#!/usr/bin/env perl # Opens what you would expect. If there is no argument passed to it # checks if this is a GitHub repo and if so opens it with the gh tool in # your browser. Otherwise, it checks if the argument is a file in the # current directory and opens it with the default application # (xdg-open). Finally, it assumes it is a URL, ensures begins with # https:// and opens it in local web browser. # use v5.14; $_ = shift; $| = 1; # markdown file if (/\.md$/) { say "markdown file detected"; if (not `which pandoc`) { say "pandoc not found"; exit 1; } if (not `which lynx`) { say "lynx not found"; exit 1; } `pandoc -s -o /tmp/index.html $_ 2>/dev/null`; system 'lynx', '/tmp/index.html'; exit } # file if (-r $_) { `which xdg-open` && exec 'xdg-open', $_; `which /usr/bin/open` && exec '/usr/bin/open', $_; `which explorer.exe` && exec 'explorer.exe', $_; say "unable to open file: $_"; exit 1; } # git repo if ($_) { my $gh = (grep {/github/ && s,git@,, && s,:,/, && s/\.git$//} qx{git remote get-url --all origin})[0]; if ($gh) { system 'gh', 'repo', 'view','--web'; exit; } } # bare url m,^http, or s,^,https://,; #`which lynx` && exec 'lynx', $_; `which /usr/bin/open` && exec '/usr/bin/open', $_; `which explorer.exe` && exec 'explorer.exe', $_; `which google-chrome` && exec 'google-chrome', $_; my $chrome = '/System/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app'; `which $chrome` && exec "$chrome", "$_"; say "unable to determine how to open $_";