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2013-10-14 21:09:13 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2013-10-14 22:33:18 +00:00
searx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
searx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with searx. If not, see < >.
(C) 2013- by Adam Tauber, <>
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
print('\033[1;31m Python2 is no longer supported\033[0m')
2014-02-14 15:16:20 +00:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
from os.path import realpath, dirname
sys.path.append(realpath(dirname(realpath(__file__)) + '/../'))
2014-02-14 15:16:20 +00:00
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import os
2016-11-30 17:43:03 +00:00
import requests
2014-01-21 20:28:54 +00:00
from searx import logger
logger = logger.getChild('webapp')
2014-03-14 08:55:04 +00:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import time
from html import escape
from io import StringIO
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urljoin, urlparse
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix
2014-02-05 19:24:31 +00:00
from flask import (
Flask, request, render_template, url_for, Response, make_response,
redirect, send_from_directory
from import Translations
import flask_babel
from flask_babel import Babel, gettext, format_date, format_decimal
from flask.ctx import has_request_context
from flask.json import jsonify
2020-07-14 16:56:57 +00:00
from searx import brand, static_path
from searx import settings, searx_dir, searx_debug
2016-11-30 17:43:03 +00:00
from searx.exceptions import SearxParameterException
2014-02-05 19:24:31 +00:00
from searx.engines import (
categories, engines, engine_shortcuts, get_engines_stats
2014-02-05 19:24:31 +00:00
from searx.webutils import (
UnicodeWriter, highlight_content, get_resources_directory,
get_static_files, get_result_templates, get_themes,
prettify_url, new_hmac, is_flask_run_cmdline
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
from searx.webadapter import get_search_query_from_webapp, get_selected_categories
from searx.utils import html_to_text, gen_useragent, dict_subset, match_language
2014-11-18 10:37:42 +00:00
from searx.version import VERSION_STRING
from searx.languages import language_codes as languages
from import SearchWithPlugins, initialize as search_initialize
from import get_result as checker_get_result
2016-11-14 21:15:03 +00:00
from searx.query import RawTextQuery
from searx.autocomplete import search_autocomplete, backends as autocomplete_backends
from searx.plugins import plugins
from searx.plugins.oa_doi_rewrite import get_doi_resolver
from searx.preferences import Preferences, ValidationException, LANGUAGE_CODES
from searx.answerers import answerers
from searx.poolrequests import get_global_proxies
from searx.answerers import ask
from searx.metrology.error_recorder import errors_per_engines
2013-12-01 22:52:49 +00:00
2016-09-15 11:47:09 +00:00
# serve pages with HTTP/1.1
from werkzeug.serving import WSGIRequestHandler
WSGIRequestHandler.protocol_version = "HTTP/{}".format(settings['server'].get('http_protocol_version', '1.0'))
2013-10-14 21:09:13 +00:00
# check secret_key
if not searx_debug and settings['server']['secret_key'] == 'ultrasecretkey':
logger.error('server.secret_key is not changed. Please use something else instead of ultrasecretkey.')
# about static
static_path = get_resources_directory(searx_dir, 'static', settings['ui']['static_path'])
logger.debug('static directory is %s', static_path)
static_files = get_static_files(static_path)
2014-10-09 17:26:02 +00:00
# about templates
default_theme = settings['ui']['default_theme']
templates_path = get_resources_directory(searx_dir, 'templates', settings['ui']['templates_path'])
logger.debug('templates directory is %s', templates_path)
themes = get_themes(templates_path)
result_templates = get_result_templates(templates_path)
global_favicons = []
for indice, theme in enumerate(themes):
theme_img_path = os.path.join(static_path, 'themes', theme, 'img', 'icons')
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(theme_img_path):
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
# Flask app
app = Flask(
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
app.jinja_env.trim_blocks = True
app.jinja_env.lstrip_blocks = True
app.jinja_env.add_extension('jinja2.ext.loopcontrols') # pylint: disable=no-member
app.secret_key = settings['server']['secret_key']
2014-01-14 17:17:19 +00:00
# see
# True if "FLASK_APP=searx/ FLASK_ENV=development flask run"
flask_run_development = \
os.environ.get("FLASK_APP") is not None\
and os.environ.get("FLASK_ENV") == 'development'\
and is_flask_run_cmdline()
# True if reload feature is activated of werkzeug, False otherwise (including uwsgi, etc..)
# __name__ != "__main__" if searx.webapp is imported (make test, make docs, uwsgi...)
# see run() at the end of this file : searx_debug activates the reload feature.
werkzeug_reloader = flask_run_development or (searx_debug and __name__ == "__main__")
