DoTheEvo 2 years ago
parent b94752b1dd
commit b6cd6ce24d

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ and lets you host all the infrastructure for it to function.
Written in rust(gasp), with Dart and Flutter framework for client side.</br>
# Files and directory structure
@ -34,12 +36,14 @@ Written in rust(gasp), with Dart and Flutter framework for client side.</br>
* `.env` - a file containing environment variables for docker compose
* `docker-compose.yml` - a docker compose file, telling docker how to run the containers
You only need to provide the files.</br>
The directories are created by docker compose on the first run.
You only need to provide the two files.</br>
The directory is created by docker compose on the first run.
# docker-compose
Using edited version of [S6-overlay based images.](https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk-server#s6-overlay-based-images)
Using edited version of [S6-overlay based images.](https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk-server#s6-overlay-based-images)<br>
It's a simpler, single container approach, without the noise of hbbs/hbbr.
@ -75,32 +79,48 @@ TZ=Europe/Bratislava
**All containers must be on the same network**.</br>
Which is named in the `.env` file.</br>
If one does not exist yet: `docker network create caddy_net`
# Port forwarding
ports 21115 - 21119 needs to be open
port 21116 open as tcp and udp
ports 21115 - 21119 needs to be open for tcp<br>
the port 21116 also udp
# First run
# Usage
* download client apps from [the official site](https://rustdesk.com/)
* three dots near ID > ID/Relay Server > ID Server: rust.example.com > OK
* the green dot at the bottom should stay green saying "ready"
* done
* in the docker server logs you should see machines public IP and ID code it was given
# Encrypted use
For encrypted communication and to prevent undesirables access to the server
* they encryption public key is on the docker host:<br>
* you can manually add it to any client application<br>
three dots near ID > ID/Relay Server > Key: 3AVva64bn1ea2vsDuOuQH3i8+2M=
* to only allow clients with the key on server:<br>
in the env_file set `ENCRYPTED_ONLY=1`
[On windows](https://rustdesk.com/docs/en/self-host/install/#put-config-in-rustdeskexe-file-name-windows-only)
one can deploy client with these settings by renaming
the installation file to: `rustdesk-host=<host-ip-or-name>,key=<public-key-string>.exe`
example: `rustdesk-host=rust.example.com,key=3AVva64bn1ea2vsDuOuQH3i8+2M=.exe`
If by chance the key contains symbols not usable in windows filenames,
down the container, delete the files `id_ed25519` and `id_ed25519.pub`, up the container
# Trouble shooting
If after update you cant see edit tools. Clear cookies.
# Update
@ -124,62 +144,3 @@ that makes daily snapshot of the entire directory.
* from the backup copy back the bookstack directory</br>
* start the containers `docker-compose up -d`
# Backup of just user data
Users data daily export using the
[official procedure.](https://www.bookstackapp.com/docs/admin/backup-restore/)</br>
For bookstack it means database dump and backing up several directories
containing user uploaded files.
Daily [borg](https://github.com/DoTheEvo/selfhosted-apps-docker/tree/master/borg_backup) run
takes care of backing up the directories.
So only database dump is needed.</br>
The created backup sqlite3 file is overwritten on every run of the script,
but that's ok since borg is making daily snapshots.
#### Create a backup script
Placed inside `bookstack` directory on the host
docker container exec bookstack-db bash -c 'mysqldump -u $MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD $MYSQL_DATABASE > $MYSQL_DIR/BACKUP.bookstack.database.sql'
the script must be **executable** - `chmod +x bookstack-backup-script.sh`
#### Cronjob
Running on the host, so that the script will be periodically run.
* `su` - switch to root
* `crontab -e` - add new cron job</br>
* `0 22 * * * /home/bastard/docker/bookstack/bookstack-backup-script.sh`</br>
runs it every day [at 22:00](https://crontab.guru/#0_22_*_*_*)
* `crontab -l` - list cronjobs to check
# Restore the user data
Assuming clean start, first restore the database before running the app container.
* start only the database container: `docker-compose up -d bookstack-db`
* copy `BACKUP.bookstack.database.sql` in `bookstack/bookstack-db-data/`
* restore the database inside the container</br>
`docker container exec --workdir /config bookstack-db bash -c 'mysql -u $MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD $MYSQL_DATABASE < BACKUP.bookstack.database.sql'`
* now start the app container: `docker-compose up -d`
* let it run so it creates its file structure
* down the containers `docker-compose down`
* in `bookstack/bookstack-data/www/`</br>
replace directories `files`,`images`,`uploads` and the file `.env`</br>
with the ones from the BorgBackup repository
* start the containers: `docker-compose up -d`
* if there was a major version jump, exec in to the app container and run `php artisan migrate`</br>
`docker container exec -it bookstack /bin/bash`</br>
`cd /var/www/html/`</br>
`php artisan migrate`
Again, the above steps are based on the
[official procedure.](https://www.bookstackapp.com/docs/admin/backup-restore/)
