#!/usr/bin/env bash # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: sh indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # shellcheck disable=SC2059,SC1117 # ubuntu, debian, arch, fedora, centos ... DIST_ID=$(source /etc/os-release; echo "$ID"); # shellcheck disable=SC2034 DIST_VERS=$(source /etc/os-release; echo "$VERSION_ID"); ADMIN_NAME="${ADMIN_NAME:-$(git config user.name)}" ADMIN_NAME="${ADMIN_NAME:-$USER}" ADMIN_EMAIL="${ADMIN_EMAIL:-$(git config user.email)}" ADMIN_EMAIL="${ADMIN_EMAIL:-$USER@$(hostname)}" if [[ -z "${REPO_ROOT}" ]]; then REPO_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") while [ -h "${REPO_ROOT}" ] ; do REPO_ROOT=$(readlink "${REPO_ROOT}") done REPO_ROOT=$(cd "${REPO_ROOT}/.." && pwd -P ) fi if [[ -z ${TEMPLATES} ]]; then TEMPLATES="${REPO_ROOT}/utils/templates" fi if [[ -z "$CACHE" ]]; then CACHE="${REPO_ROOT}/cache" fi if [[ -z ${DIFF_CMD} ]]; then DIFF_CMD="diff -u" if command -v colordiff >/dev/null; then DIFF_CMD="colordiff -u" fi fi DOT_CONFIG="${DOT_CONFIG:-${REPO_ROOT}/.config.sh}" source_dot_config() { if [[ ! -e "${DOT_CONFIG}" ]]; then err_msg "configuration does not exists at: ${DOT_CONFIG}" return 42 fi # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "${DOT_CONFIG}" } sudo_or_exit() { # usage: sudo_or_exit if [ ! "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then err_msg "this command requires root (sudo) privilege!" >&2 exit 42 fi } required_commands() { # usage: required_commands [cmd1 ...] local exit_val=0 while [ -n "$1" ]; do if ! command -v "$1" &>/dev/null; then err_msg "missing command $1" exit_val=42 fi shift done return $exit_val } # colors # ------ # shellcheck disable=SC2034 set_terminal_colors() { # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code # CSI (Control Sequence Introducer) sequences _show_cursor='\e[?25h' _hide_cursor='\e[?25l' # SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) parameters _creset='\e[0m' # reset all attributes # original specification only had 8 colors _colors=8 _Black='\e[0;30m' _White='\e[1;37m' _Red='\e[0;31m' _Green='\e[0;32m' _Yellow='\e[0;33m' _Blue='\e[0;94m' _Violet='\e[0;35m' _Cyan='\e[0;36m' _BBlack='\e[1;30m' _BWhite='\e[1;37m' _BRed='\e[1;31m' _BGreen='\e[1;32m' _BYellow='\e[1;33m' _BBlue='\e[1;94m' _BPurple='\e[1;35m' _BCyan='\e[1;36m' } if [ ! -p /dev/stdout ] && [ ! "$TERM" = 'dumb' ] && [ ! "$TERM" = 'unknown' ]; then set_terminal_colors fi # reST # ---- if command -v fmt >/dev/null; then export FMT="fmt -u" else export FMT="cat" fi rst_title() { # usage: rst_title [part|chapter|section] case ${2-chapter} in part) printf "\n${_BGreen}${1//?/=}${_creset}\n${_BCyan}${1}${_creset}\n${_BGreen}${1//?/=}${_creset}\n";; chapter) printf "\n${_BCyan}${1}${_creset}\n${_BGreen}${1//?/=}${_creset}\n";; section) printf "\n${_BCyan}${1}${_creset}\n${_BGreen}${1//?/-}${_creset}\n";; *) err_msg "invalid argument '${2}' in line $(caller)" return 42 ;; esac } rst_para() { # usage: RST_INDENT=1 rst_para "lorem ipsum ..." local prefix='' if [[ -n $RST_INDENT ]] && [[ $RST_INDENT -gt 0 ]]; then prefix="$(for i in $(seq 1 "$RST_INDENT"); do printf " "; done)" echo -en "\n$*\n" | $FMT | prefix_stdout "$prefix" else echo -en "\n$*\n" | $FMT fi } die() { echo -e "${_BRed}ERROR:${_creset} ${BASH_SOURCE[1]}: line ${BASH_LINENO[0]}: ${2-died ${1-1}}" >&2; exit "${1-1}" } die_caller() { echo -e "${_BRed}ERROR:${_creset} ${BASH_SOURCE[2]}: line ${BASH_LINENO[1]}: ${FUNCNAME[1]}(): ${2-died ${1-1}}" >&2; exit "${1-1}" } err_msg() { echo -e "${_BRed}ERROR:${_creset} $*" >&2; } warn_msg() { echo -e "${_BBlue}WARN:${_creset} $*" >&2; } info_msg() { echo -e "${_BYellow}INFO:${_creset} $*" >&2; } build_msg() { local tag="$1 " shift echo -e "${_Blue}${tag:0:10}${_creset}$*" } dump_return() { # Use this as last command in your function to prompt an ERROR message if # the exit code is not zero. local err=$1 [ "$err" -ne "0" ] && err_msg "${FUNCNAME[1]} exit with error ($err)" return "$err" } clean_stdin() { if [[ $(uname -s) != 'Darwin' ]]; then while read -r -n1 -t 0.1; do : ; done fi } wait_key(){ # usage: wait_key [] clean_stdin local _t=$1 local msg="${MSG}" [[ -z "$msg" ]] && msg="${_Green}** press any [${_BCyan}KEY${_Green}] to continue **${_creset}" [[ -n $FORCE_TIMEOUT ]] && _t=$FORCE_TIMEOUT [[ -n $_t ]] && _t="-t $_t" printf "$msg" # shellcheck disable=SC2229 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 read -r -s -n1 $_t || true echo clean_stdin } ask_yn() { # usage: ask_yn [Ny|Yn] [] local EXIT_YES=0 # exit status 0 --> successful local EXIT_NO=1 # exit status 1 --> error code local _t=$3 [[ -n $FORCE_TIMEOUT ]] && _t=$FORCE_TIMEOUT [[ -n $_t ]] && _t="-t $_t" case "${FORCE_SELECTION:-${2}}" in Y) return ${EXIT_YES} ;; N) return ${EXIT_NO} ;; Yn) local exit_val=${EXIT_YES} local choice="[${_BGreen}YES${_creset}/no]" local default="Yes" ;; *) local exit_val=${EXIT_NO} local choice="[${_BGreen}NO${_creset}/yes]" local default="No" ;; esac echo while true; do clean_stdin printf "$1 ${choice} " # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2229 read -r -n1 $_t if [[ -z $REPLY ]]; then printf "$default\n"; break elif [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then exit_val=${EXIT_YES} printf "\n" break elif [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Nn]$ ]]; then exit_val=${EXIT_NO} printf "\n" break fi _t="" err_msg "invalid choice" done clean_stdin return $exit_val } tee_stderr () { # usage:: # tee_stderr 1 <>> print("hello") # hello local _t="0"; if [[ -n $1 ]] ; then _t="$1"; fi (while read -r line; do # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2229 sleep $_t echo -e "$line" >&2 echo "$line" done) } prefix_stdout () { # usage: | prefix_stdout [prefix] local prefix="${_BYellow}-->|${_creset}" if [[ -n $1 ]] ; then prefix="$1"; fi # shellcheck disable=SC2162 (while IFS= read line; do echo -e "${prefix}$line" done) # some piped commands hide the cursor, show cursory when the stream ends echo -en "$_show_cursor" } append_line() { # usage: append_line # # Append line if not exists, create file if not exists. E.g:: # # append_line 'source ~/.foo' ~/bashrc local LINE=$1 local FILE=$2 grep -qFs -- "$LINE" "$FILE" || echo "$LINE" >> "$FILE" } cache_download() { # usage: cache_download local exit_value=0 if [[ -n ${SUDO_USER} ]]; then sudo -u "${SUDO_USER}" mkdir -p "${CACHE}" else mkdir -p "${CACHE}" fi if [[ -f "${CACHE}/$2" ]] ; then info_msg "already cached: $1" info_msg " --> ${CACHE}/$2" fi if [[ ! -f "${CACHE}/$2" ]]; then info_msg "caching: $1" info_msg " --> ${CACHE}/$2" if [[ -n ${SUDO_USER} ]]; then sudo -u "${SUDO_USER}" wget --progress=bar -O "${CACHE}/$2" "$1" ; exit_value=$? else wget --progress=bar -O "${CACHE}/$2" "$1" ; exit_value=$? fi if [[ ! $exit_value = 0 ]]; then err_msg "failed to download: $1" fi fi } backup_file() { # usage: backup_file /path/to/file.foo local stamp stamp=$(date +"_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") info_msg "create backup: ${1}${stamp}" cp -a "${1}" "${1}${stamp}" } choose_one() { # usage: # # DEFAULT_SELECT= 2 \ # choose_one "your selection?" "Coffee" "Coffee with milk" local default=${DEFAULT_SELECT-1} local REPLY local env_name=$1 && shift local choice=$1; local max="${#@}" local _t [[ -n $FORCE_TIMEOUT ]] && _t=$FORCE_TIMEOUT [[ -n $_t ]] && _t="-t $_t" list=("$@") echo -e "${_BGreen}Menu::${_creset}" for ((i=1; i<= $((max -1)); i++)); do if [[ "$i" == "$default" ]]; then echo -e " ${_BGreen}$i.