binary passing some commands, it executes stuff, done.
Deployment requires extra work - scripts with configs, scheduling. * **Kopia Server** - kopia binary runs in server mode.
Runs in the background, with its web server answering at url: `localhost:51515`
Web GUI makes the management easier than using cli. Additionally in server mode kopia can serve as a centralized repository for other machines that run kopia instances.
Deployment requires extra work similar to cli, but actual use is through web GUI. * **KopiaUI** - GUI version.
Kopia that comes packaged with electron to provide the feel of a standalone desktop app.
Good for simple deployment where average user just wants to backup stuff.
Benefits over cli or server is easier setup and management.
Drawback is that it runs under one user and only when that user is logged in. * **Kopia in Docker** - Kopia Server running in docker
Can fulfill two needs: * Backup docker-host stuff to a cloud or a mounted network storage. Managed through webgui instead of cli. * A centralized kopia repository where other machines on the network, that also use kopia, backup their data. ![repo_first](https://i.imgur.com/rbqhmzZ.png) # Some aspects of Kopia [Official Getting Started Guide](https://kopia.io/docs/getting-started/)
[Kopia Build Architecture](https://github.com/kopia/kopia/blob/master/BUILD.md)
[Official Features](https://kopia.io/docs/features/) * Kopia is a single ~35MB binary file. * Backups are stored in a **repository** that needs to be created first, and is always encrypted.
Before any action, Kopia needs to connect to a repo. * **Snapshots**, apart from the typical meaning, kopia also uses the term for targets(paths) that are being backed up. * **Policy** is a term used to define behavior of the backup/repo, like backups retention, what to ignore, logging, scheduling(server/UI), actions before and after backup,... * **Policies** are stored inside a repo and can apply at various levels and can **inherit** from each other - **Global** policy, the default that comes predefined during repo creation, can be edited like any other. - Per user policy, per machine policy. - Snapshot level policy, only applying for that one path. * **Maintenance** is automatic * During snapshots Kopia uses local **cache**, location varies depending on the OS. Default max size is 5GB, but it gets swept periodically every few minutes.
Useful commands are `kopia cache info` and `kopia cache clear` * **Retention** of backups - [here's](https://kopia.discourse.group/t/trying-to-understand-retention-policies/164/4) how it works under the hood.
* **Restore** from backups is most easily done by mounting a snapshot.
Web GUI versions have button for it, cli version can do `sudo kopia mount all /mnt/temp &` * **Tasks** section in gui gets wiped when Kopia closes, info on snapshots run history and duration then has to be find in logs * **Logs** rotate with max age 30 days or max 1000 log files, 5000 content log files * .. # Kopia in Linux ![list_snapshots_cli](https://i.imgur.com/lQ8W5yh.png) cli version of kopia will be used to periodically backup to a mounted network storage.
The backup script will be executed using systemd-timers for scheduling. ### Install Kopia For arch linux, kopia is on AUR `yay kopia-bin` ### The initial steps and general use commands * **repo creation** `sudo kopia repo create filesystem --path /mnt/mirror/KOPIA/docker_host_kopia`
`sudo kopia repo connect filesystem --path /mnt/mirror/KOPIA/docker_host_kopia`
`sudo kopia repo status` If the path used during creation does not exists, kopia will create it in full.
After creation the repo is connected, so connnect command is just demonstration. * **the policy info and change** `sudo kopia policy get --global`
`sudo kopia policy list`
`sudo kopia policy set --global --keep-annual 2 --keep-monthly 6 --keep-weekly 4 --keep-daily 14 --keep-hourly 0 --keep-latest 3`
* **manual backup run** `sudo kopia snapshot create /home/spravca/docker /etc`
`sudo kopia snapshot list`
Since the connection exists with a repo, all that is needed is target that should be backed up. * **mounting backups** `sudo kopia mount all /mnt/tmp &` - mounts all snapshots
`sudo kopia snapshot list`
`sudo kopia mount k7e2b0a503edd7604ff61c68655cd5ad7 /mnt/tmp &`
`sudo umount /mnt/tmp`
### The backup script In linux, passing multiple paths separated by space seems to work fine.
So both `/home` and `/etc` are set to be backed up. `/opt/kopia-backup-home-etc.sh` ```bash #!/bin/bash # initialize repository # sudo kopia repo create filesystem --path /mnt/mirror/KOPIA/docker_host_kopia # adjust global policy # sudo kopia policy set --global --keep-annual 2 --keep-monthly 6 --keep-weekly 4 --keep-daily 14 --keep-hourly 0 --keep-latest 3 REPOSITORY_PATH='/mnt/mirror/KOPIA/docker_host_kopia' BACKUP_THIS='/home /etc' KOPIA_PASSWORD='aaa' kopia repository connect filesystem --path $REPOSITORY_PATH --password $KOPIA_PASSWORD kopia snapshot create $BACKUP_THIS kopia repository disconnect ``` make the script executable
`sudo chmod +x /opt/kopia-backup-home-etc.sh` ### Scheduled backups using systemd Usually cron is used, but systemd provides better logging and control, so better get used to using it.
