#!/usr/bin/env perl #`which keyoff` and `keyoff`; sub handle { exit(0); } $SIG{"TERM"} = \&handle; $SIG{"INT"} = \&handle; # # BUT FIRST: # Keep in mind that you probably have to install libcurses-perl # and Term::Animation from CPAN for this to work: # # sudo apt install libcurses-perl # sudo cpan -I Term::Animation # # Special thanks to @UndeadLeech for adding the transparency. This is # the *only* fish/asciiquarium without the default black background. # # Thanks to @qmacro for putting rwx into a special fishy. # ############################################################################# # Asciiquarium - An aquarium animation in ASCII art # # This program displays an aquarium/sea animation using ASCII art. # It requires the module Term::Animation, which requires Curses. You # can get both modules from http://search.cpan.org. Asciiquarium will # only run on platforms with a curses library, so Windows is not supported. # # The current version of this program is available at: # # http://robobunny.com/projects/asciiquarium # ############################################################################# # Author: # Kirk Baucom # # Contributors: # Joan Stark: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ # most of the ASCII art # # License: # # Copyright (C) 2013 Kirk Baucom (kbaucom@schizoid.com) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ############################################################################# use Term::Animation 2.0; use Term::Animation::Entity; use Data::Dumper; use Curses; use strict; use warnings; my $version = "1.1"; my @random_objects = init_random_objects(); # the Z depth at which certain items occur my %depth = ( # no gui yet guiText => 0, gui => 1, # under water shark => 2, fish_start => 3, fish_end => 20, seaweed => 21, castle => 22, # waterline water_line3 => 2, water_gap3 => 3, water_line2 => 4, water_gap2 => 5, water_line1 => 6, water_gap1 => 7, water_line0 => 8, water_gap0 => 9, ); main(); ####################### MAIN ####################### sub main { my $anim = Term::Animation->new(); # set the wait time for getch halfdelay(1); #nodelay(1); $anim->color(1); use_default_colors(); my $cid = 1; for my $f ('WHITE', 'RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE', 'CYAN', 'MAGENTA', 'YELLOW', 'BLACK') { init_pair($cid, eval "Curses::COLOR_$f", -1); $cid++; } my $start_time = time; my $paused = 0; while(1) { add_environment($anim); add_castle($anim); add_all_seaweed($anim); add_all_fish($anim); random_object(undef, $anim); $anim->redraw_screen(); my $nexttime = 0; while(1) { my $in = getch(); if ( $in eq 'q' ) { quit(); } # Exit elsif( $in eq 'r' || $in eq KEY_RESIZE()) { last; } # Redraw (will recreate all objects) elsif( $in eq 'p' ) { $paused = !$paused; } $anim->animate() unless($paused); } $anim->update_term_size(); $anim->remove_all_entities(); } } sub add_environment { my ($anim) = @_; my @water_line_segment = ( q{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}, q{^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ }, q{^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ }, q{^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ } ); # tile the segments so they stretch across the screen my $segment_size = length($water_line_segment[0]); my $segment_repeat = int($anim->width()/$segment_size) + 1; foreach my $i (0..