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3 years ago
# Docker basics and troubleshooting
###### guide-by-example
# Purpose
For me to wrap head around some shit.
Notes for troubleshooting.
What was at one time tested and should 100% work.
# docker-compose
image: "containous/whoami"
container_name: "whoami"
hostname: "whoami"
- "80:80"
# Scheduling and cron issues
The default docker-compose deployment uses cron container.<br>
Problem is it does not work, so Ofelia is used.<br>
is guide how to set it up.
Bellow is Ofelia's config file for discovery and ping check of live hosts.
[job-exec "phpipam ping"]
schedule = @every 10m
container = phpipam-web
command = /usr/bin/php /phpipam/functions/scripts/pingCheck.php
[job-exec "phpipam discovery"]
schedule = @every 25m
container = phpipam-web
command = /usr/bin/php /phpipam/functions/scripts/discoveryCheck.php
# Reverse proxy
Caddy v2 is used, details
ipam.{$MY_DOMAIN} {
reverse_proxy phpipam-web:80
# First run
* New phpipam installation
* Automatic database installation
* MySQL username: root
* MySQL password: my_secret_mysql_root_pass
# Update
updates the image automatically.
Manual image update:
- `docker-compose pull`<br>
- `docker-compose up -d`<br>
- `docker image prune`
# Backup and restore
#### Backup
Using [borg](
that makes daily snapshot of the entire directory.
#### Restore
* down the homer container `docker-compose down`<br>
* delete the entire homer directory<br>
* from the backup copy back the homer directory<br>
* start the container `docker-compose up -d`