DoTheEvo 1 year ago
parent cade9d2e1a
commit 2e316c7821

@ -351,6 +351,28 @@ nextcloud.{$MY_DOMAIN} {
### Backend communication
Some containers might be set to communicate only through https 443 port.
But since they are behind proxy, their certificates wont be singed, wont be trusted.
Caddies sub-directive `transport` sets how to communicate with the backend.<br>
Setting the upstream's scheme to `https://`
or declaring the `tls` transport subdirective makes it use https.
Setting `tls_insecure_skip_verify` makes Caddy ignore errors due to
untrusted certificates coming from the backend.
whatever.{$MY_DOMAIN} {
reverse_proxy https://server-blue:443 {
transport http {
### Named matchers and IP filtering
Caddy has [matchers](https://caddyserver.com/docs/caddyfile/matchers)<br>
@ -428,28 +450,6 @@ b.{$MY_DOMAIN} {
### Backend communication
Some containers might be set to communicate only through https 443 port.
But since they are behind proxy, their certificates wont be singed, wont be trusted.
Caddies sub-directive `transport` sets how to communicate with the backend.<br>
Setting the upstream's scheme to `https://`
or declaring the `tls` transport subdirective makes it use https.
Setting `tls_insecure_skip_verify` makes Caddy ignore errors due to
untrusted certificates coming from the backend.
whatever.{$MY_DOMAIN} {
reverse_proxy https://server-blue:443 {
transport http {
### Headers and gzip
This example is with vaultwarden password manager, which comes with its reverse proxy
