#!bash # shellcheck disable=SC1090 case $- in *i*) ;; # interactive *) return ;; esac # ------------------------- distro detection ------------------------- export DISTRO [[ $(uname -r) =~ Microsoft ]] && DISTRO=WSL2 #TODO distinguish WSL1 #TODO add the rest # ---------------------- local utility functions --------------------- _have() { type "$1" &>/dev/null; } _source_if() { [[ -r "$1" ]] && source "$1"; } # ----------------------- environment variables ---------------------- # (also see envx) export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 # assuming apt install language-pack-en done export USER="${USER:-$(whoami)}" export GITUSER="$USER" export FTP=242 export WEIGHT=83.7 export HEIGHT=174 export TZ=America/New_York export REPOS="$HOME/Repos" export GHREPOS="$REPOS/github.com/$GITUSER" export DOTFILES="$GHREPOS/dot" export SNIPPETS="$DOTFILES/snippets" export HELP_BROWSER=lynx export DESKTOP="$HOME/Desktop" export DOCUMENTS="$HOME/Documents" export DOWNLOADS="$HOME/Downloads" export TEMPLATES="$HOME/Templates" export SCRIPTS="$HOME/Scripts" export PUBLIC="$HOME/Public" export PRIVATE="$HOME/Private" export PICTURES="$HOME/Pictures" export MUSIC="$HOME/Music" export VIDEOS="$HOME/Videos" export PDFS="$HOME/usb/pdfs" export VIRTUALMACHINES="$HOME/VirtualMachines" export WORKSPACES="$HOME/Workspaces" # container home dirs for mounting export ZETDIR="$GHREPOS/zet" export ZETTELCASTS="$VIDEOS/ZettelCasts" export CLIP_DIR="$VIDEOS/Clips" export CLIP_DATA="$GHREPOS/cmd-clip/data" export CLIP_VOLUME=0 export CLIP_SCREEN=0 export TERM=xterm-256color export HRULEWIDTH=73 export EDITOR=vi export VISUAL=vi export EDITOR_PREFIX=vi export GOPRIVATE="github.com/$GITUSER/*,gitlab.com/$GITUSER/*" #export GOPATH="$HOME/.local/go" export GOBIN="$HOME/.local/bin" export GOPROXY=direct export CGO_ENABLED=0 export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=2 export LC_COLLATE=C export CFLAGS="-Wall -Wextra -Werror -O0 -g -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -finstrument-functions" export LESS="-FXR" export LESS_TERMCAP_mb="" # magenta export LESS_TERMCAP_md="" # yellow export LESS_TERMCAP_me="" # "0m" export LESS_TERMCAP_se="" # "0m" export LESS_TERMCAP_so="" # blue export LESS_TERMCAP_ue="" # "0m" export LESS_TERMCAP_us="" # underline export ANSIBLE_CONFIG="$HOME/.config/ansible/config.ini" export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY="$HOME/.config/ansible/inventory.yaml" export ANSIBLE_LOAD_CALLBACK_PLUGINS=1 #export ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=json #export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///run/user/$(id -u)/docker.sock [[ -d /.vim/spell ]] && export VIMSPELL=("$HOME/.vim/spell/*.add") # ----------------------------- PostgreSQL ---------------------------- export PGDATABASE=cowork # -------------------------------- gpg ------------------------------- export GPG_TTY=$(tty) # ------------------------------- pager ------------------------------ if [[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ]]; then export LESSOPEN="| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s" export LESSCLOSE="/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s" fi # ----------------------------- dircolors ---------------------------- if _have dircolors; then if [[ -r "$HOME/.dircolors" ]]; then eval "$(dircolors -b "$HOME/.dircolors")" else eval "$(dircolors -b)" fi fi # ------------------------------- path ------------------------------- pathappend() { declare arg for arg in "$@"; do test -d "$arg" || continue PATH=${PATH//":$arg:"/:} PATH=${PATH/#"$arg:"/} PATH=${PATH/%":$arg"/} export PATH="${PATH:+"$PATH:"}$arg" done } && export -f pathappend pathprepend() { for arg in "$@"; do test -d "$arg" || continue PATH=${PATH//:"$arg:"/:} PATH=${PATH/#"$arg:"/} PATH=${PATH/%":$arg"/} export