package com.genymobile.scrcpy; /** * Union of all supported event types, identified by their {@code type}. */ public final class ControlMessage { public static final int TYPE_INJECT_KEYCODE = 0; public static final int TYPE_INJECT_TEXT = 1; public static final int TYPE_INJECT_TOUCH_EVENT = 2; public static final int TYPE_INJECT_SCROLL_EVENT = 3; public static final int TYPE_BACK_OR_SCREEN_ON = 4; public static final int TYPE_EXPAND_NOTIFICATION_PANEL = 5; public static final int TYPE_EXPAND_SETTINGS_PANEL = 6; public static final int TYPE_COLLAPSE_PANELS = 7; public static final int TYPE_GET_CLIPBOARD = 8; public static final int TYPE_SET_CLIPBOARD = 9; public static final int TYPE_SET_SCREEN_POWER_MODE = 10; public static final int TYPE_ROTATE_DEVICE = 11; public static final int TYPE_UHID_CREATE = 12; public static final int TYPE_UHID_INPUT = 13; public static final long SEQUENCE_INVALID = 0; public static final int COPY_KEY_NONE = 0; public static final int COPY_KEY_COPY = 1; public static final int COPY_KEY_CUT = 2; private int type; private String text; private int metaState; // KeyEvent.META_* private int action; // KeyEvent.ACTION_* or MotionEvent.ACTION_* or POWER_MODE_* private int keycode; // KeyEvent.KEYCODE_* private int actionButton; // MotionEvent.BUTTON_* private int buttons; // MotionEvent.BUTTON_* private long pointerId; private float pressure; private Position position; private float hScroll; private float vScroll; private int copyKey; private boolean paste; private int repeat; private long sequence; private int id; private byte[] data; private ControlMessage() { } public static ControlMessage createInjectKeycode(int action, int keycode, int repeat, int metaState) { ControlMessage msg = new ControlMessage(); msg.type = TYPE_INJECT_KEYCODE; msg.action = action; msg.keycode = keycode; msg.repeat = repeat; msg.metaState = metaState; return msg; } public static ControlMessage createInjectText(String text) { ControlMessage msg = new ControlMessage(); msg.type = TYPE_INJECT_TEXT; msg.text = text; return msg; } public static ControlMessage createInjectTouchEvent(int action, long pointerId, Position position, float pressure, int actionButton, int buttons) { ControlMessage msg = new ControlMessage(); msg.type = TYPE_INJECT_TOUCH_EVENT; msg.action = action; msg.pointerId = pointerId; msg.pressure = pressure; msg.position = position; msg.actionButton = actionButton; msg.buttons = buttons; return msg; } public static ControlMessage createInjectScrollEvent(Position position, float hScroll, float vScroll, int buttons) { ControlMessage msg = new ControlMessage(); msg.type = TYPE_INJECT_SCROLL_EVENT; msg.position = position; msg.hScroll = hScroll; msg.vScroll = vScroll; msg.buttons = buttons; return msg; } public static ControlMessage createBackOrScreenOn(int action) { ControlMessage msg = new ControlMessage(); msg.type = TYPE_BACK_OR_SCREEN_ON; msg.action = action; return msg; } public static ControlMessage createGetClipboard(int copyKey) { ControlMessage msg = new ControlMessage(); msg.type = TYPE_GET_CLIPBOARD; msg.copyKey = copyKey; return msg; } public static ControlMessage createSetClipboard(long sequence, String text, boolean paste) { ControlMessage msg = new ControlMessage(); msg.type = TYPE_SET_CLIPBOARD; msg.sequence = sequence; msg.text = text; msg.paste = paste; return msg; } /** * @param mode one of the {@code Device.SCREEN_POWER_MODE_*} constants */ public static ControlMessage createSetScreenPowerMode(int mode) { ControlMessage msg = new ControlMessage(); msg.type = TYPE_SET_SCREEN_POWER_MODE; msg.action = mode; return msg; } public static ControlMessage createEmpty(int type) { ControlMessage msg = new ControlMessage(); msg.type = type; return msg; } public static ControlMessage createUhidCreate(int id, byte[] reportDesc) { ControlMessage msg = new ControlMessage(); msg.type = TYPE_UHID_CREATE; = id; = reportDesc; return msg; } public static ControlMessage createUhidInput(int id, byte[] data) { ControlMessage msg = new ControlMessage(); msg.type = TYPE_UHID_INPUT; = id; = data; return msg; } public int getType() { return type; } public String getText() { return text; } public int getMetaState() { return metaState; } public int getAction() { return action; } public int getKeycode() { return keycode; } public int getActionButton() { return actionButton; } public int getButtons() { return buttons; } public long getPointerId() { return pointerId; } public float getPressure() { return pressure; } public Position getPosition() { return position; } public float getHScroll() { return hScroll; } public float getVScroll() { return vScroll; } public int getCopyKey() { return copyKey; } public boolean getPaste() { return paste; } public int getRepeat() { return repeat; } public long getSequence() { return sequence; } public int getId() { return id; } public byte[] getData() { return data; } }