[Heres](https://github.com/kopia/kopia/issues/2685#issuecomment-1384524828) some discussion on unit files.
[ntfy](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy) can be used for notifications, more info [here](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker/tree/master/gotify-ntfy-signal#linux-systemd-unit-file-service) * `sudo micro /etc/systemd/system/kopia-home-etc.service` ```kopia-home-etc.service``` ```ini [Unit] Description=kopia backup Wants=network-online.target After=network-online.target ConditionACPower=true # OnFailure=ntfy@failure-%p.service # OnSuccess=ntfy@success-%p.service [Service] Type=oneshot # Lower CPU and I/O priority. Nice=19 CPUSchedulingPolicy=batch IOSchedulingPriority=7 IPAccounting=true PrivateTmp=true Environment="HOME=/root" ExecStart=/opt/kopia-backup-home-etc.sh ``` * `sudo micro /etc/systemd/system/kopia-home-etc.timer` ```kopia-home-etc.timer``` ```ini [Unit] Description=Run kopia backup [Timer] OnCalendar=*-*-* 02:00:00 RandomizedDelaySec=10min Persistent=true [Install] WantedBy=timers.target ``` * `sudo systemctl enable --now kopia-home-etc.timer` * `systemctl status kopia-home-etc.timer` * `journalctl -u kopia-home-etc.timer` - see history

Mounting network storage using systemd

* files are placed in `/etc/systemd/system` * the name of mount and automount files MUST correspond with the path
replacing `/` with a `-`, but otherwise it must be the mounting path in the name * for mounting that does not fail on boot if there are network issues, and mounts the target only on request - enable `automount` file, not `mount` file, so:
`sudo systemctl enable mnt-mirror.automount` `mnt-mirror.mount` ```ini [Unit] Description=3TB truenas mirror mount [Mount] What=// Where=/mnt/mirror Type=cifs Options=rw,username=kopia,password=aaa,file_mode=0644,dir_mode=0755,uid=1000,gid=1000 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` `mnt-mirror.automount` ```ini [Unit] Description=3TB truenas mirror mount [Automount] Where=/mnt/mirror [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ```
--- --- # Kopia in Windows ![windows_snapshot_history_gui](https://i.imgur.com/fI6uhdo.png) ## KopiaUI While KopiaUI seems like the way to go because of the simple deployment and use, it has a drawback. The way the schedule works, where the user must be logged in for backups to take place is something to be very aware of.
Another thing is that KopiaUI does not really need guidance here. It just works for any normal user who is always logged in with one account. ## Kopia Server in Windows Kopia binary is copied in to `C:\Kopia\` and a scheduled task is importet that start kopia on boot in server mode. In server mode kopia runs in the background, with its web server answering at url: `localhost:51515` where it can be managed. * [Download this repo](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker/archive/refs/heads/master.zip), delete everything except `kopia_server_deploy_win` folder. * Run `DEPLOY.cmd`, it will: * Removes powershell scripts restriction. * Creates folder `C:\Kopia` and copies files there * Imports a task schedule that will start `C:\Kopia\kopia_server_start.cmd`
* Places kopia.url on the current user desktop * check content of `C:\Kopia\kopia_server_start.cmd`
note or change the credentials, the default: `admin // aaa` * visit in browser `localhost:51515` * setup repo through webgui * setup what to backup and schedule Kopia should now run on boot and be easy to manage through web GUI.
Be it creating backup jobs, mounting old snapshots to restore files, or just looking around if all works as it should. It is also popular to use [nssm](https://nssm.cc/) to start up and manage Kopia as a service. While Kopia runs now in server mode, the fact that we pass `--insecure` flag means it cant serve as a repository for other kopia instances. For that look at docker deployment section or in to making changes to the cmd file. ## Kopia cli in Windows ![windows_scoop_install_kopia](https://i.imgur.com/UPZFImh.png) This was written before I realiezed I could be using kopia server.
At the moment its the only way I know how to make actions work for VSS snapshots. * [Download this repo](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker/archive/refs/heads/master.zip), delete everything except `kopia_cli_deploy_win` folder. * Run `DEPLOY.cmd`, it will: * Removes powershell scripts restriction. * kopies kopia.exe in to `C:\Windows\System32` * Creates folder `C:\Kopia` and kopies there
`kopia_backup_scipt.ps1` and the VSS ps1 before and after files. * imports a task schedule * Read `kopia_backup_scipt.ps1` and follow the instructions there.
Which should be to just to create repo before running the script.
