DoTheEvo 9 months ago
parent d8f7c0db7b
commit 6864cb83ba

@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ if %errorLevel% == 0 (
echo - powershell ExecutionPolicy changing to Bypass
powershell.exe Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
echo - copying kopia.exe in to system32
robocopy "%~dp0\" "C:\Windows\System32" "kopia.exe" /NDL /NJH /NJS
echo - checking if C:\Kopia folder exists, creating it if not
if not exist "C:\Kopia\" (
mkdir C:\Kopia
@ -28,11 +24,15 @@ if exist "C:\Kopia\kopia_backup_scipt.ps1" (
echo - copying files to C:\Kopia
robocopy "%~dp0\" "C:\Kopia" "kopia.exe" /NDL /NJH /NJS
robocopy "%~dp0\" "C:\Kopia" "kopia_backup_scipt.ps1" /NDL /NJH /NJS
robocopy "%~dp0\" "C:\Kopia" "win_vss_before.ps1" /NDL /NJH /NJS
robocopy "%~dp0\" "C:\Kopia" "win_vss_after.ps1" /NDL /NJH /NJS
echo - adding C:\Kopia to PATH
setx /M PATH "%PATH%;C:\Kopia"
if exist C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\kopia_backup_schedule (
echo - scheduled task with that name already exists, skipping
echo - delete the task in taskschd.msc if you want fresh import

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Before using this script, initiate the repo
# kopia repo create filesystem --path C:\kopia_repo --password aaa
# Before using this script, create a repo
# kopia repo create filesystem --path C:\kopia_repo --password aaa --file-log-level=info --log-dir=C:\Kopia\Kopia_Logs
# useful commands:
# - kopia repo connect filesystem --path C:\kopia_repo -p aaa
@ -18,20 +18,22 @@
# - [array]$BACKUP_THIS = 'C:\Test','C:\Test2','C:\Test3'
$REPOSITORY_PATH = 'C:\kopia_repo'
[array]$BACKUP_THIS = 'C:\Test'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
kopia repository connect filesystem --path $REPOSITORY_PATH --password $KOPIA_PASSWORD --enable-actions
kopia repository connect filesystem --path $REPOSITORY_PATH --password $KOPIA_PASSWORD --file-log-level=info --log-dir=C:\Kopia\Kopia_Logs
kopia policy set --global --compression=zstd-fastest --keep-annual=0 --keep-monthly=12 --keep-weekly=8 --keep-daily=14 --keep-hourly=0 --keep-latest=3 --file-log-level=info --log-dir=C:\Kopia\Kopia_Logs
foreach ($path in $BACKUP_THIS) {
kopia policy set $BACKUP_THIS --before-folder-action "powershell -WindowStyle Hidden C:\Kopia\win_vss_before.ps1"
kopia policy set $BACKUP_THIS --after-folder-action "powershell -WindowStyle Hidden C:\Kopia\win_vss_after.ps1"
kopia policy set $BACKUP_THIS --before-folder-action "powershell -WindowStyle Hidden C:\Kopia\win_vss_before.ps1" --file-log-level=info --log-dir=C:\Kopia\Kopia_Logs
kopia policy set $BACKUP_THIS --after-folder-action "powershell -WindowStyle Hidden C:\Kopia\win_vss_after.ps1" --file-log-level=info --log-dir=C:\Kopia\Kopia_Logs
kopia snapshot create $path --file-log-level=info
kopia snapshot create $path --file-log-level=info --log-dir=C:\Kopia\Kopia_Logs
kopia repository disconnect
kopia repository disconnect --file-log-level=info --log-dir=C:\Kopia\Kopia_Logs

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
@echo off
:: checking if the script is run as administrator
net session >nul 2>&1
if %errorLevel% == 0 (
echo - Success: Administrative permissions confirmed.
) else (
exit /B
echo - powershell ExecutionPolicy changing to Bypass
powershell.exe Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
echo - checking if C:\Kopia folder exists, creating it if not
if not exist "C:\Kopia\" (
mkdir C:\Kopia
if exist "C:\Kopia\kopia_server_start.cmd" (
echo - C:\Kopia\kopia_server_start.cmd exists, renaming it with random suffix
ren "C:\Kopia\kopia_server_start.cmd" "kopia_backup_scipt_%random%.ps1"
echo - copying files to C:\Kopia
robocopy "%~dp0\" "C:\Kopia" "kopia.exe" /NDL /NJH /NJS
robocopy "%~dp0\" "C:\Kopia" "kopia_server_start.cmd" /NDL /NJH /NJS
robocopy "%~dp0\" "C:\Kopia" "win_vss_before.ps1" /NDL /NJH /NJS
robocopy "%~dp0\" "C:\Kopia" "win_vss_after.ps1" /NDL /NJH /NJS
if exist C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\kopia_server_backup_start (
echo - scheduled task with that name already exists, skipping
echo - delete the task in taskschd.msc if you want fresh import
) else (
echo - importing scheduled task that starts Kopia Server on boot
schtasks /Create /XML "%~dp0\kopia_server_backup_start.xml" /tn "kopia_server_backup_start"
echo - starting Kopia Server
schtasks /run /tn kopia_server_backup_start
echo - copying link to Desktop
robocopy "%~dp0\" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop" "Kopia.url" /NDL /NJH /NJS
echo --------------------------------------------------------------