$#water_line_segment) { $water_line_segment[$i] = $water_line_segment[$i]x$segment_repeat; } foreach my $i (0..$#water_line_segment) { $anim->new_entity( name => "water_seg_$i", type => "waterline", shape => $water_line_segment[$i], position => [ 0, $i+5, $depth{'water_line' . $i} ], default_color => 'cyan', depth => 22, physical => 1, ); } } sub add_castle { my ($anim) = @_; my $castle_image = q{ T~~ | /^\ / \ _ _ _ / \ _ _ _ [ ]_[ ]_[ ]/ _ _ \[ ]_[ ]_[ ] |_=__-_ =_|_[ ]_[ ]_|_=-___-__| | _- = | =_ = _ |= _= | |= -[] |- = _ = |_-=_[] | | =_ |= - ___ | =_ = | |= []- |- /| |\ |=_ =[] | |- =_ | =| | | | |- = - | |_______|__|_|_|_|__|_______| }; my $castle_mask = q{ RR yyy y y y y y y yyy yy yy y y y y yyyyyyy }; $anim->new_entity( name => "castle", shape => $castle_image, color => $castle_mask, position => [ $anim->width()-32, $anim->height()-13, $depth{'castle'} ], default_color => 'BLACK', ); } sub add_all_seaweed { my ($anim) = @_; # figure out how many seaweed to add by the width of the screen my $seaweed_count = int($anim->width() / 15); for (1..$seaweed_count) { add_seaweed(undef, $anim); } } sub add_seaweed { my ($old_seaweed, $anim) = @_; my @seaweed_image = ('',''); my $height = int(rand(4)) + 3; for my $i (1..$height) { my $left_side = $i%2; my $right_side = !$left_side; $seaweed_image[$left_side] .= "(\n"; $seaweed_image[$right_side] .= " )\n"; } my $x = int(rand($anim->width()-2)) + 1; my $y = $anim->height() - $height; my $anim_speed = rand(.05) + .25; $anim->new_entity( name => 'seaweed' . rand(1), shape => \@seaweed_image, position => [ $x, $y, $depth{'seaweed'} ], callback_args => [ 0, 0, 0, $anim_speed ], die_time => time() + int(rand(4*60)) + (8*60), # seaweed lives for 8 to 12 minutes death_cb => \&add_seaweed, default_color => 'green', ); } # add an air bubble to a fish sub add_bubble { my ($fish, $anim) = @_; my $cb_args = $fish->callback_args(); my @fish_size = $fish->size(); my @fish_pos = $fish->position(); my @bubble_pos = @fish_pos; # moving right if($cb_args->[0] > 0) { $bubble_pos[0] += $fish_size[0]; } $bubble_pos[1] += int($fish_size[1] / 2); # bubble always goes on top of the fish $bubble_pos[2]--; $anim->new_entity( shape => [ '.', 'o', 'O', 'O', 'O' ], type => 'bubble', position => \@bubble_pos, callback_args => [ 0, -1, 0, .1 ], die_offscreen => 1, physical => 1, coll_handler => \&bubble_collision, default_color => 'CYAN', ); } sub bubble_collision { my ($bubble, $anim) = @_; my $collisions = $bubble->collisions(); foreach my $col_obj (@{$collisions}) { if($col_obj->type eq 'waterline') { $bubble->kill(); last; } } } sub add_all_fish { my ($anim) = @_; # figure out how many fish to add by the size of the screen, # minus the stuff above the water my $screen_size = ($anim->height() - 9) * $anim->width(); my $fish_count = int($screen_size / 350); for (1..$fish_count) { add_fish(undef, $anim); } } sub add_fish { my ($old_fish, $anim) = @_; my @fish_image = ( q{ \ ...\.., \ /' \ >= rwx( ' > / \ / / `"'"'/'' }, q{ 2 1112111 6 11 1 66 7777 4 5 6 1 3 1 11111311 }, q{ / ,../... / '\ / < ' )rwx =< \ \ / \ `'\'"'"' }, q{ 2 1112111 1 11 6 5 4 7777 66 1 3 1 6 11311111 }, q{ \ \ /--\ >= (o> / \__/ / }, q{ 2 6 1111 66 745 6 1111 3 }, q{ / /--\ / ::::::::;;\\\\\ ''\\\\\\\\\'' ';\ }, q{ 222 1122211 666 4111111111666 51111111111666 113333311 666 }, q{ __ ><_'> ' }, q{ 11 61145 3 }, q{ __ <'_>< ` }, q{ 11 54116 3 }, q{ ..