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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Andre Richter <>
// Rust embedded logo for `make doc`.
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]
//! The `kernel`
//! The `kernel` is composed by glueing together code from
//! - [Hardware-specific Board Support Packages] (`BSPs`).
//! - [Architecture-specific code].
//! - HW- and architecture-agnostic `kernel` code.
//! using the [`kernel::interface`] traits.
//! [Hardware-specific Board Support Packages]: bsp/index.html
//! [Architecture-specific code]: arch/index.html
//! [`kernel::interface`]: interface/index.html
// Conditionally includes the selected `architecture` code, which provides the `_start()` function,
// the first function to run.
mod arch;
// `_start()` then calls `relocate::relocate_self()`.
mod relocate;
// `relocate::relocate_self()` calls `runtime_init()`, which on completion, jumps to
// `kernel_init()`.
mod runtime_init;
// Conditionally includes the selected `BSP` code.
mod bsp;
mod interface;
mod panic_wait;
mod print;
/// Early init code.
/// Concerned with with initializing `BSP` and `arch` parts.
/// # Safety
/// - Only a single core must be active and running this function.
/// - The init calls in this function must appear in the correct order.
unsafe fn kernel_init() -> ! {
for i in bsp::device_drivers().iter() {
if let Err(()) = i.init() {
panic!("Error loading driver: {}", i.compatible())
// println! is usable from here on.
// Transition from unsafe to safe.
/// The main function running after the early init.
fn kernel_main() -> ! {
use interface::console::All;
println!(" __ __ _ _ _ _ ");
println!("| \\/ (_)_ _ (_) | ___ __ _ __| |");
println!("| |\\/| | | ' \\| | |__/ _ \\/ _` / _` |");
println!("|_| |_|_|_||_|_|____\\___/\\__,_\\__,_|");
println!("{:^37}", bsp::board_name());
println!("[ML] Requesting binary");
// Clear the RX FIFOs, if any, of spurious received characters before starting with the loader
// protocol.
// Notify raspbootcom to send the binary.
for _ in 0..3 {
bsp::console().write_char(3 as char);
// Read the binary's size.
let mut size: u32 = u32::from(bsp::console().read_char() as u8);
size |= u32::from(bsp::console().read_char() as u8) << 8;
size |= u32::from(bsp::console().read_char() as u8) << 16;
size |= u32::from(bsp::console().read_char() as u8) << 24;
// Trust it's not too big.
let kernel_addr: *mut u8 = bsp::BOARD_DEFAULT_LOAD_ADDRESS as *mut u8;
unsafe {
// Read the kernel byte by byte.
for i in 0..size {
*kernel_addr.offset(i as isize) = bsp::console().read_char() as u8;
println!("[ML] Loaded! Executing the payload now\n");
// Use black magic to get a function pointer.
let kernel: extern "C" fn() -> ! = unsafe { core::mem::transmute(kernel_addr as *const ()) };
// Jump to loaded kernel!