#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Andre Richter require_relative 'miniterm' require 'ruby-progressbar' require_relative 'minipush/progressbar_patch' require 'timeout' class ProtocolError < StandardError; end # The main class class MiniPush < MiniTerm def initialize(serial_name, binary_image_path) super(serial_name) @name_short = 'MP' # override @binary_image_path = binary_image_path @binary_size = nil @binary_image = nil end private # The three characters signaling the request token form the consecutive sequence "\x03\x03\x03". def wait_for_binary_request puts "[#{@name_short}] 🔌 Please power the target now" # Timeout for the request token starts after the first sign of life was received. received = @target_serial.readpartial(4096) Timeout.timeout(10) do count = 0 loop do raise ProtocolError if received.nil? received.chars.each do |c| if c == "\u{3}" count += 1 return true if count == 3 else # A normal character resets token counting. count = 0 print c end end received = @target_serial.readpartial(4096) end end end def load_binary @binary_size = File.size(@binary_image_path) @binary_image = File.binread(@binary_image_path) end def send_size @target_serial.print([@binary_size].pack('L<')) raise ProtocolError if @target_serial.read(2) != 'OK' end def send_binary pb = ProgressBar.create( total: @binary_size, format: "[#{@name_short}] ⏩ Pushing %k KiB %b🦀%i %p%% %r KiB/s %a", rate_scale: ->(rate) { rate / 1024 }, length: 92 ) # Send in 512 byte chunks. while pb.progress < pb.total part = @binary_image.slice(pb.progress, 512) pb.progress += @target_serial.write(part) end end # override def handle_reconnect(_error) connetion_reset puts puts "[#{@name_short}] ⚡ " \ "#{'Connection or protocol Error: '.light_red}" \ "#{'Remove power and USB serial. Reinsert serial first, then power'.light_red}" sleep(1) while serial_connected? end public # override def run open_serial wait_for_binary_request load_binary send_size send_binary terminal rescue ConnectionError, EOFError, Errno::EIO, ProtocolError, Timeout::Error => e handle_reconnect(e) retry rescue StandardError => e handle_unexpected(e) ensure connetion_reset puts puts "[#{@name_short}] Bye 👋" end end ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Execution starts here ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME puts puts 'Minipush 1.0'.cyan puts # CTRL + C handler. Only here to suppress Ruby's default exception print. trap('INT') do # The `ensure` block from `MiniPush::run` will run after exit, restoring console state. exit end MiniPush.new(ARGV[0], ARGV[1]).run end