${_creset}) ${list[$i]} [default]" else echo -e " $i.) ${list[$i]}" fi done while true; do clean_stdin printf "$1 [${_BGreen}$default${_creset}] " if (( 10 > max )); then # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2229 read -r -n1 $_t else # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2229 read -r $_t fi # selection fits [[ $REPLY =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] && (( REPLY > 0 )) && (( REPLY < max )) && break # take default [[ -z $REPLY ]] && REPLY=$default && break _t="" err_msg "invalid choice" done eval "$env_name"='${list[${REPLY}]}' echo clean_stdin } install_template() { # usage: # # install_template [--no-eval] [--variant=] \ # {file} [{owner} [{group} [{chmod}]]] # # E.g. the origin of variant 'raw' of /etc/updatedb.conf is:: # # ${TEMPLATES}/etc/updatedb.conf:raw # # To install variant 'raw' of /etc/updatedb.conf without evaluated # replacements you can use:: # # install_template --variant=raw --no-eval \ # /etc/updatedb.conf root root 644 local _reply="" local do_eval=1 local variant="" local pos_args=("$0") for i in "$@"; do case $i in --no-eval) do_eval=0; shift ;; --variant=*) variant=":${i#*=}"; shift ;; *) pos_args+=("$i") ;; esac done local dst="${pos_args[1]}" local template_origin="${TEMPLATES}${dst}${variant}" local template_file="${TEMPLATES}${dst}" local owner="${pos_args[2]-$(id -un)}" local group="${pos_args[3]-$(id -gn)}" local chmod="${pos_args[4]-644}" info_msg "install (eval=$do_eval): ${dst}" [[ -n $variant ]] && info_msg "variant --> ${variant}" if [[ ! -f "${template_origin}" ]] ; then err_msg "${template_origin} does not exists" err_msg "... can't install $dst" wait_key 30 return 42 fi if [[ "$do_eval" == "1" ]]; then template_file="${CACHE}${dst}${variant}" info_msg "BUILD ${template_file}" info_msg "BUILD using template ${template_origin}" if [[ -n ${SUDO_USER} ]]; then sudo -u "${SUDO_USER}" mkdir -p "$(dirname "${template_file}")" else mkdir -p "$(dirname "${template_file}")" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 eval "echo \"$(cat ${template_origin})\"" > "${template_file}" if [[ -n ${SUDO_USER} ]]; then chown "${SUDO_USER}:${SUDO_USER}" "${template_file}" fi else template_file=$template_origin fi mkdir -p "$(dirname "${dst}")" if [[ ! -f "${dst}" ]]; then info_msg "install: ${template_file}" sudo -H install -v -o "${owner}" -g "${group}" -m "${chmod}" \ "${template_file}" "${dst}" | prefix_stdout return $? fi if [[ -f "${dst}" ]] && cmp --silent "${template_file}" "${dst}" ; then info_msg "file ${dst} already installed" return 0 fi info_msg "different file ${dst} already exists on this host" while true; do choose_one _reply "choose next step with file $dst" \ "replace file" \ "leave file unchanged" \ "interactive shell" \ "diff files" case $_reply in "replace file") info_msg "install: ${template_file}" sudo -H install -v -o "${owner}" -g "${group}" -m "${chmod}" \ "${template_file}" "${dst}" | prefix_stdout break ;; "leave file unchanged") break ;; "interactive shell") echo -e "// edit ${_Red}${dst}${_creset} to your needs" echo -e "// exit with [${_BCyan}CTRL-D${_creset}]" sudo -H -u "${owner}" -i $DIFF_CMD "${dst}" "${template_file}" echo echo -e "// ${_BBlack}did you edit file ...${_creset}" echo -en "// ${_Red}${dst}${_creset}" if ask_yn "//${_BBlack}... to your needs?