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package com.genymobile.scrcpy;
import com.genymobile.scrcpy.wrappers.ClipboardManager;
import com.genymobile.scrcpy.wrappers.InputManager;
import com.genymobile.scrcpy.wrappers.ServiceManager;
import com.genymobile.scrcpy.wrappers.SurfaceControl;
import com.genymobile.scrcpy.wrappers.WindowManager;
import android.content.IOnPrimaryClipChangedListener;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.view.IRotationWatcher;
import android.view.IDisplayFoldListener;
import android.view.InputDevice;
import android.view.InputEvent;
import android.view.KeyCharacterMap;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
public final class Device {
public static final int POWER_MODE_OFF = SurfaceControl.POWER_MODE_OFF;
public static final int POWER_MODE_NORMAL = SurfaceControl.POWER_MODE_NORMAL;
public static final int INJECT_MODE_ASYNC = InputManager.INJECT_INPUT_EVENT_MODE_ASYNC;
public static final int LOCK_VIDEO_ORIENTATION_UNLOCKED = -1;
public static final int LOCK_VIDEO_ORIENTATION_INITIAL = -2;
public interface RotationListener {
void onRotationChanged(int rotation);
public interface FoldListener {
void onFoldChanged(int displayId, boolean folded);
public interface ClipboardListener {
void onClipboardTextChanged(String text);
private final Size deviceSize;
private final Rect crop;
private int maxSize;
private final int lockVideoOrientation;
private ScreenInfo screenInfo;
private RotationListener rotationListener;
private FoldListener foldListener;
private ClipboardListener clipboardListener;
private final AtomicBoolean isSettingClipboard = new AtomicBoolean();
* Logical display identifier
private final int displayId;
* The surface flinger layer stack associated with this logical display
private final int layerStack;
private final boolean supportsInputEvents;
public Device(Options options) throws ConfigurationException {
displayId = options.getDisplayId();
DisplayInfo displayInfo = ServiceManager.getDisplayManager().getDisplayInfo(displayId);
if (displayInfo == null) {
Ln.e("Display " + displayId + " not found\n" + LogUtils.buildDisplayListMessage());
throw new ConfigurationException("Unknown display id: " + displayId);
int displayInfoFlags = displayInfo.getFlags();
deviceSize = displayInfo.getSize();
crop = options.getCrop();
maxSize = options.getMaxSize();
lockVideoOrientation = options.getLockVideoOrientation();
screenInfo = ScreenInfo.computeScreenInfo(displayInfo.getRotation(), deviceSize, crop, maxSize, lockVideoOrientation);
layerStack = displayInfo.getLayerStack();
ServiceManager.getWindowManager().registerRotationWatcher(new IRotationWatcher.Stub() {
public void onRotationChanged(int rotation) {
synchronized (Device.this) {
screenInfo = screenInfo.withDeviceRotation(rotation);
// notify
if (rotationListener != null) {
}, displayId);
ServiceManager.getWindowManager().registerDisplayFoldListener(new IDisplayFoldListener.Stub() {
public void onDisplayFoldChanged(int displayId, boolean folded) {
synchronized (Device.this) {
DisplayInfo displayInfo = ServiceManager.getDisplayManager().getDisplayInfo(displayId);
if (displayInfo == null) {
Ln.e("Display " + displayId + " not found\n" + LogUtils.buildDisplayListMessage());
screenInfo = ScreenInfo.computeScreenInfo(displayInfo.getRotation(), displayInfo.getSize(), options.getCrop(),
options.getMaxSize(), options.getLockVideoOrientation());
// notify
if (foldListener != null) {
foldListener.onFoldChanged(displayId, folded);
if (options.getControl() && options.getClipboardAutosync()) {
// If control and autosync are enabled, synchronize Android clipboard to the computer automatically
ClipboardManager clipboardManager = ServiceManager.getClipboardManager();
if (clipboardManager != null) {
clipboardManager.addPrimaryClipChangedListener(new IOnPrimaryClipChangedListener.Stub() {
public void dispatchPrimaryClipChanged() {
if (isSettingClipboard.get()) {
// This is a notification for the change we are currently applying, ignore it
synchronized (Device.this) {
if (clipboardListener != null) {
String text = getClipboardText();
if (text != null) {
} else {
Ln.w("No clipboard manager, copy-paste between device and computer will not work");
if ((displayInfoFlags & DisplayInfo.FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS) == 0) {
Ln.w("Display doesn't have FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS flag, mirroring can be restricted");
// main display or any display on Android >= Q
supportsInputEvents = displayId == 0 || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q;
if (!supportsInputEvents) {
Ln.w("Input events are not supported for secondary displays before Android 10");
public synchronized void setMaxSize(int newMaxSize) {
maxSize = newMaxSize;
screenInfo = ScreenInfo.computeScreenInfo(screenInfo.getReverseVideoRotation(), deviceSize, crop, newMaxSize, lockVideoOrientation);
public synchronized ScreenInfo getScreenInfo() {
return screenInfo;
public int getLayerStack() {
return layerStack;
public Point getPhysicalPoint(Position position) {
// it hides the field on purpose, to read it with a lock
ScreenInfo screenInfo = getScreenInfo(); // read with synchronization
// ignore the locked video orientation, the events will apply in coordinates considered in the physical device orientation
Size unlockedVideoSize = screenInfo.getUnlockedVideoSize();
int reverseVideoRotation = screenInfo.getReverseVideoRotation();
// reverse the video rotation to apply the events
