#include "util/log.h" #include #include #include "aoa_hid.h" #include "util/log.h" #include "util/str.h" // See . #define ACCESSORY_REGISTER_HID 54 #define ACCESSORY_SET_HID_REPORT_DESC 56 #define ACCESSORY_SEND_HID_EVENT 57 #define ACCESSORY_UNREGISTER_HID 55 #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 1000 #define SC_AOA_EVENT_QUEUE_MAX 64 static void sc_hid_event_log(uint16_t accessory_id, const struct sc_hid_event *event) { // HID Event: [00] FF FF FF FF... assert(event->size); char *hex = sc_str_to_hex_string(event->data, event->size); if (!hex) { return; } LOGV("HID Event: [%d] %s", accessory_id, hex); free(hex); } bool sc_aoa_init(struct sc_aoa *aoa, struct sc_usb *usb, struct sc_acksync *acksync) { sc_vecdeque_init(&aoa->queue); if (!sc_vecdeque_reserve(&aoa->queue, SC_AOA_EVENT_QUEUE_MAX)) { return false; } if (!sc_mutex_init(&aoa->mutex)) { sc_vecdeque_destroy(&aoa->queue); return false; } if (!sc_cond_init(&aoa->event_cond)) { sc_mutex_destroy(&aoa->mutex); sc_vecdeque_destroy(&aoa->queue); return false; } aoa->stopped = false; aoa->acksync = acksync; aoa->usb = usb; return true; } void sc_aoa_destroy(struct sc_aoa *aoa) { sc_vecdeque_destroy(&aoa->queue); sc_cond_destroy(&aoa->event_cond); sc_mutex_destroy(&aoa->mutex); } static bool sc_aoa_register_hid(struct sc_aoa *aoa, uint16_t accessory_id, uint16_t report_desc_size) { uint8_t request_type = LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT | LIBUSB_REQUEST_TYPE_VENDOR; uint8_t request = ACCESSORY_REGISTER_HID; // // value (arg0): accessory assigned ID for the HID device // index (arg1): total length of the HID report descriptor uint16_t value = accessory_id; uint16_t index = report_desc_size; unsigned char *data = NULL; uint16_t length = 0; int result = libusb_control_transfer(aoa->usb->handle, request_type, request, value, index, data, length, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); if (result < 0) { LOGE("REGISTER_HID: libusb error: %s", libusb_strerror(result)); sc_usb_check_disconnected(aoa->usb, result); return false; } return true; } static bool sc_aoa_set_hid_report_desc(struct sc_aoa *aoa, uint16_t accessory_id, const uint8_t *report_desc, uint16_t report_desc_size) { uint8_t request_type = LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT | LIBUSB_REQUEST_TYPE_VENDOR; uint8_t request = ACCESSORY_SET_HID_REPORT_DESC; /** * If the HID descriptor is longer than the endpoint zero max packet size, * the descriptor will be sent in multiple ACCESSORY_SET_HID_REPORT_DESC * commands. The data for the descriptor must be sent sequentially * if multiple packets are needed. * * * libusb handles packet abstraction internally, so we don't need to care * about bMaxPacketSize0 here. * * See */ // value (arg0): accessory assigned ID for the HID device // index (arg1): offset of data in descriptor uint16_t value = accessory_id; uint16_t index = 0; // libusb_control_transfer expects a pointer to non-const unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *) report_desc; uint16_t length = report_desc_size; int result = libusb_control_transfer(aoa->usb->handle, request_type, request, value, index, data, length, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); if (result < 0) { LOGE("SET_HID_REPORT_DESC: libusb error: %s", libusb_strerror(result)); sc_usb_check_disconnected(aoa->usb, result); return false; } return true; } bool sc_aoa_setup_hid(struct sc_aoa *aoa, uint16_t accessory_id, const uint8_t *report_desc, uint16_t report_desc_size) { bool ok = sc_aoa_register_hid(aoa, accessory_id, report_desc_size); if (!ok) { return false; } ok = sc_aoa_set_hid_report_desc(aoa, accessory_id, report_desc, report_desc_size); if (!ok) { if (!sc_aoa_unregister_hid(aoa, accessory_id)) { LOGW("Could not unregister HID"); } return false; } return true; } static bool sc_aoa_send_hid_event(struct sc_aoa *aoa, uint16_t accessory_id, const struct sc_hid_event *event) { uint8_t request_type = LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT | LIBUSB_REQUEST_TYPE_VENDOR; uint8_t request = ACCESSORY_SEND_HID_EVENT; // // value (arg0): accessory assigned ID for the HID device // index (arg1): 0 (unused) uint16_t value = accessory_id; uint16_t index = 0; unsigned char *data = (uint8_t *) event->data; // discard const uint16_t length = event->size; int result = libusb_control_transfer(aoa->usb->handle, request_type, request, value, index, data, length, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); if (result < 0) { LOGE("SEND_HID_EVENT: libusb error: %s", libusb_strerror(result)); sc_usb_check_disconnected(aoa->usb, result); return false; } return true; } bool sc_aoa_unregister_hid(struct sc_aoa *aoa, uint16_t accessory_id) { uint8_t request_type = LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT | LIBUSB_REQUEST_TYPE_VENDOR; uint8_t request = ACCESSORY_UNREGISTER_HID; // // value (arg0): accessory assigned ID for the HID device // index (arg1): 0 uint16_t value = accessory_id; uint16_t index = 0; unsigned char *data = NULL; uint16_t length = 0; int result = libusb_control_transfer(aoa->usb->handle, request_type, request, value, index, data, length, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); if (result < 0) { LOGE("UNREGISTER_HID: libusb error: %s", libusb_strerror(result)); sc_usb_check_disconnected(aoa->usb, result); return false; } return true; } bool sc_aoa_push_hid_event_with_ack_to_wait(struct sc_aoa *aoa, uint16_t accessory_id, const struct sc_hid_event *event, uint64_t ack_to_wait) { if (sc_get_log_level() <= SC_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE) { sc_hid_event_log(accessory_id, event); } sc_mutex_lock(&aoa->mutex); bool full = sc_vecdeque_is_full(&aoa->queue); if (!full) { bool was_empty = sc_vecdeque_is_empty(&aoa->queue); struct sc_aoa_event *aoa_event = sc_vecdeque_push_hole_noresize(&aoa->queue); aoa_event->hid = *event; aoa_event->accessory_id = accessory_id; aoa_event->ack_to_wait = ack_to_wait; if (was_empty) { sc_cond_signal(&aoa->event_cond); } } // Otherwise (if the queue is full), the event is discarded sc_mutex_unlock(&aoa->mutex); return !full; } static int run_aoa_thread(void *data) { struct sc_aoa *aoa = data; for (;;) { sc_mutex_lock(&aoa->mutex); while (!aoa->stopped && sc_vecdeque_is_empty(&aoa->queue)) { sc_cond_wait(&aoa->event_cond, &aoa->mutex); } if (aoa->stopped) { // Stop immediately, do not process further events sc_mutex_unlock(&aoa->mutex); break; } assert(!sc_vecdeque_is_empty(&aoa->queue)); struct sc_aoa_event event = sc_vecdeque_pop(&aoa->queue); uint64_t ack_to_wait = event.ack_to_wait; sc_mutex_unlock(&aoa->mutex); if (ack_to_wait != SC_SEQUENCE_INVALID) { LOGD("Waiting ack from server sequence=%" PRIu64_, ack_to_wait); // If some events have ack_to_wait set, then sc_aoa must have been // initialized with a non NULL acksync assert(aoa->acksync); // Do not block the loop indefinitely if the ack never comes (it // should never happen) sc_tick deadline = sc_tick_now() + SC_TICK_FROM_MS(500); enum sc_acksync_wait_result result = sc_acksync_wait(aoa->acksync, ack_to_wait, deadline); if (result == SC_ACKSYNC_WAIT_TIMEOUT) { LOGW("Ack not received after 500ms, discarding HID event"); continue; } else if (result == SC_ACKSYNC_WAIT_INTR) { // stopped break; } } bool ok = sc_aoa_send_hid_event(aoa, event.accessory_id, &event.hid); if (!ok) { LOGW("Could not send HID event to USB device"); } } return 0; } bool sc_aoa_start(struct sc_aoa *aoa) { LOGD("Starting AOA thread"); bool ok = sc_thread_create(&aoa->thread, run_aoa_thread, "scrcpy-aoa", aoa); if (!ok) { LOGE("Could not start AOA thread"); return false; } return true; } void sc_aoa_stop(struct sc_aoa *aoa) { sc_mutex_lock(&aoa->mutex); aoa->stopped = true; sc_cond_signal(&aoa->event_cond); sc_mutex_unlock(&aoa->mutex); if (aoa->acksync) { sc_acksync_interrupt(aoa->acksync); } } void sc_aoa_join(struct sc_aoa *aoa) { sc_thread_join(&aoa->thread, NULL); }