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
chdir /d C:\Kopia
start /B kopia server start --insecure --address= --server-username=admin --server-password=aaa

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
if ($args.Length -eq 0) {
$kopiaSnapshotId = $env:KOPIA_SNAPSHOT_ID
} else {
$kopiaSnapshotId = $args[0]
if (([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
$mountPoint = Get-Item "${PSScriptRoot}\${kopiaSnapshotId}"
$mountedVolume = $mountPoint.Target
cmd /c rmdir $mountPoint
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ShadowCopy | Where-Object { "$($_.DeviceObject)\" -eq "\\?\${mountedVolume}" } | Remove-CimInstance
} else {
Start-Process 'powershell' '-f', $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path, $kopiaSnapshotId -Verb RunAs -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait
if ($proc.ExitCode) {
exit $proc.ExitCode

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
if ($args.Length -eq 0) {
$kopiaSnapshotId = $env:KOPIA_SNAPSHOT_ID
$kopiaSourcePath = $env:KOPIA_SOURCE_PATH
} else {
$kopiaSnapshotId = $args[0]
$kopiaSourcePath = $args[1]
$sourceDrive = Split-Path -Qualifier $kopiaSourcePath
$sourcePath = Split-Path -NoQualifier $kopiaSourcePath
# use Kopia snapshot ID as mount point name for extra caution for duplication
$mountPoint = "${PSScriptRoot}\${kopiaSnapshotId}"
if (([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
$shadowId = (Invoke-CimMethod -ClassName Win32_ShadowCopy -MethodName Create -Arguments @{ Volume = "${sourceDrive}\" }).ShadowID
$shadowDevice = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ShadowCopy | Where-Object { $_.ID -eq $shadowId }).DeviceObject
if (-not $shadowDevice) {
# fail the Kopia snapshot early if shadow copy was not created
exit 1
cmd /c mklink /d $mountPoint "${shadowDevice}\"
} else {
$proc = Start-Process 'powershell' '-f', $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path, $kopiaSnapshotId, $kopiaSourcePath -PassThru -Verb RunAs -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait
if ($proc.ExitCode) {
exit $proc.ExitCode
Write-Output "KOPIA_SNAPSHOT_PATH=${mountPoint}${sourcePath}"