# initialize the engines except on the first run of the werkzeug server.
if not werkzeug_reloader\
or (werkzeug_reloader and os.environ.get("WERKZEUG_RUN_MAIN") == "true"):
babel = Babel(app)
rtl_locales = ['ar', 'arc', 'bcc', 'bqi', 'ckb', 'dv', 'fa', 'fa_IR', 'glk', 'he',
'ku', 'mzn', 'pnb', 'ps', 'sd', 'ug', 'ur', 'yi']
ui_locale_codes = [l.replace('_', '-') for l in settings['locales'].keys()]
# used when translating category names
2015-02-10 22:14:37 +00:00
_category_names = (gettext('files'),
gettext('social media'),
2016-01-21 14:57:02 +00:00
2015-02-10 22:14:37 +00:00
_flask_babel_get_translations = flask_babel.get_translations
# monkey patch for flask_babel.get_translations
def _get_translations():
if has_request_context() and request.form.get('use-translation') == 'oc':
babel_ext = flask_babel.current_app.extensions['babel']
return Translations.load(next(babel_ext.translation_directories), 'oc')
return _flask_babel_get_translations()
flask_babel.get_translations = _get_translations
2014-01-19 22:04:09 +00:00
def _get_browser_or_settings_language(request, lang_list):
2020-02-23 09:03:42 +00:00
for lang in request.headers.get("Accept-Language", "en").split(","):
if ';' in lang:
lang = lang.split(';')[0]
if '-' in lang:
lang_parts = lang.split('-')
lang = "{}-{}".format(lang_parts[0], lang_parts[-1].upper())
2020-02-23 09:03:42 +00:00
locale = match_language(lang, lang_list, fallback=None)
if locale is not None:
return locale
return settings['search']['default_lang'] or 'en'
2020-02-23 09:03:42 +00:00
def get_locale():
if 'locale' in request.form\
and request.form['locale'] in settings['locales']:
# use locale from the form
2014-01-21 23:59:18 +00:00
locale = request.form['locale']
locale_source = 'form'
elif request.preferences.get_value('locale') != '':
# use locale from the preferences
locale = request.preferences.get_value('locale')
locale_source = 'preferences'
# use local from the browser
locale = _get_browser_or_settings_language(request, ui_locale_codes)
locale = locale.replace('-', '_')
locale_source = 'browser'
2014-01-21 23:59:18 +00:00
# see _get_translations function
# and
if locale == 'oc':
request.form['use-translation'] = 'oc'
locale = 'fr_FR'
logger.debug("%s uses locale `%s` from %s", request.url, locale, locale_source)
2014-01-21 23:59:18 +00:00
return locale
2014-12-20 22:33:03 +00:00
# code-highlighter
def code_highlighter(codelines, language=None):
if not language:
language = 'text'
# find lexer by programing language
lexer = get_lexer_by_name(language, stripall=True)
# if lexer is not found, using default one
2015-01-15 17:39:40 +00:00
logger.debug('highlighter cannot find lexer for {0}'.format(language))
lexer = get_lexer_by_name('text', stripall=True)
2014-12-20 22:33:03 +00:00
html_code = ''
tmp_code = ''
last_line = None
# parse lines
for line, code in codelines:
if not last_line:
line_code_start = line
# new codeblock is detected
if last_line is not None and\
last_line + 1 != line:
2014-12-20 22:33:03 +00:00
# highlight last codepart
formatter = HtmlFormatter(linenos='inline',
2014-12-20 22:33:03 +00:00
html_code = html_code + highlight(tmp_code, lexer, formatter)
2014-12-20 22:33:03 +00:00
# reset conditions for next codepart
tmp_code = ''
line_code_start = line
# add codepart
tmp_code += code + '\n'
2014-12-20 22:33:03 +00:00
# update line
last_line = line
# highlight last codepart
formatter = HtmlFormatter(linenos='inline', linenostart=line_code_start, cssclass="code-highlight")
2014-12-20 22:33:03 +00:00
html_code = html_code + highlight(tmp_code, lexer, formatter)
return html_code
2015-02-15 18:09:17 +00:00
# Extract domain from url
def extract_domain(url):
return urlparse(url)[1]
2014-01-14 17:17:19 +00:00
def get_base_url():
if settings['server']['base_url']:
hostname = settings['server']['base_url']
2014-01-14 17:17:19 +00:00
scheme = 'http'
if request.is_secure:
scheme = 'https'
hostname = url_for('index', _external=True, _scheme=scheme)
return hostname
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
def get_current_theme_name(override=None):
"""Returns theme name.
Checks in this order:
1. override
2. cookies
3. settings"""
if override and (override in themes or override == '__common__'):
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
return override
theme_name = request.args.get('theme', request.preferences.get_value('theme'))
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
if theme_name not in themes:
theme_name = default_theme
return theme_name
2015-01-01 17:59:53 +00:00
def get_result_template(theme, template_name):
themed_path = theme + '/result_templates/' + template_name
if themed_path in result_templates:
return themed_path
return 'result_templates/' + template_name
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
def url_for_theme(endpoint, override_theme=None, **values):
2015-01-01 16:48:12 +00:00
if endpoint == 'static' and values.get('filename'):
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
theme_name = get_current_theme_name(override=override_theme)
2015-01-01 16:48:12 +00:00
filename_with_theme = "themes/{}/{}".format(theme_name, values['filename'])
if filename_with_theme in static_files:
values['filename'] = filename_with_theme
url = url_for(endpoint, **values)
if settings['server']['base_url']:
if url.startswith('/'):
url = url[1:]
url = urljoin(settings['server']['base_url'], url)
return url
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
2016-10-16 22:22:41 +00:00
def proxify(url):
if url.startswith('//'):
url = 'https:' + url
if not settings.get('result_proxy'):
return url
url_params = dict(mortyurl=url.encode())
if settings['result_proxy'].get('key'):
url_params['mortyhash'] =['result_proxy']['key'],
2016-10-16 22:22:41 +00:00
return '{0}?{1}'.format(settings['result_proxy']['url'],
2016-10-16 22:22:41 +00:00
2015-01-16 15:26:15 +00:00
def image_proxify(url):
if url.startswith('//'):
url = 'https:' + url
2016-04-09 16:32:07 +00:00
if not request.preferences.get_value('image_proxy'):
2015-01-16 15:26:15 +00:00
return url
if url.startswith('data:image/'):
