#include "common.h" #include #include "adb/adb_device.h" #include "adb/adb_parser.h" static void test_adb_devices() { char output[] = "List of devices attached\n" "0123456789abcdef device usb:2-1 product:MyProduct model:MyModel " "device:MyDevice transport_id:1\n" " device product:MyWifiProduct model:MyWifiModel " "device:MyWifiDevice trandport_id:2\n"; struct sc_adb_device devices[16]; ssize_t count = sc_adb_parse_devices(output, devices, ARRAY_LEN(devices)); assert(count == 2); struct sc_adb_device *device = &devices[0]; assert(!strcmp("0123456789abcdef", device->serial)); assert(!strcmp("device", device->state)); assert(!strcmp("MyModel", device->model)); device = &devices[1]; assert(!strcmp("", device->serial)); assert(!strcmp("device", device->state)); assert(!strcmp("MyWifiModel", device->model)); sc_adb_devices_destroy_all(devices, count); } static void test_adb_devices_cr() { char output[] = "List of devices attached\r\n" "0123456789abcdef device usb:2-1 product:MyProduct model:MyModel " "device:MyDevice transport_id:1\r\n" " device product:MyWifiProduct model:MyWifiModel " "device:MyWifiDevice trandport_id:2\r\n"; struct sc_adb_device devices[16]; ssize_t count = sc_adb_parse_devices(output, devices, ARRAY_LEN(devices)); assert(count == 2); struct sc_adb_device *device = &devices[0]; assert(!strcmp("0123456789abcdef", device->serial)); assert(!strcmp("device", device->state)); assert(!strcmp("MyModel", device->model)); device = &devices[1]; assert(!strcmp("", device->serial)); assert(!strcmp("device", device->state)); assert(!strcmp("MyWifiModel", device->model)); sc_adb_devices_destroy_all(devices, count); } static void test_adb_devices_daemon_start() { char output[] = "* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037\n" "* daemon started successfully\n" "List of devices attached\n" "0123456789abcdef device usb:2-1 product:MyProduct model:MyModel " "device:MyDevice transport_id:1\n"; struct sc_adb_device devices[16]; ssize_t count = sc_adb_parse_devices(output, devices, ARRAY_LEN(devices)); assert(count == 1); struct sc_adb_device *device = &devices[0]; assert(!strcmp("0123456789abcdef", device->serial)); assert(!strcmp("device", device->state)); assert(!strcmp("MyModel", device->model)); sc_adb_device_destroy(device); } static void test_adb_devices_daemon_start_mixed() { char output[] = "List of devices attached\n" "adb server version (41) doesn't match this client (39); killing...\n" "* daemon started successfully *\n" "0123456789abcdef unauthorized usb:1-1\n" "87654321 device usb:2-1 product:MyProduct model:MyModel " "device:MyDevice\n"; struct sc_adb_device devices[16]; ssize_t count = sc_adb_parse_devices(output, devices, ARRAY_LEN(devices)); assert(count == 2); struct sc_adb_device *device = &devices[0]; assert(!strcmp("0123456789abcdef", device->serial)); assert(!strcmp("unauthorized", device->state)); assert(!device->model); device = &devices[1]; assert(!strcmp("87654321", device->serial)); assert(!strcmp("device", device->state)); assert(!strcmp("MyModel", device->model)); sc_adb_devices_destroy_all(devices, count); } static void test_adb_devices_without_eol() { char output[] = "List of devices attached\n" "0123456789abcdef device usb:2-1 product:MyProduct model:MyModel " "device:MyDevice transport_id:1"; struct sc_adb_device devices[16]; ssize_t count = sc_adb_parse_devices(output, devices, ARRAY_LEN(devices)); assert(count == 1); struct sc_adb_device *device = &devices[0]; assert(!strcmp("0123456789abcdef", device->serial)); assert(!strcmp("device", device->state)); assert(!strcmp("MyModel", device->model)); sc_adb_device_destroy(device); } static void test_adb_devices_without_header() { char output[] = "0123456789abcdef device usb:2-1 product:MyProduct model:MyModel " "device:MyDevice transport_id:1\n"; struct sc_adb_device devices[16]; ssize_t count = sc_adb_parse_devices(output, devices, ARRAY_LEN(devices)); assert(count == -1); } static void test_adb_devices_corrupted() { char output[] = "List of devices attached\n" "corrupted_garbage\n"; struct sc_adb_device devices[16]; ssize_t count = sc_adb_parse_devices(output, devices, ARRAY_LEN(devices)); assert(count == 0); } static void test_adb_devices_spaces() { char output[] = "List of devices attached\n" "0123456789abcdef unauthorized usb:1-4 transport_id:3\n"; struct sc_adb_device devices[16]; ssize_t count = sc_adb_parse_devices(output, devices, ARRAY_LEN(devices)); assert(count == 1); struct sc_adb_device *device = &devices[0]; assert(!strcmp("0123456789abcdef", device->serial)); assert(!strcmp("unauthorized", device->state)); assert(!device->model); sc_adb_device_destroy(device); } static void test_get_ip_single_line() { char ip_route[] = " dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src " "\r\r\n"; char *ip = sc_adb_parse_device_ip_from_output(ip_route); assert(ip); assert(!strcmp(ip, "")); free(ip); } static void test_get_ip_single_line_without_eol() { char ip_route[] = " dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src " ""; char *ip = sc_adb_parse_device_ip_from_output(ip_route); assert(ip); assert(!strcmp(ip, "")); free(ip); } static void test_get_ip_single_line_with_trailing_space() { char ip_route[] = " dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src " " \n"; char *ip = sc_adb_parse_device_ip_from_output(ip_route); assert(ip); assert(!strcmp(ip, "")); free(ip); } static void test_get_ip_multiline_first_ok() { char ip_route[] = " dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src " "\r\n" " dev rmnet proto kernel scope link src " "\r\n"; char *ip = sc_adb_parse_device_ip_from_output(ip_route); assert(ip); assert(!strcmp(ip, "")); free(ip); } static void test_get_ip_multiline_second_ok() { char ip_route[] = " dev rmnet proto kernel scope link src " "\r\n" " dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src " "\r\n"; char *ip = sc_adb_parse_device_ip_from_output(ip_route); assert(ip); assert(!strcmp(ip, "")); free(ip); } static void test_get_ip_no_wlan() { char ip_route[] = " dev rmnet proto kernel scope link src " "\r\r\n"; char *ip = sc_adb_parse_device_ip_from_output(ip_route); assert(!ip); } static void test_get_ip_no_wlan_without_eol() { char ip_route[] = " dev rmnet proto kernel scope link src " ""; char *ip = sc_adb_parse_device_ip_from_output(ip_route); assert(!ip); } static void test_get_ip_truncated() { char ip_route[] = " dev rmnet proto kernel scope link src " "\n"; char *ip = sc_adb_parse_device_ip_from_output(ip_route); assert(!ip); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { (void) argc; (void) argv; test_adb_devices(); test_adb_devices_cr(); test_adb_devices_daemon_start(); test_adb_devices_daemon_start_mixed(); test_adb_devices_without_eol(); test_adb_devices_without_header(); test_adb_devices_corrupted(); test_adb_devices_spaces(); test_get_ip_single_line(); test_get_ip_single_line_without_eol(); test_get_ip_single_line_with_trailing_space(); test_get_ip_multiline_first_ok(); test_get_ip_multiline_second_ok(); test_get_ip_no_wlan(); test_get_ip_no_wlan_without_eol(); test_get_ip_truncated(); }