\, >=' ('> '''/'' }, q{ 1121 661 745 111311 }, q{ ,/.. <') `=< ``\``` }, q{ 1211 547 166 113111 }, q{ \ / \ >=_('> \_/ / }, q{ 2 1 1 661745 111 3 }, q{ / / \ <')_=< \_/ \ }, q{ 2 1 1 547166 111 3 }, q{ ,\ >=('> '/ }, q{ 12 66745 13 }, q{ /, <')=< \` }, q{ 21 54766 31 }, q{ __ \/ o\ /\__/ }, q{ 11 61 41 61111 }, q{ __ /o \/ \__/\ }, q{ 11 14 16 11116 }, ); # 1: body # 2: dorsal fin # 3: flippers # 4: eye # 5: mouth # 6: tailfin # 7: gills my @colors = ('c','C','r','R','y','Y','b','B','g','G','m','M'); my $fish_num = int(rand($#fish_image/2)); my $fish_index = $fish_num * 2; my $speed = rand(2) + .25; my $depth = int(rand($depth{'fish_end'} - $depth{'fish_start'})) + $depth{'fish_start'}; my $color_mask = $fish_image[$fish_index+1]; $color_mask =~ s/4/W/gm; $color_mask = rand_color($color_mask); if($fish_num % 2) { $speed *= -1; } my $fish_object = Term::Animation::Entity->new( type => 'fish', shape => $fish_image[$fish_index], auto_trans => 1, color => $color_mask, position => [ 0, 0, $depth ], callback => \&fish_callback, callback_args => [ $speed, 0, 0 ], die_offscreen => 1, death_cb => \&add_fish, physical => 1, coll_handler => \&fish_collision, ); my $max_height = 9; my $min_height = $anim->height() - $fish_object->{'HEIGHT'}; $fish_object->{'Y'} = int(rand($min_height - $max_height)) + $max_height; if($fish_num % 2) { $fish_object->{'X'} = $anim->width()-2; } else { $fish_object->{'X'} = 1 - $fish_object->{'WIDTH'}; } $anim->add_entity($fish_object); } sub fish_callback { my ($fish, $anim) = @_; if(int(rand(100)) > 97) { add_bubble($fish, $anim); } return $fish->move_entity($anim); } sub fish_collision { my ($fish, $anim) = @_; my $collisions = $fish->collisions(); foreach my $col_obj (@{$collisions}) { if($col_obj->type eq 'teeth') { add_splat($anim, $col_obj->position()); $fish->kill(); last; } elsif($col_obj->type eq 'hook_point') { retract($col_obj); retract($fish); # get the hook and line my $hook = $anim->get_entities_of_type('fishhook')->[0]; my $line = $anim->get_entities_of_type('fishline')->[0]; retract($anim->entity($hook)); retract($anim->entity($line)); last; } } } sub add_splat { my ($anim, $x, $y, $z) = @_; my @splat_image = ( q# . *** ' #, q# ",*;` "*,** *"'~' #, q# , , " ","' *" *'" " ; . #, q# * ' , ' ` ' ` * . ' ' `' ",' * ' " * . " * ', ' #, ); $anim->new_entity( shape => \@splat_image, position => [ $x - 4, $y - 2, $z-2 ], default_color => 'RED', callback_args => [ 0, 0, 0, .25 ], transparent => ' ', die_frame => 15, ); } sub add_shark { my ($old_ent, $anim) = @_; my @shark_image = ( q# __ ( `\ ,??????????????????????????) `\ ;' `.????????????????????????( `\__ ; `.?????????????__..---'' `~~~~-._ `. `.____...--'' (b `--._ > _.-' .(( ._ ) .`.-`--...__ .-' -.___.....-(|/|/|/|/' ;.'?????????`. ...----`.___.',,,_______......---' '???????????'-' #, q# __ /' ) /' (??????????????????????????, __/' )????????????????????????.' `; _.-~~~~' ``---..__?????????????.' ; _.--' b) ``--...____.' .' ( _. )). `-._ < `\|\|\|\|)-.....___.- `-. __...--'-.'. `---......_______,,,`.___.'----... .'?????????`.; `-`???????????