# 50 is an arbitrary number to get only the beginning of the image.
partial_base64 = url[len('data:image/'):50].split(';')
if len(partial_base64) == 2 \
and partial_base64[0] in ['gif', 'png', 'jpeg', 'pjpeg', 'webp', 'tiff', 'bmp']\
and partial_base64[1].startswith('base64,'):
return url
return None
2019-01-18 08:04:40 +00:00
if settings.get('result_proxy'):
return proxify(url)
h = new_hmac(settings['server']['secret_key'], url.encode())
2015-01-16 15:26:15 +00:00
return '{0}?{1}'.format(url_for('image_proxy'),
urlencode(dict(url=url.encode(), h=h)))
2015-01-16 15:26:15 +00:00
def get_translations():
return {
# when overpass AJAX request fails (on a map result)
'could_not_load': gettext('could not load data'),
# when there is autocompletion
'no_item_found': gettext('No item found')
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
def render(template_name, override_theme=None, **kwargs):
disabled_engines = request.preferences.engines.get_disabled()
2014-03-29 15:29:19 +00:00
enabled_categories = set(category for engine_name in engines
for category in engines[engine_name].categories
if (engine_name, category) not in disabled_engines)
2014-03-29 15:29:19 +00:00
2014-10-19 10:41:04 +00:00
if 'categories' not in kwargs:
kwargs['categories'] = [x for x in
if x in enabled_categories]
2014-03-29 15:29:19 +00:00
2014-10-19 10:41:04 +00:00
if 'autocomplete' not in kwargs:
2016-04-09 16:32:07 +00:00
kwargs['autocomplete'] = request.preferences.get_value('autocomplete')
2014-03-29 15:29:19 +00:00
locale = request.preferences.get_value('locale')
if locale in rtl_locales and 'rtl' not in kwargs:
kwargs['rtl'] = True
2014-11-18 10:37:42 +00:00
kwargs['searx_version'] = VERSION_STRING
kwargs['method'] = request.preferences.get_value('method')
kwargs['safesearch'] = str(request.preferences.get_value('safesearch'))
kwargs['language_codes'] = languages
if 'current_language' not in kwargs:
kwargs['current_language'] = match_language(request.preferences.get_value('language'),
2020-02-23 09:03:42 +00:00
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
# override url_for function in templates
kwargs['url_for'] = url_for_theme
2015-01-16 15:26:15 +00:00
kwargs['image_proxify'] = image_proxify
kwargs['proxify'] = proxify if settings.get('result_proxy', {}).get('url') else None
2016-10-16 22:22:41 +00:00
kwargs['opensearch_url'] = url_for('opensearch') + '?' \
+ urlencode({'method': kwargs['method'], 'autocomplete': kwargs['autocomplete']})
2015-01-01 17:59:53 +00:00
kwargs['get_result_template'] = get_result_template
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
kwargs['theme'] = get_current_theme_name(override=override_theme)
2014-11-18 18:55:39 +00:00
kwargs['template_name'] = template_name
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
2015-01-20 15:29:54 +00:00
kwargs['cookies'] = request.cookies
kwargs['errors'] = request.errors
kwargs['instance_name'] = settings['general']['instance_name']
kwargs['results_on_new_tab'] = request.preferences.get_value('results_on_new_tab')
kwargs['preferences'] = request.preferences
kwargs['brand'] = brand
kwargs['translations'] = json.dumps(get_translations(), separators=(',', ':'))
kwargs['scripts'] = set()
kwargs['endpoint'] = 'results' if 'q' in kwargs else request.endpoint
for plugin in request.user_plugins:
for script in plugin.js_dependencies:
kwargs['styles'] = set()
for plugin in request.user_plugins:
for css in plugin.css_dependencies:
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
return render_template(
'{}/{}'.format(kwargs['theme'], template_name), **kwargs)
2013-10-15 18:50:12 +00:00
def _get_ordered_categories():
ordered_categories = []
if 'categories_order' not in settings['ui']:
ordered_categories = ['general']
ordered_categories.extend(x for x in sorted(categories.keys()) if x != 'general')
return ordered_categories
ordered_categories = settings['ui']['categories_order']
ordered_categories.extend(x for x in sorted(categories.keys()) if x not in ordered_categories)
return ordered_categories
2015-03-10 19:44:02 +00:00
def pre_request():
request.start_time = time()
request.timings = []
request.errors = []
2016-11-30 17:43:03 +00:00
preferences = Preferences(themes, list(categories.keys()), engines, plugins)
user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent', '').lower()
if 'webkit' in user_agent and 'android' in user_agent:
preferences.key_value_settings['method'].value = 'GET'
request.preferences = preferences
request.errors.append(gettext('Invalid settings, please edit your preferences'))
# merge GET, POST vars
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
# request.form
2015-03-10 21:45:59 +00:00
request.form = dict(request.form.items())
2015-03-15 11:13:24 +00:00
for k, v in request.args.items():
2015-03-10 21:45:59 +00:00
if k not in request.form:
request.form[k] = v
if request.form.get('preferences'):
except Exception:
logger.exception('invalid settings')
request.errors.append(gettext('Invalid settings'))
2015-03-10 19:44:02 +00:00
# init search language and locale
if not preferences.get_value("language"):
preferences.parse_dict({"language": _get_browser_or_settings_language(request, LANGUAGE_CODES)})
if not preferences.get_value("locale"):
2020-02-23 09:03:42 +00:00
preferences.parse_dict({"locale": get_locale()})
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
# request.user_plugins
2015-03-10 19:44:02 +00:00
request.user_plugins = []
allowed_plugins = preferences.plugins.get_enabled()
disabled_plugins = preferences.plugins.get_disabled()
2015-03-10 19:44:02 +00:00
for plugin in plugins:
if ((plugin.default_on and not in disabled_plugins)
or in allowed_plugins):
2015-03-10 19:44:02 +00:00
def add_default_headers(response):
# set default http headers
for header, value in settings['server'].get('default_http_headers', {}).items():
if header in response.headers:
response.headers[header] = value
return response
def post_request(response):
total_time = time() - request.start_time
timings_all = ['total;dur=' + str(round(total_time * 1000, 3))]
if len(request.timings) > 0:
timings = sorted(request.timings, key=lambda v: v['total'])
timings_total = ['total_' + str(i) + '_' + v['engine'] +
';dur=' + str(round(v['total'] * 1000, 3)) for i, v in enumerate(timings)]
timings_load = ['load_' + str(i) + '_' + v['engine'] +
';dur=' + str(round(v['load'] * 1000, 3)) for i, v in enumerate(timings)]
timings_all = timings_all + timings_total + timings_load
response.headers.add('Server-Timing', ', '.join(timings_all))
return response
def index_error(output_format, error_message):
if output_format == 'json':
return Response(json.dumps({'error': error_message}),
elif output_format == 'csv':
response = Response('', mimetype='application/csv')
cont_disp = 'attachment;Filename=searx.csv'
response.headers.add('Content-Disposition', cont_disp)
return response
elif output_format == 'rss':
response_rss = render(
q=request.form['q'] if 'q' in request.form else '',
return Response(response_rss, mimetype='text/xml')
# html
request.errors.append(gettext('search error'))
return render(
2020-09-24 14:26:00 +00:00
selected_categories=get_selected_categories(request.preferences, request.form),
2014-01-14 17:19:21 +00:00
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
2013-10-14 21:09:13 +00:00
def index():
"""Render index page."""
