Romain Vimont dd36d6135f Support camera size selection using -m/--camera-ar
In addition to --camera-size to specify an explicit size, make it
possible to select the camera size automatically, respecting the maximum
size (already used for display mirroring) and an aspect ratio.

For example, "scrcpy --video-source=camera" followed by:
 - (no additional arguments)
    : mirrors at the maximum size, any a-r
 - -m1920
    : only consider valid sizes having both dimensions not above 1920
 - --camera-ar=4:3
    : only consider valid sizes having an aspect ratio of 4:3 (+/- 10%)
 - -m2048 --camera-ar=1.6
    : only consider valid sizes having both dimensions not above 2048
      and an aspect ratio of 1.6 (+/- 10%)

PR #4213 <>

Co-authored-by: Simon Chan <>
2023-10-31 15:57:06 +01:00

96 lines
6.0 KiB

#compdef -N scrcpy -N scrcpy.exe
# name: scrcpy
# auth: hltdev []
# desc: completion file for scrcpy (all OSes)
local arguments
'--always-on-top[Make scrcpy window always on top \(above other windows\)]'
'--audio-bit-rate=[Encode the audio at the given bit-rate]'
'--audio-buffer=[Configure the audio buffering delay (in milliseconds)]'
'--audio-codec=[Select the audio codec]:codec:(opus aac raw)'
'--audio-codec-options=[Set a list of comma-separated key\:type=value options for the device audio encoder]'
'--audio-encoder=[Use a specific MediaCodec audio encoder]'
'--audio-source=[Select the audio source]:source:(output mic)'
'--audio-output-buffer=[Configure the size of the SDL audio output buffer (in milliseconds)]'
{-b,--video-bit-rate=}'[Encode the video at the given bit-rate]'
'--camera-ar=[Select the camera size by its aspect ratio]'
'--camera-id=[Specify the camera id to mirror]'
'--camera-facing=[Select the device camera by its facing direction]:facing:(front back external)'
'--camera-size=[Specify an explicit camera capture size]'
'--crop=[\[width\:height\:x\:y\] Crop the device screen on the server]'
{-d,--select-usb}'[Use USB device]'
'--disable-screensaver[Disable screensaver while scrcpy is running]'
'--display-id=[Specify the display id to mirror]'
'--display-buffer=[Add a buffering delay \(in milliseconds\) before displaying]'
{-e,--select-tcpip}'[Use TCP/IP device]'
{-f,--fullscreen}'[Start in fullscreen]'
'--force-adb-forward[Do not attempt to use \"adb reverse\" to connect to the device]'
'--forward-all-clicks[Forward clicks to device]'
{-h,--help}'[Print the help]'
'--kill-adb-on-close[Kill adb when scrcpy terminates]'
{-K,--hid-keyboard}'[Simulate a physical keyboard by using HID over AOAv2]'
'--legacy-paste[Inject computer clipboard text as a sequence of key events on Ctrl+v]'
'--list-camera-sizes[List the valid camera capture sizes]'
'--list-cameras[List cameras available on the device]'
'--list-displays[List displays available on the device]'
'--list-encoders[List video and audio encoders available on the device]'
'--lock-video-orientation=[Lock video orientation]:orientation:(unlocked initial 0 1 2 3)'
{-m,--max-size=}'[Limit both the width and height of the video to value]'
{-M,--hid-mouse}'[Simulate a physical mouse by using HID over AOAv2]'
'--max-fps=[Limit the frame rate of screen capture]'
{-n,--no-control}'[Disable device control \(mirror the device in read only\)]'
{-N,--no-playback}'[Disable video and audio playback]'
'--no-audio[Disable audio forwarding]'
'--no-audio-playback[Disable audio playback]'
'--no-cleanup[Disable device cleanup actions on exit]'
'--no-clipboard-autosync[Disable automatic clipboard synchronization]'
'--no-downsize-on-error[Disable lowering definition on MediaCodec error]'
'--no-key-repeat[Do not forward repeated key events when a key is held down]'
'--no-mipmaps[Disable the generation of mipmaps]'
'--no-power-on[Do not power on the device on start]'
'--no-video[Disable video forwarding]'
'--no-video-playback[Disable video playback]'
'--otg[Run in OTG mode \(simulating physical keyboard and mouse\)]'
{-p,--port=}'[\[port\[\:port\]\] Set the TCP port \(range\) used by the client to listen]'
'--pause-on-exit=[Make scrcpy pause before exiting]:mode:(true false if-error)'
'--power-off-on-close[Turn the device screen off when closing scrcpy]'
'--prefer-text[Inject alpha characters and space as text events instead of key events]'
'--print-fps[Start FPS counter, to print frame logs to the console]'
'--push-target=[Set the target directory for pushing files to the device by drag and drop]'
{-r,--record=}'[Record screen to file]:record file:_files'
'--raw-key-events[Inject key events for all input keys, and ignore text events]'
'--record-format=[Force recording format]:format:(mp4 mkv)'
'--render-driver=[Request SDL to use the given render driver]:driver name:(direct3d opengl opengles2 opengles metal software)'
'--require-audio=[Make scrcpy fail if audio is enabled but does not work]'
'--rotation=[Set the initial display rotation]:rotation values:(0 1 2 3)'
{-s,--serial=}'[The device serial number \(mandatory for multiple devices only\)]:serial:($("${ADB-adb}" devices | awk '\''$2 == "device" {print $1}'\''))'
{-S,--turn-screen-off}'[Turn the device screen off immediately]'
'--shortcut-mod=[\[key1,key2+key3,...\] Specify the modifiers to use for scrcpy shortcuts]:shortcut mod:(lctrl rctrl lalt ralt lsuper rsuper)'
{-t,--show-touches}'[Show physical touches]'
'--tcpip[\(optional \[ip\:port\]\) Configure and connect the device over TCP/IP]'
'--time-limit=[Set the maximum mirroring time, in seconds]'
'--tunnel-host=[Set the IP address of the adb tunnel to reach the scrcpy server]'
'--tunnel-port=[Set the TCP port of the adb tunnel to reach the scrcpy server]'
'--v4l2-buffer=[Add a buffering delay \(in milliseconds\) before pushing frames]'
'--v4l2-sink=[\[\/dev\/videoN\] Output to v4l2loopback device]'
{-v,--version}'[Print the version of scrcpy]'
{-V,--verbosity=}'[Set the log level]:verbosity:(verbose debug info warn error)'
'--video-codec=[Select the video codec]:codec:(h264 h265 av1)'
'--video-codec-options=[Set a list of comma-separated key\:type=value options for the device video encoder]'
'--video-encoder=[Use a specific MediaCodec video encoder]'
'--video-source=[Select the video source]:source:(display camera)'
{-w,--stay-awake}'[Keep the device on while scrcpy is running, when the device is plugged in]'
'--window-borderless[Disable window decorations \(display borderless window\)]'
'--window-title=[Set a custom window title]'
'--window-x=[Set the initial window horizontal position]'
'--window-y=[Set the initial window vertical position]'
'--window-width=[Set the initial window width]'
'--window-height=[Set the initial window height]'
_arguments -s $arguments