` #, ); my @shark_mask = ( q# cR cWWWWWWWW #, q# Rc WWWWWWWWc #, ); my $dir = int(rand(2)); my $x = -53; my $y = int(rand($anim->height() - (10 + 9))) + 9; my $teeth_x = -9; my $teeth_y = $y + 7; my $speed = 2; if($dir) { $speed *= -1; $x = $anim->width()-2; $teeth_x = $x + 9; } $anim->new_entity( type => 'teeth', shape => "*", position => [ $teeth_x, $teeth_y, $depth{'shark'}+1 ], depth => $depth{'fish_end'} - $depth{'fish_start'}, callback_args => [ $speed, 0, 0 ], physical => 1, ); $anim->new_entity( type => "shark", color => $shark_mask[$dir], shape => $shark_image[$dir], auto_trans => 1, position => [ $x, $y, $depth{'shark'} ], default_color => 'WHITE', callback_args => [ $speed, 0, 0 ], die_offscreen => 1, death_cb => sub { group_death(@_, 'teeth') }, default_color => 'CYAN', ); } # when a shark dies, kill the "teeth" too, the associated # entity that does the actual collision sub group_death { my ($entity, $anim, @bound_types) = @_; foreach my $type (@bound_types) { my $bound_entities = $anim->get_entities_of_type($type); foreach my $obj (@{$bound_entities}) { $anim->del_entity($obj); } } random_object($entity, $anim); } # pull the fishhook, line and whatever got caught back # to the surface sub retract { my ($entity) = @_; $entity->physical(0); if($entity->type eq 'fish') { my @pos = $entity->position(); $pos[2] = $depth{'water_gap2'}; $entity->position( @pos ); $entity->callback( \&fishhook_cb ); } else { $entity->callback_args( 'hooked' ); } } # move the fishhook sub fishhook_cb { my ($entity, $anim) = @_; my @pos = $entity->position; # this means we hooked something, reel it in if(defined($entity->callback_args())) { $pos[1]--; # otherwise, just lower until we reach 1/4 from the bottom } else { if( ( $pos[1] + $entity->height) < $anim->height * .75) { $pos[1]++; } } return @pos; } sub add_fishhook { my ($old_ent, $anim) = @_; my $hook_image = q{ o || || / \ || \__// `--' }; my $point_image = q{ . \ }; my $line_image = "|\n"x50 . " \n"x6; my $x = 10 + ( int(rand($anim->width() - 20)) ); my $y = -4; my $point_x = $x + 1; my $point_y = $y + 2; $anim->new_entity( type => 'fishline', shape => $line_image, position => [ $x + 7, $y - 50, $depth{'water_line1'} ], auto_trans => 1, callback_args => undef, callback => \&fishhook_cb, ); $anim->new_entity( type => 'fishhook', shape => $hook_image, trans_char => ' ', position => [ $x, $y, $depth{'water_line1'} ], auto_trans => 1, die_offscreen => 1, death_cb => sub { group_death(@_, 'teeth', 'fishline') }, default_color => 'GREEN', callback_args => undef, callback => \&fishhook_cb, ); $anim->new_entity( type => 'hook_point', shape => $point_image, position => [ $point_x, $point_y, $depth{'shark'}+1 ], depth => $depth{'fish_end'} - $depth{'fish_start'}, callback_args => undef, physical => 1, default_color => 'GREEN', callback => \&fishhook_cb, ); } sub add_ship { my ($old_ent, $anim) = @_; my @ship_image = ( q{ | | | )_) )_) )_) )___))___))___)\ )____)____)_____)\\\ _____|____|____|____\\\\\__ \ / }, q{ | | | (_( (_( (_( /(___((___((___( //(_____(____(____( __///____|____|____|_____ \ / }); my @ship_mask = ( q{ y y y w ww yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywwwyy y y }, q{ y y y w ww yywwwyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy y y }); my $dir = int(rand(2)); my $x = -24; my $speed = 1; if($dir) { $speed *= -1; $x = $anim->width()-2; } $anim->new_entity( color => $ship_mask[$dir], shape => $ship_image[$dir], auto_trans => 1, position => [ $x, 0, $depth{'water_gap1'} ], default_color => 'WHITE', callback_args => [ $speed, 0, 0 ], die_offscreen => 1, death_cb => \&random_object, ); } sub add_whale { my ($old_ent, $anim) = @_; my @whale_image = ( q{ .