# UI
2020-11-23 18:13:29 +00:00
advanced_search = request.preferences.get_value('advanced_search')
# redirect to search if there's a query in the request
if request.form.get('q'):
query = ('?' + request.query_string.decode()) if request.query_string else ''
return redirect(url_for('search') + query, 308)
return render(
selected_categories=get_selected_categories(request.preferences, request.form),
@app.route('/search', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def search():
"""Search query in q and return results.
2014-01-31 06:08:24 +00:00
Supported outputs: html, json, csv, rss.
2013-11-03 23:18:07 +00:00
# output_format
output_format = request.form.get('format', 'html')
if output_format not in ['html', 'csv', 'json', 'rss']:
output_format = 'html'
# check if there is query (not None and not an empty string)
if not request.form.get('q'):
if output_format == 'html':
return render(
2020-11-26 15:27:46 +00:00
2020-09-24 14:26:00 +00:00
selected_categories=get_selected_categories(request.preferences, request.form),
return index_error(output_format, 'No query'), 400
2014-02-07 02:15:34 +00:00
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
# search
search_query = None
raw_text_query = None
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
result_container = None
search_query, raw_text_query, _, _ = get_search_query_from_webapp(request.preferences, request.form)
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
# search = Search(search_query) # without plugins
search = SearchWithPlugins(search_query, request.user_plugins, request)
Created new plugin type custom_results. Added new plugin bang_redirect (#2027) * Made first attempt at the bangs redirects plugin. * It redirects. But in a messy way via javascript. * First version with custom plugin * Added a help page and a operator to see all the bangs available. * Changed to .format because of support * Changed to .format because of support * Removed : in params * Fixed path to json file and changed bang operator * Changed bang operator back to & * Made first attempt at the bangs redirects plugin. * It redirects. But in a messy way via javascript. * First version with custom plugin * Added a help page and a operator to see all the bangs available. * Changed to .format because of support * Changed to .format because of support * Removed : in params * Fixed path to json file and changed bang operator * Changed bang operator back to & * Refactored getting search query. Also changed bang operator to ! and is now working. * Removed prints * Removed temporary bangs_redirect.js file. Updated plugin documentation * Added unit test for the bangs plugin * Fixed a unit test and added 2 more for bangs plugin * Changed back to default settings.yml * Added myself to AUTHORS.rst * Refacored working of custom plugin. * Refactored _get_bangs_data from list to dict to improve search speed. * Decoupled bangs plugin from webserver with redirect_url * Refactored bangs unit tests * Fixed unit test bangs. Removed dubbel parsing in * Removed a dumb print statement * Refactored bangs plugin to core engine. * Removed bangs plugin. * Refactored external bangs unit tests from plugin to core. * Removed custom_results/bangs documentation from plugins.rst * Added newline in settings.yml so the PR stays clean. * Changed searx/plugins/ back to the old file * Removed newline * Refactored get_external_bang_operator from utils to * Removed unnecessary import form * Removed _parseExternalBang and _isExternalBang from * Removed get_external_bang_operator since it was not necessary * Simplified * Simplified * Moved external_bangs unit tests to Fixed return in search with external_bang * Refactored query parsing to unicode to support python2 * Refactored query parsing to unicode to support python2 * Refactored bangs plugin to core engine. * Refactored search parameter to search_query in
2020-07-03 13:25:04 +00:00
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
result_container =
Created new plugin type custom_results. Added new plugin bang_redirect (#2027) * Made first attempt at the bangs redirects plugin. * It redirects. But in a messy way via javascript. * First version with custom plugin * Added a help page and a operator to see all the bangs available. * Changed to .format because of support * Changed to .format because of support * Removed : in params * Fixed path to json file and changed bang operator * Changed bang operator back to & * Made first attempt at the bangs redirects plugin. * It redirects. But in a messy way via javascript. * First version with custom plugin * Added a help page and a operator to see all the bangs available. * Changed to .format because of support * Changed to .format because of support * Removed : in params * Fixed path to json file and changed bang operator * Changed bang operator back to & * Refactored getting search query. Also changed bang operator to ! and is now working. * Removed prints * Removed temporary bangs_redirect.js file. Updated plugin documentation * Added unit test for the bangs plugin * Fixed a unit test and added 2 more for bangs plugin * Changed back to default settings.yml * Added myself to AUTHORS.rst * Refacored working of custom plugin. * Refactored _get_bangs_data from list to dict to improve search speed. * Decoupled bangs plugin from webserver with redirect_url * Refactored bangs unit tests * Fixed unit test bangs. Removed dubbel parsing in * Removed a dumb print statement * Refactored bangs plugin to core engine. * Removed bangs plugin. * Refactored external bangs unit tests from plugin to core. * Removed custom_results/bangs documentation from plugins.rst * Added newline in settings.yml so the PR stays clean. * Changed searx/plugins/ back to the old file * Removed newline * Refactored get_external_bang_operator from utils to * Removed unnecessary import form * Removed _parseExternalBang and _isExternalBang from * Removed get_external_bang_operator since it was not necessary * Simplified * Simplified * Moved external_bangs unit tests to Fixed return in search with external_bang * Refactored query parsing to unicode to support python2 * Refactored query parsing to unicode to support python2 * Refactored bangs plugin to core engine. * Refactored search parameter to search_query in
