DoTheEvolution 4 years ago
parent 1604acc256
commit b7c90fb3f5

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ It's described in most details.
# Some docker basics and some info
### compose and enviroment variables
You **do not** need to fuck with `docker-compose.yml` to get something up,
simple copy paste should suffice.
@ -44,10 +46,39 @@ Also sometimes the `.env` file is used as `env_file`
So to not have polluted huge ass compose file, or to not have multiple places
where changes need to be made when adding a variable... `env_file: .env` BAM.
Only issue is that all variables are available in all containers in the compose.</br>
Only issue is that all variables from `.env` are available in
containers that use this.</br>
That can lead to potential conflicts and clashes, looking at you nextcloud.
In those cases variables names are declared per container.
But `env_file: .env` is just easier, prettier... and mostly painless.
### Images latest tag
All images are without any tag, which defaults to `latest` tag being used.
This is [very frown uppon](https://vsupalov.com/docker-latest-tag/),
but feel free to choose a version and sticking with it.
### Bind mount
No volumes are used. Direcotires and files from host
are bind mounted in to containers.
Don't feel like I know all of aspects of this,
but I know its easier to edit random file from bind mount,
or to back it up.
### ctop
This utility is really handy. Especially for noobs to exec in to containers,
to check logs of containers