-----: .' `. ,????/ (o) \ \`._/ ,__) }, q{ :-----. .' `. / (o) \????, (__, \_.'/ }); my @whale_mask = ( q{ C C CCCCCCC C C C BBBBBBB BB BB B B BWB B BBBBB BBBB }, q{ C C CCCCCCC C C C BBBBBBB BB BB B BWB B B BBBB BBBBB } ); my @water_spout = ( q{ : },q{ : : },q{ . . -:- : },q{ . . .-:-. : },q{ . . '.-:-.` ' : ' },q{ .- -. ; : ; },q{ ; ; }); my $dir = int(rand(2)); my $x; my $speed = 1; my $spout_align; my @whale_anim; my @whale_anim_mask; if($dir) { $spout_align = 1; $speed *= -1; $x = $anim->width()-2; } else { $spout_align = 11; $x = -18; } # no water spout for (1..5) { push(@whale_anim, "\n\n\n" . $whale_image[$dir]); push(@whale_anim_mask, $whale_mask[$dir]); } # animate water spout foreach my $spout_frame (@water_spout) { my $whale_frame = $whale_image[$dir]; my $aligned_spout_frame; $aligned_spout_frame = join("\n" . ' 'x$spout_align, split("\n", $spout_frame)); $whale_frame = $aligned_spout_frame . $whale_image[$dir]; push(@whale_anim, $whale_frame); push(@whale_anim_mask, $whale_mask[$dir]); } $anim->new_entity( color => \@whale_anim_mask, shape => \@whale_anim, auto_trans => 1, position => [ $x, 0, $depth{'water_gap2'} ], default_color => 'WHITE', callback_args => [ $speed, 0, 0, 1 ], die_offscreen => 1, death_cb => \&random_object, ); } sub add_monster { my ($old_ent, $anim) = @_; my @monster_image = ( [ q{ ____ __??????????????????????????????????????????/ o \ / \????????_?????????????????????_???????/ ____ > _??????| __ |?????/ \????????_????????/ \????| | | \?????| || |????| |?????/ \?????| |???| | },q{ ____ __?????????/ o \ _?????????????????????_???????/ \?????/ ____ > _???????/ \????????_????????/ \????| __ |???| | | \?????| |?????/ \?????| |???| || |???| | },q{ ____ __????????????????????/ o \ _??????????????????????_???????/ \????????_???????/ ____ > | \??????????_????????/ \????| __ |?????/ \????| | \ \???????/ \?????| |???| || |????| |???| | },q{ ____ __???????????????????????????????/ o \ _??????????_???????/ \????????_??????????????????/ ____ > | \???????/ \????| __ |?????/ \????????_??????| | \ \?????| |???| || |????| |?????/ \????| | } ],[ q{ ____ / o \??????????????????????????????????????????__ < ____ \???????_?????????????????????_????????/ \ | |????/ \????????_????????/ \?????| __ |??????_ | |???| |?????/ \?????| |????| || |?????/ | },q{ ____ / o \?????????__ < ____ \?????/ \???????_?????????????????????_ | |???| __ |????/ \????????_????????/ \???????_ | |???| || |???| |?????/ \?????| |?????/ | },q{ ____ / o \????????????????????__ < ____ \???????_????????/ \???????_??????????????????????_ | |????/ \?????| __ |????/ \????????_??????????/ | | |???| |????| || |???| |?????/ \???????/ / },q{ ____ / o \???????????????????????????????__ < ____ \??????????????????_????????/ \???????_??????????_ | |??????_????????/ \?????| __ |????/ \???????/ | | |????/ \?????| |????| || |???| |?????