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# Esxi
###### guide-by-example
# Purpose
Type 1 hypervisor hosting virtual machines, running straight on metal.
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# Basic settings
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* esxcfg-route
* esxcfg-route
* esxcli network ip dns server add --server=
* esxcli network ip dns server remove --server=
* esxcli network ip dns server list
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# Backups using ghettoVCB
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* [github](https://github.com/lamw/ghettoVCB)
* [documentation](https://communities.vmware.com/t5/VI-VMware-ESX-3-5-Documents/ghettoVCB-sh-Free-alternative-for-backing-up-VM-s-for-ESX-i-3-5/ta-p/2773570)
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The script makes snapshot of a VM, copies the "old" vmdk and other files
to a backup location, then deletes the snapshot.<br>
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This approach, where backup in time is full backup takes up a lot of space.
Some form of deduplication might be a solution.
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VMs that have any existing snapshot wont get backed up.
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Files that are backed up:
* vmdk - virtual disk file, every virtual disk has a separate file.
In webgui datastore browser only one vmdk file is seen per disk,
but on filesystem theres `blabla.vmdk` and `blablka-flat.vmdk`.
The `flat` one is where the data actually are, the other one is a descriptor
* nvram - bios settings of a VM
* vmx - virtual machine settings, can be edited
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### Backup storage locations
* Local disk datastore
* NFS share<br>
For nfs share on trueNAS scale
* Maproot User -> root
* Maproot Group -> nogroup
Note the exact path from webgui of your datastore for backups.<br>
Looks like this `/vmfs/volumes/6187f7e1-c584077c-d7f6-3c4937073090`
### Install
* ssh in to esxi
* `cd /tmp`
* `esxcli network firewall ruleset set -e true -r httpClient`
* `wget https://github.com/lamw/ghettoVCB/releases/download/2021_10_20/vghetto-ghettoVCB.vib --no-check-certificate`
* `esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/vghetto-ghettoVCB.vib -f`
* check `ls /opt`
### Config and preparation
Gotta know basics how to edit files with ancient `vi`
* Config file template is in `/opt/ghettovcb/ghettoVCB.conf`<br>
Make copy of it `cp /opt/ghettovcb/ghettoVCB.conf /opt/ghettovcb/ghetto_1.conf`<br>
* Only edit this file, for starter setting where to copy backups<br>
`vi /opt/ghettovcb/ghetto_1.conf`<br>
* Create a file that will contain list of VMs to backup<br>
`touch /opt/ghettovcb/vms_to_backup_list`<br>
`vi /opt/ghettovcb/vms_to_backup_list`<br>
* Create a shell script that starts ghetto script using this config for listed VMs<br>
`touch /opt/ghettovcb/bin/ghetto_run.sh`<br>
`vi /opt/ghettovcb/bin/ghetto_run.sh`<br>
/opt/ghettovcb/bin/ghettoVCB.sh \
-g /opt/ghettovcb/ghetto_1.conf \
-f /opt/ghettovcb/vms_to_backup_list \
&> /dev/null
Make the script executable<br>
`chmod +x /opt/ghettovcb/bin/ghetto_run.sh`
* for my use case where TrueNAS VM cant be snapshoted while running because
of a passthrough pcie HBA card there needs to be another config
* Make new config copy<br>
`cp /opt/ghettovcb/ghetto_1.conf /opt/ghettovcb/ghetto_2.conf`
* Edit the config, setting it to shut down VMs before backup.<br>
`vi /opt/ghettovcb/ghetto_2.conf`<br>
* edit the run script, add another execution for specific VM using ghetto_2.conf<br>
`vi /opt/ghettovcb/bin/ghetto_run.sh`<br>
/opt/ghettovcb/bin/ghettoVCB.sh \
-g /opt/ghettovcb/ghetto_1.conf \
-f /opt/ghettovcb/vms_to_backup_list \
&> /dev/null
/opt/ghettovcb/bin/ghettoVCB.sh \
-g /opt/ghettovcb/ghetto_2.conf \
-m TrueNAS_scale \
&> /dev/null
### Execution and scheduled runs
To simply execute:
* `/opt/ghettovcb/bin/ghetto_run.sh`
To execute it periodicly cron is used.
* Make backup of roots crontab<br>
`cp /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root.backup`
* Edit roots crontab to execute the run script at 4:00<br>
add the following line at the end in [cron format](https://crontab.guru/)<br>
`vi /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root`
0 4 * * * /opt/ghettovcb/bin/ghetto_run.sh
To save read only file in vi use `:wq!`
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* restart cron service<br>
`kill $(cat /var/run/crond.pid)`<br>
### Restore from backup
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Logs about backups are in `/tmp`
# disk reclamation
# Switching from Thick to Thin disks
vmkfstools --punchzero "./TrueNAS_scale-thin.vmdk"
unmap, windows, `fsck_ufs -Ey /dev/da0p3`
# links
* https://www.altaro.com/vmware/ghettovcb-back-up-vms/
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySMitWnNxp4
* https://forums.unraid.net/topic/30507-guide-scheduled-backup-your-esxi-vms-to-unraid-with-ghettovcb/
* https://blog.kingj.net/2016/07/03/how-to/backing-up-vmware-esxi-vms-with-ghettovcb/
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* https://sudonull.com/post/95754-Backing-up-ESXi-virtual-machines-with-ghettoVCB-scripts#esxi-3
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#### email