Position devicePosition = position.rotate(reverseVideoRotation);
Size clientVideoSize = devicePosition.getScreenSize();
if (!unlockedVideoSize.equals(clientVideoSize)) {
// The client sends a click relative to a video with wrong dimensions,
// the device may have been rotated since the event was generated, so ignore the event
return null;
Rect contentRect = screenInfo.getContentRect();
Point point = devicePosition.getPoint();
int convertedX = contentRect.left + point.getX() * contentRect.width() / unlockedVideoSize.getWidth();
int convertedY = + point.getY() * contentRect.height() / unlockedVideoSize.getHeight();
return new Point(convertedX, convertedY);
public static String getDeviceName() {
return Build.MODEL;
public static boolean supportsInputEvents(int displayId) {
return displayId == 0 || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q;
public boolean supportsInputEvents() {
return supportsInputEvents;
public static boolean injectEvent(InputEvent inputEvent, int displayId, int injectMode) {
if (!supportsInputEvents(displayId)) {
throw new AssertionError("Could not inject input event if !supportsInputEvents()");
if (displayId != 0 && !InputManager.setDisplayId(inputEvent, displayId)) {
return false;
return ServiceManager.getInputManager().injectInputEvent(inputEvent, injectMode);
public boolean injectEvent(InputEvent event, int injectMode) {
return injectEvent(event, displayId, injectMode);
public static boolean injectKeyEvent(int action, int keyCode, int repeat, int metaState, int displayId, int injectMode) {
long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
KeyEvent event = new KeyEvent(now, now, action, keyCode, repeat, metaState, KeyCharacterMap.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD, 0, 0,
return injectEvent(event, displayId, injectMode);
public boolean injectKeyEvent(int action, int keyCode, int repeat, int metaState, int injectMode) {
return injectKeyEvent(action, keyCode, repeat, metaState, displayId, injectMode);
public static boolean pressReleaseKeycode(int keyCode, int displayId, int injectMode) {
return injectKeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, keyCode, 0, 0, displayId, injectMode)
&& injectKeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, keyCode, 0, 0, displayId, injectMode);
public boolean pressReleaseKeycode(int keyCode, int injectMode) {
return pressReleaseKeycode(keyCode, displayId, injectMode);
public static boolean isScreenOn() {
return ServiceManager.getPowerManager().isScreenOn();
public synchronized void setRotationListener(RotationListener rotationListener) {
this.rotationListener = rotationListener;
public synchronized void setFoldListener(FoldListener foldlistener) {
this.foldListener = foldlistener;
public synchronized void setClipboardListener(ClipboardListener clipboardListener) {
this.clipboardListener = clipboardListener;
public static void expandNotificationPanel() {
public static void expandSettingsPanel() {
public static void collapsePanels() {
public static String getClipboardText() {
ClipboardManager clipboardManager = ServiceManager.getClipboardManager();
if (clipboardManager == null) {
return null;
CharSequence s = clipboardManager.getText();
if (s == null) {
return null;
return s.toString();
public boolean setClipboardText(String text) {
ClipboardManager clipboardManager = ServiceManager.getClipboardManager();
if (clipboardManager == null) {
return false;
String currentClipboard = getClipboardText();
if (currentClipboard != null && currentClipboard.equals(text)) {
// The clipboard already contains the requested text.
// Since pasting text from the computer involves setting the device clipboard, it could be set twice on a copy-paste. This would cause
// the clipboard listeners to be notified twice, and that would flood the Android keyboard clipboard history. To workaround this
// problem, do not explicitly set the clipboard text if it already contains the expected content.
return false;
boolean ok = clipboardManager.setText(text);
return ok;
* @param mode one of the {@code POWER_MODE_*} constants
public static boolean setScreenPowerMode(int mode) {
// Change the power mode for all physical displays
long[] physicalDisplayIds = SurfaceControl.getPhysicalDisplayIds();
if (physicalDisplayIds == null) {
Ln.e("Could not get physical display ids");
return false;
boolean allOk = true;
for (long physicalDisplayId : physicalDisplayIds) {
IBinder binder = SurfaceControl.getPhysicalDisplayToken(physicalDisplayId);
allOk &= SurfaceControl.setDisplayPowerMode(binder, mode);
return allOk;
// Older Android versions, only 1 display
IBinder d = SurfaceControl.getBuiltInDisplay();
if (d == null) {
Ln.e("Could not get built-in display");
return false;
return SurfaceControl.setDisplayPowerMode(d, mode);
public static boolean powerOffScreen(int displayId) {
if (!isScreenOn()) {
return true;
return pressReleaseKeycode(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POWER, displayId, Device.INJECT_MODE_ASYNC);
* Disable auto-rotation (if enabled), set the screen rotation and re-enable auto-rotation (if it was enabled).
public static void rotateDevice() {
WindowManager wm = ServiceManager.getWindowManager();
boolean accelerometerRotation = !wm.isRotationFrozen();
int currentRotation = wm.getRotation();
int newRotation = (currentRotation & 1) ^ 1; // 0->1, 1->0, 2->1, 3->0
String newRotationString = newRotation == 0 ? "portrait" : "landscape";
Ln.i("Device rotation requested: " + newRotationString);
// restore auto-rotate if necessary
if (accelerometerRotation) {