/ / } ]); my @monster_mask = ( q{ W },q{ W }); my $dir = int(rand(2)); my $x; my $speed = 2; if($dir) { $speed *= -1; $x = $anim->width()-2; } else { $x = -64 } my @monster_anim_mask; for(1..4) { push(@monster_anim_mask, $monster_mask[$dir]); } $anim->new_entity( shape => $monster_image[$dir], auto_trans => 1, color => \@monster_anim_mask, position => [ $x, 2, $depth{'water_gap2'} ], callback_args => [ $speed, 0, 0, .25 ], death_cb => \&random_object, die_offscreen => 1, default_color => 'GREEN', ); } sub add_big_fish { my ($old_ent, $anim) = @_; my @big_fish_image = ( q{ ______ `""-. `````-----.....__ `. . . `-. : . . `. , : . . _ : : `. : (@) `._ `. `..' . =`-. .__) ; . = ~ : .-" .' .'`. . . =.-' `._ .' : .' : . .' ' .' . . . .-' .'____....----''.'=.' "" .'.' ''"'` },q{ ______ __.....-----''''' .-""' .-' . . .' .' . . : : _ . . : , _.' (@) : .' : (__. .-'= . `..' .' "-. : ~ = . ; `. _.' `-.= . . .'`. `. `. . : `. : `-. . . . `. ` `.=`.``----....____`. `.`. "" '`"`` }); my @big_fish_mask = ( q{ 111111 11111 11111111111111111 11 2 2 111 1 2 2 11 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 11 1 1W1 111 11 1111 2 1111 1111 1 2 1 1 1 111 11 1111 2 2 1111 111 11 1 11 1 2 11 1 11 2 2 2 111 111111111111111111111 11 1111 11111 },q{ 111111 11111111111111111 11111 111 2 2 11 11 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 111 1W1 1 11 1 1111 1111 2 1111 11 111 1 1 1 2 1 11 111 1111 2 2 1111 11 11 2 1 11 1 111 2 2 2 11 1 111111111111111111111 1111 11 11111 }); my $dir = int(rand(2)); my $x; my $speed = 3; if($dir) { $x = $anim->width()-1; $speed *= -1; } else { $x = -34; } my $max_height = 9; my $min_height = $anim->height() - 15; my $y = int(rand($min_height - $max_height)) + $max_height; my $color_mask = rand_color($big_fish_mask[$dir]); $anim->new_entity( shape => $big_fish_image[$dir], auto_trans => 1, color => $color_mask, position => [ $x, $y, $depth{'shark'} ], callback_args => [ $speed, 0, 0 ], death_cb => \&random_object, die_offscreen => 1, default_color => 'YELLOW', ); } sub add_ducks { my ($old_ent, $anim) = @_; my @duck_image = ( [ q{ _??????????_??????????_ ,____(')=??,____(')=??,____(')< \~~= ')????\~~= ')????\~~= ') },q{ _??????????_??????????_ ,____(')=??,____(')(')____,??=(')____,??=(')____, (` =~~/????(` =~~/????(` =~~/ },q{ _??????????_??????????_ =(')____,??>(')____,??=(')____, (` =~~/????(` =~~/????(` =~~/ },q{ _??????????_??????????_ =(')____,??=(')____,??>(')____, (` =~~/????(` =~~/????(` =~~/ } ] ); my @duck_mask = ( q{ g g g wwwwwgcgy wwwwwgcgy wwwwwgcgy wwww Ww wwww Ww wwww Ww },q{ g g g ygcgwwwww ygcgwwwww ygcgwwwww wW wwww wW wwww wW wwww }); my $dir = int(rand(2)); my $x; my $speed = 1; if($dir) { $speed *= -1; $x = $anim->width()-2; } else { $x = -30 } $anim->new_entity( shape => $duck_image[$dir], auto_trans => 1, color => $duck_mask[$dir], position => [ $x, 5, $depth{'water_gap3'} ], callback_args => [ $speed, 0, 0, .25 ], death_cb => \&random_object, die_offscreen => 1, default_color => 'WHITE', ); } sub add_dolphins { my ($old_ent, $anim) = @_; my @dolphin_image = ( [ q{ , __)\_ (\_.-' a`-. (/~~````(/~^^` },q{ , (\__ __)\_ (/~.'' a`-. ````\)~^^` } ],[ q{ , _/(__ .-'a `-._/) '^^~\)''''~~\) },q{ , _/(__ __/) .-'a ``.