# frozen_string_literal: true # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Andre Richter # Bitfield manipulation. class BitField def initialize @value = 0 end def self.attr_bitfield(name, offset, num_bits) define_method("#{name}=") do |bits| mask = (2**num_bits) - 1 raise "Input out of range: #{name} = 0x#{bits.to_s(16)}" if (bits & ~mask).positive? # Clear bitfield @value &= ~(mask << offset) # Set it @value |= (bits << offset) end end def to_i @value end def size_in_byte 8 end end # An array class that knows its memory location. class CArray < Array attr_reader :phys_start_addr def initialize(phys_start_addr, size, &block) @phys_start_addr = phys_start_addr super(size, &block) end def size_in_byte inject(0) { |sum, n| sum + n.size_in_byte } end end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Arch:: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Arch #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Arch::ARMv8 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module ARMv8 # ARMv8 Table Descriptor. class Stage1TableDescriptor < BitField module NextLevelTableAddr OFFSET = 16 NUMBITS = 32 end module Type OFFSET = 1 NUMBITS = 1 BLOCK = 0 TABLE = 1 end module Valid OFFSET = 0 NUMBITS = 1 FALSE = 0 TRUE = 1 end attr_bitfield(:__next_level_table_addr, NextLevelTableAddr::OFFSET, NextLevelTableAddr::NUMBITS) attr_bitfield(:type, Type::OFFSET, Type::NUMBITS) attr_bitfield(:valid, Valid::OFFSET, Valid::NUMBITS) def next_level_table_addr=(addr) addr = addr >> Granule64KiB::SHIFT self.__next_level_table_addr = addr end private :__next_level_table_addr= end # ARMv8 level 3 page descriptor. class Stage1PageDescriptor < BitField module UXN OFFSET = 54 NUMBITS = 1 FALSE = 0 TRUE = 1 end module PXN OFFSET = 53 NUMBITS = 1 FALSE = 0 TRUE = 1 end module OutputAddr OFFSET = 16 NUMBITS = 32 end module AF OFFSET = 10 NUMBITS = 1 FALSE = 0 TRUE = 1 end module SH OFFSET = 8 NUMBITS = 2 INNER_SHAREABLE = 0b11 end module AP OFFSET = 6 NUMBITS = 2 RW_EL1 = 0b00 RO_EL1 = 0b10 end module AttrIndx OFFSET = 2 NUMBITS = 3 end module Type OFFSET = 1 NUMBITS = 1 RESERVED_INVALID = 0 PAGE = 1 end module Valid OFFSET = 0 NUMBITS = 1 FALSE = 0 TRUE = 1 end attr_bitfield(:uxn, UXN::OFFSET, UXN::NUMBITS) attr_bitfield(:pxn, PXN::OFFSET, PXN::NUMBITS) attr_bitfield(:__output_addr, OutputAddr::OFFSET, OutputAddr::NUMBITS) attr_bitfield(:af, AF::OFFSET, AF::NUMBITS) attr_bitfield(:sh, SH::OFFSET, SH::NUMBITS) attr_bitfield(:ap, AP::OFFSET, AP::NUMBITS) attr_bitfield(:attr_indx, AttrIndx::OFFSET, AttrIndx::NUMBITS) attr_bitfield(:type, Type::OFFSET, Type::NUMBITS) attr_bitfield(:valid, Valid::OFFSET, Valid::NUMBITS) def output_addr=(addr) addr = addr >> Granule64KiB::SHIFT self.__output_addr = addr end private :__output_addr= end # Translation table representing the structure defined in translation_table.rs. class TranslationTable module MAIR NORMAL = 1 end def initialize do_sanity_checks num_lvl2_tables = BSP.kernel_virt_addr_space_size >> Granule512MiB::SHIFT @lvl3 = new_lvl3(num_lvl2_tables, BSP.phys_addr_of_kernel_tables) @lvl2_phys_start_addr = @lvl3.phys_start_addr + @lvl3.size_in_byte @lvl2 = new_lvl2(num_lvl2_tables, @lvl2_phys_start_addr) populate_lvl2_entries end def map_at(virt_region, phys_region, attributes) return if virt_region.empty? raise if virt_region.size != phys_region.size raise if phys_region.last > BSP.phys_addr_space_end_page virt_region.zip(phys_region).each do |virt_page, phys_page| desc = page_descriptor_from(virt_page) set_lvl3_entry(desc, phys_page, attributes) end end def to_binary data = @lvl3.flatten.map(&:to_i) + @lvl2.map(&:to_i) data.pack('Q<*') # "Q" == uint64_t, "<" == little endian end def phys_tables_base_addr_binary [@lvl2_phys_start_addr].pack('Q<*') # "Q" == uint64_t, "<" == little endian end def phys_tables_base_addr @lvl2_phys_start_addr end private def do_sanity_checks raise unless BSP.kernel_granule::SIZE == Granule64KiB::SIZE raise unless (BSP.kernel_virt_addr_space_size % Granule512MiB::SIZE).zero? end def new_lvl3(num_lvl2_tables, start_addr) CArray.new(start_addr, num_lvl2_tables) do temp = CArray.new(start_addr, 8192) do Stage1PageDescriptor.new end start_addr += temp.size_in_byte temp end end def new_lvl2(num_lvl2_tables, start_addr) CArray.new(start_addr, num_lvl2_tables) do Stage1TableDescriptor.new end end def populate_lvl2_entries @lvl2.each_with_index do |descriptor, i| descriptor.next_level_table_addr = @lvl3[i].phys_start_addr descriptor.type = Stage1TableDescriptor::Type::TABLE descriptor.valid = Stage1TableDescriptor::Valid::TRUE end end def lvl2_lvl3_index_from(addr) addr -= BSP.kernel_virt_start_addr lvl2_index = addr >> Granule512MiB::SHIFT lvl3_index = (addr & Granule512MiB::MASK) >> Granule64KiB::SHIFT raise unless lvl2_index < @lvl2.size [lvl2_index, lvl3_index] end def page_descriptor_from(virt_addr) lvl2_index, lvl3_index = lvl2_lvl3_index_from(virt_addr) @lvl3[lvl2_index][lvl3_index] end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def set_attributes(desc, attributes) case attributes.mem_attributes when :CacheableDRAM desc.sh = Stage1PageDescriptor::SH::INNER_SHAREABLE desc.attr_indx = MAIR::NORMAL else raise 'Invalid input' end desc.ap = case attributes.acc_perms when :ReadOnly Stage1PageDescriptor::AP::RO_EL1 when :ReadWrite Stage1PageDescriptor::AP::RW_EL1 else raise 'Invalid input' end desc.pxn = if attributes.execute_never Stage1PageDescriptor::PXN::TRUE else Stage1PageDescriptor::PXN::FALSE end desc.uxn = Stage1PageDescriptor::UXN::TRUE end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def set_lvl3_entry(desc, output_addr, attributes) desc.output_addr = output_addr desc.af = Stage1PageDescriptor::AF::TRUE desc.type = Stage1PageDescriptor::Type::PAGE desc.valid = Stage1PageDescriptor::Valid::TRUE set_attributes(desc, attributes) end end end end