package com.genymobile.scrcpy; import com.genymobile.scrcpy.wrappers.ServiceManager; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.view.IRotationWatcher; import android.view.InputEvent; public final class Device { public interface RotationListener { void onRotationChanged(int rotation); } private final ServiceManager serviceManager = new ServiceManager(); private ScreenInfo screenInfo; private RotationListener rotationListener; public Device(Options options) { screenInfo = computeScreenInfo(options.getCrop(), options.getMaxSize()); registerRotationWatcher(new IRotationWatcher.Stub() { @Override public void onRotationChanged(int rotation) throws RemoteException { synchronized (Device.this) { screenInfo = screenInfo.withRotation(rotation); // notify if (rotationListener != null) { rotationListener.onRotationChanged(rotation); } } } }); } public synchronized ScreenInfo getScreenInfo() { return screenInfo; } private ScreenInfo computeScreenInfo(Rect crop, int maxSize) { DisplayInfo displayInfo = serviceManager.getDisplayManager().getDisplayInfo(); boolean rotated = (displayInfo.getRotation() & 1) != 0; Size deviceSize = displayInfo.getSize(); Rect contentRect = new Rect(0, 0, deviceSize.getWidth(), deviceSize.getHeight()); if (crop != null) { if (rotated) { // the crop (provided by the user) is expressed in the natural orientation crop = flipRect(crop); } if (!contentRect.intersect(crop)) { // intersect() changes contentRect so that it is intersected with crop Ln.w("Crop rectangle (" + formatCrop(crop) + ") does not intersect device screen (" + formatCrop(deviceSize.toRect()) + ")"); contentRect = new Rect(); // empty } } Size videoSize = computeVideoSize(contentRect.width(), contentRect.height(), maxSize); return new ScreenInfo(contentRect, videoSize, rotated); } private static String formatCrop(Rect rect) { return rect.width() + ":" + rect.height() + ":" + rect.left + ":" +; } @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:MagicNumber") private static Size computeVideoSize(int w, int h, int maxSize) { // Compute the video size and the padding of the content inside this video. // Principle: // - scale down the great side of the screen to maxSize (if necessary); // - scale down the other side so that the aspect ratio is preserved; // - round this value to the nearest multiple of 8 (H.264 only accepts multiples of 8) w &= ~7; // in case it's not a multiple of 8 h &= ~7; if (maxSize > 0) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && maxSize % 8 != 0) { throw new AssertionError("Max size must be a multiple of 8"); } boolean portrait = h > w; int major = portrait ? h : w; int minor = portrait ? w : h; if (major > maxSize) { int minorExact = minor * maxSize / major; // +4 to round the value to the nearest multiple of 8 minor = (minorExact + 4) & ~7; major = maxSize; } w = portrait ? minor : major; h = portrait ? major : minor; } return new Size(w, h); } public Point getPhysicalPoint(Position position) { // it hides the field on purpose, to read it with a lock @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:HiddenField") ScreenInfo screenInfo = getScreenInfo(); // read with synchronization Size videoSize = screenInfo.getVideoSize(); Size clientVideoSize = position.getScreenSize(); if (!videoSize.equals(clientVideoSize)) { // The client sends a click relative to a video with wrong dimensions, // the device may have been rotated since the event was generated, so ignore the event return null; } Rect contentRect = screenInfo.getContentRect(); Point point = position.getPoint(); int scaledX = contentRect.left + point.x * contentRect.width() / videoSize.getWidth(); int scaledY = + point.y * contentRect.height() / videoSize.getHeight(); return new Point(scaledX, scaledY); } public static String getDeviceName() { return Build.MODEL; } public boolean injectInputEvent(InputEvent inputEvent, int mode) { return serviceManager.getInputManager().injectInputEvent(inputEvent, mode); } public boolean isScreenOn() { return serviceManager.getPowerManager().isScreenOn(); } public void registerRotationWatcher(IRotationWatcher rotationWatcher) { serviceManager.getWindowManager().registerRotationWatcher(rotationWatcher); } public synchronized void setRotationListener(RotationListener rotationListener) { this.rotationListener = rotationListener; } static Rect flipRect(Rect crop) { return new Rect(, crop.left, crop.bottom, crop.right); } }