~\) '^^~(/'''' } ] ); my @dolphin_mask = ( q{ W },q{ W }); my $dir = int(rand(2)); my $x; my $speed = 1; my $distance = 15; # how far apart the dolphins are # right to left if($dir) { $speed *= -1; $distance *= -1; $x = $anim->width()-2; # left to right } else { $x = -13 } my $up = [$speed,-.5,0,.5]; my $down = [$speed,.5,0,.5]; my $glide = [$speed,0,0,.5]; my @path; for(1..14) { push(@path, $up); } for(1..2) { push(@path, $glide); } for(1..14) { push(@path, $down); } for(1..6) { push(@path, $glide); } my $dolphin3 = $anim->new_entity( shape => $dolphin_image[$dir], auto_trans => 1, color => $dolphin_mask[$dir], position => [ $x - ($distance * 2), 8, $depth{'water_gap3'} ], callback_args => [ 0, [@path] ], death_cb => \&random_object, die_offscreen => 0, default_color => 'blue', ); my $dolphin2 = $anim->new_entity( shape => $dolphin_image[$dir], auto_trans => 1, color => $dolphin_mask[$dir], position => [ $x - $distance, 2, $depth{'water_gap3'} ], callback_args => [ 12, [@path] ], die_offscreen => 0, default_color => 'BLUE', ); my $dolphin1 = $anim->new_entity( shape => $dolphin_image[$dir], auto_trans => 1, color => $dolphin_mask[$dir], position => [ $x, 5, $depth{'water_gap3'} ], callback_args => [ 24, [@path] ], # have the lead dolphin tell the others to die offscreen, since they start offscreen death_cb => sub{ $dolphin2->die_offscreen(1); $dolphin3->die_offscreen(1) }, die_offscreen => 1, default_color => 'CYAN', ); } sub add_swan { my ($old_ent, $anim) = @_; my @swan_image = ( [ q{ ___ ,_ / _,\ | \ \( \| | \_ \\\ (_ \_) \ (\_ ` \ \ -=~ / } ],[ q{ ___ /,_ \ _, |/ )/ / | // _/ | / ( / _) / ` _/) \ ~=- / } ] ); my @swan_mask = ( q{ g yy },q{ g yy }); my $dir = int(rand(2)); my $x; my $speed = 1; if($dir) { $speed *= -1; $x = $anim->width()-2; } else { $x = -10 } $anim->new_entity( shape => $swan_image[$dir], auto_trans => 1, color => $swan_mask[$dir], position => [ $x, 1, $depth{'water_gap3'} ], callback_args => [ $speed, 0, 0, .25 ], death_cb => \&random_object, die_offscreen => 1, default_color => 'WHITE', ); } sub init_random_objects { return ( \&add_ship, \&add_whale, \&add_monster, \&add_big_fish, \&add_shark, \&add_fishhook, \&add_swan, \&add_ducks, \&add_dolphins, ); } # add one of the random objects to the screen sub random_object { my ($dead_object, $anim) = @_; my $sub = int(rand(scalar(@random_objects))); $random_objects[$sub]->($dead_object, $anim); } sub dprint { open(D, ">>", "debug"); print D @_, "\n"; close(D); } sub sighandler { my ($sig) = @_; if($sig eq 'INT') { quit(); } elsif($sig eq 'WINCH') { # ignore SIGWINCH, only redraw when requested } else { quit("Exiting with SIG$sig"); } } sub quit { my ($mesg) = @_; print STDERR $mesg, "\n" if(defined($mesg)); exit; } sub initialize { # this may be paranoid, but i don't want to leave # the user's terminal in a state that they might not # know how to fix if we die badly foreach my $sig (keys %SIG) { $SIG{$sig} = 'sighandler' unless(defined($SIG{$sig})); } } sub center { my ($width, $mesg) = @_; my $l = length($mesg); if($l < $width) { return ' 'x(int(($width - length($mesg))/2)) . $mesg; } elsif($l > $width) { return(substr($mesg, 0, ($width - ($l + 3))) . "..."); } else { return $mesg; } } sub rand_color { my ($color_mask) = @_; my @colors = ('c','C','r','R','y','Y','b','B','g','G','m','M'); foreach my $i (1..9) { my $color = $colors[int(rand($#colors))]; $color_mask =~ s/$i/$color/gm; } return $color_mask; }