DoTheEvolution 4 years ago
parent 36930d994e
commit 05a7dece8a

@ -31,14 +31,16 @@ It's described in most details.
You **do not** need to fuck with `docker-compose.yml` to get something up,
simple copy paste should suffice.
You **do need** to fuck with `.env` file, that's where all the variables are.
You **do** need to fuck with `.env` file, that's where all the variables are.
Also sometimes the `.env` file is used as `env_file`
Sometimes the `.env` file is used as `env_file`
* `.env` - actual name of a file, used only by compose.</br>
It is used automatically just by being in the directory
with the `docker-compose.yml`</br>
Variables set there are only available during the building of the container.
Variables set there are available during the building of the container,
but unless named in the `Enviroment:` option they are not available
in the running containers.
* `env_file` - an option in compose that defines existing external file.</br>
Variables set in this file will be available in the running container,
but not in compose.
@ -61,15 +63,31 @@ But `env_file: .env` is just easier, prettier... and mostly painless.
All images are without any tag, which defaults to `latest` tag being used.
This is [frowned upon](https://vsupalov.com/docker-latest-tag/),
but feel free to choose a version and sticking with it.
but feel free to choose a version and sticking with it once it goes to real use.
### Bind mount
No volumes are used. Directories and files from host
No docker volumes are used. Directories and files from host
are bind mounted in to containers.</br>
Don't feel like I know all of the aspects of this,
but I know its easier to edit a random file from bind mount,
or to back it up.
but I know its easier to edit a random file on a host,
or backup a directory when its just there, sitting on the host.
### SendGrid
For sending emails free sendgrid account is used, which provides 100 free emails
a day.
The configuration in `.env` files is almost universal, `apikey` is really username.
Only the password changes as it is one of yours accounts apikey value.
### Cloudflare
For managing DNS records. The free tier provides lot of managment options and
benefits. Like proxy between your domain/subdomain and your server, so no one
can get your public IP just from your domain name. Or 5 firewall rules that allow
you to geoblock whole world except your country.
[How to move to cloudflare.](https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/205195708-Changing-your-domain-nameservers-to-Cloudflare)

@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ For nextcloud it means entering the maintenance mode, doing a database dump
and backing up several directories containing data, configs, themes.</br>
For the script it just means database dump as borg backup and its deduplication
will deal with the directories, especially in the case of nextcloud where
will deal with the directories, especially useful in the case of nextcloud where
hundreds gigabytes can be stored.
#### Create a backup script