2020-07-03 13:25:04 +00:00
except SearxParameterException as e:
logger.exception('search error: SearxParameterException')
return index_error(output_format, e.message), 400
except Exception as e:
2016-11-14 14:49:06 +00:00
logger.exception('search error')
return index_error(output_format, gettext('search error')), 500
# results
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
results = result_container.get_ordered_results()
number_of_results = result_container.results_number()
if number_of_results < result_container.results_length():
number_of_results = 0
Created new plugin type custom_results. Added new plugin bang_redirect (#2027) * Made first attempt at the bangs redirects plugin. * It redirects. But in a messy way via javascript. * First version with custom plugin * Added a help page and a operator to see all the bangs available. * Changed to .format because of support * Changed to .format because of support * Removed : in params * Fixed path to json file and changed bang operator * Changed bang operator back to & * Made first attempt at the bangs redirects plugin. * It redirects. But in a messy way via javascript. * First version with custom plugin * Added a help page and a operator to see all the bangs available. * Changed to .format because of support * Changed to .format because of support * Removed : in params * Fixed path to json file and changed bang operator * Changed bang operator back to & * Refactored getting search query. Also changed bang operator to ! and is now working. * Removed prints * Removed temporary bangs_redirect.js file. Updated plugin documentation * Added unit test for the bangs plugin * Fixed a unit test and added 2 more for bangs plugin * Changed back to default settings.yml * Added myself to AUTHORS.rst * Refacored working of custom plugin. * Refactored _get_bangs_data from list to dict to improve search speed. * Decoupled bangs plugin from webserver with redirect_url * Refactored bangs unit tests * Fixed unit test bangs. Removed dubbel parsing in * Removed a dumb print statement * Refactored bangs plugin to core engine. * Removed bangs plugin. * Refactored external bangs unit tests from plugin to core. * Removed custom_results/bangs documentation from plugins.rst * Added newline in settings.yml so the PR stays clean. * Changed searx/plugins/ back to the old file * Removed newline * Refactored get_external_bang_operator from utils to * Removed unnecessary import form * Removed _parseExternalBang and _isExternalBang from * Removed get_external_bang_operator since it was not necessary * Simplified * Simplified * Moved external_bangs unit tests to Fixed return in search with external_bang * Refactored query parsing to unicode to support python2 * Refactored query parsing to unicode to support python2 * Refactored bangs plugin to core engine. * Refactored search parameter to search_query in
2020-07-03 13:25:04 +00:00
# checkin for a external bang
if result_container.redirect_url:
return redirect(result_container.redirect_url)
# Server-Timing header
request.timings = result_container.get_timings()
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
# output
for result in results:
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
if output_format == 'html':
if 'content' in result and result['content']:
2016-11-30 17:43:03 +00:00
result['content'] = highlight_content(escape(result['content'][:1024]), search_query.query)
if 'title' in result and result['title']:
result['title'] = highlight_content(escape(result['title'] or ''), search_query.query)
2014-01-10 22:38:08 +00:00
if result.get('content'):
2014-01-10 22:38:08 +00:00
result['content'] = html_to_text(result['content']).strip()
# removing html content and whitespace duplications
result['title'] = ' '.join(html_to_text(result['title']).strip().split())
2014-06-24 14:30:04 +00:00
if 'url' in result:
result['pretty_url'] = prettify_url(result['url'])
2013-11-15 18:28:30 +00:00
2014-03-14 08:55:04 +00:00
# TODO, check if timezone is calculated right
if 'publishedDate' in result:
try: # test if publishedDate >= 1900 (datetime module bug)
result['pubdate'] = result['publishedDate'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z')
except ValueError:
result['publishedDate'] = None
2014-03-14 08:55:04 +00:00
if result['publishedDate'].replace(tzinfo=None) >= - timedelta(days=1):
timedifference = - result['publishedDate'].replace(tzinfo=None)
minutes = int((timedifference.seconds / 60) % 60)
hours = int(timedifference.seconds / 60 / 60)
if hours == 0:
result['publishedDate'] = gettext('{minutes} minute(s) ago').format(minutes=minutes)
result['publishedDate'] = gettext('{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago').format(hours=hours, minutes=minutes) # noqa
result['publishedDate'] = format_date(result['publishedDate'])
2014-03-14 08:55:04 +00:00
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
if output_format == 'json':
return Response(json.dumps({'query': search_query.query,
'number_of_results': number_of_results,
'results': results,
'answers': list(result_container.answers),
2017-01-14 08:40:37 +00:00
'corrections': list(result_container.corrections),
'infoboxes': result_container.infoboxes,
'suggestions': list(result_container.suggestions),
'unresponsive_engines': __get_translated_errors(result_container.unresponsive_engines)}, # noqa
default=lambda item: list(item) if isinstance(item, set) else item),
2014-01-20 01:31:20 +00:00
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