${_creset}"; then break fi ;; "diff files") $DIFF_CMD "${dst}" "${template_file}" | prefix_stdout esac done } service_is_available() { # usage: service_is_available [[ -z $1 ]] && die_caller 42 "missing argument " local URL="$1" http_code=$(curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \ --silent -o /dev/null --head --write-out '%{http_code}' --insecure \ "${URL}") exit_val=$? if [[ $exit_val = 0 ]]; then info_msg "got $http_code from ${URL}" fi case "$http_code" in 404|410|423) exit_val=$http_code;; esac return "$exit_val" } # python # ------ PY="${PY:=3}" PYTHON="${PYTHON:=python$PY}" PY_ENV="${PY_ENV:=local/py${PY}}" PY_ENV_BIN="${PY_ENV}/bin" PY_ENV_REQ="${PY_ENV_REQ:=${REPO_ROOT}/requirements*.txt}" # List of python packages (folders) or modules (files) installed by command: # pyenv.install PYOBJECTS="${PYOBJECTS:=.}" # folder where the python distribution takes place PYDIST="${PYDIST:=dist}" # folder where the intermediate build files take place PYBUILD="${PYBUILD:=build/py${PY}}" # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/#extras #PY_SETUP_EXTRAS='[develop,test]' PY_SETUP_EXTRAS="${PY_SETUP_EXTRAS:=[develop,test]}" PIP_BOILERPLATE=( pip wheel setuptools ) # shellcheck disable=SC2120 pyenv() { # usage: pyenv [vtenv_opts ...] # # vtenv_opts: see 'pip install --help' # # Builds virtualenv with 'requirements*.txt' (PY_ENV_REQ) installed. The # virtualenv will be reused by validating sha256sum of the requirement # files. required_commands \ sha256sum "${PYTHON}" \ || exit local pip_req=() if ! pyenv.OK > /dev/null; then rm -f "${PY_ENV}/${PY_ENV_REQ}.sha256" pyenv.drop > /dev/null build_msg PYENV "[virtualenv] installing ${PY_ENV_REQ} into ${PY_ENV}" "${PYTHON}" -m venv "$@" "${PY_ENV}" "${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" -m pip install -U "${PIP_BOILERPLATE[@]}" for i in ${PY_ENV_REQ}; do pip_req=( "${pip_req[@]}" "-r" "$i" ) done ( [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x # shellcheck disable=SC2086 "${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" -m pip install "${pip_req[@]}" \ && sha256sum ${PY_ENV_REQ} > "${PY_ENV}/requirements.sha256" ) fi pyenv.OK } _pyenv_OK='' pyenv.OK() { # probes if pyenv exists and runs the script from pyenv.check [ "$_pyenv_OK" == "OK" ] && return 0 if [ ! -f "${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" ]; then build_msg PYENV "[virtualenv] missing ${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" return 1 fi if [ ! -f "${PY_ENV}/requirements.sha256" ] \ || ! sha256sum -c "${PY_ENV}/requirements.sha256" > /dev/null 2>&1; then build_msg PYENV "[virtualenv] requirements.sha256 failed" sed 's/^/ [virtualenv] - /' <"${PY_ENV}/requirements.sha256" return 1 fi if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ]; then pyenv.check \ | "${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" 2>&1 \ | prefix_stdout "${_Blue}PYENV ${_creset}[check] " else pyenv.check | "${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" 1>/dev/null fi local err=${PIPESTATUS[1]} if [ "$err" -ne "0" ]; then build_msg PYENV "[check] python test failed" return "$err" fi [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && build_msg PYENV "OK" _pyenv_OK="OK" return 0 } pyenv.drop() { build_msg PYENV "[virtualenv] drop ${PY_ENV}" rm -rf "${PY_ENV}" _pyenv_OK='' } pyenv.check() { # Prompts a python script with additional checks. Used by pyenv.OK to check # if virtualenv is ready to install python objects. This function should be # overwritten by the application script. local imp="" for i in "${PIP_BOILERPLATE[@]}"; do imp="$imp, $i" done cat < /dev/null fi if ! pyenv.install.OK > /dev/null; then build_msg PYENV "[install] ${PYOBJECTS}" if ! pyenv.OK >/dev/null; then pyenv fi for i in ${PYOBJECTS}; do build_msg PYENV "[install] pip install --use-pep517 --no-build-isolation -e '$i${PY_SETUP_EXTRAS}'" "${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" -m pip install --use-pep517 --no-build-isolation -e "$i${PY_SETUP_EXTRAS}" done fi pyenv.install.OK } _pyenv_install_OK='' pyenv.install.OK() { [ "$_pyenv_install_OK" == "OK" ] && return 0 local imp="" local err="" if [ "." = "${PYOBJECTS}" ]; then imp="import $(basename "$(pwd)")" else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 for i in ${PYOBJECTS}; do imp="$imp, $i"; done imp="import ${imp#,*} " fi ( [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x "${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" -c "import sys; sys.path.pop(0); $imp;" 2>/dev/null ) err=$? if [ "$err" -ne "0" ]; then build_msg PYENV "[install] python installation test failed" return "$err" fi build_msg PYENV "[install] OK" _pyenv_install_OK="OK" return 0 } pyenv.uninstall() { build_msg PYENV "[uninstall] ${PYOBJECTS}" if [ "." = "${PYOBJECTS}" ]; then pyenv.cmd python setup.py develop --uninstall 2>&1 \ | prefix_stdout "${_Blue}PYENV ${_creset}[pyenv.uninstall] " else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 pyenv.cmd python -m pip uninstall --yes ${PYOBJECTS} 2>&1 \ | prefix_stdout "${_Blue}PYENV ${_creset}[pyenv.uninstall] " fi } pyenv.cmd() { pyenv.install ( set -e # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "${PY_ENV_BIN}/activate" [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x "$@" ) } pyenv.activate() { pyenv.install # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "${PY_ENV_BIN}/activate" } # Sphinx doc # ---------- GH_PAGES="build/gh-pages" DOCS_DIST="${DOCS_DIST:=dist/docs}" DOCS_BUILD="${DOCS_BUILD:=build/docs}" docs.html() { build_msg SPHINX "HTML ./docs --> file://$(readlink -e "$(pwd)/$DOCS_DIST")" pyenv.install docs.prebuild # shellcheck disable=SC2086 PATH="${PY_ENV_BIN}:${PATH}" pyenv.cmd sphinx-build \ ${SPHINX_VERBOSE} ${SPHINXOPTS} \ -b html -c ./docs -d "${DOCS_BUILD}/.doctrees" ./docs "${DOCS_DIST}" dump_return $? } docs.live() { build_msg SPHINX "autobuild ./docs --> file://$(readlink -e "$(pwd)/$DOCS_DIST")" pyenv.install docs.prebuild # shellcheck disable=SC2086 PATH="${PY_ENV_BIN}:${PATH}" pyenv.cmd sphinx-autobuild \ ${SPHINX_VERBOSE} ${SPHINXOPTS} --open-browser --host \ -b html -c ./docs -d "${DOCS_BUILD}/.doctrees" ./docs "${DOCS_DIST}" dump_return $? } docs.clean() { build_msg CLEAN "docs -- ${DOCS_BUILD} ${DOCS_DIST}" # shellcheck disable=SC2115 rm -rf "${GH_PAGES}" "${DOCS_BUILD}" "${DOCS_DIST}" dump_return $? } docs.prebuild() { # Dummy function to run some actions before sphinx-doc build gets started. # This finction needs to be overwritten by the application script. true dump_return $? } # shellcheck disable=SC2155 docs.gh-pages() { # The commit history in the gh-pages branch makes no sense, the history only # inflates the repository unnecessarily. Therefore a *new orphan* branch # is created each time we deploy on the gh-pages branch. docs.clean docs.prebuild docs.html [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x local head="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" local branch="$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD)" local remote="$(git config branch."${branch}".remote)" local remote_url="$(git config remote."