`kopia repo create filesystem --path C:\kopia_repo --password aaa` * edit the scheduled task to the prefered time, default is daily at 21:19 * run scheduled task manually * check if it worked * `kopia repo status` * `kopia snap list --all` ### VSS snapshots Volume Shadow Copy Service freezes the state of the disk in time and makes this snapshot available to use. This is what allows backup of open files that are in use.
[Here's some youtube video on VSS.](https://youtu.be/RUwocwP2ilI?t=85) To make use of this feature edit `kopia_backup_scipt.ps1` changing `$USE_SHADOW_COPY = $false` to `$USE_SHADOW_COPY = $true` Note the use of `--enable-actions` in the backup script `kopia_backup_scipt.ps1`, which is required for before/after actions to work. To test if its working, one can execute command `vssadmin list shadows` to see current VSS snapshots and then execute it again during the backup. ### Kopia install using scoop, machine-wide Just something to have note of, if decided to switch to heavy scoop use. * open terminal as admin * `Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass` * `iex "& {$(irm get.scoop.sh)} -RunAsAdmin"` * `scoop install sudo --global` * `sudo scoop install kopia --global` --- --- # Kopia in Docker ![kopia_docker_logs](https://i.imgur.com/w57KHvp.png) ### Files and directory structure ``` /mnt/ └── mirror/ /home/ └── ~/ └── docker/ └── kopia/ ├── kopia_config/ ├── kopia_cache/ ├── kopia_logs/ ├── some_data/ ├── kopia_repository/ ├── kopia_tmp/ ├── .env └── docker-compose.yml ``` * `/mnt/mirror/...` - a mounted network storage share * `kopia_config/` - repository.config and ui-preferences.json * `kopia_cache/` - cache * `kopia_logs/` - logs * `some_data/` - some data to be backed up * `kopia_repository/` - repository location * `kopia_tmp/` - temp used for snapshots * `.env` - a file containing environment variables for docker compose * `docker-compose.yml` - a docker compose file, telling docker how to run the containers ### docker-compose The data to be backed up are mounted in read only mode.
To be able to mount snapshots, extra privileges are required and fuse access. ``` services: kopia: image: kopia/kopia:latest container_name: kopia hostname: kopia restart: unless-stopped env_file: .env privileged: true cap_add: - SYS_ADMIN security_opt: - apparmor:unconfined devices: - /dev/fuse:/dev/fuse:rwm ports: - "51515:51515" command: - server - start - --tls-generate-cert - --disable-csrf-token-checks - --address= - --server-username=$USERNAME - --server-password=$KOPIA_PASSWORD volumes: # Mount local folders needed by kopia - ./kopia_config:/app/config - ./kopia_cache:/app/cache - ./kopia_logs:/app/logs # Mount local folders to snapshot - ./some_data:/data:ro # Mount repository location - /mnt/mirror/kopia_repository:/repository # Mount path for browsing mounted snaphots - ./kopia_tmp:/tmp:shared networks: default: name: $DOCKER_MY_NETWORK external: true ``` `.env` ```bash DOCKER_MY_NETWORK=caddy_net TZ=Europe/Bratislava # KOPIA USERNAME=admin KOPIA_PASSWORD=aaa ``` **All containers must be on the same network**.
Which is named in the `.env` file.
If one does not exist yet: `docker network create caddy_net` ### Reverse proxy Caddy is used, details [here](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker/tree/master/caddy_v2).
To function as a repository server, Kopia must be setup with https, which is achieved by using `--tls-generate-cert` flag and removal of `--insecure` flag. So now Kopia sits behind Caddy, but caddy needs to be told the traffic is https and to ignore that the certificate is not valid. `Caddyfile` ``` kopia.{$MY_DOMAIN} { reverse_proxy kopia:51515 { transport http { tls tls_insecure_skip_verify } } } ``` ### First run ![kopia_repo_setup_first_run](https://i.imgur.com/mnn66Hj.png) * visit kopia.example.com * create new repository as `Local Directory or NAS`, set path to `/repository`, set password Now this container can do backups of mounted stuff in to other mounted places or cloud, while managed through webgui. To also make it function as a repository server a user account needs to be added. The users are stored in the repo. * exec in to the container
`docker container exec -it kopia /bin/bash` * add user@machine and set the password
`kopia server user add user1@machine1` * on another machine test with koppiaUI, on the first run:
* Pick `Kopia Repository Server` * Server address: `https://kopia.example.com:443` * *Trusted server certificate fingerprint (SHA256)*
can be left empty, or if you put something there, it gives you error where it tells you fingerprints of the server to pick from. * In advanced option one can override user@machine with the one set when exec-ed in to the docker container. Or exec again there and add another one. ### Troubleshooting * check kopia docker container logs, I like using [ctop](https://github.com/bcicen/ctop) * `nslookup kopia.example.com` check if you are getting to you server from client * Make sure you use port 443 in server address.