elif output_format == 'csv':
2016-11-30 17:43:03 +00:00
csv = UnicodeWriter(StringIO())
keys = ('title', 'url', 'content', 'host', 'engine', 'score', 'type')
for row in results:
row['host'] = row['parsed_url'].netloc
row['type'] = 'result'
csv.writerow([row.get(key, '') for key in keys])
for a in result_container.answers:
row = {'title': a, 'type': 'answer'}
csv.writerow([row.get(key, '') for key in keys])
for a in result_container.suggestions:
row = {'title': a, 'type': 'suggestion'}
csv.writerow([row.get(key, '') for key in keys])
for a in result_container.corrections:
row = {'title': a, 'type': 'correction'}
csv.writerow([row.get(key, '') for key in keys])
2013-11-15 18:28:30 +00:00
response = Response(, mimetype='application/csv')
cont_disp = 'attachment;Filename=searx_-_{0}.csv'.format(search_query.query)
2014-02-07 01:45:12 +00:00
response.headers.add('Content-Disposition', cont_disp)
2013-11-15 17:55:18 +00:00
return response
Created new plugin type custom_results. Added new plugin bang_redirect (#2027) * Made first attempt at the bangs redirects plugin. * It redirects. But in a messy way via javascript. * First version with custom plugin * Added a help page and a operator to see all the bangs available. * Changed to .format because of support * Changed to .format because of support * Removed : in params * Fixed path to json file and changed bang operator * Changed bang operator back to & * Made first attempt at the bangs redirects plugin. * It redirects. But in a messy way via javascript. * First version with custom plugin * Added a help page and a operator to see all the bangs available. * Changed to .format because of support * Changed to .format because of support * Removed : in params * Fixed path to json file and changed bang operator * Changed bang operator back to & * Refactored getting search query. Also changed bang operator to ! and is now working. * Removed prints * Removed temporary bangs_redirect.js file. Updated plugin documentation * Added unit test for the bangs plugin * Fixed a unit test and added 2 more for bangs plugin * Changed back to default settings.yml * Added myself to AUTHORS.rst * Refacored working of custom plugin. * Refactored _get_bangs_data from list to dict to improve search speed. * Decoupled bangs plugin from webserver with redirect_url * Refactored bangs unit tests * Fixed unit test bangs. Removed dubbel parsing in * Removed a dumb print statement * Refactored bangs plugin to core engine. * Removed bangs plugin. * Refactored external bangs unit tests from plugin to core. * Removed custom_results/bangs documentation from plugins.rst * Added newline in settings.yml so the PR stays clean. * Changed searx/plugins/ back to the old file * Removed newline * Refactored get_external_bang_operator from utils to * Removed unnecessary import form * Removed _parseExternalBang and _isExternalBang from * Removed get_external_bang_operator since it was not necessary * Simplified * Simplified * Moved external_bangs unit tests to Fixed return in search with external_bang * Refactored query parsing to unicode to support python2 * Refactored query parsing to unicode to support python2 * Refactored bangs plugin to core engine. * Refactored search parameter to search_query in
2020-07-03 13:25:04 +00:00
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
elif output_format == 'rss':
response_rss = render(
2014-01-14 21:18:21 +00:00
return Response(response_rss, mimetype='text/xml')
2014-01-14 17:17:19 +00:00
# HTML output format
# suggestions: use RawTextQuery to get the suggestion URLs with the same bang
suggestion_urls = list(map(lambda suggestion: {
'url': raw_text_query.changeQuery(suggestion).getFullQuery(),
'title': suggestion
2019-10-23 04:38:21 +00:00
correction_urls = list(map(lambda correction: {
'url': raw_text_query.changeQuery(correction).getFullQuery(),
2019-10-23 04:38:21 +00:00
'title': correction
return render(
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
2019-10-23 04:38:21 +00:00
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
Clean up the architecture Purposes : - isolate the plugins calls - distinction between parsing the web request and running the search (Search class). To be able to test code easily, to run searx code outside a web server, to filter the search query parameters with plugins more easily, etc... Details : - request.request_data contains request.form or request.args (initialize inside pre_request() function) - Query class is renamed RawTextQuery - SearchQuery class defines all search parameters - get_search_query_from_webapp create a SearchQuery instance (basically the previous Search.__init__ code) - Search class and SearchWithPlugins class takes a SearchQuery instance as class constructor parameter - SearchWithPlugins class inherites from Search class, and run plugins - A dedicated function search_with_plugins executes plugins to have a well define locals() (which is used by the plugins code). - All plugins code is executed inside the try...except block (, index function) - advanced_search HTTP parameter value stays in (it is only part of UI) - multiple calls to result_container.get_ordered_results() doesn't compute the order multiple time (note : this method was call only once before) - paging value is stored in the result_container class (compute in the extend method) - test about engine.suspend_end_time is done during search method call (instead of __init__) - check that the format parameter value is one of these : html, rss, json, rss (before the html value was assumed but some text formatting wasn't not done)
2016-10-22 11:10:31 +00:00
2014-03-04 17:53:56 +00:00
timeout_limit=request.form.get('timeout_limit', None)
2014-01-01 21:16:53 +00:00
2013-10-14 21:09:13 +00:00
def __get_translated_errors(unresponsive_engines):
translated_errors = set()
for unresponsive_engine in unresponsive_engines:
error_msg = gettext(unresponsive_engine[1])
if unresponsive_engine[2]:
error_msg = "{} {}".format(error_msg, unresponsive_engine[2])
translated_errors.add((unresponsive_engine[0], error_msg))
return translated_errors
2013-10-20 22:28:48 +00:00
@app.route('/about', methods=['GET'])
def about():
2014-01-31 06:08:24 +00:00
"""Render about page"""
2014-03-21 11:19:48 +00:00
return render(
2014-01-17 15:23:23 +00:00
@app.route('/autocompleter', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def autocompleter():
"""Return autocompleter results"""
2014-03-29 15:29:19 +00:00
# run autocompleter
results = []
# set blocked engines
disabled_engines = request.preferences.engines.get_disabled()
# parse query
raw_text_query = RawTextQuery(request.form.get('q', ''), disabled_engines)
2014-03-29 15:29:19 +00:00
# normal autocompletion results only appear if no inner results returned
# and there is a query part
if len(raw_text_query.autocomplete_list) == 0 and len(raw_text_query.getQuery()) > 0:
# get language from cookie
2016-04-09 16:32:07 +00:00
language = request.preferences.get_value('language')
if not language or language == 'all':
language = 'en'
language = language.split('-')[0]
2015-01-10 18:55:21 +00:00
# run autocompletion
raw_results = search_autocomplete(request.preferences.get_value('autocomplete'),
raw_text_query.getQuery(), language)
for result in raw_results:
if len(raw_text_query.autocomplete_list) > 0:
for autocomplete_text in raw_text_query.autocomplete_list:
for answers in ask(raw_text_query):
for answer in answers:
2014-03-29 15:29:19 +00:00
# return autocompleter results
if request.headers.get('X-Requested-With') == 'XMLHttpRequest':
return Response(json.dumps(results),
2014-03-29 15:29:19 +00:00
return Response(json.dumps([raw_text_query.query, results]),
2014-01-01 21:16:53 +00:00
@app.route('/preferences', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def preferences():
"""Render preferences page && save user preferences"""
2014-02-06 23:35:15 +00:00
# save preferences
if request.method == 'POST':
resp = make_response(redirect(urljoin(settings['server']['base_url'], url_for('index'))))
except ValidationException:
request.errors.append(gettext('Invalid settings, please edit your preferences'))
return resp
# render preferences
image_proxy = request.preferences.get_value('image_proxy')
disabled_engines = request.preferences.engines.get_disabled()
allowed_plugins = request.preferences.plugins.get_enabled()
# stats for preferences page
stats = {}
engines_by_category = {}
for c in categories:
engines_by_category[c] = []
for e in categories[c]:
if not request.preferences.validate_token(e):
stats[] = {'time': None,
'warn_timeout': False,
'warn_time': False}
if e.timeout > settings['outgoing']['request_timeout']:
stats[]['warn_timeout'] = True
stats[]['supports_selected_language'] = _is_selected_language_supported(e, request.preferences)
# get first element [0], the engine time,
# and then the second element [1] : the time (the first one is the label)
for engine_stat in get_engines_stats(request.preferences)[0][1]:
stats[engine_stat.get('name')]['time'] = round(engine_stat.get('avg'), 3)
if engine_stat.get('avg') > settings['outgoing']['request_timeout']:
stats[engine_stat.get('name')]['warn_time'] = True
# end of stats
2020-10-23 14:22:55 +00:00
locked_preferences = list()
if 'preferences' in settings and 'lock' in settings['preferences']:
locked_preferences = settings['preferences']['lock']
2014-01-22 00:20:38 +00:00
return render('preferences.html',
2020-09-24 14:26:00 +00:00
selected_categories=get_selected_categories(request.preferences, request.form),
2014-01-22 00:20:38 +00:00
2015-01-16 16:37:34 +00:00
answerers=[{'info': a.self_info(), 'keywords': a.keywords} for a in answerers],
2014-03-29 15:29:19 +00:00
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
shortcuts={y: x for x, y in engine_shortcuts.items()},
current_doi_resolver=get_doi_resolver(request.args, request.preferences.get_value('doi_resolver')),
2020-10-23 14:22:55 +00:00
2014-01-01 21:16:53 +00:00
def _is_selected_language_supported(engine, preferences):
language = preferences.get_value('language')
return (language == 'all'
or match_language(language,
getattr(engine, 'supported_languages', []),
getattr(engine, 'language_aliases', {}), None))
2015-01-16 15:02:21 +00:00
@app.route('/image_proxy', methods=['GET'])
def image_proxy():
url = request.args.get('url').encode()
2015-01-16 15:02:21 +00:00
if not url:
return '', 400
2017-07-20 13:44:02 +00:00
h = new_hmac(settings['server']['secret_key'], url)
if h != request.args.get('h'):
return '', 400
headers = dict_subset(request.headers, {'If-Modified-Since', 'If-None-Match'})
headers['User-Agent'] = gen_useragent()
resp = requests.get(url,
if resp.status_code == 304:
return '', resp.status_code
2015-01-16 15:02:21 +00:00
if resp.status_code != 200:
logger.debug('image-proxy: wrong response code: {0}'.format(resp.status_code))
if resp.status_code >= 400:
return '', resp.status_code
return '', 400
if not resp.headers.get('content-type', '').startswith('image/'):
2015-06-21 14:50:42 +00:00
logger.debug('image-proxy: wrong content-type: {0}'.format(resp.headers.get('content-type')))
2015-01-16 15:02:21 +00:00
return '', 400
2017-07-20 13:44:02 +00:00
img = b''
2015-01-16 15:02:21 +00:00
chunk_counter = 0
for chunk in resp.iter_content(1024 * 1024):
2015-01-16 15:02:21 +00:00
chunk_counter += 1
if chunk_counter > 5:
return '', 502 # Bad gateway - file is too big (>5M)
img += chunk
headers = dict_subset(resp.headers, {'Content-Length', 'Length', 'Date', 'Last-Modified', 'Expires', 'Etag'})
return Response(img, mimetype=resp.headers['content-type'], headers=headers)
2015-01-16 15:02:21 +00:00
2013-10-26 23:03:05 +00:00
@app.route('/stats', methods=['GET'])
def stats():
2014-01-31 06:08:24 +00:00
"""Render engine statistics page."""
