* **download linux iso**. For noobs I picked [EndeavourOS \(2GB\)](https://github.com/endeavouros-team/ISO/releases/download/1-EndeavourOS-ISO-releases-archive/EndeavourOS_Cassini_Nova-03-2023_R1.iso)
* why that linux and not xxx? Fuck you, thats why. Not writing a novel here.
* **make bootable usb** from the iso, recommend use [ventoy](https://www.ventoy.net/en/doc_start.html)
* literally just download; run; select usb; click install; exit; copy iso on to it
* **boot from the usb**, maybe on newer machines need to disable secure boot in bios
* **click through the installation**
* pick online installer when offered
* during install, there can be step called `Desktop` - pick `No Desktop`<br>
or whatever, does not really matter
* when picking disk layout choose wipe everything
* username lets say you pick `noob`
* done
## basic setup of the linux server
SSH - a tiny application that allows you to execute commands
from your comfy windows PC on the damn server
* log in to the server and be in terminal
* ssh is installed by default, but disabled
* to check status - `systemctl status sshd`
* to **enable it**`sudo systemctl enable --now sshd`
*`ip a` or `ip r` - show [somewhere in there](https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-ip-command-examples-usage-syntax/#3)
what IP address the server got assigned<br>
lets say you got ``,
nope I am not explaining IP addresses
* done
*arrow up key in terminal will cycle through old comamnds in history*
## remote connect to the server
* **install** [mobaXterm](https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/) on your windows machine
* use it to **connect** to the server using its ip address and username
* [have a pic](https://i.imgur.com/lhRGt1p.png)<br>
* done
## installing docker
Docker - a thing that makes hosting super easy, people prepared *recipies*,