# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later import asyncio import threading import concurrent.futures from timeit import default_timer import httpx import h2.exceptions from .network import get_network, initialize from .client import LOOP from .raise_for_httperror import raise_for_httperror # queue.SimpleQueue: Support Python 3.6 try: from queue import SimpleQueue except ImportError: from queue import Empty from collections import deque class SimpleQueue: """Minimal backport of queue.SimpleQueue""" def __init__(self): self._queue = deque() self._count = threading.Semaphore(0) def put(self, item): self._queue.append(item) self._count.release() def get(self): if not self._count.acquire(True): raise Empty return self._queue.popleft() THREADLOCAL = threading.local() def reset_time_for_thread(): THREADLOCAL.total_time = 0 def get_time_for_thread(): return THREADLOCAL.total_time def set_timeout_for_thread(timeout, start_time=None): THREADLOCAL.timeout = timeout THREADLOCAL.start_time = start_time def set_context_network_name(network_name): THREADLOCAL.network = get_network(network_name) def get_context_network(): try: return THREADLOCAL.network except AttributeError: return get_network() def request(method, url, **kwargs): """same as requests/requests/api.py request(...)""" time_before_request = default_timer() # timeout (httpx) if 'timeout' in kwargs: timeout = kwargs['timeout'] else: timeout = getattr(THREADLOCAL, 'timeout', None) if timeout is not None: kwargs['timeout'] = timeout # 2 minutes timeout for the requests without timeout timeout = timeout or 120 # ajdust actual timeout timeout += 0.2 # overhead start_time = getattr(THREADLOCAL, 'start_time', time_before_request) if start_time: timeout -= default_timer() - start_time # raise_for_error check_for_httperror = True if 'raise_for_httperror' in kwargs: check_for_httperror = kwargs['raise_for_httperror'] del kwargs['raise_for_httperror'] # requests compatibility if isinstance(url, bytes): url = url.decode() # network network = get_context_network() # do request future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(network.request(method, url, **kwargs), LOOP) try: response = future.result(timeout) except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError as e: raise httpx.TimeoutException('Timeout', request=None) from e # requests compatibility # see also https://www.python-httpx.org/compatibility/#checking-for-4xx5xx-responses response.ok = not response.is_error # update total_time. # See get_time_for_thread() and reset_time_for_thread() if hasattr(THREADLOCAL, 'total_time'): time_after_request = default_timer() THREADLOCAL.total_time += time_after_request - time_before_request # raise an exception if check_for_httperror: raise_for_httperror(response) return response def get(url, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('allow_redirects', True) return request('get', url, **kwargs) def options(url, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('allow_redirects', True) return request('options', url, **kwargs) def head(url, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('allow_redirects', False) return request('head', url, **kwargs) def post(url, data=None, **kwargs): return request('post', url, data=data, **kwargs) def put(url, data=None, **kwargs): return request('put', url, data=data, **kwargs) def patch(url, data=None, **kwargs): return request('patch', url, data=data, **kwargs) def delete(url, **kwargs): return request('delete', url, **kwargs) async def stream_chunk_to_queue(network, q, method, url, **kwargs): try: async with network.stream(method, url, **kwargs) as response: q.put(response) async for chunk in response.aiter_bytes(65536): if len(chunk) > 0: q.put(chunk) except (httpx.HTTPError, OSError, h2.exceptions.ProtocolError) as e: q.put(e) finally: q.put(None) def stream(method, url, **kwargs): """Replace httpx.stream. Usage: stream = poolrequests.stream(...) response = next(stream) for chunk in stream: ... httpx.Client.stream requires to write the httpx.HTTPTransport version of the the httpx.AsyncHTTPTransport declared above. """ q = SimpleQueue() future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(stream_chunk_to_queue(get_network(), q, method, url, **kwargs), LOOP) chunk_or_exception = q.get() while chunk_or_exception is not None: if isinstance(chunk_or_exception, Exception): raise chunk_or_exception yield chunk_or_exception chunk_or_exception = q.get() return future.result()