stats = get_engines_stats(request.preferences)
2014-03-21 11:19:48 +00:00
return render(
2013-10-26 23:03:05 +00:00
2014-01-01 21:16:53 +00:00
@app.route('/stats/errors', methods=['GET'])
def stats_errors():
result = {}
engine_names = list(errors_per_engines.keys())
for engine_name in engine_names:
error_stats = errors_per_engines[engine_name]
sent_search_count = max(engines[engine_name].stats['sent_search_count'], 1)
sorted_context_count_list = sorted(error_stats.items(), key=lambda context_count: context_count[1])
r = []
percentage_sum = 0
for context, count in sorted_context_count_list:
percentage = round(20 * count / sent_search_count) * 5
percentage_sum += percentage
'filename': context.filename,
'function': context.function,
'line_no': context.line_no,
'code': context.code,
'exception_classname': context.exception_classname,
'log_message': context.log_message,
'log_parameters': context.log_parameters,
'percentage': percentage,
result[engine_name] = sorted(r, reverse=True, key=lambda d: d['percentage'])
return jsonify(result)
@app.route('/stats/checker', methods=['GET'])
def stats_checker():
result = checker_get_result()
return jsonify(result)
2013-12-01 15:10:38 +00:00
@app.route('/robots.txt', methods=['GET'])
def robots():
return Response("""User-agent: *
Allow: /
Allow: /about
Disallow: /stats
2014-02-07 17:43:05 +00:00
Disallow: /preferences
Disallow: /*?*q=*
2013-12-01 15:10:38 +00:00
""", mimetype='text/plain')
2014-01-01 21:16:53 +00:00
2013-10-15 22:01:08 +00:00
@app.route('/opensearch.xml', methods=['GET'])
def opensearch():
2013-10-20 20:37:55 +00:00
method = 'post'
if request.preferences.get_value('method') == 'GET':
method = 'get'
2013-10-20 22:28:48 +00:00
# chrome/chromium only supports HTTP GET....
2013-10-20 20:37:55 +00:00
if request.headers.get('User-Agent', '').lower().find('webkit') >= 0:
method = 'get'
2014-03-29 15:29:19 +00:00
ret = render('opensearch.xml',
2014-03-29 15:29:19 +00:00
2013-10-15 22:01:08 +00:00
resp = Response(response=ret,
2014-01-20 01:31:20 +00:00
2013-10-15 22:01:08 +00:00
return resp
2013-12-01 22:52:49 +00:00
def favicon():
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path,
2014-04-24 23:46:40 +00:00
2014-01-20 01:31:20 +00:00
2013-12-01 22:52:49 +00:00
2015-04-07 09:07:48 +00:00
def clear_cookies():
resp = make_response(redirect(urljoin(settings['server']['base_url'], url_for('index'))))
2015-04-07 09:07:48 +00:00
for cookie_name in request.cookies:
return resp
def config():
"""Return configuration in JSON format."""
_engines = []
for name, engine in engines.items():
if not request.preferences.validate_token(engine):
supported_languages = engine.supported_languages
if isinstance(engine.supported_languages, dict):
supported_languages = list(engine.supported_languages.keys())
'name': name,
'categories': engine.categories,
'shortcut': engine.shortcut,
'enabled': not engine.disabled,
'paging': engine.paging,
'language_support': engine.language_support,
'supported_languages': supported_languages,
'safesearch': engine.safesearch,
'time_range_support': engine.time_range_support,
'timeout': engine.timeout
_plugins = []
for _ in plugins:
_plugins.append({'name':, 'enabled': _.default_on})
return jsonify({
'categories': list(categories.keys()),
'engines': _engines,
'plugins': _plugins,
'instance_name': settings['general']['instance_name'],
'locales': settings['locales'],
'default_locale': settings['ui']['default_locale'],
'autocomplete': settings['search']['autocomplete'],
'safe_search': settings['search']['safe_search'],
'default_theme': settings['ui']['default_theme'],
'version': VERSION_STRING,
'brand': {
'GIT_URL': brand.GIT_URL,
'doi_resolvers': [r for r in settings['doi_resolvers']],
'default_doi_resolver': settings['default_doi_resolver'],
2016-08-24 17:53:09 +00:00
def page_not_found(e):
return render('404.html'), 404
2016-08-24 17:53:09 +00:00
def run():
logger.debug('starting webserver on %s:%s', settings['server']['bind_address'], settings['server']['port'])
2020-08-12 07:42:27 +00:00
class ReverseProxyPathFix:
2015-06-16 17:55:31 +00:00
'''Wrap the application in this middleware and configure the
front-end server to add these headers, to let you quietly bind
this to a URL other than / and to an HTTP scheme that is
different than what is used locally.
In nginx:
location /myprefix {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /myprefix;
:param app: the WSGI application
2015-06-16 17:55:31 +00:00
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
script_name = environ.get('HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME', '')
if script_name:
environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = script_name
path_info = environ['PATH_INFO']
if path_info.startswith(script_name):
environ['PATH_INFO'] = path_info[len(script_name):]
scheme = environ.get('HTTP_X_SCHEME', '')
if scheme:
environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = scheme
return, start_response)
2014-07-03 20:02:53 +00:00
2015-06-16 17:55:31 +00:00
application = app
# patch app to handle non root url-s behind proxy & wsgi
app.wsgi_app = ReverseProxyPathFix(ProxyFix(application.wsgi_app))
2014-07-03 20:02:53 +00:00
if __name__ == "__main__":