# Frequently Asked Questions Here are the common reported problems and their status. ### On Windows, my device is not detected The most common is your device not being detected by `adb`, or is unauthorized. Check everything is ok by calling: adb devices Windows may need some [drivers] to detect your device. [drivers]: https://developer.android.com/studio/run/oem-usb.html ### I can only mirror, I cannot interact with the device On some devices, you may need to enable an option to allow [simulating input]. In developer options, enable: > **USB debugging (Security settings)** > _Allow granting permissions and simulating input via USB debugging_ [simulating input]: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/issues/70#issuecomment-373286323 ### Mouse clicks at wrong location On MacOS, with HiDPI support and multiple screens, input location are wrongly scaled. See [issue 15]. [issue 15]: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/issues/15 A workaround is to build with HiDPI support disabled: ```bash meson x --buildtype release -Dhidpi_support=false ``` However, the video will be displayed at lower resolution. ### The quality is low on HiDPI display On Windows, you may need to configure the [scaling behavior]. > `scrcpy.exe` > Properties > Compatibility > Change high DPI settings > > Override high DPI scaling behavior > Scaling performed by: _Application_. [scaling behavior]: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/issues/40#issuecomment-424466723 ### KWin compositor crashes On Plasma Desktop, compositor is disabled while _scrcpy_ is running. As a workaround, [disable "Block compositing"][kwin]. [kwin]: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/issues/114#issuecomment-378778613 ### I get an error "Could not open video stream" There may be many reasons. One common cause is that the hardware encoder of your device is not able to encode at the given definition: ``` ERROR: Exception on thread Thread[main,5,main] android.media.MediaCodec$CodecException: Error 0xfffffc0e ... Exit due to uncaughtException in main thread: ERROR: Could not open video stream INFO: Initial texture: 1080x2336 ``` Just try with a lower definition: ``` scrcpy -m 1920 scrcpy -m 1024 scrcpy -m 800 ```