${remote}".url)" build_msg GH-PAGES "prepare folder: ${GH_PAGES}" build_msg GH-PAGES "remote of the gh-pages branch: ${remote} / ${remote_url}" build_msg GH-PAGES "current branch: ${branch}" # prepare the *orphan* gh-pages working tree ( git worktree remove -f "${GH_PAGES}" git branch -D gh-pages ) &> /dev/null || true git worktree add --no-checkout "${GH_PAGES}" "${remote}/master" pushd "${GH_PAGES}" &> /dev/null git checkout --orphan gh-pages git rm -rfq . popd &> /dev/null cp -r "${DOCS_DIST}"/* "${GH_PAGES}"/ touch "${GH_PAGES}/.nojekyll" cat > "${GH_PAGES}/404.html" < EOF pushd "${GH_PAGES}" &> /dev/null git add --all . git commit -q -m "gh-pages build from: ${branch}@${head} (${remote_url})" git push -f "${remote}" gh-pages popd &> /dev/null set +x build_msg GH-PAGES "deployed" } # system accounts # --------------- service_account_is_available() { # usage: service_account_is_available "$SERVICE_USER" && echo "OK" sudo -i -u "$1" echo \$HOME &>/dev/null } drop_service_account() { # usage: drop_service_account "${SERVICE_USER}" rst_title "Drop ${1} HOME" section if ask_yn "Do you really want to drop ${1} home folder?"; then userdel -r -f "${1}" 2>&1 | prefix_stdout else rst_para "Leave HOME folder $(du -sh "${1}") unchanged." fi } interactive_shell(){ # usage: interactive_shell "${SERVICE_USER}" echo -e "// exit with [${_BCyan}CTRL-D${_creset}]" sudo -H -u "${1}" -i } # systemd # ------- SYSTEMD_UNITS="${SYSTEMD_UNITS:-/lib/systemd/system}" systemd_install_service() { # usage: systemd_install_service "${SERVICE_NAME}" "${SERVICE_SYSTEMD_UNIT}" rst_title "Install System-D Unit ${1}" section echo install_template "${2}" root root 644 wait_key systemd_activate_service "${1}" } systemd_remove_service() { # usage: systemd_remove_service "${SERVICE_NAME}" "${SERVICE_SYSTEMD_UNIT}" if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to deinstall systemd unit ${1}?"; then return 42 fi systemd_deactivate_service "${1}" rm "${2}" 2>&1 | prefix_stdout } systemd_activate_service() { # usage: systemd_activate_service "${SERVICE_NAME}" rst_title "Activate ${1} (service)" section echo tee_stderr <&1 systemctl enable ${1}.service systemctl restart ${1}.service EOF tee_stderr <&1 systemctl status --no-pager ${1}.service EOF } systemd_deactivate_service() { # usage: systemd_deactivate_service "${SERVICE_NAME}" rst_title "De-Activate ${1} (service)" section echo tee_stderr <&1 | prefix_stdout systemctl stop ${1}.service systemctl disable ${1}.service EOF } systemd_restart_service() { # usage: systemd_restart_service "${SERVICE_NAME}" rst_title "Restart ${1} (service)" section echo tee_stderr <&1 systemctl restart ${1}.service EOF tee_stderr <&1 systemctl status --no-pager ${1}.service EOF } # nginx # ----- nginx_distro_setup() { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 NGINX_DEFAULT_SERVER=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf # Including *location* directives from a dedicated config-folder into the # server directive is, what fedora and centos (already) does. NGINX_APPS_ENABLED="/etc/nginx/default.d" # We add a apps-available folder and linking configurations into the # NGINX_APPS_ENABLED folder. See also nginx_include_apps_enabled(). NGINX_APPS_AVAILABLE="/etc/nginx/default.apps-available" case $DIST_ID-$DIST_VERS in ubuntu-*|debian-*) NGINX_PACKAGES="nginx" NGINX_DEFAULT_SERVER=/etc/nginx/sites-available/default ;; arch-*) NGINX_PACKAGES="nginx-mainline" ;; fedora-*|centos-7) NGINX_PACKAGES="nginx" ;; *) err_msg "$DIST_ID-$DIST_VERS: nginx not yet implemented" ;; esac } install_nginx(){ info_msg "installing nginx ..." pkg_install "${NGINX_PACKAGES}" case $DIST_ID-$DIST_VERS in arch-*|fedora-*|centos-7) systemctl enable nginx systemctl start nginx ;; esac } nginx_is_installed() { command -v nginx &>/dev/null } nginx_reload() { info_msg "reload nginx .." echo if ! nginx -t; then err_msg "testing nginx configuration failed" return 42 fi systemctl restart nginx } nginx_install_app() { # usage: nginx_install_app [