DoTheEvo 1 year ago
parent 93c8abd2df
commit cb164170d7

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ The directories are created by docker compose on the first run.
Of note is 240 hours(10days) **retention** policy.
* **Grafana** - The official image used. Bind mounted directory
for persistent data storage. User sets **as root**, as it solves issues I am
lazy to investigate.
lazy to investigate, likely me editing some files as root.
* **NodeExporter** - An exporter for linux machines,
in this case gathering the **metrics** of the docker host,
like uptime, cpu load, memory use, network bandwidth use, disk space,...<br>
@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ prom.{$MY_DOMAIN} {
## First run and Grafana configuration
* login admin/admin to `graf.example.com`, change the password
* add Prometheus as a Data source in configuration<br>
set URL to `http://prometheus:9090`<br>
* import dashboards from [json files in this repo](dashboards/)<br>
* Login **admin/admin** to `graf.example.com`, change the password.
* **Add** Prometheus as a **Data source** in Configuration<br>
Set **URL** to `http://prometheus:9090`<br>
* **Import** dashboards from [json files in this repo](dashboards/)<br>
These **dashboards** are the preconfigured ones from
@ -376,29 +376,29 @@ To **add** pushgateway functionality to the current stack:
To **test pushing** some metric, execute in linux:<br>
`echo "some_metric 3.14" | curl --data-binary @- https://push.example.com/metrics/job/blabla/instance/whatever`
* `echo "some_metric 3.14" | curl --data-binary @- https://push.example.com/metrics/job/blabla/instance/whatever`
* Visit `push.example.com` and see the metric there.
* In Grafana > Explore > query for `some_metric` and see its value there.
You see **labels** being set to the pushed metric in the path.<br>
Label `job` is required, but after that it's whatever you want,
though use of `instance` label is customary.<br>
Now in grafana, in **Explore** section you should see some results
when quering for `some_metric`.
In that command you see the metric itself: `some_metric` and it's value: `3.14`<br>
But you also see **labels** being set, one label named `job`, which is required,
but after that it's whatever you want.<br>
The metrics sit on the pushgateway **forever**, unless deleted or container
shuts down. **Prometheus will not remove** the metrics from it **after scraping**,
it will keep scraping the pushgateway and store the value that sits there with
the time of scraping.
shuts down. **Prometheus will not remove** the metrics **after scraping**,
it will keep scraping the pushgateway, every 15 seconds or whatever is set,
and store the value that sits there with the timestamp of scraping.
To **wipe** the pushgateway clean<br>
`curl -X PUT https://push.example.com/api/v1/admin/wipe`
### The real world use
[**Veeam Prometheus Grafana - guide-by-example**](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/veeam-prometheus-grafana)
[**Veeam Prometheus Grafana**](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/veeam-prometheus-grafana)
Linked above is much more on **pushgateway setup**,
a real world use to **monitor backups**, along with **pushing metrics
from windows** in powershell.<br>
Linked above is a guide-by-example with more info on **pushgateway setup**.<br>
A real world use to **monitor backups**, along with pushing metrics
from **windows in powershell**.<br>
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ from windows** in powershell.<br>
# Alertmanager
To send a **notification** about some **metric** breaching some preset **condition**.<br>
Notifications **chanels** set here will be **email** and
Notifications channels used here are **email** and
@ -417,8 +417,9 @@ Notifications **chanels** set here will be **email** and
To **add** alertmanager to the current stack:
* **New file** - `alertmanager.yml` will be **bind mounted** in alertmanager container.<br>
* **New file** - `alertmanager.yml` to be **bind mounted** in alertmanager container.<br>
This is the **configuration** on how and where **to deliver** alerts.<br>
Correct smtp or ntfy info needs to be filled out.
@ -444,7 +445,7 @@ To **add** alertmanager to the current stack:
* **New file** - `alert.rules` will be **bind mounted** in to prometheus container<br>
* **New file** - `alert.rules` to be **bind mounted** in to prometheus container<br>
This file **defines** at what value a metric becomes an **alert** event.
@ -514,8 +515,8 @@ To **add** alertmanager to the current stack:
image: prom/prometheus:v2.42.0
container_name: prometheus
hostname: prometheus
restart: unless-stopped
user: root
restart: unless-stopped
- cadvisor
@ -539,6 +540,7 @@ To **add** alertmanager to the current stack:
image: prom/alertmanager:v0.25.0
container_name: alertmanager
hostname: alertmanager
user: root
restart: unless-stopped
- ./alertmanager.yml:/etc/alertmanager.yml
@ -578,9 +580,9 @@ To **add** alertmanager to the current stack:
Once above setup is done **an alert** about low disk space **should fire**
Once above setup is done, **an alert** about low disk space **should fire**
and a **notification** email should come.<br>
In `alertmanager.yml` switch from email **to ntfy** can be done.
In `alertmanager.yml` a switch from email **to ntfy** can be done.
@ -592,9 +594,12 @@ In `alertmanager.yml` switch from email **to ntfy** can be done.
has more detailed section on alerting worth checking out.
# Loki
# Loki
Loki is made by the grafana team. Sometimes called a Prometheus for logs,
it's a **push** type monitoring, where an agent - **promtail**
@ -614,6 +619,8 @@ quickly and easily, with less cluttering of compose and less containers runnig.
There will be **two examples** of logs monitoring.<br>
A **minecraft server** and a **caddy revers proxy**, both docker containers.
## Loki setup
* **New container** - `loki` added to the compose file.<br>