PATH="$arg${PATH:+":${PATH}"}" done } && export -f pathprepend # remember last arg will be first in path pathprepend \ "$HOME/.local/bin" \ "$HOME/.local/go/bin" \ "$HOME/.nimble/bin" \ "$GHREPOS/cmd-"* \ /usr/local/go/bin \ /usr/local/opt/openjdk/bin \ /usr/local/bin \ "$SCRIPTS" pathappend \ /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin \ '/mnt/c/Windows' \ '/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation' \ /mingw64/bin \ /usr/local/bin \ /usr/local/sbin \ /usr/local/games \ /usr/games \ /usr/sbin \ /usr/bin \ /snap/bin \ /sbin \ /bin # ------------------------------ cdpath ------------------------------ export CDPATH=".:$GHREPOS:$DOTFILES:$REPOS:/media/$USER:$HOME" # ------------------------ bash shell options ------------------------ # shopt is for BASHOPTS, set is for SHELLOPTS shopt -s checkwinsize # enables $COLUMNS and $ROWS shopt -s expand_aliases shopt -s globstar shopt -s dotglob shopt -s extglob #shopt -s nullglob # bug kills completion for some #set -o noclobber # -------------------------- stty annoyances ------------------------- #stty stop undef # disable control-s accidental terminal stops stty -ixon # disable control-s/control-q tty flow control # ------------------------------ history ----------------------------- export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth export HISTSIZE=5000 export HISTFILESIZE=10000 set -o vi shopt -s histappend # --------------------------- smart prompt --------------------------- # (keeping in bashrc for portability) PROMPT_LONG=20 PROMPT_MAX=95 PROMPT_AT=@ __ps1() { local P='$' dir="${PWD##*/}" B countme short long double \ r='\[\e[31m\]' g='\[\e[30m\]' h='\[\e[34m\]' \ u='\[\e[33m\]' p='\[\e[34m\]' w='\[\e[35m\]' \ b='\[\e[36m\]' x='\[\e[0m\]' [[ $EUID == 0 ]] && P='#' && u=$r && p=$u # root [[ $PWD = / ]] && dir=/ [[ $PWD = "$HOME" ]] && dir='~' B=$(git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null) [[ $dir = "$B" ]] && B=. countme="$USER$PROMPT_AT$(hostname):$dir($B)\$ " [[ $B == master || $B == main ]] && b="$r" [[ -n "$B" ]] && B="$g($b$B$g)" short="$u\u$g$PROMPT_AT$h\h$g:$w$dir$B$p$P$x " long="$g╔ $u\u$g$PROMPT_AT$h\h$g:$w$dir$B\n$g╚ $p$P$x " double="$g╔ $u\u$g$PROMPT_AT$h\h$g:$w$dir\n$g║ $B\n$g╚ $p$P$x " if ((${#countme} > PROMPT_MAX)); then PS1="$double" elif ((${#countme} > PROMPT_LONG)); then PS1="$long" else PS1="$short" fi } PROMPT_COMMAND="__ps1" # ----------------------------- keyboard ----------------------------- # only works if you have X and are using graphic Linux desktop _have setxkbmap && test -n "$DISPLAY" && setxkbmap -option caps:escape &>/dev/null # ------------------------------ aliases ----------------------------- # (use exec scripts instead, which work from vim and subprocs) unalias -a alias todo='vi ~/.todo' alias ip='ip -c' alias '?'=duck alias '??'=gpt alias '???'=google alias dot='cd $DOTFILES' alias scripts='cd $SCRIPTS' alias snippets='cd $SNIPPETS' alias ls='ls -h --color=auto' alias free='free -h' alias tree='tree -a' alias df='df -h' alias chmox='chmod +x' alias diff='diff --color' alias sshh='sshpass -f $HOME/.sshpass ssh ' alias temp='cd $(mktemp -d)' alias view='vi -R' # which is usually linked to vim alias clear='printf "\e[H\e[2J"' alias c='printf "\e[H\e[2J"' alias coin="clip '(yes|no)'" alias iam=live alias neo="neo -D -c gold" alias more="less" alias disclaimer="clear; now; zet view disclaimer" alias main="obs scene Main" alias tight="obs scene Closeup" alias pixel="scrcpy -t -s 1A141FDF600AJ4" _have vim && alias vi=vim # ----------------------------- functions ---------------------------- # lesscoloroff() { # while IFS= read -r line; do # unset ${line%%=*} # done < <(env | grep LESS_TERM) # } && export -f lesscoloroff envx() { local envfile="${1:-"$HOME/.env"}" [[ ! -e "$envfile" ]] && echo "$envfile not found" && return 1 while IFS= read -r line; do name=${line%%=*} value=${line#*=} [[ -z "${name}" || $name =~ ^# ]] && continue export "$name"="$value" done <"$envfile" } && export -f envx [[ -e "$HOME/.env" ]] && envx "$HOME/.env" new-from() { local template="$1" local name="$2" ! _have gh && echo "gh command not found" && return 1 [[ -z "$name" ]] && echo "usage: $0 " && return 1 [[ -z "$GHREPOS" ]] && echo "GHREPOS not set" && return 1 [[ ! -d "$GHREPOS" ]] && echo "Not found: $GHREPOS" && return 1 cd "$GHREPOS" || return 1 [[ -e "$name" ]] && echo "exists: $name" && return 1 gh repo create -p "$template" --public "$name" gh repo clone "$name" cd "$name" || return 1 } new-bonzai() { new-from rwxrob/bonzai-example "$1"; } new-cmd() { new-from rwxrob/template-bash-command "cmd-$1"; } cdz() { cd $(zet get "$@"); } export -f new-from new-bonzai new-cmd clone() { local repo="$1" user local repo="${repo#https://github.com/}" local repo="${repo#git@github.com:}" if [[ $repo =~ / ]]; then user="${repo%%/*}" else user="$GITUSER" [[ -z "$user" ]] && user="$USER" fi local name="${repo##*/}" local userd="$REPOS/github.com/$user" local path="$userd/$name" [[ -d "$path" ]] && cd "$path" && return mkdir -p "$userd" cd "$userd" echo gh repo clone "$user/$name" -- --recurse-submodule gh repo clone "$user/$name" -- --recurse-submodule cd "$name" } && export -f clone # ------------- source external dependencies / completion ------------ # for mac [[ -r "/usr/local/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh" ]] && . "/usr/local/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh" owncomp=( pdf zet keg kn yt gl auth pomo config live iam sshkey ws x z clip ./build build b ./k8sapp k8sapp ./setup ./cmd run ./run foo ./foo cmds ./cmds z bonzai openapi obs ) for i in "${owncomp[@]}"; do complete -C "$i" "$i"; done _have gh && . <(gh completion -s bash) _have glow && . <(glow completion bash) _have goreleaser && . <(goreleaser completion bash 2>/dev/null) _have klogin && . <(klogin completion bash 2>/dev/null) _have pandoc && . <(pandoc --bash-completion) _have kubectl && . <(kubectl completion bash 2>/dev/null) _have istioctl && . <(istioctl completion bash 2>/dev/null) #_have clusterctl && . <(clusterctl completion bash) _have k && complete -o default -F __start_kubectl k _have kind && . <(kind completion bash) _have kompose && . <(kompose completion bash) _have helm && . <(helm completion bash) _have minikube && . <(minikube completion bash) _have conftest && . <(conftest completion bash) _have mk && complete -o default -F __start_minikube mk _have podman && _source_if "$HOME/.local/share/podman/completion" # d _have docker && _source_if "$HOME/.local/share/docker/completion" # d _have docker-compose && complete -F _docker_compose dc # dc _have ansible && . <(register-python-argcomplete3 ansible) _have ansible-config && . <(register-python-argcomplete3 ansible-config) _have ansible-console && . <(register-python-argcomplete3 ansible-console) _have ansible-doc && . <(register-python-argcomplete3 ansible-doc) _have ansible-galaxy && . <(register-python-argcomplete3 ansible-galaxy) _have ansible-inventory && . <(register-python-argcomplete3 ansible-inventory) _have ansible-playbook && . <(register-python-argcomplete3 ansible-playbook) _have ansible-pull && . <(register-python-argcomplete3 ansible-pull) _have ansible-vault && . <(register-python-argcomplete3 ansible-vault) #_have ssh-agent && test -z "$SSH_AGENT_PID" && . <(ssh-agent) # -------------------- personalized configuration -------------------- _source_if "$HOME/.bash_personal" _source_if "$HOME/.bash_private" _source_if "$HOME/.bash_work" _have terraform && complete -C /usr/bin/terraform terraform _have terraform && complete -C /usr/bin/terraform tf