@ -68,37 +68,34 @@ if planning serious use.
* Backups are stored in a **repository** that needs to be created first,
and is always encrypted.
* Before any action, Kopia needs to be **connected to a repo** as repos store most of
the settings and commands are executed in their context.
* **Snapshots**, apart from the typical meaning, is the term used by Kopia for
targets(paths) that are being backed up.
* **Policy** is a term used to define behavior of the backup/repo,
like backups retention, what to ignore, logging, scheduling(server/UI),
actions before and after backup,...
the settings(policies), and commands are executed in their context.
Multiple machines can be connected simultaneously.
* **Snapshots**, is the term used by Kopia for targets(paths) that are being backed up.
* **Policy** - settings for repo/backup behaviour, stuff like backups retention,
what to ignore, logging, scheduling(server/UI), actions before and after backup,...
* **Policies** are stored inside a repo and can apply at various levels and
can **inherit** from each other
- **Global** policy, the default that comes predefined during repo creation,
can be edited like any other.
- Per user policy, per machine policy.
- Per user@machine policy
- Snapshot level policy, only applying for that one path.
* **Maintenance** is automatic.
* During snapshots Kopia uses local **cache**, location varies depending on the OS.
Default max size is 5GB, but it gets swept periodically every few minutes.<br>
Useful commands are `kopia cache info` and `kopia cache clear`
* **Retention** of backups - [here's](https://kopia.discourse.group/t/trying-to-understand-retention-policies/164/4)
how it works under the hood.<br>
The core concept that it is the **most recent** item of a time-group thats counted
first towards whats kept should be understood. Or it can surprise that for example
`keep-annual=2` is worthless in january, as the **most recent** two different years
are backups so close to each other.
* **Restore** from backups is most easily done by mounting a snapshot.<br>
Web GUI versions have button for it, cli version can do `sudo kopia mount all /mnt/temp &`
* **Tasks** section in gui gets wiped when Kopia closes, info on snapshots run
history and duration then has to be find in logs
* **Logs** rotate with max age 30 days or max 1000 log files, 5000 content log files
* **Logs** rotate with max age 30 days or max 1000 log files, 5000 content log files<br>
Useful to search in cli-logs are the terms `kopia/server snapshotting` and
`kopia/server finished`
* [Compression](https://kopia.io/docs/advanced/compression/) is good and
should be set before backup starts.`zstd-fastest` is my go-to. If backups
feel slow `s2-default` is less cpu heavy but with worse compression.<br>
should be set before backup starts. My go-to is `zstd-fastest`. If backups
feel slow `s2-default` is less cpu heavy but with worse compression.
Useful command: `kopia content stats`
* During snapshots Kopia uses local **cache**, location varies depending on the OS.
Default max size is 5GB, but it gets swept periodically every few minutes.<br>
Useful commands are `kopia cache info` and `kopia cache clear`
* ..
# Kopia in Linux
@ -106,7 +103,7 @@ if planning serious use.
cli version of kopia will be used to periodically backup to a mounted network storage.<br>
The backup script will be executed using systemd-timers for scheduling.
The backup script will be periodicly executed using systemd-timers.
### Install Kopia
@ -284,9 +281,11 @@ But since we are here...
* [Download latest release](https://github.com/kopia/kopia/releases)
* Extract it somewhere, lets say `C:\Kopia`
* Run it, click through repo creation
* select what to backup
* set global policy
* recommend setting compression, `zstd-fastest`
* set schedule
* recommend setting compression, at least s2-default
* retention rules
* select what to backup
* Right click tray icon and set to "Launch at startup"
* done
@ -312,7 +311,11 @@ Kopia always running in the background, but also webgui to manage it in.
that's where credentials are set, default: `admin // aaa`
* Visit in browser `localhost:51515`
* Setup new repo through webgui.
* Setup what to backup, compression and schedule.
* set global policy
* recommend setting compression, `zstd-fastest`
* set schedule
* retention rules
* Select what to backup.
Kopia should now run on boot and be easy to manage through web GUI.<br>
Be it creating backup jobs, mounting old snapshots to restore files,
@ -333,14 +336,14 @@ Also use of [nssm](https://nssm.cc/) is popular.
Kopia binary is copied in to `C:\Windows\System32\`
Kopia binary is copied in to `C:\Kopia` along with other files.
and a scheduled task is imported that executes a powershell script
`C:\Kopia\kopia_backup_scipt.ps1` at 21:19.
The script executes few kopia commands - connects to a repo, backs up stuff,
and disconnects.
Bit more hands on than having a gui, but once setup one can easily get by with
two commands: `kopia snap list -all` and `kopia mount all K:`<br>
Bit more hands on than having a gui, but for daily use one can easily get by with
the commands: `kopia snap list -all` and `kopia mount all K:`<br>
Note that mount command should be executed in non admin terminal. Weird
windows thing.
@ -351,17 +354,18 @@ so that VSS snapshots can be used.
delete everything except `kopia_cli_deploy_win` folder.
* Run `DEPLOY.cmd`, it will:
* Removes powershell scripts restriction.
* kopies kopia.exe in to `C:\Windows\System32`
* Creates folder `C:\Kopia` and kopies there<br>
`kopia_backup_scipt.ps1` and the VSS ps1 before and after files.
`kopia.exe`, `kopia_backup_scipt.ps1` and the VSS ps1 before and after files.
* Adds `C:\Kopia` to the system env variable PATH.
* imports a task schedule
* Read `kopia_backup_scipt.ps1` and follow the instructions there.<br>
Which should be to just to create repo before running the script.<br>
`kopia repo create filesystem --path C:\kopia_repo --password aaa`
Which should be to just to create repo before running the script.
* edit the scheduled task to the prefered time, default is daily at 21:19
* run scheduled task manually
* check if it worked
* `kopia snap list --all`
* `kopia snap list --all`
The script is set to save logs in to `C:\Kopia`.
### VSS snapshots
